"Second brother, it's been a long time, haha."

"I haven't seen Brother Ce for a long time, and his complexion seems to be getting better."

Bao Huaiying finally met Bao Ce. After all, although Bao Ce is not his own brother, he is very close in blood. He is the son of his aunt. These days, Bao Huaiying and others are hiding and living in Bao Huai Aunt Ying's family should also meet Bao Ce.

Standing outside the house, Xun Wu had a chance to catch fish.

"Xiao Wu? What are you doing standing outside? Come in and sit?" Bao Ce greeted Bao Huaiying and immediately called to Xun Wu.

"Uncle Ce, I won't leave my post during working hours." Xun Wu replied immediately.

Fishing is fishing, and guarding is guarding. It is impossible for Xun Wu to just run away when he is at work.

"Hey -- with this temperament, you are really the same as the second brother." Bao Ce couldn't help shaking his head, "If I didn't know, I would have thought you were the second brother's child."

Bauch laughed a few times.

Xun Wu didn't laugh along with him, but recalled it.

Bao Ce is Bao Huaiying's cousin. He works in the capital and is not a big official.

However, he is a serious government official after all, and he has more gold content than a seventh-rank bodyguard like Xun Wu who is purely more inclined to titles than real power.

Almost two years ago, Bao Ce happened to have a long vacation, so he went to Yunzhou to visit Bao Huaiying's family. At that time, Xun Wu was also there for a banquet, so he naturally got to know each other.

Now he went back to Beijing to do business and visited his mother. He happened to hear that Bao Huaiying was coming to Beijing to be promoted, so he came to see Bao Huaiying.

"By the way, I brought you some gifts." After chatting for a while, Bautzer suddenly asked the people on the side to take out the basket in his hand, and took out a small box of things from it, ready to put it on the table.

"What?" Bao Huaiying's complexion changed when he heard Bao Ce's words, and he immediately shouted, "No! Absolutely no!"

Bao Ce was taken aback, and opened the small box, revealing the black and white stones in the box: "It's not something expensive, it's just a box of chess pieces.

Second brother, haven't you always liked playing chess?Now that you are serving as the prefect of Fengzhou, it is a day worth celebrating. What's the big deal about a box of chess pieces? "

"No, absolutely not!" Bao Huaiying immediately refused.

"Isn't it just a box of chess pieces? Second brother, what's your reaction?" Bao Ce was a little confused, so "Xiao Wu, you come to judge.

As the younger brother of the second brother, I am not here to bribe, but just a box of chess pieces, why should I be so serious? "

When Xun Wu heard that he was called, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.


This policy will not...

I hope I'm not thinking too much.

He turned around and said to the people inside, "Mr. Bao Ce, this is not only Mr. Bao's own decision, but also your protection!"


Even Bao Huaiying didn't expect that Xun Wu would come to such an opening.

"What do you mean?" Bao Ce asked.

Xun Wu considered it for a while, and then said: "Mr. Bao Ce, you should also know that the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant's nest.

Now Mr. Bao just took up the post of Governor of Fengzhou Prefecture. Before this position, His Royal Highness was also held concurrently. His Excellency's promotion will definitely attract the attention of the world.Although Mr. Bautzer is the younger brother of the adults, there is nothing wrong with accepting a few chess pieces.But it is still unavoidable to criticize people with a heart, which is of no benefit to an adult's official career.

What's more, even if the lord accepts your gift and returns other people's things, those people will definitely take a fancy to you, Mr. Bautzer...

At that time, they will definitely try their best to get closer to you, and the chaos will be unimaginable. They may delay you to try their best to send things to adults, or they may make you embarrassed.

If someone takes this as an opportunity to threaten, threaten, or even say that you accept bribes, wouldn't this harm you? "

Although Xun Wu's words were a bit tricky compared to the normal logic, the logic was smooth and the possibility was extremely high, which instantly calmed the two of them.

Bao Huaiying nodded slightly.

As expected of Xun Wu, he sorted out a set of rhetoric so quickly.

After hearing Xun Wu's words, Bao Ce had no choice but to forcefully stuff the gift, so he put away the box, chatted with Bao Huaiying for a while, and left in a hurry.

He came back to work, and after finishing, he would naturally go back.

After sending Bao Ce away, Bao Huaiying remained silent, called Xun Wu, and returned to the hut just now.

"Xun Wu, you said he..."

"My lord, I don't think Mr. Ce seems to be entrusted by someone. He should indeed come to see you by himself."

Bao Huaiying closed his eyes and thought.

"Those chess pieces?"

"I have seen it, it is indeed an ordinary chess piece, and there is no mystery."

"That would be great."

Bao Huaiying breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that he has become the prefect of Fengzhou Prefecture, although he is only one rank higher than the magistrate of Yunzhou Prefecture, and he does not have the power of military, government, money and food under the jurisdiction of Yunzhou Prefecture, but correspondingly, he has some additional powers.

First, the authority to sue imperial petitions.In Xun Wu's impression, many pleadings against the imperial court in ancient costumes and martial arts dramas are to be submitted to the governor of the capital according to the rules, and he will handle them first, which is almost equivalent to the emperor's secretary.

Second, the authority of Shangdian Mianjun.There is no need to explain this. In many cases, the governor of Fengzhou can directly go to the palace to face the emperor, so that some matters can be handled directly by the emperor.

Although he is still regarded as a local official, in fact, the governor of the capital is more deterrent than many important court officials.


There is a saying that says so.

Three lives of misfortune, magistrate attached to Guo; three lives of evil, attached to the provincial capital of Guo; evil pervasive, attached to Guo Jingcheng.

In this world, to put it simply, it is the magistrate, the magistrate of the same city, the magistrate of the prefecture of the same city, and finally directly as a magistrate in the capital.

This kind of magistrate not only lacks the prestige of "parental officials", but also cannot be the emperor of the country like county magistrates in other places, but also has to be restrained by his superiors from time to time, and he is exhausted every day.

As for an official like Fengzhou Fuyin who hadn't appeared in a long time, although he was indeed a celebrity in front of the emperor, his every move would inevitably be watched by countless people.

Bao Huaiying himself is definitely not afraid of being watched by others, he has never been afraid of anyone, even if you ask him to scold His Majesty now, he will not be afraid.

Of course, he won't scold now, after all, His Majesty has changed very well now.

But what he thinks is that since he is being stared at every day, he should set an example for officials all over the world, and he must not let anything stop him.

Naturally, absolutely nothing bad can be done.

Bao Huaiying cheered up and looked at Xun Wu, the perfect successor.Only Xun Wu can reassure him - after so many years of communication, Bao Huaiying has already figured out Xun Wu's temperament.

He knows that there are many differences between Xun Wu and himself, and Xun Wu is not a person who likes to be an official, but it doesn't matter, because there are thousands of people in countless shapes, as long as Xun Wu is consistent with himself in the general direction , then he will always be Bao Huaiying's most reassuring person.

"Chen Sizheng of Dali Temple transferred all the things collected these days before. In two days, you will take Bao Wuzuo there to bring back the remains of General Deng, or... let Mrs. Liu and Miss Deng look at it. Take a look."


Xun Wu responded immediately.

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