The strongest player in history

Chapter 3878 Battle of the Saints

Chen Yang then said to Taoist Lu Ya: "Your Excellency is also a smart person. Last time I disappeared suddenly, you should have thought that there are some secrets and weirdness in me. The enmity between you and me has already happened, and I am also willing to express my gratitude to you." Your Excellency apologizes. I advise you not to hold on to it. Otherwise, in the end, everyone will look bad. Why bother with grudges!"

Deep down in Chen Yang's heart, he was suffering and couldn't tell. The good deeds done by Xuanyuan Terrace had nothing to do with him!

Taoist Lu Ya is an extremely difficult opponent. Although he has Yuan Yuxian's help right now, Chen Yang still feels difficult to deal with.Moreover, Taoist Lu Ya has not yet performed the strongest lore, the Immortal Slayer Flying Knife.

Who knows what that Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife looks like?

Chen Yang's understanding of Taoist Lu Ya stems from Xuanyuantai's memory. In Xuanyuantai's memory, the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife can only be fired once a day.

So far, there are absolutely no instances of Zhanxian Feidao killing people.

Moreover, those who endured the flying knives... all died without exception.

After hearing what Chen Yang said, Taoist Lu Ya also had a look of fear in his eyes.Because the last time he fought against Chen Yang, he noticed that his cultivation was very strange.Especially when Chen Yang disappeared suddenly, and he couldn't find his breath for such a long time.

All signs indicate that there may be someone behind this guy!But this person is not Fuxi the Great.

He didn't know that he couldn't feel Chen Yang's previous aura, it was because of the existence of Yuan Sheng, covering all Chen Yang's aura.Now that Chen Yang was far away from Yuan Sheng, he found this breath again.

He also knew that seeking revenge from this guy would be risky!

However, those who practice the Tao pay attention to the smoothness of the mind and the understanding of the mind.He was such a master, if he allowed his disciples to be killed and humiliated, he would not dare to stand out.Then what face will he have in this world in the future?

"Needless to say, this time, Pindao wants to see how you escape!" Taoist Lu Ya quickly calmed down, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, and then he was about to display the Immortal Slashing Saint Realm.

"Wait!" Just then, a woman's voice came.

Chen Yang was a little unfamiliar with this woman's voice, but he knew that it was Yuan Yuxian who had come.Obviously, Yuan Yuxian also changed his voice.

Yuan Yuxian quickly traveled through the void and came directly to Chen Yang's side.She faced Taoist Lu Ya, clasped her fists and said, "Senior Lu Ya, please calm down!"

Daoist Lu Ya suddenly became vigilant, looked Yuan Yuxian up and down, and soon discovered that the other party's cultivation was a half-step saint.

Chen Yang chuckled, and said, "Old Taoist Lu Ya, you are in a terrible situation. Let me tell you, this is my senior sister. It is precisely because I worshiped under my mentor that I have the strange cultivation I have today. My senior sister compares I'm even worse. Don't look at her as a half-step saint, but if you really fight... Hehe, you can't even deal with me, think about the consequences of facing my senior sister."

Taoist Lu Ya was muttering in his heart, but he couldn't help sneering when he heard the words, and said, "If you think you're smart, why do you need to say it?"

Chen Yang laughed, and said: "That's because, even so, it's still difficult to kill you. And your Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife is dreadful. We don't want to fight to the death with you. When the time comes, we will all lose, and it will be of no benefit to anyone. Why don't we Turn hostility into treasure!"

Taoist Lu Ya said in a cold voice: "It's easy to say to turn a war into a treasure. If the poor Taoist kills your wife and children, can you turn a war into a treasure?"

Chen Yang said: "The apprentice still can't compare with his wife and children!"

Lu Yadao said humanely: "Don't talk nonsense, the enmity between Pindao and you is definitely not something you can settle with just a few words." ? Do you know, what is the character of the person you protect today? What kind of evil things have you done? The poor are walking in the rivers and lakes, and they don't want to blindly make enemies, and they don't want to be enemies with girls."

Yuan Yuxian sighed in his heart, and said to himself: "Why don't I know that Xuanyuantai has a bad character and deserves death! However, Master has ordered him, and he is of great use to our Kepler tribe." Thinking of this , took a deep breath, and said to Lu Ya: "Senior Lu Ya, my junior brother is indeed extremely bad. However, he has already sworn in front of my master that he will change his past, so I hope that senior can give him one more time." Opportunity. As for where the younger generation learned from, I'm sorry, but the younger generation can't explain, because the family teacher has ordered that he is not allowed to tell outsiders his old man's name!"

Lu Yadao said humanely: "A person who can teach a disciple like you, girl, is definitely not an idle person! Although the poor Taoist doesn't know who your master is, he respects him very much. Today, let the girl stand aside and wait for the poor." Dao killed the villain, and then went to see Master with the girl, and explained everything to him."

Yuan Yuxian sighed, and said: "Sorry, this junior can't get out of the way, I have to protect my poor junior brother."

Daoist Lu Ya had a cold look in his eyes, and said: "The poor Taoist has already said all, there are rules in this world, if you insist on refusing, the poor Taoist will only be offended."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Since this is the case, the junior has no choice but to accept the move."

Taoist Lu Ya nodded, and said, "Okay!" At this moment, he waved his sleeve robe, and instantly laid down the terrifying Holy Land of Slaying Immortals!

Yuan Yuxian didn't hesitate, and quickly set up her Tianyuan Holy Land.

The Immortal Slaying Saint Realm is filled with black mist, while the Tianyuan Saint Realm is full of colorful colors in the air.When the two holy realms come into contact, they are quickly strangled.Between each other is the collision of their own laws, spaces, and forces.

At this time, Yuan Yuxian's clothes were blowing without wind, and his expression was extremely solemn.

Her hands continuously formed the seals to change!

Standing by, Chen Yang saw that the black mist among the colorful colors turned into countless beasts that were devouring the colorful space!

And in the colorful space, countless Tianyuan Divine Swords quickly formed, and began to kill those fierce beasts.

The ferocious beast is dark red, fierce and greedy!

Tianyuan Shenjian is to kill gods when they see gods, and kill demons when they see demons.

The two sides quickly fought together, and before they actually made a move, they saw the true meaning of terror.

After a while, Chen Yang clearly saw that Yuan Yuxian was at a disadvantage, with sweat dripping on his forehead, and he seemed to be struggling extremely.Taoist Lu Ya looked calm and advanced steadily.He was walking towards Yuan Yuxian step by step, and Yuan Yuxian felt heavier every time he took a step.

Naturally, Chen Yang didn't stand by and watch the show, and killing Yuan Yuxian here would not do him any good.So, looking at the key point, he quickly shot a sky needle between the eyebrows of Taoist Lu Ya.

The Heavenly Needle condensed with his magic power and Chaos Hole, looks like the shadow of the sky from the outside, but it is actually the foundation of his indiscriminate Chaos Hole!

The magic needle quickly shot Xiang Luya.

But what I didn't expect was that the space in the sky changed rapidly, and the magic needle traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, but it was still unable to break through the laws of space.Not only the laws of space, but also the laws of time, and the laws of saints.

The magic needle traveled through the air for a while, and was directly swallowed by a giant beast transformed into a black mist.

The first time Chen Yang exerted his strength, he returned in vain.

But he wasn't discouraged, because the magic needle was meant to be a test.In the next moment, his figure suddenly rose up, and he quickly killed Taoist Lu Ya.

Suddenly, the law of the air, time, and the power of the saint turned into a black mist at full speed and enveloped Chen Yang.

The surroundings are full of everything, like a foggy forest!

Obviously at this time, Taoist Lu Ya was dealing with Yuan Yuxian, and he had no time to deal with Chen Yang.

Taoist Lu Ya knew that it was impossible to trap Yuan Yuxian with the Slashing Immortal Realm.So he couldn't deal with Chen Yang first.

Chen Yangren was in the mist, no matter how his body shape flashed through, he couldn't penetrate the space in front of him. "This space law is much worse than what Emperor Fuxi set up in the Hetu Cave. It is not so easy to trap your grandfather and me."

Don't panic at the moment, concentrate on feeling!

Suddenly, the magic mosquito was quickly sacrificed again, and the magic mosquito devoured the space mist in a burst.Chen Yang and the Mosquito are one body. After the Mosquito absorbs the power of space, he has a clear understanding of the entire Immortal Slashing Saint Realm.

In his mind, the laws of space, time, and various laws in the Immortal Slashing Realm are criss-crossed. Among them, mana and holy power are fused together, and all kinds of power are mixed together.

Chen Yang felt that if he didn't get the mystery of the magic mosquito's power to devour space, he really wouldn't be able to break through the Immortal Slashing Saint Realm.At most, he took advantage of his unpreparedness and tore a hole to escape!

But now, Chen Yang understood the entire environment of the Immortal Slashing Saint Realm!

He was already extremely intelligent, so he quickly understood the changes of various laws.

With a flash of his figure, he was in front of Taoist Lu Ya in the next second.

Taoist Lu Ya is putting pressure on Yuan Yuxian, and it seems that Yuan Yuxian can't stand it anymore.Suddenly, he felt his hand loosen, like a loach already in his hand, and suddenly slipped away.

Of course he knew that it was Chen Yang who broke through his space defense!

In the next second, Chen Yang gathered all his mana, mixed up, and slashed at Lu Ya's eyebrows with his palm.

Lu Ya was taken aback, and before he could think about it, he waved his palm and killed Chen Yang.


The two palms collided and killed together, immediately setting off a huge wave of energy.

Chen Yang only felt the qi and blood in his body surging wildly, unable to control himself, and retreated quickly.

Lu Ya didn't say much, and suddenly slapped him hard again.

Just when he was about to defeat Yuan Yuxian, Chen Yang suddenly came to destroy his plan.Therefore, he planned to kill Chen Yang quickly while Yuan Yuxian was breathing.

As long as this guy is killed, the grievances can be settled!

Lu Ya's palm directly condensed the power of seven successes.

It wasn't that he was reluctant to use all his strength, but that he was in a hurry and didn't have time to use all his strength.

Chen Yang felt the power of Lu Ya's palm, and felt that the hairs all over his body stood on end, and the crisis was approaching...

The palm he just killed Lu Ya didn't have the power to activate the Tiandao Brush at all.Daobi was the master that day, so it was up to him whether he wanted to make a move or not.

But right now, the Tiandao pen moved quickly.Nine Snow Mountains launched at full speed, fused with his power lightning, like fingers!


The monstrous divine power kills the past together, and Lu Ya's palm power quickly kills together...

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