Xun Wu and the others took advantage of the few days when they arrived in the capital ahead of schedule, and quickly carried out an intelligence integration.

Soon, the people in Yunzhou Yamen came to a conclusion based on their respective abilities and information collected from various sources.

General Deng's death was indeed unknown, so the injustice reported by General Deng's wife and daughter is also true.

But Xun Wu and the others couldn't find the rest so quickly.

Although Xun Wu and the others hid their identities and came to the capital quickly, except for the Yuelai Inn, other people in the capital saw them as "outsiders", but they were not so easy to talk to.

They are old Shengjin people, they are from the yellow flag, can they let outsiders come to beg for food?

That can't be done!

For the people in Yunzhou Yamen, resistance and alienation are the biggest difficulties.

No matter how hard they try, it is difficult for them to cooperate easily in such a few days.

Moreover, even the Yuelai Inn, in the capital, cannot provide much help to Ji Lian'er, because the Yuelai Inn in the capital is one of the few branches of the Yuelai Inn with the least information in the whole world.

At the foot of the Son of Heaven, even if the people at the Yuelai Inn collect information about the Jianghu, it is not that simple. They may be interrogated by the police at any time, which can be described as trembling like walking on thin ice.

After a few days, what can be found is very limited.

However, a brand new opportunity came before Bao Huaiying and Xun Wu.

His Majesty is finally going to summon Bao Huaiying!

"I see the emperor—I really want to go and see." Ji Lian'er heard Xun Wu's words, and couldn't help yearning. "If you want to follow, go ask your lord, maybe I can take you alone."

"Uh—no, no, forget it." Ji Lian'er heard Xun Wu's words, thought about it for a while, and then shivered, her legs and feet were weak, and she almost fell down. Fortunately, Xun Wu's eyes were quick and her hands were quick. He gave her a hand, so he didn't fall down.

She blushed a little, stood upright, and coughed: "Although I really want to see it, but when I think about the room full of high-ranking officials... just forget it."

The Ji family has always disliked entering the imperial court, and even in the capital of Shengjin, few Ji family members have been here. If it weren't for something important this time, she might hide in the Yuelai Inn and watch the cold house every day. .

Before, Ji Lian'er tried to find the murdered servant of the Deng family, but unfortunately, no trace was found after several days of searching.

"Since this is the case, then you can save it and discuss with Bumo and the others, how to investigate next."

Ji Lianer nodded.

At present, there are very few things they can do. They need to wait for Bao Huaiying and Xun Wu to come back from the palace before they know what to do next.

If His Majesty directly arranges this matter to others, Xun Wu and the others may not need to continue the investigation.

Entering the imperial palace is a solemn matter. In the early morning of the next day, Xun Wu and Bao Huaiying got up and changed their clothes when the sky was gray, and got ready.

Xun Wu left his great sword in the residence, and only took the saber with the leaf character on it, followed Bao Huaiying's favorite son to the gate of the palace.

Looking at the palace hall from a distance, the roof of the hall is covered with yellow glazed tiles, inlaid with green trimmings, in the middle of the top of the flame bead, which is extremely luxurious.

Xun Wu followed Bao Huaiying, and when he saw someone looking at him, he nodded in return. Halfway, several eunuchs stopped the two of them and began to change clothes for Bao Zhifu, while checking Xun Wu's weapons.

"Huh?" The father-in-law who was in charge of the inspection was a little surprised when he saw the writing on the scabbard.

It stands to reason that the police and those who follow the minister to see him should put away their weapons, but the saber bestowed by the royal family is within the scope of keeping.

Therefore, the eunuch hesitated for a while, and returned the saber to Xun Wu.

This is why Xun Wu would leave his sword in his residence and carry a knife with him.

It feels safer to carry a knife or a knife.

"Cough——" Suddenly, a soft cough sounded, accompanied by a light step and a heavy step, and a figure who seemed to be unwell appeared next to Xun Wu and the two of them, "Huaiying, it's been too long. See you!"

When Bao Huaiying heard this person's voice, he trembled all over. He came back to his senses, glanced at it, distinguished it, and gradually matched that person with a certain impression in his heart, and then he was taken aback: "Prince Your Highness—you, how could you be like this?"


Xun Wu took a look.

This person with pale complexion, pale lips, unshaven beard, coughing constantly, and looking like he would fall to the ground at any time, is the current prince?

Compared with that sixth prince, this complexion is too bad, right?

"Haha, it's okay, it's just a small problem." The prince laughed twice, coughed again, turned his head to look at Xun Wu, his eyes were full of excitement, "this little brother, Huaiying said in your letter That Xun Wu, Xun Butou, right?

When I saw her today, she was indeed radiant and her eyes were like torches! "

This is called a small problem?

Xun Wu was a little surprised in his heart, but he hurriedly returned the gift, thank you.

"Nothing, nothing..." The prince couldn't help coughing, and smiled again, "I still have to thank you, if it wasn't for you, how could Fengge be locked up?"

Xun Wu frowned.

"Hahaha, as expected of Xun Wu, his complexion didn't change, and he didn't show any signs of panic!" The prince couldn't help laughing twice, which seemed to make him both excited and painful. I am thanking you, after all, if he hadn't been ordered to ground his feet, it would be impossible for that kid to calm down and study."

The prince seemed to want to say a few more words to Xun Wu, but he looked at the time, shook his head, and looked at Bao Huaiying again: "Huaiying, since you are here, why don't you tell me... so that I can Clean up the wind and dust for you...Ten years, how many decades are there in life?

Keke cough—"

The prince's health seemed to be really bad, and Bao Huaiying subconsciously wanted to go to help him, but the prince hurriedly reached out his hand, stopped Bao Huaiying, and said: "No...no need, Huaiying, I, can stand on my own .”

Afterwards, he moved slowly, without letting anyone help, and slowly walked into the hall by himself.

Bao Huaiying fell silent, and Xun Wu also thought silently...

Stand on your own?

What do you mean by this...

Bao Huaiying remained silent, while Xun Wu kept thinking. The two of them thought outside the hall for a long time before finally hearing a sound like a duck croaking.

"Bao Huaiying, prefect of Xuanyun Prefecture, see you!"

Because only Bao Huaiying's name was called, Xun Wu thought that he could just keep standing outside, but a father-in-law with sharp eyesight and quick hands grabbed Xun Wu's arm and took a step forward, letting Xun Wu follow.

Good guy—this father-in-law must be first-class, he is so fast.

As expected of an occupant, among the eunuchs in charge of the review, there is a top-notch expert.

The two passed through the gate of the palace and walked into the palace.

The inner pillars of this hall are supported by many giant red pillars, each of which is engraved with a circled, lifelike golden dragon, which is extremely spectacular.

The most powerful ministers of the Sheng Jin Dynasty were lined up on the left and right, row by row, row by row. Among them, the sixth prince who Xun Wu had met once followed behind several other people who also wore brocade clothes. The leader seemed to be It is the prince. According to the order, the sixth prince stands in the fourth place.

Crossing the road in the middle of the hall, Xun Wu and Bao Huaiying walked slowly to the center of the hall, and at this position, Xun Wu could finally see that sitting on the dragon chair in the hall, The most powerful person in the world.

But at this sight, Xun Wu was taken aback without even seeing his appearance clearly.

His Majesty the Emperor...

No flaws!

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