The strongest player in history

Chapter 3892 Magic Mosquito

Emperor Fuxi's eyes lit up, and then he smiled wryly, and said, "Your idea is very good, but it's too naive. I know my current physical condition, and it's very difficult to reverse it."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Did you forget me, my lord? I specialize in creating miracles."

Emperor Fuxi said: "Even my sister can't get rid of the miscellaneous qi in my body. I have been fighting with the demons and the miscellaneous qi in my body these years. The miscellaneous qi must be cleared away so that my body's mana can be restored to Majestic and majestic state. But this miscellaneous qi is entangled in my blood meridians and brain, it is really difficult to do." After a pause, he said: "These things don't sound difficult to understand, but it is very difficult to go deep into them. It's complicated. With your cultivation, it's hard to see the true meaning of it."

Chen Yang did not give up, and said, "Can you let me see your physical condition?"

Emperor Fuxi hesitated for a moment.

He didn't know if he could fully trust the young man in front of him.

Chen Yang saw Emperor Fuxi's hesitation, so he stretched out a hand and said, "You hold my left hand, and my right hand will feel your pulse. When you find out that I'm wrong, you can kill me directly."

Emperor Fuxi said: "I'm not afraid of your misconduct, but I'm afraid that my physical condition will be fully known by you and eventually leaked out."

Chen Yang said: "If you are worried, you can kill me. I can guarantee that I will not hurt Longji!"

Emperor Fuxi took a deep breath and said, "Okay, come on!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand.

But he didn't want to control Chen Yang's hand.

Chen Yang immediately reached out his hand solemnly to feel the pulse of Emperor Fuxi.

After holding the pulse, Chen Yang's mana penetrated into his body.

At that moment, he immediately felt the body and universe of Emperor Fuxi.

Although his body is now filled with miscellaneous energy, it is still majestic and vast.When Chen Yang's mana entered it, he could feel the connection between his various cells, and every tiny cell was filled with terrifying holy power.Every tiny cell is a vast world... so many vast worlds are connected to form a powerful body.In that tiny cell, there is still purple holy power.Inside each cell is the purple holy power world.

It was still difficult for Chen Yang to fully understand this kind of holy power!

But he knew that these holy powers were very powerful.

When feeling the physical condition of Emperor Fuxi, Chen Yang finally felt the mixed qi that Emperor Fuxi said.

In the vast holy power, those miscellaneous qi are particularly conspicuous, incompatible with the holy power, but extremely tenacious.These miscellaneous gases are like extra screws in a machine. If one does not work well, it will fall off and fall into the machine.So much so that now Emperor Fuxi dare not use all his power, once it is used, the mixed qi will be full, and the body will have problems.He spends a lot of energy every day to keep his body running and prevent his body from completely breaking down.

The problem is very serious!

Afterwards, Chen Yang withdrew his hand.

Emperor Fuxi said: "Do you understand?"

Chen Yang replied: "I understand, the miscellaneous qi has already merged with your power. So it is difficult for outsiders to help you. While getting rid of the miscellaneous qi, it is also hurting you."

Emperor Fuxi sighed, and said: "I have been trying to find a way these years, but there is no feasible way. From my inference, it can only be a dead end. Now I am just dying..."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "However, others can't help you, but I can help you."

"You...?" Emperor Fuxi was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic, but he couldn't believe it.

"This is impossible!" After a while, Emperor Fuxi said.

Chen Yang said: "The miscellaneous qi can't be taken away, but look at this..." While speaking, the magic mosquito was expelled.

Emperor Fuxi said: "The devil mosquito swallows the miscellaneous air?" Then he shook his head and said, "We have thought about this method a long time ago. The devil mosquito can't stand the miscellaneous air..."

Chen Yang said: "The magic mosquito itself can't bear this miscellaneous energy, but now, the magic mosquito is under my control. I can perform eight or nine mystic arts, transform into a magic mosquito, and enter your body. The magic mosquito can't stand it, I can't bear it Gotta live!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "Your thinking is too simple, and you can't stand it. My sister thought about using magic mosquitoes before, but she has cultivated to that point, and it is impossible to practice eighty-nine profound arts."

Chen Yang naturally understood that Empress Nuwa's body was already fully formed, if she tried to crush it inch by inch, there would be serious problems.

The Great Emperor Fuxi continued: "If people under the sage are allowed to control the Mosquitoes, they won't be able to bear my miscellaneous qi. I've done many deduction, but it won't work!"

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and said: "It's time and luck...A half-step sage and above can no longer practice eighty-nine profound arts. A half-step sage and below can't bear the miscellaneous energy. So in the end, I am the most suitable. You don't have to Worrying, it just so happens that I can bear it."

"You underestimated my miscellaneous qi!" Emperor Fuxi was still worried.

Chen Yang said: "The matter of life and death, how dare the younger generation underestimate it!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "Right now, I have completely believed in you. But if you don't make it clear, I can't let you risk your life for no reason!"

Chen Yang said: "I fused the Tiandao brush!" Then he told the story of the old man in the world burning the Tiandao brush in a clean fire, and finally fused with the Tiandao brush.He talked to Emperor Fuxi before, and he only talked about it in general, and didn't talk about the Tiandao brush.

"That's how it is!" Emperor Fuxi was overjoyed after hearing the words, and then sighed: "Is this really God's will? The strange thing is, why in my deduction, I don't know anything about it?"

Chen Yang has not spoken yet.

Emperor Fuxi said again: "Yes, yes, it must be so!"

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and said, "What are you talking about?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "It must be the function of the Tiandao pen. The Tiandao pen has completely blinded your secrets. So any changes you bring have been separated from all our calculations. This is why Yuansheng is such a character, but he does not Know the reason why you are undercover under him!"

Chen Yang was stunned, and then said: "The old man Hongchen did say that after I merge with the Tiandao brush, no one will be able to see through my true identity."

Emperor Fuxi said: "The one who breaks the game is indeed the one who breaks the game!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang began to heal the wounds of Emperor Fuxi.

He first used the eighty-nine profound arts to completely transform into a magic mosquito.

The magic mosquito can become a huge mosquito king, and it can also become thousands of magic mosquitoes.These magic mosquitoes are connected with each other and can be instantly integrated into one.

Those densely packed magic mosquitoes are the energy body of the mosquito king, just like mana.It doesn't matter if it is killed by the opponent... and after the magic mosquito absorbs the opponent's power, it can transform into more magic mosquitoes.

The energy body of the main body is controlled by hundreds of magic mosquitoes at the core.These are impossible to tell apart and very difficult to kill.Almost immortal!

Emperor Fuxi opened his mouth...

Chen Yang entered his body.

Then, Emperor Fuxi began to calm down, keeping his mana and miscellaneous energy in a state of tranquility.The magic mosquito incarnate by Chen Yang gnawed open Emperor Fuxi's intestines, etc., and entered all parts of his body.

Some damage to Emperor Fuxi's body is nothing, it can be recovered quickly.

His body is like a copper wall and iron wall, it is difficult to bite open.Fortunately, at this time, he cooperated with all his strength, calming down all the mana and miscellaneous energy, without resisting.In addition, the magic mosquito is born to bite and devour everything... so it can pass through his body smoothly and quickly.

After that, Chen Yang began to swallow those miscellaneous qi.

When miscellaneous qi enters the body, I immediately feel overwhelming, majestic and exquisite, and want to destroy everything!

At this time, the Mosquito couldn't bear it at all.But at the same time, the body energy bodies of a hundred magic mosquitoes form a formation.

Nine Snow Mountains are among them!

The nine snow-capped mountains absorbed the power freely.The magic mosquito purifies the miscellaneous qi... but it cannot purify the miscellaneous qi.

At this moment, the nine snow mountains suddenly exerted a purification effect.

In Chen Yang's brain, he could feel the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji appearing in the central area of ​​the nine snow mountains, and grew lush branches and leaves, finally purifying all the miscellaneous qi.

The nine snow-capped mountains absorb these miscellaneous qi freely.

The whole process went very smoothly.

It took Chen Yang a full three hours to absorb all the impurities in Emperor Fuxi's body.

After that, Chen Yang left the body of Emperor Fuxi and became a human again.

Emperor Fuxi's appearance began to change, and all his hair became black.

The wrinkles on the face also disappeared...

It didn't take long for Emperor Fuxi to return to his previous appearance. He was handsome and handsome, with a dignified appearance, and he was a handsome majesty full of imperial majesty.

The body of Emperor Fuxi was surrounded by thick holy power, and there was also a pleasant atmosphere.

"Huh!" He let out a long breath, as if he wanted to expel all the depression of these hundreds of years.

"Okay, that's great!" Emperor Fuxi laughed loudly, and then said to Chen Yang: "Little brother, you are my great benefactor of Fuxi. From now on, if you need my help, I will definitely help you!"

Chen Yang ignored Emperor Fuxi because he had absorbed too much miscellaneous energy.And the energy of miscellaneous qi is very strong.

At this time, the Nine Snow Mountains are rapidly evolving!

Chen Yang was feeling the magical fusion of the physical body and the nine snow mountains...

Emperor Fuxi immediately saw that Chen Yang was at a critical moment in his cultivation, so he stopped disturbing him immediately.

After a long time, Chen Yang finally opened his eyes.

He could have directly allowed his cultivation to reach the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Creation Realm, but he forcibly suppressed it.

Not too fast!

But at this time, the nine snow mountains had perfectly integrated with his body.He wants to mobilize the nine snow mountains as easily as he mobilizes his fingers.

"Huh? Strange!" Chen Yang was secretly surprised: "I used to think that the Tiandao Pen seemed to have a sense of autonomy, and wanted to compete with me for control of the physical body at any time. But now I don't feel the self-awareness of the Tiandao Pen at all. The Tiandao Pen seems to be Became me could this be?"

"Impossible!" Chen Yang is an extremely cautious person, secretly said: "This time absorbing miscellaneous energy, all the benefits have been taken up by the Tiandao pen. It should be stronger, but now it behaves as if it doesn't exist..."

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