The strongest player in history

Chapter 3876 Hetu Luoshu

After flying over the vast sea, they can reach Tianzhou smoothly.

Zhongling Mountain is in Tianzhou.

Three days later, they finally crossed the Dizhou and arrived at Tianzhou.

This journey has been extremely smooth.

Chen Yang also heaved a sigh of relief, deep down in his heart he was somewhat overshadowed by Lu Ya and his disciples.When he first arrived in the heaven, he was entangled by Zhenjun Poisonous Corpse and Guan Qing, which is why he got into trouble with Yuan Sheng and Yuan Yuxian.Later, when they ran into the heaven, Taoist Lu Ya, the master of these two people, came to the door again.These masters and apprentices are like dog noses, they are very clever!

Fortunately, this time, they didn't find it.

Chen Yang and Yuan Yuxian arrived at the outskirts of Zhongling Mountain smoothly. After that, Chen Yang said to Yuan Yuxian: "I'm leaving, don't miss me!"

Yuan Yuxian replied to Chen Yang with one word: "Get out!" and said it as if spitting.

Obviously, Yuan Yuxian would rather die than communicate more with people like Chen Yang if it wasn't for Master's instructions.She is a person with a strong sense of justice. In her eyes and in her heart, the cause she has carried out with Master is extremely righteous.

Therefore, she looked down on people like Chen Yang.

Chen Yang chuckled, and then rushed into the cloud and mist barrier of Zhongling Mountain.With that jade card on his body, these clouds and mist will not trouble him at all.

Ten minutes later, Chen Yang successfully entered Zhongling Mountain.

In Zhongling Mountain, there are continuous palaces and beautiful mountains and rivers.

Among the palaces, the Hetu Palace of Emperor Fuxi is the main palace.But this Hetu Palace has been vacant for a long time...

Chen Yang scanned the palace and found that the main characters in the palace were not there.It was only then that I remembered that Princess Longji and the others seemed to have gone to attend the Kunlun event.I ran for a while on Yuansheng's fateful boat, so I greatly accelerated the journey.

This is also an important reason why I came back first.

He didn't come back this time to meet Princess Longji and others, so if they didn't come back, Chen Yang didn't miss anything.At the moment, I returned to my own Xuanyuan Palace...

The steward and servants came out quickly and bowed down.

Chen Yang waved his hand to make them stand up.The butler was quite surprised to see Chen Yang, but he didn't say much.Presumably, he thought that his master should have been killed by Taoist Lu Ya, but he didn't expect the master to come back alive.

The housekeeper and Xuanyuantai obviously had no relationship, and now that Chen Yang came back, he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Chen Yang returned to the room and meditated cross-legged first.

He didn't bring his black hole spar, and the wooden puppet sent by the leader of Tongtian, etc., with him.At that time, I didn't dare to bring those things with me, because I was afraid of being searched by Yuan Sheng.Once it is found, it will be difficult to explain clearly.

Now the black hole spar is still hidden in the heavens, on an unnamed island in the vast sea, he hides it very secretly, and it should not be discovered by anyone.

While sitting cross-legged, Xuan Gong circulates in the body.

Chen Yang felt that his body was always in a state of hunger. If he didn't have the longevity fruit, he would eat one every day, otherwise, he would feel that his eyes would glow green every day, and he would be weak and weak.

With the existence of the nine snow-capped mountains, no matter how much nutrition he had, it seemed that his nutrition was not enough.This feeling is a bit like when I returned to the parallel world for the first time, I didn't have enough nutrition to provide the evolution of the cells in my body, so I felt extremely hungry every day.

I couldn't help but grabbed two long-lived fruits in one breath and swallowed them in one gulp.

Powerful nutrients quickly rushed into his body, and the nine snow mountains quickly devoured these nutrients in his cells.As a result, Chen Yang's normal nutrient cells could not absorb it.

"Damn, it's too much!" Chen Yang cursed secretly.

Dare to feel that the vitality and nutrition of the world that he devoured every day were taken away by these nine snow mountains.It is equivalent to two dogs in a kennel. The owner pours food into the kennel every day, but all the food is eaten by another bully dog.So the other one is just hungry every day!

This is the case with Chen Yang's body.

"Close you, don't eat my nutrition anymore, otherwise..." Chen Yang was annoyed by this situation, and started to use the mana in his body to forcibly close the nine snow mountains.

Under the urging of his mana, the cells in the body quickly closed.

Nine snow mountains are in his cells, and he can control all cells, which is an essential skill for a magician.

Chen Yang swallowed another longevity fruit.

The nutrition of the longevity fruit flows into the body quickly, so the cells start to absorb this nutrition crazily.

At this moment, the snow mountain within the cell suddenly broke free.It was as if Chen Yang clenched his fist subconsciously, but suddenly an uncontrollable spasm force made the fist loosen.

Thus, the Nine Snow Mountains began to absorb those nutrients again.

"That's enough, your mother!" Chen Yang cursed secretly, and said, "If you don't let my cells eat nutrients, believe it or not, I won't give you a single one. Let's just starve to death together."

After some threats, the cell was closed again, closing the nine snow mountains.

This time, Nine Snow Mountains seemed to understand his threat, and did not break free again.

After that, after Chen Yang's body absorbed enough nutrients, he felt refreshed, comfortable and comfortable.

"Finally a full meal!" Chen Yang secretly said.Then, I became vigilant again: "This Tiandao brush used to be like a lifeless pen, but since it was activated by me, everything is different. I just created a Qi Ling Xiaotian, and it died after two days of life. But the overall function of the Tiandao Pen is still activated. The Tiandao Pen was fully repaired by me to produce Xiaotian. It is not because of Xiaotian that the Tiandao Pen was repaired. Therefore, Xiaotian relies on the Tiandao Pen. And The Tiandao pen is still the Tiandao pen without Xiaotian. This Tiandao pen is obviously really very intelligent, and it can take the initiative to contribute when I am in danger. I threaten it now, and it knows how to restrain itself. But in the future, if it is more I am stronger, don't you really want to occupy my physical body?"

Thinking about this matter carefully, Chen Yang felt a chill down his back and a creepy feeling!

But worrying too much right now is of no avail. Soldiers come to block, let the water come and the earth cover it!

Night falls!

Chen Yang stayed in the room the whole time, and didn't feel like going out.

After that, he took out the jade slip left by Yuan Sheng.He had to figure out the function of this jade slip, and he must never let the jade slip watch him all the time.

The jade slip is crystal clear, and there is a layer of seal to seal it.

Chen Yang's mana slowly seeped into the seal. The seal was not complicated and could be easily opened.After thinking about it, he simply lifted the seal.

In an instant, the jade slip showed a state of absorption.

"Hey, this thing is quite like a tape recorder in modern technology on the earth! But it records more comprehensively, and can absorb the surrounding molecules, factors, and all emotions and mysteries."

Chen Yang quickly used his great sealing technique to re-seal it.

Such a simple thing, no problem.

At this moment, it is also confirmed that there is nothing special about the jade slip. As long as the seal inside is not lifted, the jade slip cannot absorb information from the outside world.

Therefore, this jade slip definitely cannot monitor him.

He used his own seal, and became more at ease.

After solving the matter of the jade slip, he couldn't help but think of the task assigned by Yuan Sheng.

"The battle between Yuan Sheng and the Master of Tongtian was very confusing. I always felt that the old boy Yuan Sheng was already making a move. After he calmed down everyone, he started to defeat them one by one. Emperor Fuxi has always been in a state of retirement, and He didn't participate in the covenant of the Dao of Heaven. And he didn't know what kind of situation he was in, which was an unstable factor. Now it seems that Yuan Sheng wants to do something to Emperor Fuxi. I remember that in the memory of Xuanyuantai, Emperor Fuxi was I have been practicing in a cave in the back of Zhongling Mountain. Emperor Fuxi has mastered Hetu and Luoshu. It is said that the gossip between heaven and earth was created by Fuxi according to Hetu and Luoshu... Study Luoshu!"

Chen Yang secretly said: "Emperor Fuxi has not been out of the mountain for too long, he may not be able to do it anymore. It is also possible that he has mastered great skills. After all, Hetu has a great connection with Luoshu, Xingchen Vientiane, Bagua scriptures and so on. Judging from the present, Fuxi the Great can still control the power of heaven in time, he should not be incapable, but very capable. This is why Yuan Sheng came to deal with Fu Xi the Great at this time. When I first met Yuan Sheng , the identity shows that it is the Xuanyuan Terrace of the heaven. I am afraid that at that time, Yuan Sheng had already thought of getting to know Emperor Fuxi through me. But, what should I do now? I am undercover under the hands of Yuan Sheng, it is not true I came to help Yuansheng to harm Emperor Fuxi. Although the human race was immoral, unkind, and even cruel to the Kepler people back then, but now, as a human race, this team will definitely not stand against you Yuansheng."

"How to complete the task? Without hurting Emperor Fuxi? This is a problem! However, I have to find out the real situation of Emperor Fuxi first. Only after I understand the situation can I make another plan."

At this moment, Chen Yang already had a calculation in his heart.

That night, he slept quite soundly.

On the second day, the morning sun shone on the entire Zhongling Mountain.After Chen Yang got up, he came outside Xuanyuan Palace, and saw the magnificent mountains and rivers, the Tianhe River stretched as far as the eye could see, and the waves shone like waves. It was really a beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains.

Princess Longji and others have not returned yet.

All of a sudden, Chen Yang became the most powerful person in this heaven.

But there are no soldiers to lead.

He couldn't help but wanted to go to the back mountain to take a look, and thought to himself: "This task shouldn't be difficult to say. world, but I can also tell him my true identity!"

"However, even if this task is easy to complete, I can't easily complete it! Live a more stable life, isn't it delicious? I still need to integrate the Tiandao brush in my body, and see if there is a chance to break through the peak of the eighth stage Shackles!"

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