Master class!

At least a master level master!

As for how strong he is, Xun Wu doesn't know how strong he is. After all, he can't see any flaws when he reaches the master level, and the peerless masters at the next level are naturally no different from masters in Xun Wu's eyes.

But there is one thing that can be confirmed, that is, the emperor is very strong, very strong!

Guaranteed to be at the same level as the old sword master!

After taking a look, Xun Wu followed Bao Huaiying to salute.The Sheng Jin Dynasty was not in favor of kneeling and saluting, Bao Huaiying bowed twice and then said: "My humble minister Bao Huaiying, I have seen Your Majesty, Your Majesty has been here for ten thousand years!"

Emperor Shengwu raised his hand, and the eunuch on the side shouted, "Excuse me!"

Then, with such a calm voice, he silently looked at Bao Huaiying.

The hall seemed to have lost all sound, and it was extremely quiet. Bao Huaiying was not afraid to meet the emperor's gaze, but he just looked at Bao Huaiying silently.

After a while, and it didn't seem too long, Emperor Shengwu raised his hand, like opening a curtain, and lifted the crown of his crown, revealing his face, and looked at it more clearly. Bao Huaiying.

And this naturally made Xun Wu, who couldn't see clearly, finally see his appearance clearly.

He is obviously over 70 years old, but he is well maintained. He feels like a middle-aged man, with a ruddy complexion and a very good complexion. He doesn't look like an old man who is dying at all. On the contrary, he looks like a vigorous man at the peak of his career Same as Han.

Xun Wu couldn't help but secretly dumbfounded, no wonder he survived for so many years...

"Bao, Huai, Ying!" The emperor skipped word by word, as if recalling his name.

"Chen is here!"

"Hahahaha—" He laughed twice, then put down the crown, quite satisfied.

"Eleven years have passed, and you are really darker than before." He said again, and then said, "Back then, I sent you to Yunzhou to be a small county magistrate. Do you have any complaints?"

"No." Bao Huaiying was very calm. He would not complain about this kind of thing. No matter whether he was a high-ranking official or a small official, as long as he could serve the people, he would be fine.

"Okay." Emperor Shengwu responded, and then asked, "Then you have passed 11 years, what do you want to say to me?"

When Bao Huaiying heard this, he bowed twice again: "Your Majesty, sweep away the barbarians and demon religions, the people will enjoy peace in the world, and work hard to make the people live and work in peace. Naturally, I have nothing to say."

"Hahaha——" the emperor laughed a few times, this time it was much more obvious and sincere than before, obviously really happy.

"Okay...Bao Huaiying, you may not know how much determination you made me make."

Bao Huaiying didn't know why.

As for why, apart from Emperor Shengwu, I am afraid that no one knows how much Bao Huaiying helped him back then.

More than ten years ago, his body was not as tough as it is now. Although there are all the resources in the world for him to cultivate, he is still stuck in the realm of "first-class master", and he can't knock on the door of the master!

After solving the problems of the court, the internal problems of the royal family, and the problems of the Jue Tian Hui, he thought that he could take a break, rest and enjoy himself.

But he didn't want to, and immediately another alien race appeared, and the Devil's Cult emerged. After 30 years of hard work, the world has not seen the slightest sense of stability. The palace is safe, but he, a first-class expert, still doesn't feel safe.

So...he became obsessed with alchemy.

He hopes to gain stronger power, or a longer lifespan, because he has no confidence that he can solve all problems easily, even if he sweeps the heavens and sweeps the world, he is still more and more unable to do what he wants.

However, this, on the contrary, caused his control over the court and the world to become weaker, causing many troubles.

At this time, Bao Huaiying, a young Jinshi, stood in the hall, where he was standing now, and pointed at his nose and cursed.

As a first-class master, as the most powerful person in the world, as the emperor of the prosperous Jin Dynasty, how can he bear it, but he is extremely proud, thinking that he must find a loophole in Bao Huaiying's words, and he must refute it. He was speechless, but the more he listened carefully, the more he found that what Bao Huaiying said really made sense.

That's embarrassing.

But he is the emperor after all, he can listen to some things, but sometimes he has to make different choices.

If that incident happened now, he might have laughed and thanked Bao Huaiying, but at that time, he couldn't bear it, so he was sent to a remote place like Yunzhou to become a county magistrate.

However, Bao Huaiying's words left a seed in his heart after all, making him jump out of the horns, give up alchemy, and continue to work hard to rule the world—and this, on the contrary, made him finally figured out, no longer Relying on foreign objects, but integrating his years of experience in governing the country, he has stepped out of his own martial arts, crossed the door of first-class masters, and became a genuine master-level master.

In today's world where peerless masters will not end, the grand masters are the strongest group of people in the world.


"Since I called you back, don't go back." Emperor Shengwu waved his hand, and a big eunuch next to him immediately walked aside with the imperial edict in his hand, and raised his voice.

"Bao Huaiying, the magistrate of Yunzhou, has worked hard for 11 years, pleading for life for the people, and has made great achievements; moreover, as the magistrate of Yunzhou, he has repeatedly solved strange cases, and he has assisted the princess in solving strange schemes and discovering gold. He can be called the pillar of the country!

Now, Bao Huaiying has been promoted to be the prefect of Fengzhou, added an official, and a bachelor of Longtuge University, hereby—"

After the holy decree was read, although several people frowned, no one dared to stand up and object.

Those who can stand in the hall basically know what Bao Huaiying did back then, so although they think Bao Huaiying's promotion is too fast, they don't say anything.

So what should we do, if you have the ability, you can also jump out and scold His Majesty, leaving him speechless?

Do you have that skill?Do you have the guts?

Xun Wu made some calculations in his heart, and immediately sighed.Either Zhifu Bao didn't get promoted, or after he was promoted once, he would rocket straight up and jump like crazy.Although Fengzhou prefects and Yunzhou prefects are conceptually just prefects, but Fengzhou is where the capital is located, and the official position and grade of the prefects here are actually higher than other prefects.

What's more, he also added an official title of Longtuge University Bachelor. Although this kind of "additional official" is generally an honorary title, after all, there are grades, and the grades are different.

But in this way, my "Yunzhou chief arrester" is bound to disappear...

Can I be the chief arrester in Fengzhou?

Before Xun Wu finished thinking, the eunuch immediately said: "Catch Xun Wu quickly, assist Bao Huaiying to make meritorious deeds, and assist the princess in killing the remnants of the Jue Tian Hui, now I will teach you—"

The seventh-rank bodyguard with a knife, try his best to continue to assist Bao Huaiying! "

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Xun Wu immediately followed Bao Huaiying to thank him.

Xun Wu was a little excited.


I have a grade! ?

Before Xun Wu finished his music, he suddenly found that a flash of light flashed in front of his eyes. Among the young men who caught the fast, there was an additional occupation - guard.


Xun Wu was taken aback, he thought it was included in the job of being a fast catcher, but he didn't expect that there was an additional job directly.

So wait—how should I count my experience? ?

The policeman and the guards turned on their lights at the same time!

Dual career, no conflict! ?

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