The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 178 White Jade Plate

Xun Wu left from the princess and returned to Bao Zhifu's aunt's house to sum up the day's harvest.

And at this time, Xun Wu can also study by the way, what is the situation of the other four famous arresters.

The term Metropolitan Procuratorate has to be mentioned here.

Speaking of which, it was only after Xun Wu came to this world that he realized that the "six gates" often mentioned in martial arts did not refer to a certain court institution, but an approximate collective term.

Because ancient buildings are strictly restricted by laws and etiquette, no matter how big the state or county is, the gate can only be "three-bay", each with two black-lacquered doors, a total of six, so it is called six. Gates, in fact many yamen, are also called six gates.

The "six doors" in traditional martial arts specifically refer to the three law divisions.

The so-called Sanfa Division is the collective name of the Yamen of the Metropolitan Procuratorate of the Dali Temple of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

And this last Metropolitan Procuratorate is responsible for completely different from the two, mainly monitoring and impeachment, and is responsible for supervising all officials.

From a conceptual point of view, the three parties can be regarded as restraining each other, and it can also be regarded as a wise design of my Chinese ancestors.

In this world, due to the existence of martial arts, many jobs with low social status, such as office work and police arrest, have been improved accordingly. Therefore, each of the three law departments is equipped with additional police officers to assist in the work.

Therefore, each of the three law divisions has four famous arresters to assist them. Among them, the four famous arresters of the Ministry of Punishment are Zhao Wumian whom Xun Wu just met, and the four famous arresters of Dali Temple are Shuangmanqiu, which is very popular among many people. guard.

And...the names of the four famous arresters of the Metropolitan Procuratorate are not as artistic as theirs, and they even seem ordinary.

His name is... Bai Yupan.

Among the four famous arresters, he is the second-to-last in age, only a few years older than Shuang Manqiu, and he is in the third stage. He is also the only one among the three famous male arresters who has not been married so far.

Now, instead of wearing a policeman's uniform like Xun Wu's and the others, he is wearing a blue guard's uniform. In broad daylight and without getting off work, he is drinking wine and eating pork head meat in a restaurant. Very cozy.

Although he is already in his third year, he is well maintained and looks quite young, like a great guy.

Naturally, he wasn't sitting alone in a restaurant drinking too much wine. Opposite him was a handsome young man who was gently fanning his folding fan and chatting with him about the past.

"It's alright, it's alright, young man, the dishes are almost ready. If you have anything to do, just tell me, brother, I will definitely take care of it for you!" The white jade plate felt that it was almost ready, drinking the wine, Very disregarding the image, he lifted one leg to the chair, hugged the leg, and looked at the person opposite.

And Mr. Hua is naturally not a stranger, but he once fought with Xun Wu, the flower among the four masters of the contemporary Jianghu——Hua Wuji!

"Old Bai, you are too out of touch." Hua Wuji put away his fan, smiled, and said sincerely, "I just want to catch up with you."

"Pfft——" Bai Yupan laughed, spat out a piece of bone, and then looked at Hua Wuji again, "Young man, you are also a busy person, and you have a lot of poems to attend recently, right?

In a few days, there will be a competition between a few Jianghu people, and you still need to be a witness, so don't waste time with me. "

Hua Wuji shrugged and said, "I really—"


Bai Yupan threw the chopsticks in his hand directly onto the table, just happened to hit the plate on the table, splashed something, and splashed in front of Hua Wuji.His face became even colder, and he said, "Hua Wuji, don't mess with me, are you still a brother?

If you have anything to ask me, just talk to me, don't do this with me.

According to the agreement, I have not reported the matter of the missing gold until now, but let me tell you, it is absolutely impossible for me not to report the matter, and it is even more impossible for me to lie about the truth! "

Hua Wuji sighed, took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands well.

Although they are all first-class masters, he estimated that if four or five of them go up together, they may not be able to win the white jade plate.

The four famous arresters in Beijing, even if they have some extras, their combat power will never insult this name.

So it is impossible to stop it.

Hua Wuji couldn't help but sighed again.

At the beginning, he was the one who helped Bai Yupan come to the capital as a catcher - this was naturally one of his countless investments.The purpose of Hua Wuji's giving and helping the Jianghu people is to gain a better reputation, so that his "Jianghu Hero" road will be smoother.

But he has always been very unlucky. Although most of the time, he will not choose the wrong person and some villains will come out, but those who are particularly successful are either Lou Shaoyuan who didn't understand his own ideas, or...

It's like Bai Yupan, it's fine to help you talk, but let me change the principle?impossible!

"This matter involves a lot, and the problems behind it are intricate and complicated. I'm afraid you will get stuck..."

"Are you afraid that I will fall into it, or that His Highness behind you will be exposed?" Bai Yupan looked at Hua Wuji coldly.

"This—" Hua Wuji was stunned again, and smiled helplessly, "This time it's definitely not him—"

"So, he did it some other time, didn't he?"

Hua Wuji couldn't help but open the fan, trying to cover his expression.

"Well, I can't say no to you, and you are much smarter than me... You have your own ideas, but let me tell you, this incident is definitely not what it is on the surface. If you want to report it, it must be just Return in vain!"

Bai Yupan sneered and shook his head: "Lao Hua, let's not talk about those nonsense.

What's the hidden story behind this incident, yes, it's normal, very normal - how many messy royal families, aristocratic families, and Jianghu forces are entrenched in this huge capital?Behind everything, how much of their game is full?

Under the ice, there are not delicious fishes, but a group of cruel piranhas.

I have known for a long time that if I go to report now, it is very likely that I will break my head, and there is even a great possibility of making mistakes and even being punished.

But it doesn’t matter if I’m wrong, I’ll keep looking if I’m wrong, what I need to do is not to find the answer, but to introduce one possibility after another...

This is my duty as a police officer of the Metropolitan Procuratorate! "

Hua Wuji couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"But you will definitely meet an enemy that you have never thought about, never met before!"

"The enemy? Never met before? Who? Where did he come from?"

"Yunzhou, Xun Wu."

"Have not heard!"

Bai Yupan snorted coldly: "Besides, what does this matter have to do with Yunzhou? How could he become my great enemy?"

"Old Bai, don't be so confident all the time, being too confident is conceited! It will really hit your head!"

Although he trusted Bai Yupan very much, Hua Wuji knew that Xun Wu was definitely not a simple person.

"Drink it next time! I'm going to report it!"

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