The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 219 The Way of the Water Monarch

Emperor Shengwu had heard of this name before.

Shui Jun, the number one expert in the world, is said to be over 130 years old. In his eyes, most of the famous and ambitious people in the world are no different from the dolls on the side of the road.

As a warrior, Emperor Shengwu admired this senior very much, but as an emperor, he would not allow anyone to override the emperor's power.

Moreover, he has followed Bao Huaiying's suggestion, and now he has given up the idea of ​​seeking immortality and asking for advice, and wants to rule the world. Therefore, he doesn't pay much attention to this mysterious and mysterious thing.

However, such a strong man must have strangeness.Emperor Shengwu knew that if he didn't divination twice today, he probably wouldn't be able to leave, so he pondered for a while and asked: "Daoist words and fortunetelling, is it possible to see the future clearly?"



Emperor Shengwu was taken aback.

In the seven or eight years before this, Emperor Shengwu asked immortals, and met many alchemists and monks, many of whom praised their own method, saying that they could know hundreds of years later, but no one said so like Shui Jun .

"If you can't, why do you ask for fortune-telling?"

"This is the Tao."

Emperor Shengwu frowned again. People of Taoism often like to talk about "Tao", and he has long been tired of it.

"The rising of the sun and the setting of the moon are called the way; the withered vegetation is called the way. The so-called way is the truth." While speaking, Shui Jun slightly raised his hand, and the majestic inner energy spread from around the body and spread on the table. The few things on the table seemed to be grabbed by some invisible hand, and they were arranged and combined in front of Emperor Shengwu.

Emperor Shengwu opened his eyes wide.

He can also take objects from space and control them with energy, but there is no way to control them lightly like this Suicune.Even the exquisite arrangement of these things is more powerful than a pair of skillful hands, which really shocked Emperor Shengwu.

"Pindao once meditated in front of a tree for several years, and witnessed the leaves turn from multiplied to withered. At that time, Pindao saw the leaves all over the ground, and couldn't help asking questions in his heart.

Why do the things in this world fall to the ground instead of flying to the sky when you leave your hands? "

Emperor Shengwu blinked, but didn't understand.

"What is the reason why the river flows down from a high place? What is the reason for the insects and birds to ride the wind and control the sky without relying on internal energy?"

Suicune didn't say a conclusion, but continued to explain his thoughts: "Everything in the world has its own reason, this is the Tao.

Taoist, rationale.Divination is mysterious and mysterious. The poor have never seen the future, so they don't know the way and don't know the truth. "

He nodded his hand lightly, and everything in front of the table suddenly began to shatter, gradually turning into a huge map, which is the current map of Shengjin.

"The poor way is calculated for His Majesty, that is to use my way to deduce tomorrow for His Majesty."

Emperor Shengwu didn't understand many details, but he was gifted, intelligent and quick to think, and he had been a ruler for many years with rich experience, so he quickly figured out Shuijun's way.

Investigate things to gain knowledge, and understand the principles of heaven and earth.

Such a high moral...

This Water Monarch is not talking nonsense like the alchemists in the past. Instead, he cited many examples. Emperor Shengwu never thought about these problems before, he just felt that they should be like this when he was born. Now that he thinks about it carefully, he realizes that everything in the world is It is definitely not simple.

Unfortunately, Emperor Shengwu was not interested in these things.

After thinking of this, Emperor Shengwu was a little excited: "Master Daoist, I understand."

Suicune nodded slightly.

"Taoist," after Emperor Shengwu figured it out, combining what he had seen and heard these days, plus Bao Huaiying's scolding in the past year, Emperor Shengwu was eager to know how to restore the state of the prosperous Jin Dynasty when it was founded. Prosperous, he opened his mouth and said all his thoughts and asked this question.

"Your Majesty despises me too much." Shui Jun shook his head when he heard Emperor Shengwu's words.

"Hundreds of years ago, His Majesty could be called the number one enlightened monarch. A hundred years ago, it might not have been what it is today."

"Your Majesty traveled the world, looking for pain and defects, but he didn't know that in the past 30 years, His Majesty has quelled the civil strife in the court, swept away the Juetian Society, expelled the aliens in the north, solved the snake plague in the south, and wiped out the looters in the west. Now we are starting to encircle and suppress the Demon Cult, and at the same time, His Majesty has been recuperating the people year after year, lightly taxing people, adopting new farming methods, and selecting better seeds. Under His Majesty's governance, this world can already be called a prosperous age."

"Prosperous age?" Emperor Shengwu's complexion was not good, "Is it also called a prosperous age when you change your son and eat?"

"Your Majesty." Shui Jun was still very calm, "Since you ruled the world, the Beggar Gang has shrunk by seven or eight."

Emperor Shengwu was silent.

Naturally, Shui Jun will not cover up the achievements of Emperor Shengwu, he can say what he wants, this is his way.

"Your Majesty's vision is naturally not limited to this. What Your Majesty wants to do is, of course, the eternal Mingjun." Shui Jun saw through Emperor Shengwu's true thoughts.

"His Majesty is far better at managing the world than Pindao, but since His Majesty asks, then Pindao will speak directly.

The world is not your world, but the world of people. "

When Emperor Shengwu heard this, he didn't have much mood swings.

"To make the world more prosperous, you can't do it alone."

"I know good ministers and humble people, but some things may not be able to do that."

Pro-virtuous ministers, distant villains, clichés, clichés.

"Your Majesty, what I'm talking about is people, the common people of Li, and tens of thousands of people in the world."

He waved his hand lightly, and suddenly many small houses appeared on the huge map: "The world is so big, so big that in the eyes of the Jianghu people, geniuses who appear once every few decades or hundreds of years are actually far less rare." , or a cowherd, or an old man who farms, is the most talented person in the world.

The chief disciple cherished by the martial arts school is just the most ordinary child in the world. "

" start a school?"

Suicune didn't nod, nor did he respond.

"In today's world, it is impossible to support hundreds of thousands of children. If all the children in the world can read and practice, and the common people can wear warm clothes and eat well, let alone a demon sect, even if there are ten or eight, I will not let them go." In my eyes. Unfortunately, I can't do it.

Moreover, those nobles, those royal family members, and those court officials would definitely not agree. "

"That's right. This was not accomplished in a day." Shui Jun said softly again, "So, this person also refers to someone who can inherit His Majesty's wishes, or can follow His Majesty."

Emperor Shengwu was silent again.

He thought of his sons.

Some of them may be out of tune, but under the cultivation of the royal family, they are much smarter than ordinary people.

And it just so happens that, except for Ye Yong and Ye Chang, the other princes all have special focuses and are very good at certain things.

"Your Majesty." After Shui Jun crushed the truth and told Emperor Shengwu, he asked the last and most important sentence of the calculation, "Does Your Majesty want the country to last forever, or the country to prosper?"

The pensive Emperor Shengwu instantly raised his head and looked at Suicune.

forever?Chang?Isn't it his two sons——

This was the first calculation of Shui Jun and Emperor Shengwu back then.

It's just that except for Emperor Shengwu, those princes only know a general idea, they don't know the inside story, and they don't know the specific details of what Emperor Shengwu and Shui Jun talked about.

But the most important question, they all know.

Ye Fengge looked at Xun Wu who was frowning and thinking, and Ye Zhenji who couldn't believe it, and said what he knew, the last words: "Shui Junyan.

The people who are very close to grandpa, everyone, is an important pillar of his future life, who is missing, in the future, Sheng Jinchao will correspond to his name and fall into what kind of predicament.

Compared with the eternal existence of the country, what is the prosperity of the country? "

An death, so the world has always been chaotic; Shun death, so Emperor Shengwu often encountered troubles these years.

"Ridiculous, could it be that without third brother, father can still..." Ye Zhenji finished speaking halfway, but didn't continue.

Third Prince Shou.

"I don't know if it's absurd or not." Ye Fengge laughed loudly, "It's just doing the same thing. Since Grandpa has always believed in this, we are naturally willing to agree with it."

It seems that the chatterbox has been opened, and Ye Fengge seems to be more active.

Xun Wu did feel that there were a lot of unreasonable things, but time was running out, he could only write them down now, and hurriedly asked the next question, and thought about it after all the questions were asked.

"Your Highness, do you know the power of Ganzi?"

"Oh, third uncle."

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