After seeing the other four famous arresters, Xun Wu became more interested in Man Jianghong.

But he did not see Man Jianghong after all.

Bao Huaiying took over the prefect's position easily, and Xun Wu also took advantage of the trend to become the chief arrester of Fengzhou, but the experience bonus has not changed much. It seems that even if the chief arrester of a state is changed There will be no additional bonuses.

During this process, Xun Wu also went to find local police officers, but what Xun Wu never expected was that there were not many police officers in the capital—or in other words, in the capital, the magistrates, prefectures, and county magistrates Ya basically did not arrest fast.

The reason is also very simple, at the foot of the Son of Heaven, in the land of the first good, the three law divisions share the judicial power equally, and each is in charge of some arrests, so they naturally don't care about those trivial matters.But in the capital, no matter how small it is, it is also a big one, so before, they were the ones who handled all kinds of things in the capital, each managing an area.

In the past, the position of the magistrate was also a false one. It was not until the last two years that the crown prince managed it. Some people were recruited to help the Sanju department handle some small matters in the market.

In the same way, Man Jianghong was also in charge of the "Fengzhou chief arrester" before, and now it is directly assigned to Xun Wu. Although it seems that some power has been divided, it is actually easier for Man Jianghong. Son, so people sent all the things to the yamen early in the morning.

As a result, Xun Wu didn't see Man Jianghong until the end.

"Perhaps he was sent by His Majesty the Emperor to investigate the Devil's Cult?" Fang Xian followed Xun Wu to clean up the house and government office. He is a so-called professional and super strong father, and his ability in housework is getting better and better. .

Although the government office was old and full of dust, under his command, it was quickly managed in an orderly manner, and it seemed that the government office would be settled immediately.

Of course, it looks like it can, but in fact it can't be decided so quickly. After all, the things and decorations in the yamen need to be renovated and replaced, and it can't be opened within a day or two.

These days, Xun Wu only helped Bao Yuan clean out a single room.

At present, Dali Temple has not handed over General Deng's body, but she is now ready to go, and she is ready to do it.

"It makes sense, Mr. Bao told you to hand over the information written by Sister Cong Yun to His Majesty. He would definitely want to investigate and confirm it, right? Man Jianghong, as the head of the four famous arresters, seems to be His Majesty's confidant. Go out and prove it." Ji Lian'er also helped to carry the things, although she was relatively weak internally, but she recently switched to the dog magic kung fu, and she felt a lot stronger when she practiced kung fu a few times. Just come over and help.

"Uncle Man?" The four famous catchers, Shuang Manqiu, who was idle, didn't want to write a report, volunteered to help, and was actually lazy, heard a few people's discussion, and followed up with a sentence, "Shouldn't you leave?" , I also received a test paper two days ago, let me answer the questions carefully, let me send it to him to look at it these two days..."

"Have you seen him?" Xun Wu couldn't help asking curiously when he heard Shuang Manqiu's words, "Catcher Bai quickly said that he hasn't seen Man Jianghong in two or three years. Have you seen him these days?"

"That's not true... The last time I saw him was probably before leaving Beijing for your Yunzhou."

Shuang Manqiu recalled: "It's close to eight months, maybe nine months?"

"Then what kind of person is Senior Man?" After all, this person is not only the immediate boss, but also the biggest obstacle in Xun Wu's progress. Of course Xun Wu is very curious.

Shuang Manqiu put down the box in his hand, couldn't help frowning, squinted his eyes, and thought hard, recalling: "Very strict, unsmiling, more serious than Master Bai, more like a general than a catch."

have to.

None of the four famous arresters is a serious arrester, it seems that Zhao Wumian is a pure arrester, but that person is not so pure.

"And... Uncle Man's martial arts are terrible. He can only say that he is better than the average first-class masters, but he is weaker than the three of us." Shuang Manqiu pondered for a while, and then said again.

The oldest and most qualified famous arrester, but the weakest combat power?


Could it be that the personal abilities of the four famous arresters are inversely proportional to their combat effectiveness? That's not right. According to what Bai Yupan said before, Shuang Manqiu is not their opponent.

However, even an ordinary first-rate master should not be underestimated, after all, he is only a second-rate.

"He seems to have suffered some injuries. Anyway, he can only maintain ordinary first-class combat power. As for more, I don't know."

Fortunately, what Shuang Manqiu said was already very useful.

However, according to Xun Wu's conjecture, maybe Shuang Manqiu didn't figure out Man Jianghong's "configuration".

Just like Xun Wu can wield both swords and swords, since Man Jianghong is Marshal Yue's adoptive son, he probably learned how to fight in the army since he was a child. He is a person who cultivates both inner energy and blood energy.

Anyway, sounds great!

"It stands to reason that General Deng died in a strange way. He should be tracking him down. Maybe he was involved in other things. We haven't seen him anyway, so we can't ask him." Ji Lian'er shrugged. "Let's just look at the moment."

As soon as Ji Lian'er finished speaking, there were knocks on the door outside the government office.


Sure enough.

Xun Wu also sighed.

Ji Lian'er's dog has achieved great feats, and Xun Wu has already completed his training. His hearing, sense of smell, and eyesight have improved. Of course, he also heard the sound of cars and horses outside the government office.

In fact, in the past few days when Xun Wu and others were sorting out the government office, this kind of thing happened a lot.

Bao Huaiying solved the case in Yunzhou. It was actually nothing, but His Majesty actually called Bao Huaiying back to the capital from the remote Yunzhou when his birthday was approaching. Even "one person attains Taoism and ascends to heaven", turning Xun Wu, a small catcher, into a seventh-rank bodyguard, which can be described as a great kindness.

Isn't the signal obvious enough?

This signal is simply too obvious!

Your Majesty is going to focus on training Bao Huaiying, and make Bao Huaiying an important minister in the court!

Therefore, Bao Huaiying, the ruthless and black-skinned ice cube face, suddenly became a big celebrity and a fragrant bun in everyone's eyes. Xun Wu and others who were cleaning up the government office were miserable.

You don't think Prefect Bao will accept gifts from you, do you? ?

What's the matter, do you want to come to Bao Zhifu to scold him?

In the court hall, have you forgotten about the three princes?

But it's useless, no matter how sternly Bao Huaiying refuses, no matter how ruthless Bao Huaiying is, it's useless.

Fang Xian wanted to open the door, but Xun Wu stopped him directly.

Is this something you can do?

As the red face of our yamen, can you do this?

Xun Wu looked at Zhang Bumo, who was expressionless. He was obviously lifting something, but he drew a trajectory in the air with the thing he was lifting.

"Bumo, you go chase someone away—"

Zhang Bumo nodded, put down the things at hand, immediately walked to the door, and gently opened it.

He had a cold face and no expression at all. According to previous experience, no one could make Zhang Bumo move a little bit, and many servants who came to give gifts were even kicked out by Zhang Bumo.

But this time, Xun Wu couldn't help but look over.

Because he heard a familiar voice: "Ha! Xun Wu! Do you still recognize me! Where is my cousin?"

Xun Wu was slightly taken aback.

This seems to be Bao Zhifu's cousin, Bao Ce! ?

Oh, I can't give this away——

and many more!

Why is he here? !

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