The strongest player in history

Chapter 3893 Empress's prestige

Chen Yang thought to himself: "Could it be that the Tiandao pen has stronger wisdom, so it also learns to hide its strength and bide its time, cooperate with me fully, let me relax my vigilance, and then replace me when I am least defensive? Yes, it must be in this way!"

At this moment, Chen Yang confirmed what he thought in his heart.

Because it doesn't make sense that the Tiandao brush suddenly became silent. How could this guy become more compliant after absorbing so many benefits?

There must be a picture!

This Tiandaobi tried to lower Chen Yang's defenses, but it made Chen Yang's vigilance even stronger.

He will not let Tiandaobi know his own thoughts.

"I have to plan well. In the future, there will definitely be a fierce fight with this Tiandao brush." ​​Chen Yang soon became concerned.He is a warrior who has experienced many battles and experienced countless dangers.Even under Yuan Sheng's hands, he dared to lick blood... So why would he be afraid of a Heavenly Dao brush?

"Little brother?" Seeing that Chen Yang's expression changed from hesitant to suddenly enlightened, Emperor Fuxi knew that he had gained something again, so he called out in a low voice.

After Chen Yang came back to his senses, he immediately stood up and saluted Emperor Fuxi.

"There's no need to be too polite!" Emperor Fuxi said with a slight smile.

Chen Yang treats any senior with respect, this is his character.But he is not a pretentious person, after getting up, he said: "Senior now?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "It has been cured, but the vitality is still greatly damaged, and it will take some time to recover."

Chen Yang thought of something, so he took out [-] longevity fruits from the Jiexu Mi, and said, "Great Emperor, you should eat this thing, it should have some effect. This fruit is what I use in the gate of eternal life. The cloud is made from the sacred tree of the five grains and the land."

Emperor Fuxi was immediately interested. After receiving the longevity fruit, he felt the preciousness of the longevity fruit immediately.

"Little brother, this is such an expensive gift that even I can't afford it!" Emperor Fuxi said, "I really don't know how to repay you."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Why should the emperor be polite? You have a great favor to the human race. Everyone who belongs to the human race appreciates your kindness." He was referring to the diagram of the gossip created by Emperor Fuxi.

"It's too serious!" Emperor Fuxi said, "Whatever you want, just ask."

Chen Yang said: "I don't want anything now, and I can't. But you also know that I am here this time for my daughter Mo Yu. If you have a chance to know the whereabouts of that child, I hope you can help me find her." , take care of her."

Emperor Fuxi said: "Definitely!"

He went on to say: "Originally, it would take at least a hundred years for my injury to heal. But with this longevity fruit, I should be able to recover to my peak state within a month."

Chen Yang said: "That's great. But I think you should keep it as you are, and don't let anyone know that you have recovered."

Emperor Fuxi smiled slightly and said: "I understand. It seems that Yuan Sheng wanted to inquire about my news, but you brought back the news. Seeing that I am weak, he probably wanted to attack me and my sister."

Chen Yang said: "I will always pay attention to what he will do. In addition, there is one more thing I want to remind you."

Emperor Fuxi said, "Huh?"

Chen Yang said: "This time, Empress Nuwa is going to catch Yuan Yuxian, the disciple of Yuan Sheng. I know she can catch it. Yuan Yuxian has a killer weapon, that is, she has the eyes of the Sacred Heart in her eyes. It can be posted on Intangible, even if you and your empress are in the body of saints, once they are recruited, they will suffer great damage. This eye of the holy heart is probably not only owned by Yuan Yuxian. Many of Yuan Sheng's subordinates should have this kind of eye. Shady move, bad move. If there is a chance, you and Empress Nuwa should warn the three sages of Kunlun."

Emperor Fuxi said: "There are still such things. It seems that although you have not been an undercover agent for a long time, it has already played a great role."

Chen Yang smiled wryly.

Emperor Fuxi said again: "It's just that you must be careful under Yuan Sheng's hands. You are the one who breaks the game. Once something happens to you, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Chen Yang said: "Thank you, Emperor, for your concern, I will always be careful."

After chatting with Emperor Fuxi, Chen Yang left in a hurry.

The process of his leaving Zhongling Mountain was very smooth. After leaving Zhongling Mountain, he quickly flew in the air.When flying, start to modify your own memory system.

He wanted to completely hide the relationship with Emperor Fuxi in the memory system.

When incarnated as Xuanyuantai, the memory is perfect for Yuan Sheng to search.

He thinks this Primordial Saint is really powerful, and he can also be said to be the most difficult person to get along with.

Yuan Sheng is always benevolent and righteous to the outside world, but under his command, he will know how cautious and suspicious he is, and he treats his subordinates harshly and oppressively.

In the vast sea, Yuan Yuxian was flying fast.

She has been on the road for five days in a row.

Ever since she knew that Longji had been rescued, she realized that Nuwa had made a move.

Because among the masters in the heaven, no one can find Longji through her ban.Only Nuwa...

And it has been more than half a year, Nuwa just came to find someone now, she thinks this is already very good.

She didn't care about Taoist Lu Ya and everything else, so she should run for her life first.

She thought, that Xuanyuan Terrace itself is a member of the Heavenly Court, and now that it is hidden so deeply, there should be no danger.

On this day, she felt that the crisis was getting closer.

But the place where he is now is not even out of the heavens, so it is impossible to reach the Yuan world.

No matter how she speeded up, the pursuit from behind was getting closer and closer.At dusk, a phoenix cry resounded through the sky...

Yuan Yuxian's expression changed immediately.

She knew that it was the human saint, Nu Wa, who was here.

Yuan Yuxian didn't leave at all.

She knew that she couldn't escape, so she might as well have some backbone.

In an instant, a figure flashed in front of him.

Afterwards, Empress Nuwa put away her mount and appeared in front of Yuan Yuxian.

"It's you, the kidnapped Longji?" Empress Nuwa asked coldly after glancing at Yuan Yuxian.

Yuan Yuxian is also a bachelor, said: "Not bad!"

Empress Nuwa said: "Do you want me to fight, or do you want me to catch you?"

Yuan Yuxian smiled and said: "I know that I am not your opponent, but it is my honor to be able to fight against the honorable driver. If I can survive by luck, today's battle will definitely be of great benefit to me."

Empress Nuwa said: "Okay, I will help you!" She was very straightforward.

Then, he made a move and slashed Xiang Yuan Yuxian with one palm!

Yuan Yuxian was slightly startled.

She originally wanted to use many spells and methods, but the first time Empress Nuwa made a move, she felt that the only palm left was the opponent's palm.

Can't escape!

Only hard connection!

Immortal Yuan Yu didn't have time to think about it, and circulated the Tianyuan Holy Realm, and even the Tianyuan Hundong, the mana in his body, all the energy, all the profound meanings gathered in one body.

Then slash and kill with one palm!


The two palms are handed over, and one place is bombarded.

Then, boom...

At that moment, Yuan Yuxian only felt that the opponent's palm power seemed to be fused with thousands of stars, and they were revolving together, majestic, magnificent, surrounded by holy power...

Tens of thousands of stars are spinning wildly, and the burst of holy power has the ability to penetrate the past, the present, and the future!

Yuan Yuxian originally thought that he was extremely powerful, but at this moment he felt that he was extremely weak!

I can't resist it at all!

After all her power met the opponent's divine power, it disintegrated directly.

Then, that divine power invaded.

She flew upside down, her internal organs were all displaced, and her body was rushed into a tsunami by that divine power.

Then, she spit out a mouthful of blood and passed out!

Rao, Yuan Yuxian is a semi-holy cultivator, but in front of Empress Nuwa, she couldn't even catch a palm!

After Empress Nuwa snorted coldly, she grabbed Yuan Yuxian into her magic treasure bag.

Then he got on his mount again and flew towards Zhongling Mountain in Tianzhou.

Two days later, Empress Nuwa returned to Zhongling Mountain.

She thought she could come to Haosheng to interrogate Yuan Yuxian and find out the real culprit behind the scenes.Then after returning to Zhongling Mountain, the old man with black beard and others came to report a lot of bad news.

The old man Heixu told Empress Nuwa that it has been confirmed that Xuanyuantai is the real culprit behind the scenes.

It is very likely that Xuanyuantai has already taken refuge in Yuansheng.

At the same time, Xuan Yi was severely injured.

Princess Longji was also taken away by Xuanyuantai...

Moreover, Xuanyuan Terrace has entered the back mountain, maybe the emperor has also been poisoned, etc...

Empress Nuwa was really so angry that she almost died of anger.

She yelled at the old man with black beard and the others, and after the yelling, she still felt uneasy, and wanted to slap these people.But then I held back...

When she heard that Long Ji had been taken away, she felt like burning inside.

Holding back his anger, he went to see Xuanyi first.

The Yunxiao Palace has been destroyed, and Xuanyi is currently lying on the bed in Xiansheng Palace.

After Empress Nuwa came, Xuanyi immediately wanted to get up.

Empress Nuwa saw that her injury was not serious, she frowned and said, "Lie down!" Then she took her pulse.

After feeling the pulse, he knew that although Xuanyi's injury was not serious, his life was not in danger.It takes a while to recuperate...

Empress Nuwa had all sorts of questions in her mind.

First of all, Xuanyuantai has been seriously injured by him, how can he fight back?

Moreover, how could Xuanyuantai have the ability to injure her apprentice Xuanyi?

She couldn't help asking Xuanyi: "What's going on?" Xuanyi felt extremely ashamed, and said: "Master, this disciple is incompetent, please punish me!"

Empress Nuwa said: "You don't need to ask me to punish you first, after clarifying the matter, you must be punished. How could you be hurt by Xuanyuan Terrace?"

Xuanyi said: "The Xuanyuan Terrace suddenly appeared, and the disciple fought with him. It seems that he is only at the middle stage of the Ninth Layer of the Creation Realm, but his mana is extremely powerful. The disciple hastily slapped him, and it turned out to be Not equal."

"Is it really so weird? It seems that I have underestimated this person. But even so, how could you be so seriously injured?"

Xuan Yi said: "After he and his disciple met each other with one palm, he struck out another palm. There was a talisman hidden in his palm, and the power of that talisman was so powerful that the disciple couldn't catch it, so he was seriously injured."

"So it is!" Empress Nuwa suddenly realized.

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