Although Shuang Manqiu was a little bit unhappy, but when it came to the princess, she would never neglect, and soon took Xun Wu to find the princess.

The princess had known about this for a long time, so she was not surprised.

But Xun Wu was a little surprised when he saw Princess Ye Zhenji.

Today, she has changed into a light yellow long dress, which is not so gorgeous compared to Boss Jin's pomegranate dress, but it is still a standard female attire. Coupled with her extremely beautiful face, it is easy to recognize her. out.

Of course, more importantly, it was actually bulging.

Xun Wu subconsciously used it to see through—this ability is almost instinctive for Xun Wu, and Xun Wu can see through it with just one glance, which is a standard disguise.

It is padded.

Xun Wu wisely did not speak.

Even if Ye Zhenji asked him if the clothes looked good, Xun Wu just nodded his head, fearing that he would say something that should not be said.

A little bit of that.

Ye Zhenji is the youngest daughter of His Majesty who was only obtained in her fifties. She loves her so much and cultivated her carefully since she was a child. When she was a teenager, she was entrusted with many matters related to the royal family. So I wasn't too surprised to get a new mission this time.

She led Xun Wu and Shuang Manqiu into the palace.

Although the token only allowed Xun Wu to enter, Shuang Manqiu was not within the blocking range, especially inside the palace, most people knew it better.

Although this Shuang Manqiu doesn't live in the palace now, she bought a small house outside and lives alone, but in fact, she is still a genuine inner guard, seeing her is like meeting a princess, if The princess has something to deal with, she has to accompany her, and no one will stop her.

And as soon as she entered the palace, Shuang Manqiu seemed to have become a big celebrity all of a sudden, many people immediately greeted her when they saw her, she was more eye-catching than a princess.

But Shuang Manqiu didn't like this feeling. Compared with the routine compliments from these familiar faces, what she wanted to hear more was the approval of Xun Wu and Ye Zhenji.

However, in fact, Xun Wu recognized her very much.

Xun Wu doesn't know how to separate himself, and he can't do many things by himself, and his time is limited, so if he really wants to do something, he must have a team to perform his duties.In Xun Wu's view, people like Shuang Manqiu are an indispensable type for the team.

To be honest, in fact, Shuang Manqiu had too high demands on herself, so high that she lost her self-confidence.

As the three of them entered, soon, a group of guards and father-in-law appeared in front of them, responsible for guiding and monitoring them.

As for the road ahead, Ye Zhenji herself had never been there before, so she followed them and finally arrived outside a "cold palace".

"After an hour, someone will ask the three of you to come out."

Said one of the leading father-in-law.

Xun Wu and the others nodded.

Lenggong, a place that will appear in traditional court dramas, generally speaking, it is a place where concubines or princes who have lost power are confined. Although Ye Fengge is not a prince, there is no big difference.

As soon as Xun Wu stepped into the door, he felt that the room was very cold. In broad daylight, the room was not as warm as other palaces, only a little warmer than the outside.

In the entire cold palace, there were no servants, and there seemed to be nothing but rows of bookshelves.

"Hmph, are you here?" In the hall, hearing the footsteps of the three people, a voice that seemed slightly hoarse and very weak sounded.

Xun Wu frowned slightly, and approached Ye Zhenji together, and soon, in an area similar to the bedroom, he saw the emperor's eldest grandson, Ye Fengge.

Compared with other fathers, his complexion is obviously much better, but compared with the uncles of the second and third princes, or Ye Zhenji, an aunt of the same age, Ye Fengge's complexion is too Poor, pale and scary.

His hair is disheveled, he doesn't look like an adult wearing a crown, and his clothes are also messy, and he looks like he has no servants. He doesn't understand these details very well.

Around his body, there was a lot of scraps of paper and bamboo fragments. If there were no accidents, these should be books and bamboo slips on the bookshelf, but because he didn't want to read them, they were torn and smashed.

This made Xun Wu couldn't help frowning.

In the feudal era, wantonly destroying "knowledge" was really quite irrational.

It’s fine if you burn lightly. After a few glances on Xunwu Road, there are everything around you, ranging from astronomy and geography to customs and customs. There are also many secrets of the world and martial arts, which should not be treated like this.

"Feng Ge, how do you behave like this?" Although she was about the same age, Ye Zhenji was of a higher seniority, and seeing Ye Fengge like this, she directly frowned.

"Huh?" Ye Fengge grabbed the bamboo slip at hand and threw it directly at Ye Zhenji. Shuang Manqiu grabbed the bamboo slip with one hand and held it firmly in his hand.

As long as Shuang Manqiu is still there, Ye Zhenji cannot be injured.

"I was imprisoned in this dark place by the three of you. It's hard to say something after seeing you! It's a joke!"

In terms of bad performance, Ye Fengge may be the most badass person in this era. After throwing away the bamboo slips, he lay down directly, without looking at Xun Wu and the others, just lying on the carpet like this, staring blankly. sky.

As a person obsessed with power, although he is alive now, he has been stripped of all his subordinates and thrown directly into the cold palace. Even if he can live on, his political life has come to an end, and living any longer will be nothing but torture to him.

But he couldn't die, and those big insiders guarding around would protect him very carefully. Although they wouldn't say a word to him, they would definitely not let him die.

In fact, for more than half a year, he has lived in a daze every day. No matter how crazy he is, the people around him will not reply to him. He doesn't want to read those books. He can only talk to himself Talking to himself, the whole person seemed to be cut off from the world, which made him feel boundless fear.

Originally, he was quite happy when he heard that someone would chat with him for an hour. After all, he didn't even have anyone to talk to, so it was better to be able to chat for an hour than not at all.

However, when he heard that it was Ye Zhenji and Xun Wu, he was in no mood to talk about it.

Let's talk, what's there to talk about?

He doesn't want to talk about anything.

To him, living is a kind of pain.

It is true that the net suppresses the cloud.

Seeing Ye Fengge like this, Ye Zhenji couldn't get angry, taught her a lesson two or three times, and asked a few more words, but Ye Fengge ignored him, as if she didn't care about what you were doing. look.

After chatting for a while, Ye Zhenji was helpless, and looked back at Xun Wu.

With the status of an elder, it is obviously impossible to ask something.

Xun Wu was silent for a while.

He has already thought about many questions, but if Ye Fengge doesn't cooperate, then these questions will be useless.

That is to say, Xun Wu first wanted Ye Fengge to speak.

Coercion and temptation are obviously not easy to use, so...

Xun Wu remembered what the second prince had mentioned several times.

He hesitated for a moment, and said to Ye Fengge: "His Royal Highness, I have something that I have been very unclear about."

Ye Fengge ignored him.

"...Is the name so important to the princes?"

Hearing this, Ye Fengge shuddered, sat up in an instant, and looked straight at Xun Wu.

On the other hand, Ye Zhenji was a little confused.

name?What's wrong with the name?

"Where did you hear that?"

"No, it's impossible for anyone to know about it—"

Ye Fengge looked at Xun Wu, seeming to be a little interested.

" that's how it is, hahahahahahaha..." Ye Fengge laughed maniacally, and then saw that Xun Wu was half lying on the ground, holding up one hand, and said, "Do you want to know?" This? Hahaha, this is a brain-dead thing...

Then I will tell you directly. "

Ye Fengge laughed wildly again with malicious intentions.

He appears to be in a very unhealthy mental state.

"Ten years ago, Suicune made a divination for my grandfather."

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