The strongest player in history

Chapter 3872 3 Clear Qi

The war has officially kicked off!

After Chen Yang saw Master Tongtian and Yuan Sheng palming each other, they each took three steps back.There was a faint purple energy surrounding their bodies, which was the power of a saint.

"Huh?" Seeing this scene, Chen Yang thought to himself, "This Yuan Sheng is very evil, but now it seems that he is not particularly strong! It's not that the leader of Tongtian is not powerful, but that the leader of Tongtian is alone. If they can be equal to him, why should all the saints be afraid of this mere primordial sage?"

"Huh?" Chen Yang's mind turned very quickly, and soon he thought of another possibility.

"My God, is Yuan Sheng's real purpose in this Kunlun event is to challenge the leader of Tongtian. Then tell the world that he is not scary? To show weakness on purpose, and then let everyone put down their guard?"

In the arena, the battle is still going on.

After the Master Tongtian and Yuan Sheng faced each other, the two hardly stopped, and followed Yuan Sheng to rush forward.

Seeing the afterimages of Yuan Sheng all over the field, Yuan Sheng was extremely fast, waving his palms like the wind, and continuously slashed at the leader of Tongtian.Master Tongtian slapped out his palms, and he and Yuan Sheng's palms killed each other.

There are afterimages again and again, and the palm shadows are flying!

The aftermath was transmitted from the soles of their feet, turning into billions of sand and dust, and ruthlessly bombarded the golden light curtain!

After a while, the two blurred figures separated.

Only then did everyone see clearly the Master Tongtian and Yuan Sheng.

Both of their faces were pale, and they were both out of breath and not flustered.It was completely impossible to see who had the upper hand.

For the heroes, this battle of saints seemed a bit boring, not as thrilling as they imagined!

It's like two ordinary mortals fighting physically!

But that's exactly what it is... the simplicity of the road!

At their level of cultivation, any spells, Taoism, and tricks are already illusory.

The competition is the depth of mana.

Yuan Sheng clasped his fists to Master Tongtian and said, "Fellow Tongtian Daoists really have profound skills, I admire you!"

Master Tongtian also clasped his fists and said, "You don't have to be too modest, fellow Daoist Yuan. If you fight again, Pindao will be defeated."

Yuan Sheng laughed, and said, "Fellow Tongtian is joking."

Master Tongtian also smiled, but said nothing more.

Yuan Sheng continued: "It seems that in a competition of skills, it is difficult to tell the winner. Next, the old man needs to rely on external fate."

Master Tongtian said: "The poor Taoist also wants to see it!"

The so-called relying on external conditions means using one's own mana to fuse the mana of the outside world, thus forming a more powerful force.

Before, they were purely competing with their own divine power.

Yuan Sheng suddenly sacrificed a magic weapon, and in front of him, the primordial measuring ruler appeared.The measuring ruler is surrounded by thick purple fog.

He held the measuring ruler in his hand, and then, a thick purple fog surrounded his fist.

Soon, the surrounding molecules, factors, quickly condensed towards his fist.

At this moment, Yuan Sheng's whole body seemed to be the center of the vortex of heaven and earth, and all the divine power in the myriad realms was concentrated towards his fist.

He is gaining momentum!

Once the momentum is completed, the punching power will be earth-shattering!

In an instant, the entire golden light curtain became his dojo.He has formed an absolute suppression of the leader of Tongtian...

All the sages and heroes could see at this time that the leader of Tongtian had lost the opportunity.

However, the Master Tongtian's expression remained calm.

I saw three streaks of purple, white, and cyan mist rising suddenly above his head.These three streams of mist rushed rapidly above his head, forming a sea of ​​clouds.

Then, the cloud sea quickly formed a vortex above his head.

Master Tongtian grasped it with a big hand, and quickly grabbed the vortex into his hand.

On his arm, three qis swirled and circled immediately, like clouds and fog.

Following that, the surrounding forces, molecules, and factors also quickly rushed into the vortex in his arm.

"Is this the three qi of Kunlun? It is rumored that among the three sages of Kunlun, Taishang Daozu, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tongtian Cult Master all obtained the three qi of Hongmeng. Master Tongtian can reopen the world, water, fire, and wind with the three qi..."

Among the heroes, someone muttered to himself.

Chen Yang watched without blinking.

Everyone knows that the battle between these two saints has reached a fever pitch.

Yuan Yuxian and Hei Zang stood in the corner, and Hei Zang remained expressionless.Yuan Yuxian looked at the field nervously.Because she is not clear about Master's arrangement.

When Yuan Sheng was condensing his fist seals, the surrounding dojos also began to change, and countless luck, molecules, magnetic fields, etc. surged.

Originally, this scene had already become Yuan Sheng's dojo, but when the Sanqing Qi of the Tongtian leader appeared, everything began to change.Both sides are vying for those external mana...

The two people's inner mana can't decide the winner, so they have to rely on the external mana to decide the winner.

After a while, Yuan Sheng's fist print blasted out!

He didn't show any stupid holes.

Chen Yang noticed this, and at the same time, he also noticed that the leader of Tongtian didn't seem to use the chaotic hole.

"Don't they need to mess around anymore?"


The Sanqing vortex in the palm of Tongtian Sect Master became more and more terrifying. Yuan Sheng's fist stamped into the vortex, and immediately the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and dark clouds surged.

In that vortex, countless stars flashed, and the two holy powers were ever-changing, constantly competing with each other!

Their confrontation is an all-round contest!

Time, life, space, cosmic mysteries and more!

At this time, the leader of Tongtian sect also had a serious face, and Yuan Sheng was even more solemn.

After a while, the Sanqing vortex burst open and turned into countless fragments.

Master Tongtian quickly took three steps back.

Yuan Sheng's fist seal also broke into countless fragments...

At this moment, Master Tongtian grabbed the vortex fragment and immediately sucked it into his palm.In his palm, the Qi of Sanqing lingers, and countless fragments of energy are contained within it.As if there are thousands of stars in the palm of your hand...

Yuan Sheng also grabbed the fragment of the fist print into his hand, and his palm was also surrounded by ten thousand stars.

The bodies of these two saints were surrounded by strong purple holy power.

The Master Tongtian suddenly sacrificed the magic weapon, the heart-piercing lock, and the heart-piercing lock fused with the Qi of the Three Purities, struck and killed Yuan Sheng's eyebrows with lightning and thunder.

Yuan Sheng's body suddenly became ethereal, and all the holy power materialized, and he integrated all the holy power and the boat of destiny into his fingertips.

Then, point to the heart-piercing lock!


In the heart-piercing lock, the Qi of Sanqing exploded.

The expression on Yuan Sheng's face changed drastically.

The leader of Tongtian sect kept silent, breathed in the Qi of Sanqing, and then slashed three palms towards Yuansheng.

Boom boom boom!

Yuan Sheng is also powerful, forcibly connected to the Three Palms of the Heavenly Cult Master.

After three palms, Yuan Sheng took three steps back.

But the Master Tongtian did not retreat a step.

Afterwards, blood overflowed from the corner of Yuan Sheng's mouth, and his face was also pale.He tried his best to hold back, but finally couldn't bear it anymore, his throat was sweet, and he spit out a big mouthful of blood.

A moment later, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Tongtian Cult Master's mouth.

Yuan Sheng said word by word to Master Tongtian: "I lost, I am convinced!"

The Master Tongtian Sect nodded, and with a wave of his hand, the golden light curtain in the sky quickly subsided, and finally turned into a mouthful of vitality, which was swallowed by the leader of the Tongtian Sect.

Afterwards, Master Tongtian flashed his figure and returned to that seat.

Yuan Sheng stood in the center of the arena, faced the saints and the heroes and said with difficulty: "This time, I lost. I have followed the previous agreement. From now on, I will never mention the matter of little friend Yunxiao. Looking for evidence from Little Friend Yunxiao. However, I will continue to investigate the death of Old Man Hongchen from other places, and must give an explanation to the world. Perhaps many people don’t care much about the life and death of Old Man Hongchen. But how did he die? Yes, this is a very serious matter. A sage in the Dao of Heaven died for no reason. If we don’t find out clearly, the people of the world will feel uneasy... How do we know if there will be a catastrophe of genocide in this?”

Speaking of this, Yuan Sheng said again: "This Kunlun grand meeting, I thank all the heroes and saints who came to the meeting. Yuanjie will also open the door in the future, and everyone is welcome to go. If someone is wronged or seeks revenge in the future, As long as there is nothing wrong with you, you can come to my Yuan Realm. I will definitely provide you with shelter and shelter. This Kunlun event will end here. Next, I will arrange thin wine to entertain all heroes. I am feeling unwell. I have to go back and rest for a while, excuse me!"

After saying that, with a flash of his figure, he left the scene and returned to the Temple of Destiny.

All the heroes at the scene, including the saints, felt that Yuan Sheng was seriously injured.

Looking at Master Tongtian, his face was still pale.

The heroes and all the saints couldn't help being surprised, thinking that the Master Tongtian is really powerful, and his reputation is well-deserved!

After that, the heroes dispersed one after another.

The party was over by now, and they wouldn't really be staying to drink.The owner's family was seriously injured, so there's still the nerve to continue to bother!

The heroes will leave soon.

Chen Yang also followed the crowd and left first... He turned around in the vast sea and found an island to rest first.

The Kunlun Grand Meeting ended like this, and Chen Yang still felt that something was wrong.

But specifically, he couldn't say that something was wrong there.

There was an impulse in his heart, how much he wanted to run in front of the saints, and persuade the saints to join him, taking advantage of Yuansheng's illness, to kill him!

But when I think about it carefully, how can this be possible?

Is Yuan Sheng a pig?I am living a good life, so I want to seek death like this?

Chen Yang couldn't believe this Yuan Sheng's injury.

"Yuan Sheng's play is so real! I thought he might be deliberately showing weakness to reassure the world. The current development is exactly as I expected. But even so, I almost believed it! "

Let's say that during the Kunlun Grand Gathering, Yuan Yuxian and Hei Zang also followed Yuan Sheng back to the Temple of Destiny.

The saints did not leave immediately...

Taishang Daozu said: "Nvwa Empress, Xiao Xianwang, and the second sage, friends of Taoism, it's rare for everyone to gather here at the right time. Why don't the big guys sit down in the Bajing Palace of the poor Daoist for a while?"

All the sages have this heart, and seeing the Dao ancestor take the initiative to invite him, he couldn't ask for more.

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