The strongest player in history

Chapter 3891 The Multiverse

Chen Yang was slightly startled, and said, "Multiple universes?"

He had heard a lot of nonsense that there were parallel universes between universes, multiverses and so on.But he always felt that there was not much basis for those things.Because the people who said those words were ordinary humans, and the immortals hadn't figured out why, so how can ordinary humans count what they think?

But now, Emperor Fuxi said that he saw multiple universes from Luoshu, Chen Yang couldn't help but be surprised.

Emperor Fuxi said: "This emperor has been immersed in it all these years, as if the past, present, future, and the origin of the universe are all in this Luoshu. It seems that it can be studied and understood, but it is not clear. Faintly, the whole person is like a madman So-so. In the end, the mana in the emperor's body began to scurry around, and a lot of miscellaneous energy was generated. The miscellaneous energy rushed into the body, and over time, it became what it is now."

Chen Yang said: "So that's the case! Then why did you control the power of heaven again?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "That's what my sister came to remind me to do. I took control of the Dao of Space and Heaven, set up an enchantment, and then started to study Luoshu again."

"Whatever?" Chen Yang was speechless.

Emperor Fuxi said: "When you master the π of pi, you understand the possibility of multiple universes. You know the mysteries of space... And at this time, the primordial purple air makes the divine power of heaven that represents space appear. This emperor wants to control it , is just a matter of raising one's hands."

Chen Yang said: "So it is!"

Then he said: "Then how is your current physical condition?"

Emperor Fuxi sighed, and said: "There are many miscellaneous qis in this emperor's body, and he is full of demons. After all, this emperor has mastered that π, knowing more than anyone else, but in fact, it will never be possible to master this π." .It’s like the emperor knows about the multiverse, but he can never understand the research of the multiverse, nor can he study the relationship between the universe we live in and the multiverse. This emperor just knows more than all of you. Therefore, this emperor can easily grasp the way of space and heaven, but he is trapped by the heart demon. In this way, the powerful power makes this emperor weak."

"I understand, the void cannot be filled!" Chen Yang said immediately.

It's just that the tonic is too strong and the body is weak, so there is a problem.

Originally, Emperor Fuxi's body was very strong and his strength was even.But after absorbing too much knowledge, but this world and even the universe is like this, the less you know, the more fearless you are.The more you know, the more confused and doubtful you become.

Therefore, Fuxi the Great later absorbed too much knowledge, but was more confused.

Knowledge and power began to mismatch, so the mana became stronger, the body became weaker, and the demons clung to each other!

Emperor Fuxi said: "That's right!" Then he said: "Although the emperor has become weaker now, it is not difficult to kill you."

Chen Yang smiled wryly, and said, "Of course I understand!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "This Emperor has already said what he should say."

Chen Yang said: "That's the case, then I should go."

Emperor Fuxi looked at Princess Longji, and said to Chen Yang: "Don't hurt little Long'er, otherwise, this emperor will never let you go no matter whether it is the end of the world or the end of the world!"

Chen Yang said: "Don't worry, no one wants to have an enemy like you."

Emperor Fuxi said: "It's good that you know!"

Princess Longji said to Emperor Fuxi in tears: "My lord, I am the one who harmed you."

Emperor Fuxi smiled slightly and said: "Don't be stupid, I'm fine." After a pause, he said: "Take care of yourself, don't think too much!"

Then, Chen Yang took Princess Longji out of the stone room.

After leaving the stone room, he quickly entered the corridor and left the space corridor.

As soon as he got outside, he met the black-bearded old man, the white-bearded old man, and Big Dipper Zhenjun to stop him.

"Quickly release Her Royal Highness!" the old man with black beard shouted.

"Xuanyuantai, you are not as good as a beast!" The white-bearded old man scolded angrily: "The emperor treats you with great kindness, and our heavenly court also treats you kindly. You actually colluded with outsiders to harm the emperor and His Royal Highness? You are very wrong now. It has not yet been cast, I advise you to put down Her Royal Highness immediately, and capture it with nothing!"

Chen Yang sneered, and said, "I'm afraid you're sick. I've reached this point, and I'm still going to be arrested with you? It didn't matter before, Nuwa would kill me according to the rules of heaven. Now I can't be cut into pieces? I Let me tell you, I have no way out now, so don’t force me in the end. Longji is someone both the emperor and Nuwa care about. After I entered, the emperor let me go. If you stop me wholeheartedly, you will kill the princess Your Highness, the consequences are not something you can bear."

When everyone heard the words, they really cast a trap!

Beidou Zhenjun said: "Did you really see the Great Emperor?"

Chen Yang said: "That's right, you can ask Long Ji if you don't believe me!"

Everyone looked at Princess Longji, Princess Longji nodded, and said with tears in her eyes: "He has indeed seen the emperor, but right now, I order you to leave me alone and kill this thief!"

The old man with black beard immediately asked: "Your Highness, what happened to the emperor?"

Princess Longji said: "Everything is fine, the emperor, but he is still in seclusion and needs time. You kill this thief!"

Everyone immediately had a clear understanding in their hearts, and the emperor didn't take any action to kill Xuanyuantai.How dare they kill the princess regardless of her life?

The old man with black beard said to Chen Yang: "Don't hurt Her Royal Highness!"

Chen Yang said: "Okay, stop talking nonsense. The emperor has promised me to leave. I also promised the emperor that I will not hurt Longji!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then made a way out!

Chen Yang took Princess Longji into the sky and flew towards the outside world.

The enchantment of Zhongling Mountain could no longer stop Chen Yang.After Chen Yang took the jade card, he studied the enchantment thoroughly, so even though he didn't have the jade card now, he could still come and go freely.

After leaving Zhongling Mountain, Chen Yang knocked Princess Longji unconscious and threw her into the treasure bag.After doing all this, he sealed the jade slip again.

Chen Yang knew in his heart that Yuan Sheng was very cautious.At that time, he may search his own memory, and he will not reveal his flaws.But at the same time, Yuan Sheng may also conduct a memory search on Princess Longji.

So right now, let Princess Longji faint and put it in the treasure bag.In this way, there will be no problem with Princess Longji's memory.Yuan Sheng wouldn't have any problem checking it out, because he was running for his life, so he couldn't keep holding Princess Longji in his fingerprints, could he?

After finishing these, Chen Yang turned around and entered the barrier of Zhong Lingshan again.

Returned to Zhongling Mountain...

He is fast and comes and goes without a trace.

Moreover, he was familiar with the enchantment and did not alarm the people in Zhongling Mountain.Only those who don't know about enchantment will startle the masters in Zhongling Mountain after they come in and rush around indiscriminately.

The old man with black beard and his party didn't go after Chen Yang, knowing that it would be useless, so they didn't know that Chen Yang had gone and returned.

Chen Yang arrived at the back mountain smoothly, entered the Hetu Cave again, and then came outside the former stone chamber.

Soon, a door of void appeared in front of Chen Yang.

After Chen Yang entered the gate of void, he came in front of Emperor Fuxi again.

When Emperor Fuxi saw Chen Yang, he couldn't help being stunned, and said, "Why are you back again?"

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and then said: "Emperor, you have counted all the past and present, have you not counted my identity and true purpose?"

Emperor Fuxi stared at Chen Yang, and said after a long time: "I can indeed deduce a lot of things, but I can't deduce anything about you. I can feel that you are different from the Xuanyuantai I knew before." .”

Chen Yang was taken aback, and said, "Can you recognize the difference?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "Are you really not Xuanyuantai?"

Chen Yang knelt down on one knee and said, "Chen Yang, junior!"

At the same time, the body began to change, and finally turned into the main body.

"Chen Yang?" Emperor Fuxi was slightly stunned, and then said: "I heard from my sister that there was a battle between the spirits on the earth. I also heard that the ancestor of bliss occasionally reported that the king of destiny on the earth is called Chen Yang. You...are that Chen Yang?"

Chen Yang immediately said: "That's right, it's the younger generation!"

Emperor Fuxi was puzzled and said, "What's the matter with you?"

Chen Yang was about to speak, when he thought of something, he said, "You haven't signed the covenant of the Law of Heaven, have you?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "What is the law of heaven?"

Chen Yang immediately said: "Then listen to me and tell you the whole story!"

Emperor Fuxi nodded with doubts, and said, "Okay, tell me!"

Chen Yang talked about the battle between the spiritual masters on the earth in advance, and then talked about how the old man in the world entered the earth later.Follow him to this place through the Gate of Eternal Life... How about meeting Xuanyuantai outside and killing Xuanyuantai.

After coming to the fairyland, I told Emperor Fuxi about everything.

Including why I came here now, etc., I told Emperor Fuxi everything.

After hearing this, Emperor Fuxi said, "Unexpectedly, so many things happened. Now it seems that, as a breaker, it is God's will for you to be undercover under the hands of Yuan Sheng."

Chen Yang said: "By the way, Great Emperor, did you say earlier that you could feel that I am different from the former Xuanyuan Terrace?"

Emperor Fuxi smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about this, I can sense it because I am very familiar with the original Xuanyuan Terrace. Moreover, the former Xuanyuan Terrace never dared to be so presumptuous in front of me."

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and said, "I've always been worried that Yuan Sheng might have seen through me."

Emperor Fuxi said: "You don't have to worry about it at all. Because if he finds you, he will kill you directly. There is no need to make false claims with you and take so many risks. Killing the breaker is the best solution. He knows With your true identity, you should kill you directly while your cultivation is weak."

Chen Yang said: "That's true!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "Are you going and coming back just to tell me the truth? Or do you want me to take care of my sister and let you live?"

Chen Yang said: "Yuansheng is extremely shrewd. If my escape deviates from logic, it will arouse his suspicion. So I don't need you to take care of Nuwa Empress. If it is really impossible to escape, it will not be too late for me to confess to Empress. I went back and forth this time to ask you to be careful of Yuan Sheng. In addition, I want to see if there is any way to help you recover from your physical injuries. Because Yuan Sheng must think that you are vulnerable now, if your injuries are good, you can become A surprise soldier!"

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