Bao Huaiying and San Fasi slowly left the hall. Next, they have more things to do.

The scene of the three divisions' interrogation has not happened for a long time in the prosperous Jin Dynasty. The three parties need to prepare a little bit, and although Bao Huaiying was promoted to the prefect of Fengzhou, there was no magistrate before the closure of the state, but the crown prince. Palm, but after all, it also needs a corresponding process, so Bao Huaiying also has a lot of things to deal with.

After leaving the palace, Xun Wu originally wanted to leave, but suddenly someone grabbed his shoulders and stopped.

Xun Wu glanced sideways and saw Zhao Wumian smiling.

"Brother Zhao." Xun Wu greeted.

"Hahaha—brother Xun is being polite." Zhao Wumian let go of Xun Wu, and took two steps back. Not far behind him was a white jade plate with a stinky face.

Bai Yupan naturally understood now that Xun Wu was playing with him in the hall and ridiculing himself, so of course he was not happy.

Usually he is the one who bullies others, how can he be angry at others?

"The two seniors are looking for there something wrong?" Xun Wu looked at the two of them, knowing what was going to happen next.

After all, in the palace hall, the three of them cannot be allowed to perform. After the court meeting is over, there will naturally be this scene.

"Hehe, it's nothing, I just feel that the waves behind the Yangtze River beat the waves before, and Brother Xun's performance really opened my eyes." Zhao Wumian looked at Xun Wu, seeming to appreciate it "I searched for so many days, but I didn't find it, but I don't want to, you actually found out directly..."

Xun Wu frowned.

"It should be His Majesty who told him." Bai Yupan folded his arms, expressionless, "You and I can't think of this, and the reason is naturally needless to say, must be someone who is not afraid of His Majesty. ..”

"You two, don't be unreasonable." Xun Wu's smile that he had been hanging on gradually disappeared, and he was no longer smiling like before, and stared slightly.

"Oh?" Zhao Wumian looked at Xun Wu, seemingly a little surprised, "Before today's court meeting, His Royal Highness specially commented on you and Mr. Bao, what are you talking about...self-reliance, is it possible that you are not in the same line?"

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows.

Xun Wu didn't know what His Highness the Crown Prince was thinking, there were so many masters in the palace, it was very normal to hear what he said.

"Your Majesty and Mr. Bao, not for any relationship."

"That's not convincing." Zhao Wumian laughed.

"It's extremely ridiculous to cling to the powerful." Bai Yupan immediately said to Zhao Wumian, "Since wearing this arrest uniform, you must punish rape and eliminate evil, and safeguard the interests of the world."

"Brother Baixian said too much. It is the responsibility of my relatives and friends to help His Highness the Second Highness, and it is human nature, so why do you want to cling to it?" He looked at the white jade plate cheerfully, "Besides, Brother Bai Xian, don't you also help the Seventh Highness? Make a plan?"

Xun Wu thought of the Seventh Prince. When the Seventh Prince jumped out before, Xun Wu felt that it was inappropriate. It turned out that he really wanted to cheat the Third Prince.

"Heh." Bai Yupan sneered, not bothering to explain.

"Okay, yes, you are not helping the Seventh Prince." Zhao Wumian thought for a while, but still shook his head.

As Bai Yupan was a human being, he naturally knew that Bai Yupan would definitely not help the Seventh Prince for money and power.

Could it be... His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince found the trace of Yue Rushou?This is the only way to make Bai Yupan violate the principle, right?

If you can catch the top four who defected, it will be a big credit.

"You two." Seeing the lively quarrel between the two, Xun Wu said coldly, "It's not something that can be said.

Now that His Majesty is unparalleled in martial arts and incomparable in sageness, he has found out the whereabouts of the gold so many days in advance, so he naturally has his own calculations, and will not harm Zhongliang because of verbal attacks.

At this time, what did you two say to help the prince... forget it.

Instead of studying those messy things, it is more appropriate to plead for the people. "

He was still somewhat disappointed.

In terms of abilities, the two famous arresters didn't seem to have any problems, but in terms of power background and personal character, it seemed that he was a little disappointed by this sleepless night.

When Xun Wu said this, he didn't pretend or cover up, so both of them could hear the disappointment in Xun Wu's mouth. Bai Yupan frowned slightly, while Zhao Wumian rubbed his chin and chuckled lightly.

"Very good, very interesting." Zhao Wumian said softly, "If you become one of the four famous arresters in the future, you will definitely be more interesting than that guard Frost."

Xun Wu raised his eyebrows lightly: "What do you mean by brother?"

"Brother Xun's performance, as a small catcher, he must be overqualified. Isn't it normal to become a four-star catcher in the future?" Zhao Wumian smiled hahaha, "Compared with women, I really hope that the person I work with is a man." .”

"Zhao Wumian, what you said is pure nonsense." Bai Yupan said coldly, "Although Man Qiu's talent is not good, after all, his kung fu is not much worse than you and me. It's just that he lacks experience and the opportunity to do things alone."

"Hehehe..." Zhao Wumian chuckled again for a while, staring at the white jade plate, which stared at the other party without any fear.

After a while, the two stopped their childish behavior, and Zhao Wumian remembered Bai Yupan's performance today, Zhao Wumian said to himself, "I lost, I lost", apologized to Bai Yupan twice, and then went with the two of them. Separated, turned and left.

"This guy is as smooth as ever." Bai Yupan snorted coldly.

"Brother Bai just called Man Qiu, I don't know what it is?" Xun Wu grasped an important point.

"The class of catching up is Shuang Manqiu from Yue Rushou's teaching, and we are her teachers."

Both of us?

Xun Wu roughly guessed what was going on.

Bai Yupan didn't get entangled in this topic anymore, but turned around and looked at Xun Wu, his expression seemed to soften a little: "Your boy is very suitable for me!"

"Ha, I also like senior's straightforwardness and frankness."

Bai Yupan thought, am I being straightforward?

Of course he knew that he was annoying, but he did this kind of work, so he didn't mind other people's cold eyes, but it was the first time he heard Xun Wu's description like this.

How should I put it, Xun Wu is a catcher who is proficient in human nature and has a high EQ.

"However, Xun Wu, although I think you are very suitable for me, but you can distinguish between public and private, and you are a good catcher.

Mr. Bao Huaiying took over the magistrate of Fengzhou from His Royal Highness, and you are not afraid of His Majesty's majesty to investigate the bronze statue. After all, it is suspicious... But don't let me catch you, otherwise I will definitely report to the Metropolitan Procuratorate The adults confessed. "

Xun Wu shrugged.

I am not afraid of the oblique shadow!

"By the way—you want to avenge General Deng, right?

Senior Man Jiang Hongman is the foster son of General Yue, theoretically he is a member of the military.General Deng died strangely. As a brother, he should not ignore it, and they investigated it earlier than you. Maybe there is some information that can help you. "

Xun Wu blinked his eyes.

Finally heard the good news.

What forces, camps, don't tell me about those things, big head!

Of course, Xun Wu can accept things like smooth talk. After all, Xun Wu will occasionally sit at a table with people from the Jianghu and call each other brothers in exchange for information. The good and the bad, the good and the ugly.

"Where is Senior Man, how can I find him?" Xun Wu asked curiously, he didn't see a similar character in the hall today?

The head of the four famous arresters, he really wants to see him now.

"This... I really don't know." Bai Yupan choked up his words, and frowned and thought for a while, "Speaking of which, I seem to have not seen him for two or three years. If His Majesty hadn't mentioned him today, I would I thought he was not in the capital."

And such a thing?

Xun Wu thought for a while, Man Jianghong, as the chief arrester of Shengjin, the commander-in-chief of all the arresters, how could he show his face at this time?

"Brother Bai, Xun will go to the government office to have a look first, maybe he can meet Senior Man."

"Ah-oh, well, see you later."

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