Taking advantage of the good weather in the morning, Chen Yang ran to the back mountain where Emperor Fuxi practiced.

The cave in the back mountain is called Hetu Cave, and it is a forbidden place. Emperor Fuxi once ordered that no one should enter without permission.For so many years, no one has violated this prohibition.

The scenery of the back mountain is spectacular and beautiful, and Hetu Cave is just a cave in the mountains.The outside of the cave is covered with vines...

The surrounding area is also often cleaned, so it is also very clean.

The big stone gate of Hetu Cave is tightly closed.

Chen Yang came to the big stone gate and reached out to touch the big stone gate.

In Xuanyuantai's memory, this big stone gate has been touched before.Back then, I could feel that there was nothing special about Dashimen, it was just an ordinary Shimen.But even this ordinary stone gate, no one dared to push it open.

Emperor Fuxi is extremely majestic, and also a lord of benevolence and righteousness.

His cultivation is beyond doubt.

It's just that now, Emperor Fuxi hasn't appeared for too long.People outside didn't feel it yet, but everyone in the heavenly realm felt it deeply, and their awe of Emperor Fuxi was gradually diminishing in their hearts.Everyone was a little suspicious, did something happen to Emperor Fuxi?

It is not only the heavenly people who have this idea, the saints outside also have this idea.

Yuan Sheng also wanted to find out about Emperor Fuxi...

Standing in front of the big stone gate, Chen Yang really wanted to push the big stone gate open and go in to have a look.But this decision is not easy to make...

After thinking for a long time, he secretly said: "Judging from the memory of Xuanyuan Terrace, Emperor Fuxi is the Lord of Benevolence and Righteousness! It is impossible to punish me just because I destroyed his stone gate. No matter, go in and have a look."

He was also a daring master, and he was not so in awe of Emperor Fuxi in his heart.So now that he had made up his mind, he really pushed the big stone gate open slowly.

After pushing open the stone door, there is a dark corridor inside.

The sun cannot shine into this darkness.

The Shimen seems to be undefended, but it is impossible to use the void shuttle inside.So if you want to go in, you have to push open the stone door.

Chen Yang then entered the dark and damp corridor.

The darkness in the corridor was difficult to see through even with Chen Yang's discerning eyes.He originally wanted to use the Great Sky Eye Technique, but after thinking about it, it was too aggressive.So still be patient, smeared and walked forward.

He could feel a kind of fog in the tunnel, which obstructed people's sight, and made the molecules and magnetic fields in the tunnel extremely chaotic.It is precisely because of this chaos that people cannot travel through the void.

In Xuanyuantai's memory, Xuanyuantai has never entered the Hetu Cave.So Chen Yang is not familiar with this Hetu cave at the moment, let alone how long this corridor is...

Originally, I thought that this passage would take a while to arrive.

After all, how big can the entire back mountain be?

Unexpectedly, after walking for half an hour amidst the slander, the corridor still had no intention of going through.Chen Yang couldn't bear it anymore, and began to feel something was wrong.I'm afraid that there is a hidden law of space in this corridor.

And this darkness blocked Chen Yang's understanding of the law of space!

Originally, this Hetu Cave was the place where Emperor Fuxi retreated.Chen Yang started to come in, but he was also cautious, not daring to fly easily.He didn't dare to release his divine sense and shoot indiscriminately.But now, it seems that it is not enough to not use some mana and divine sense...

When the divine thoughts were released, one instantly felt that this corridor was boundless, as if it directly led to the ocean of stars.

"Sure enough, there is a law of space. This law of space is chaotic, invisible and unconscious. It is not easy to detect it!" Chen Yang's figure flew forward with lightning, flying more than ten thousand miles in an instant.

But it was useless at all, Chen Yang felt as if he was still in place.The so-called flying thousands of miles is just a feeling.It is completely impossible to break through the magical space law in front of you...

"The emperor is above, and my subordinate is Xuanyuantai. I need to see you!" Chen Yang didn't dare to act recklessly, so he knelt down on one knee in the dark, clasped his fists, and begged to see him.

He yelled several times, but there was no response.

"I'll go!" Chen Yang cursed secretly, thinking: "This is fun, not only will you not be able to see Emperor Fuxi, but you may even be trapped inside."

At this time, Chen Yang was no longer in a hurry to explore, but began to sit cross-legged to sense the surrounding situation.

He didn't believe that Emperor Fuxi could trap him in any tunnel!

If it weren't for the fact that this place was the retreat place of Emperor Fuxi, Chen Yang would have thought about destroying this corridor.

But I also know in my heart that most of them cannot be destroyed.The most amazing thing about this tunnel is that it looks ordinary, but the more you explore it, the more unusual it becomes.Chen Yang has seen countless laws of space, even the laws of space laid down by masters like Taoist Lu Ya, and he also feels that there are traces to follow, as long as he is given some time, he can break them.

Bisheng is the law of space in front of him, which has almost reached the point of returning to nature.It's just that there is no space law in it.Ordinary masters can't feel the law of space, which is normal.But even though Chen Yang's cultivation level has reached Chen Yang's level, he still can't feel it. This is enough to show how powerful the law of space is.

Chen Yang sensed his surroundings patiently, and in his consciousness, he felt that the tunnel was full of cold fog.

After searching carefully, I realized that the cold mist was full of very fine particles.

Stretching out his hand to grab it, those cold mist particles immediately turned into ordinary mist.

After careful sensing, I suddenly felt that these cold fogs were ordinary fogs, without any special features.

Chen Yang smiled wryly in his heart, feeling that it was really evil.

So he stood up again, and when he stopped sensing carefully, the cold fog changed into an extremely mysterious and magical law of space.

"Interesting, it's like having thoughts. Once people pay attention, it immediately turns into an ordinary mist. Once you don't pay attention, it immediately forms a complex law of space. It exists because of attention..."

Chen Yang soon had an idea, let go of his mind, didn't think about anything, and walked forward with his eyes closed.

He continued to walk inside.

After walking out for a while, I suddenly felt a light appearing in front of me.

He opened his eyes and saw the entrance of the cave.

But it was the entrance of the cave when he came in, the big stone gate was still the same big stone gate.

Chen Yang remembered that there were no twists and turns in this corridor, and he walked all the way forward. It stands to reason that the further you go in, the farther you will be from this exit.How come back to this exit?

At this moment, he was puzzled.

But there is no other way at the moment, so he had to go out of the cave first, and then close the big stone gate.

The sun is shining outside, surrounded by green mountains and green waters.

Chen Yang couldn't help opening his mouth to take a deep breath of air, and suddenly felt that the light was so beautiful.In that corridor, for a moment, he felt that he would be trapped in it forever.

Fortunately, it came out smoothly.

"I thought it would be easy to meet Emperor Fuxi, but now it seems that it is extremely difficult!" Chen Yang sighed.

After all, there is no rush for this matter, you have to take your time.

Afterwards, Chen Yang returned to Xuanyuan Palace.

That strange tunnel kept appearing in his mind.

"How did the law of space come about? I thought I was well-informed and knowledgeable. I have traveled thousands of mountains and rivers, and crossed stars and seas. How could I encounter such an incomprehensible space?" Laws? The world is so big, there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

Chen Yang sat cross-legged on the bed, lost in thought for a long time.

I can't figure out how to understand the joints.

For three consecutive days, Chen Yang didn't figure it out.

And Princess Longji and the others haven't come back, which is normal, and they didn't rush so fast with all their strength.

But this day, Chen Yang's troubles came again.

That is... Taoist Lu Ya started shouting outside Zhongling Mountain again.

"Sanxian Luya, pay homage to Emperor Fuxi!" Naluya shouted outside: "The poor Taoist knows that the emperor is still in retreat, so he dare not offend easily. But the poor Taoist also knows that Xuanyuantai has returned to Zhongling Mountain Xuanyuantai killed my apprentice Feng first, and insulted my female disciple Guan Qing later. Today, Pindao has no choice but to offend and enter this Zhongling Mountain. In the future, the emperor will know what happened today, please forgive Lu Ya for this. What a crime of recklessness!"

Chen Yang was taken aback. He never expected that Lu Ya would let it go and run into Zhongling Mountain.

This Lu Ya has the ability to enter Zhongling Mountain, but Yuan Yuxian may not have the ability.

Chen Yang didn't have time to think about it, so he drank it back loudly: "Damn it, old man Lu Ya, you are haunted, endless, right? Don't go into this Zhongling Mountain and offend my great emperor. You wait Come on, I will come out now to settle grievances with you!"

It's not that I'm too afraid of Lu Ya, after all, there is Yuan Yuxian to help!

"Okay, Pindao is waiting for you!" Lu Ya snorted coldly.

Chen Yang didn't have time to think about it, and quickly entered the barrier with a flash of his figure.

After 10 minutes, he flew out of the barrier and arrived outside Zhongling Mountain.

Lu Ya had already guarded the perimeter, and as soon as Chen Yang appeared, he flashed over.

Taoist Lu Ya was still the same, dressed in a green robe, with a handsome face, he looked only in his thirties.

Chen Yang didn't bother to be polite to Lu Ya, so he sneered and said, "Your Excellency is really a dog's nose. You came here not long after I came back. By the way, how did your Excellency know that I am here?"

Taoist Lu Ya snorted coldly, and said: "That day you stayed in Pindao's Immortal Slaying Holy Land, and Pindao refined your aura, no matter where you go to the ends of the world, Pindao can track you accurately."

"Stop bragging!" Chen Yang said, "I've been away for so long, if you can find me, why didn't you find me before?"

Taoist Lu Ya was stunned, and then he also murmured in his heart.Because he had indeed refined Chen Yang's aura early, but in the past few months, it was like seeing a ghost, and he couldn't find this guy's aura no matter what.It was only recently that he suddenly felt Chen Yang's breath again, so he quickly found him.

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