The great hero, from nine to five

Chapter 177 Trojan Horse


Shuang Manqiu wanted to continue asking, but Ye Zhenji had already covered her mouth with his hands.

If other people dared to touch her like this, it must have been greeted by two swords, but Ye Zhenji would definitely not fight back if she did this, so she shut her mouth obediently and was led by Ye Zhenji. residence in the city.

Shuang Manqiu scratched his head, looked around, and checked his internal energy to confirm that no one followed—even if someone followed, it had to be a master.

Of course, if it was a strange thief of Ji Lian'er's level, Shuang Manqiu might not be able to find it, but Xun Wu had already observed it, no.

"Xun Wu, what do you mean by what you just said?" After confirming that no one followed, Ye Zhenji invited Xun Wu into the house, and found the teapot at Shuang Manqiu's house with ease, and brewed a pot of tea by the way. Curious, "You mean, those statues are gold? Impossible, I've seen them before, those statues are definitely bronze."

Xun Wu rubbed his chin, and said slowly: "Have you ever heard... the story of the Trojan horse, Your Highness?"

"What... what horse?" Shuang Manqiu was stunned.

Ye Zhenji couldn't help but shook her head and said, "No."

"Then let me tell you a little bit." Xun Wu would certainly not be able to give Ye Zhenji a science popularization of the entire Greek mythology, so he gave a simple introduction and eliminated some of the mysterious and fantastical things.

To put it simply, the two forces have been fighting for years, and the person who attacked the city suddenly thought of an idea and made a tall Trojan horse, which was captured in the ensuing battle.

This kind of wooden horse is used for sacrifices, so the other side did not destroy it directly, but transported it to the city and stored it, but what their king did not expect was that although the wooden horse looked ordinary on the outside, it was actually inside. Hidden mystery, in the middle of the night, the soldiers hidden in the wooden horse opened the secret door, filed out from the wooden horse, pushed open the city gate, cooperated with the inside and outside, and finally defeated the defenders.

Of course, there are many other versions of Trojan horses, but Xun Wu didn't bother to mention them one by one.

"This is the story of the Trojan horse." Xun Wu described the story in words that are more convenient for people in this world and era to understand. The whole thing is quite humorous, and Xun Wu also watched the "Thinking of the Cold House" for a long time before. , the ability in storytelling was a little higher, and it quickly made the two of them understand.

"Oh!!" Shuang Manqiu became excited, "Xun Wu, you mean that the gold was not transported to other places, but was hidden in those statues, so no one found it?

That's right, those molds are made in advance, so as long as there is a secret door, and then put the gold in, all the gold will be stolen without anyone noticing! "

Shuang Manqiu was happy for herself thinking of this, and looked at Ye Zhenji, as if seeking approval.

Ye Zhenji couldn't help sighing, rolled her eyes, but still forced her smile and nodded to her.

Xun Wu has made it clear, why are you still so proud?

"But Xun Wu, how can you be sure that it must be hidden in those statue molds?"

Xun Wu replied: "It's very simple, I saw the marks on those molds."

"Mark?" Ye Zhenji was a little confused.

Xun Wu simply reminded her——Ji Lian'er, the Uncle Huang who made copper coin templates in Yunzhou, although it is reasonable to say that he is not helping the evil, but after all, he got involved in this kind of thing, so he was brought to the hospital early on. The capital is gone.

And Xun Wu had seen his mark on those statue templates before.

"Excluding the two possibilities of burying the ground and building walls, the gold was not taken away by someone with superb strength, so it is naturally near the warehouse.

Among them, those statues are the biggest possibility. "

Of course, Xun Wu couldn't be 100% sure, after all, he didn't take it apart.

Ye Zhenji thought carefully for a few times, couldn't help sighing, and then looked at Xun Wu with even more fiery eyes.

Xun Wu was a little confused.

The reason why Ye Zhenji did this was naturally for a reason.

She admired Xun Wu a long time ago, and wanted to ask Xun Wu to come to the capital to develop, because she felt that Xun Wu was undoubtedly a rising star in today's world and prosperity.

But although she has always admired Xun Wu very much, she did not think too highly of Xun Wu. After all, it is not surprising that she is better than Shuang Manqiu, and she has not completely compared with him.

But now, when Zhao Wumian, one of the four famous arresters, hadn't discovered the situation or found out the truth, Xun Wu had just walked around the warehouse and instantly deduced the most promising Possible answer... This ability is truly terrifying.The mere "Yunzhou chief arrester" is really overkill!

It really is a pity for such a genius to stay in a remote place!

Xun Wu didn't feel anything special.

Because the reason why Xun Wu can figure it out quickly is not because he is smarter than Wumian, but because he has more contacts.

He has liked all kinds of martial arts works since he was a child, and he has also been exposed to all kinds of weird works.Greek mythology, Nordic mythology, or other messy things, I also watched it because I became interested in playing games such as "fgo".

The Trojan horse, in his era, was basically a story that a student might have been exposed to, so it is not surprising to think of it-and many works have borrowed this idea.

Secondly, the reason why Xun Wu can think of it instantly, earlier than Zhao Wumian, is because of the statue itself.

That is not a statue of a lion, unicorn, or dragon, but a statue of His Majesty, the domineering sage who sweeps the world!In this era, there are not many people who dare to turn their attention to this kind of thing, and there are naturally even fewer people like Xun Wu who think about how to dismantle it after seeing it.

However, an advantage is an advantage, just as Ji Lianer said, whether it is knowledge or personal ability, one step ahead is ultimately one step ahead.

"Then knowing this, do we want to tell the news to the highnesses?" Shuang Manqiu asked curiously.

Ye Zhenji shook her head: "Of course not."

She continued to stare at Xun Wu, making Xun Wu uncomfortable: "If you want to tell them, Xun Wu has already told them——

Come on, Xun Wu, tell me, what other tricks do you have?I can't wait to see your performance! "

Her excited appearance made Xun Wu panic from the bottom of his heart.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. I still can't trust the three princes, so I won't tell them...Of course, if they can find out, it doesn't matter." Xun Wu replied in a deep voice, and said, "As for the trick... .You think too highly of me, I don't have any plans... Now, I need to exchange known information with my companions."

Ye Zhenji was not disappointed, because she felt that Xun Wu must not want to tell her, just like she was too lazy to explain the plan to Shuang Manqiu.

Xun Wu is so powerful and has his own ideas, let him do it!

"However, Xun Wu—although you guys came quickly, you still don't have enough time. The situation in Beijing and China has changed a lot these days, and there may be many things that you can't do in time." Suddenly, Ye Zhenji remembered something, and hastily added road.

"What's the matter?" Xun Wu asked curiously.

Ye Zhenji nodded: "As I expected, that's right, the four famous arresters in the capital from the Metropolitan Procuratorate will make an action in two days."

"Oh?" Xun Wu blinked lightly, "Oh—another four famous arresters!"

Xun Wu couldn't help being a little excited.

He has already seen Zhao Wumian, and his personal ability is very powerful, which must not be underestimated.The four famous arresters of the Metropolitan Procuratorate shouldn't be like Shuang Manqiu, right?

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