In the afternoon, Xun Wu compiled a report and handed it to Bao Huaiying.

The interrogation in the morning did not ask too many things, which was also expected by Bao Huaiying and Xun Wu. Anyone who dared to attack the Ministry of Punishment can be called daring, even if they are caught by Xun Wu and others No information will be given out easily.

The two of them didn't expect to ask anything in the courtroom, but since there are these criminals, Bao Huaiying can just use this to operate, let everyone in the capital know about it, and train the police in the mansion by the way. It can be said to serve multiple purposes.

To be honest, interrogation is only a process and a part of the trial after all. It doesn't mean that the criminal's sophistry will definitely be able to withstand the crime. Now that Xun Wu has physical evidence, human witnesses, and an autopsy report, no matter how much Luo Changfeng quibbles , also useless.

Of course, before the dust settled, Bao Huaiying and Xun Wu still had certain doubts, and they were not 100% sure that Luo Changfeng must be the murderer of General Deng Yuan.

If it really wasn't Luo Changfeng, Xun Wu would definitely not let a wicked person go in vain.

But Luo Changfeng must not be able to run away, attacking the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he will not survive this winter.

"As expected of Guardian Xun, the progress is very smooth." Bao Huaiying first praised Xun Wu, and then discussed with Xun Wu the issue of the two forces.

"In the capital city, the powerful and rich are intertwined with each other, and power and desire naturally intersect with each other." Bao Huaiying understood clearly, and there was nothing he didn't understand.

Although he hasn't been to the capital for nearly 12 years, he knows what the capital looks like, and he knows it very well.

Xun Wu nodded.

He had long since stopped worrying about the dignitaries that Baofu Yin would be afraid of. A few days ago in the hall, Bao Huaiying pointed at the three princes and cursed at them, which really left a deep impression on Xun Wu.

In feudal times, daring to stand above the court, pointing fingers at princes, and saying what they were impolite and incorrect, no matter what their mentality was, was remarkable.

And Xun Wu has never been afraid of any prince.

He is a young man in the new era. In terms of thought alone, in this era, he is a standard "rebellious person".

What about princes and princesses, don't do this with me, just check if you need to.

After Bao Huaiying finished reading, he thought for a while and nodded slightly.

"Well..." Bao Huaiying stroked his beard, nodded lightly, and then looked like Xun Wu again, "It seems that what happened to General Deng Yuan must have been done by Luo Changfeng, and we can finally comfort General Deng's soul in heaven." .”

Xun Wu nodded in response.

"But...this Luo Changfeng, he can't die now." Bao Huaiying's complexion changed slightly, he was both angry and conflicted.

Xun Wu understood what he meant, there were many secrets behind Luo Changfeng, and he was using him to investigate the follow-up moment, so he couldn't be killed now.

"General Deng Yuan would not blame you if he knew your painstaking efforts." Xun Wu responded.

Anyway, he was going to die, so Xun Wu didn't think it would be wrong to let Luo Changfeng live two more days and suffer a little more.

Bao Huaiying didn't get too entangled in this issue, even if he even wanted to use the dog's head guillotine invented by Zhao Lue to directly kill Luo Changfeng, he couldn't do it.

"Although the death of General Deng has been investigated, the story behind it may not be simple." Bao Huaiying thought for a while, looked at Xun Wu, and asked, "Guard Xun, I want to investigate further, are you afraid?"

"My lord doesn't believe in Xun Wu?"

"Hahaha..." Bao Huaiying couldn't help laughing twice when he heard Xun Wu's rhetorical question.

Yes, why should he ask Xun Wu this?

His daughter, Bao Yuan, does not make him feel more credible than Xun Wu, especially after experiencing Bao Ce's incident, even those relatives, he will not trust so blindly now, but Xun Wu will not let him disappointment.

Xun Wu's thoughts have not changed.

He lives in this world, and the greatest pleasure is to see the stories of this world, which have never changed from beginning to end.

The gold theft case is now being investigated by the Three Law Departments, and Xun Wu can't get involved, and is going to watch Wumian and Bai Yupan's performance.

However, Xun Wu was very interested in the two forces related to the gold theft case and the death of General Deng, and wanted to investigate clearly and understand their affairs.

This is one of the few meaningful and interesting things that he travels around the world.

"That's the case..." Bao Huaiying thought about it again, and took out a gold-edged token from the side.

Xun Wu suddenly froze for a moment.


I'm not Ji Lian'er, so I'm not interested in this kind of thing?

"A few days ago, I have told the Holy Majesty what you said to me. The Holy Majesty gave me this token. With this token, Xun Wu, you can look for His Royal Highness Ye Zhenji and enter the palace with her. , go to Lenggong, and find that... the eldest grandson of the emperor."

Xun Wu blinked, then quickly reacted, took two steps forward, and took the token.

So it turns out that Bao Fu Yin has already got an opportunity from Emperor Shengwu!

He took a deep breath.

"Your Majesty only gave me an hour. Think about it, what do you want to say to him, what do you want to ask him, and then go find Her Majesty the Princess." Bao Huaiying was serious and valued this opportunity very much. .

This kind of thing should have been asked by Bao Huaiying himself, but now he has to call some more people to watch together, and use the existing evidence to re-interrogate several criminals in prison, so that more people can know about it. thing.So, he made a decision to ask Xun Wu, the person he trusted the most, to ask Ye Fengge.

"Don't worry, my lord, I've already thought about it." Xun Wu took a deep breath, and saluted Bao Huaiying solemnly.

Later, after the two talked about some details, Xun Wu left the lobby and found Shuang Manqiu who was patrolling outside the prison.

"Guard Frost, I need your help with something important." Before he got close, Xun Wu yelled loudly.

When Shuang Manqiu heard Xun Wu's words, he was overjoyed, his eyebrows and eyes slightly raised, his mouth opened, and he walked over excitedly.

Hey, Xun Wu finally has something to ask for help!

Sure enough, Xun Wu is the one who knows the best about him!

She was a little happy, striding forward with arrogance, which was amazing.

Also by the way, Xun Wu saw Zhang Bumo who was guarding the door. He seemed to be no different from before. He was still silent as before. Xun Wu asked a little before he realized that he had really become a first-class master , now even without the "Stardust Swordsmanship", he can release sword energy.

Of course Xun Wu congratulated very happily.

My combat power has been upgraded again!

Now there are two first-class masters!

Hearing Xun Wu's congratulations, Zhang Bumo was ready to respond with a smile, only to see the sword on Xun Wu's back again. Once he committed an old mistake, he subconsciously replied "good sword".

Xun Wu was no longer surprised.

As for what Zhang Bumo realized, Xun Wu didn't feel in a hurry to ask, so he looked at Shuang Manqiu and said eagerly:

"Guard Frost, please help me to contact Her Royal Highness."

Shuang Manqiu suddenly showed an embarrassed yet polite smile.

Did you just find me as a mouthpiece?

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