Chen Yang watched Yuanshi Tianzun and Yuan Sheng confront each other in the field, and felt that Yuanshi Tianzun, a saint, not only had a hot temper, but also was really protective of the calf.That Yuan Sheng was obviously targeting the disciples of Master Tongtian, but before Master Tongtian said a word, Tianzun Yuanshi was about to fight Yuan Sheng.

Chen Yang couldn't help but think of his elder brother Luo Feng, who used to protect him like this when he was around.

I don't know where he is now?In this life, will I meet him again?

For a moment, Chen Yang felt a little sad.But this sadness didn't last long, because now is definitely not the time to be sad.My fate is closely related to today's grand event... If I don't handle it well, my life is in danger.

But Chen Yang wasn't too scared, these saints were all present.Even if you expose yourself on the field, you can hide behind the thighs of these saints.Anyway, he didn't commit a crime, and the old man in the world didn't kill himself.

How can I kill the old man in the world of mortals!

The relationship between Yuanshi Tianzun and Yuansheng is full of gunpowder.Chen Yang suddenly felt a little emotional again... These saints, these saints are usually high-ranking and full of style.But that is just a gesture to face ordinary people.When it comes to their equal status, they are really competing, and their faces are torn apart, and their vulgar words are no different from ordinary people.

Ants are ants in the eyes of humans, and humans are also ants in the eyes of immortals.Immortals are also ants in the eyes of saints.Saints are also ants in the universe!

In the final analysis, everyone is an ant, it is nothing more than a difference in the contrast!

Just when Yuanshi Tianzun and Yuansheng were in dispute, Master Tongtian finally spoke.

Master Tongtian stood up and said, "Brother Yuanshi, fellow Daoist Yuan, you don't have to fight anymore. Pindao has already asked Yunxiao, and Yunxiao has never been to Hongchen Mountain." After a pause, he said: "Pindao is a Yunxiao's master absolutely believes in every word Yunxiao says. There is no need for her to deceive anything..."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "That's true. My sons and daughters of Kunlun, what is there to lie to? If Hongchen was really killed by Yunxiao, we have nothing to dare to admit. What's more, this matter has nothing to do with her. Ruoyunxiao If you really have the ability to kill the world of mortals, my Kunlun Realm will hold a big banquet for three hundred days!"

"Junior Brother Yuanshi!" Taishang Daozu finally couldn't help speaking, and said with a wry smile: "The more you talk, the more shameful you are, the old man Hongchen is also a fellow of ours. His death is a huge loss for our cultivation world. It must not be so profane."

Yuanshi Tianzun was slightly taken aback, and then said honestly: "What brother taught me is that it was my younger brother who spoke recklessly."

Taishang Daozu smiled, and continued: "Friend Daoist Yuan, Pindao's niece of Master Yunxiao is only at the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Creation Realm. Old Man Hongchen can kill her with one finger. If she is at the scene, why can she come back alive?" ? If she was at the scene, why didn't the murderer kill and silence? Your logic is actually very illogical."

Yuan Shengdao: "The old man just wants to restore the truth of the matter. There are too many doubts in this matter, so the old man wants to investigate to the end. The old man never suspects that little friend Yunxiao has any crimes in it. The old man does not understand why the old man is so Simple request, why are the three obstructing it like this?"

Taishang Daozu's voice became cold, and said: "You really don't understand?"

Yuan Shengdao: "I really don't understand!"

Taishang Daozu said: "Because Kunlun will not allow you to act wildly, do you understand?"

Yuan Sheng couldn't help but smiled desolately, and said: "This is so funny, the old man has been treating each other with courtesy, patience and compromise in every possible way. In this way, in the eyes of Daozu, the old man is acting wild?"

Taishang Daozu said: "Yunxiao, it is impossible for you to check. Because Pindao doesn't know what conspiracy you are hiding. This grand meeting, Pindao thinks it can come to an end."

This Dao ancestor seemed like a kind and harmless old man, but it was chilling to show his edge at this moment.

Yuan Shengdao: "All the heroes are here, there must be an explanation for the death of the old man Hongchen. Even if the old man is desperate for his life today, he must also check Yunxiao."

"You want to fight the poor Taoist?" Taishang Daozu said coldly.

Yuan Shengdao: "In this Kunlun Mountains, all the saints are friends of Daozu. If I want to do something, I will die. But today is a dead end, and I also want the truth. If Daozu insists on refusing, I can only do it." grab."

Seeing that the situation is getting more and more tense!

A terrifying battle could break out at any time.

The heroes couldn't help but sweat coldly for this Yuan Sheng... At the same time, they also felt that this Yuan Sheng was really selfless and fearless of death.Surrounded by all the saints, he dared to be so tough.

The Taishang Taoist ancestor said lightly: "You don't use words to provoke the poor Taoist, and the poor Taoist will fight you today. If..."

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Master Tongtian spoke again. He first bowed to Taishang Daozu and said, "Brother, this matter happened because of my disciple Yunxiao. Fellow Daoist Yuan came for me, little brother Even though you are not talented, you are not willing to let senior brother condescend you to end up fighting with him."

After a pause, the leader of Tongtian said to Yuansheng: "How about this, Pindao will fight with you. Both of them don't need the power of heaven..."

"Of course!" Yuan Sheng said: "Anyone who uses the power of the way of heaven violates the covenant of the way of heaven. It just so happens that all the saints are here, and they just work together to deprive him of the power of the way of heaven and listen to it with the righteous law."

Master Tongtian said: "If you win, Yunxiao will be restored by you with the so-called magic. If Pindao is lucky enough to win with three moves and two moves..."

Yuan Shengdao: "Then the old man was wrong. The matter of Yunxiao, I will never mention it again. For the death of the old man in the world, I will go to find evidence from other places!"

"Okay!" said the Master Tongtian.

Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help worrying, and said: "Brother Tongtian, why bother? The three of us have always advanced and retreated together. In this place, there is no need to show him face."

Master Tongtian smiled slightly, and said: "Brother Yuanshi, my brother's hands are already itchy. For so many years, I have heard how powerful Daoist Yuan is, and today is just the right time. It is a great opportunity to learn from the enemy!"

Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Daozu looked at each other. They wanted to say something, but they didn't say anything after all.

Empress Nuwa said to the Master Tongtian: "Fellow Tongtian Daoist, be careful!"

Master Tongtian smiled slightly and said, "Thank you, Madam, for your concern!"

The saints in the field are also in a complicated mood at this time.

But to be honest, they were unwilling to completely fall out with Yuan Sheng over this.

Yuan Sheng was always cunning, since he dared to single-handedly provoke him, he must have something to rely on.

Right now, Master Tongtian dared to stand up and go to the mine alone, but it was a good thing for the other saints.

Only Taishang Daozu, Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa Empress are really worried about the safety of Tongtian Sect Master.

After that, Yuan Sheng withdrew from the high platform.

The leader of Tongtian came to the opposite of Yuansheng.

Yuansheng and Tongtian leader stand opposite each other...

The two god-level bosses are about to start a decisive battle.

This scene happened so quickly, it made all the heroes present feel incredible.At the same time, I was secretly excited in the bottom of my heart, such a big battle, I am lucky to see you, it is really lucky for three lives!

Chen Yang didn't expect the leader of Tongtian to be so staunch, he would fight as soon as he said it, and he would not drag his feet.He now discovered that the three sages of Kunlun are all masters of one word, and they beat them whenever they want, without any cowardice!

Originally, in Chen Yang's impression, he already felt that the saints cherished feathers, cared about immortality, and were unwilling to make a move easily.But now it seems that they are not the ones who are afraid of death, they are completely violent if they want to fight!

Chen Yang calmed down, he knew that such an ancient battle would definitely bring him great benefits.

At this time, Na Yuansheng said to the leader of Tongtian: "This time, the old man and the fellow Taoists have better not to hurt the harmony, let alone the Kunlun world. Why don't you and I form an array together and set up an energy shield to avoid Injure the innocent, and let the war situation not expand too much. How?"

Master Tongtian didn't even raise his eyebrows, and said lightly: "It's up to you!"

At that moment, Yuan Sheng formed the Dharma Seal together with Master Tongtian.

Then saw golden rays of light appearing in the hands of the two, and the golden rays of light merged into one place quickly, then soared into the sky, forming a huge light curtain to cover the two of them.

The lower portion of the light curtain was narrow, only covering the two of them, and did not affect the other heroes present.But at an altitude of ten meters, the light curtain would cover three thousand square meters.

The two quickly came to the top, and immediately shot.

Master Tongtian was wearing a gray Taoist robe, amidst the simplicity, his figure was emaciated, just like an ordinary old Taoist priest in the world.

He waved his sleeve robe, and then slapped Yuan Sheng with his palm.

He didn't display the supernatural powers in the Mahamudra, but he appeared in front of Yuan Sheng like an ordinary human master on the earth.

Yuan Sheng didn't dare to underestimate him, he swung his palm quickly, and hit the palm of Master Tongtian.

Neither of them displayed any magical spells.

The heroes at the scene, including the saints in the honored positions, all opened their eyes wide, not daring to miss a second watching this shocking battle.

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

All the heroes at the scene could see that although the two palms of Master Tongtian and Yuansheng did not have earth-shattering energy fluctuations, they actually condensed the energy to the extreme.


After the two people's palms collided, their bodies were shaken, and terrifying energy was finally transmitted from their feet.That sub-energy instantly soared into the sky, shooting away in all directions like dense sandstorms.


All the sandstorm-like energy hit the golden energy shield, and the golden energy shield was even more crumbling, but after a while, the golden energy shield absorbed all the sandstorms.Afterwards, the energy shield became even stronger...

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