The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 181 Prove yourself for experience points!

Dual career?

Xun Wu stared at his panel, stared blankly for a while, then woke up suddenly.

That's right, my special panel never said that I can't have two professions at the same time, but most professions can't coexist. For example, if you want to be a knight, you can't be a catcher, because the two are contradictory.

But the two professions of catcher and bodyguard can obviously coexist!

He glanced at the guard's occupation again.

The seventh-rank guard is a guard with a knife, and the guard's professional characteristics and experience get an additional 30% bonus

There are extra bonuses from the very beginning!

I still have close to a hundred general experience——

His hand trembled a little, a little excited, and he almost clicked it directly. Fortunately, he couldn't make any big moves right now, so he didn't reach out, and calmed down by the way.

My general experience has already been able to improve the young hero's profession, so save and save, the young hero's profession will soon have advanced features!

Besides, the guard profession can slowly gain experience!

Although I haven't seen what orders Emperor Shengwu gave yet, but Xun Wu is going to say now that His Majesty is definitely a wise king!

Experience is in place, everything is useless!

Xun Wu followed Bao Huaiying and stood aside. There were still many things to deal with in the early court. Seeing that Bao Huaiying was only one of the few important things on Emperor Shengwu's mind today, after that, there were still many things he was looking forward to.

For example, the next thing-

Zuodu Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate took a step forward, raised his voice, and said something important to everyone in the hall.

The 50 taels of gold seized by Ye Zhenji and Xun Wu were lost under the management of the three princes!

"Oh?" His Majesty the Emperor let out a voice of exclamation, "Prince, is this really the case?"

It was clearly about the second, third, and sixth princes, but Emperor Shengwu didn't ask the three of them, but instead asked the prince.

The prince stepped forward lightly, resisting the urge to suffer from illness and cough, and said in a calm voice, "Return to Father, there is indeed such a thing."

Emperor Shengwu raised his crown again, and looked at the three princes behind the prince: "50 taels of gold.

That is 500 taels of silver.

I, Sheng Jin, have reduced the burden on the people over the years, and my annual tax revenue is only 4000 million taels.

For an ordinary family with four mouths, it doesn't cost three or four taels a year; the military salary of my imperial guards in Beijing is only two taels a month.

With 500 million taels, how many people can I shepherd for Sheng Jin?How many soldiers can you train for me?

I really have three good sons—”

thump thump-

Although he spoke calmly, everyone could tell that Emperor Shengwu was angry.The three princes were covered in cold sweat immediately, and knelt down on the ground, not daring to look at him.

"What are you kneeling for?" Emperor Shengwu put down the crown, very calmly, "My children of the Ye family don't kneel to the sky or the ground, even I shouldn't kneel, stand up and speak."

The three princes stood up tremblingly.

"How many days has the gold been lost?"

"Two...Two months..." The second prince replied.

"Two months, not bad. Being able to hide it from the Metropolitan Procuratorate for two months, the three of you have made a lot of progress recently."

"Tell me, what have you investigated in the past two months?"

His answer was silence.

"Well, good, not bad." Emperor Shengwu also praised a few words, "Two months, more than 60 days, enough for Zhenji to go around outside again. Do you expect her to find another 50 taels of gold?"

Emperor Shengwu couldn't help shaking his head in disappointment.

He looked at the prince: "Prince, what about you?"

"Going back to my father, my son never found out."

"You can really save face for the three of them."

Emperor Shengwu looked at the others: "Okay, what about you, the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate? Let's talk about it."

The three parties looked at each other, hesitated for a while, and the Youdu Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate stepped forward: "Return to Your Majesty, a few days ago, Deng Yuan, the resident of Yunzhou who came to Beijing for trial, committed suicide by fate. According to speculation, It is very likely that he committed suicide in fear of crime."

He seemed to feel that something was not enough, and called another person from his team to come out.

The man was wearing a blue guard uniform, but with a catcher's badge, it seemed that he was specially called to the temple today.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Bai Yupan, the police officer of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, has discovered a lot of information in recent days. Please allow him to report."


Although he was facing countless court officials at the Shengjin court meeting, Bai Yupan didn't panic at all and told all the information he knew sentence by sentence.

Deng Yuan committed suicide, no gold could be found at all, Eunuch Liu acted strangely...

"Father, in this way, the matter is very simple - it must be that this surnamed Liu and Deng Yuan have embezzled the 500 million taels of gold privately, and in order to prevent discovery, they made up such a thing to deceive you brothers!" On the prince's side, a prince shouted after listening.

"That's right—seventh brother is right!" The third prince seemed to be grasping at a life-saving straw, and hastily shouted twice, "That day, although the three of my brothers took the gold, they didn't check whether there was a hole under the gold. Gold, maybe only the topmost layer is gold, and the rest are all disguised by stones!"

"Huo..." Emperor Shengwu seemed a little surprised.

"Humph! What nonsense!"

But at this time, Bao Huaiying, who was almost full of anger after listening to it for a long time, finally stood up and shouted.

"Cough, cough, Huaiying, you shouldn't have spoken—" The prince coughed a few times in surprise, and was about to stop Bao Huaiying.

Eleven years ago, at the court meeting, Bao Huaiying also started like this, and suddenly jumped out when others were discussing it.

Back then he was just a scholar, although now he has become the magistrate of Fengzhou, but he does not conform to the etiquette——

More importantly, he was afraid that Bao Huaiying would scold him again...

"Nothing, nothing." Emperor Shengwu said, "Come here, give the crown prince a seat first, Bao Aiqing, you continue."

The prince was a little helpless, looking at the throne that had been prepared long ago, he couldn't help but sigh.

Sit first, not stand.

He has been resisting the urge to cough because he doesn't want to sit, let alone rely on others to stand.

"Returning to Your Majesty, what the ministers and Your Highness said is really a bunch of nonsense, ministers, you can't just sit idly by."

Bao Huaiying got the promise—even if he didn't, he opened up his firepower and directly told what happened on the way to the capital.

"General Deng was loyal to the country, but he didn't want to die in such a useless and ignorant manner. After his death, the two women for his sake had no way to report their grievances. Everyone who heard their pleas should either close If you don’t see the door, you’ll either hide like a plague god. Such a big injustice, but you still have to be here, and be slandered by you! Doesn’t this make the world chill!?

Several highnesses lost their gold, didn't want to recognize their mistakes, tracked down the murderer, and looked for the gold, but first concealed it and didn't report it, and then they shirked each other's responsibility here!Disloyalty, benevolence, and ignorance are definitely not the actions of a gentleman, but the actions of a villain!If things go on like this, how can I govern the world of Shengjin well!How can you stand on top of my prosperous Jin court! "

Emperor Shengwu couldn't help taking a breath of air, his movements were so subtle that no one noticed.

This bag of sunspots is the same as always.

"Bao Huaiying! How dare you!" Compared to the calmness of Emperor Shengwu, the expressions of the scolded princes were not so good. The third prince took a few steps away, pointing at Prefect Bao with a flushed face.

Prefect Bao was very calm.

Emperor Shengwu was quite happy.

After all, it wasn't me who scolded me this time.

However, he soon saw Bao Huaiying who seemed to be looking at him with unfinished thoughts, coughed lightly, and said to Youdu Yushi, "What do you say about this?"

"Your Majesty, what Lord Bao said is just what the Deng family said, and there is no evidence for it."

"Furthermore, members of the Ministry of Punishment also said that they could not find any traces of gold leaving the city and moving out. Therefore, it can only be considered that the gold did not enter the city."

Emperor Shengwu looked at Bao Huaiying.

"There is evidence!" Bao Huaiying said firmly, and then looked at Xun Wu.

Xun Wu walked out slowly.

Time to prove your worth for XP!

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