The strongest player in history

Chapter 3870 Struggle of Saints

Taishang Daozu stood on the high platform and began his speech.

"For so many years, I have been honored by all the heroes and honored as the Daozu. The word "Taozu", Pindao is really ashamed to be true. Pindao has been studying the word Dao all his life. What does Dao contain? Dao contains everything. In fact, these things are also commonplace. Needless to say, all the heroes present understand it too. But it is one thing to understand, and another thing to be able to do it. The unity of knowledge and action is the most difficult thing!"

"Speaking of the unity of knowledge and action...Pindao thought the speech of Fellow Daoist Yuan just now was very exciting. This time, Fellow Daoist Yuan extended his warm invitation to Pindao. Reasonably, Pindao should cooperate with Yuan Daoyou's speech. However, Pindao knows that his words will affect the people of the world. So he dare not draw any conclusions. Has Yuan Daoyou really let go of his hatred? Pindao is not sure. Can Fellow Daoist Yuan realize the unity of action? Pindao is also not sure. Pindao has also studied the way of life and heaven. The way of heaven that you master is called the way of nature...In the way of nature, there is also a part of life. The biggest characteristic of life is impermanence...Impermanence represents change. Therefore, even if Fellow Daoist Yuan can let go of hatred at the beginning, he may pick up hatred in the future. Poor Dao here does not want everyone to continue to be hostile to Daoist Yuan, but to hope that Fellow Daoist Yuan can unite knowledge and action, and also hopes that all heroes will also maintain vigilance at the same time. That's all..."

"Okay, I have finished what I want to say." Afterwards, Taishang Daozu returned to his honorable position.

After he left, Yuan Sheng came to the high platform in the middle again. He smiled slightly and said: "The words of the Taoist ancestor are very meaningful. I also ask all the heroes and saints to supervise the old man. If the old man can't do it Until the unity of knowledge and action, I wish to be condemned by the world.”

Chen Yang doesn't have the rhythm anymore anyway, and if he does, it will definitely arouse suspicion.

But at this time, other people really started applauding.

There was a lot of applause.

After the applause ended, Yuan Sheng spoke again.

"Today's grand event in Kunlun, the old man is here to express his heart to the heroes and the saints. Secondly, there is another important matter to be done. This matter is related to the mystery of the death of the old man in the world of mortals."

"Old man in the world of mortals?" All the heroes in the audience were discussing immediately.

The matter of the old man Hongchen was originally a secret, but when the old man Hongchen died, Yuan Sheng had already made it public.

So right now, everyone knows that Old Man Hongchen is dead.

But how the old man Hongchen died is still an unknown mystery.

Obviously, Yuan Sheng mentions the old man of the world at this moment, and all the heroes are interested.

Yuan Sheng continued: "As we all know, the old man Hongchen controls the way of heaven in Hongchen. His attainments and cultivation base can be said to be one of the best in this round. Even if the old man confronts him, he is not sure of victory. In Hongchen Before the old man died, he used the power of heaven. Who had the ability to let him use the power of heaven and killed him? What is even more strange is that the person who forced him to death did not use the power of heaven. This is terrible, so, even if the old man is against the world today, he must find out the real culprit. Otherwise, this person will wantonly slaughter our fellow Taoists in the future, who can resist? We can't let a single spark It's like a prairie fire."

"That's right, we must find out the murderer!" Among the heroes, someone shouted loudly.

"Find out the murderer!" More and more people shouted, and suddenly, the crowd was raging.

Chen Yang was in the crowd, and his heart began to get nervous.

But don't be caught out in the end.I was just relaxed, but now I was a little nervous again.But he didn't show it at all...

Chen Yang knew in his heart that Yuan Sheng's Kunlun grand meeting held today was just to paralyze some people.He knew that the saints would not believe it either, but at the same time he sent a signal that for the time being, he was harmless.

So, saints don't feel very threatened.

They won't be willing to run up to find something unpleasant first.

In this world, many things are not afraid of people being stupid, but they are afraid of many smart people.Once there are too many smart people, if they get together, nothing will be done.

Because they all have their own ideas, and no one is willing to sacrifice their own interests.In this way, it will be difficult to handle.

Chen Yang thought to himself, the sages should protect him, the breaker.If I was sold out like this today, and they still play with a hammer, that would be too much for me to look down on.

The intelligence of the sages should be higher than that of ordinary intelligent people.They should understand their importance now.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and decided to wait and see what happened.

Na Yuansheng signaled the heroes to calm down, and then continued: "Today, if I want to gain the trust of heroes, it is really not suitable for me to say some annoying things. But, right and wrong, even if I offend the world, it must be We must persevere to the end. After the old man Hongchen's accident, the old man went to Hongchen Mountain as soon as possible. Under the investigation of the old man, the old man found that Yun Xiao, a member of Biyou Palace, was closely related to the death of the old man Hongchen. Yun Xiao was there at the time, so, that day What happened on Hongchen Mountain, Yunxiao should be clear. But Pindao doesn't know why, and little friend Yunxiao still refuses to admit it. Pindao doesn't even know, what is Tongtian Daoist trying to hide?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the heroes were shocked. They never expected that this matter would also involve Biyou Palace, and there was a lot of discussion...

Master Tongtian didn't say a word.

Yuanshi Tianzun spoke at this time, he got up and said: "Friend Yuan Daoist, the old man in the world of mortals passed away, we all feel sad. You want to find out the truth, and we all support it. It's just that you weren't there at the time, but you insisted on me The niece of Master Yunxiao is on the scene. What you said is too unreasonable. Do you think that Yunxiao has the ability to kill the old man Hongchen?"

Yuan Shengdao: "Fellow Daoist Yuan Shi, please don't get angry. This old man has absolutely no intention of doing so. The old man traced to little friend Yunxiao through breath tracking. The old man just wants to know the truth of the matter, and has absolutely no other meaning."

He paused, and said: "The old man has the reverse deduction technique, so I don't need little friend Yunxiao to say anything, as long as she stands on the stage. The old man can show everyone her memories of Hongchen Mountain. At that time, everything From the beginning to the end, the truth will be revealed to the world. If at that time, it turns out that the old man’s speculation is wrong, the old man is also willing to sincerely apologize to Little Friend Yunxiao in public!”

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "What is the reverse deduction technique? Is there a ghost? How can a poor person believe you? You have always hated us. If you deliberately frame something, what can we do? Who And can you guarantee that you are clean?"

Yuanshi Tianzun's words were already blunt.

Yuan Sheng was not in a hurry, and said: "This old man only seeks the truth, and Daoist Yuan Shi thinks about this old man so much, this old man is heartbroken."

Yuanshi Tianzun said indifferently: "Pindao doesn't want to care about what you are doing. But the poor way tells you that in this Kunlun realm, you are not allowed to act wild."

Yuan Shengdao: "Of course the old man knows that the Kunlun world can't be wild. But the old man still chose to arrange the Kunlun grand meeting here. The old man is sincere, just to seek the truth and give justice to the old man in the world. The old man didn't Said, Yunxiao is the murderer, and she can't be the murderer. The old man just wants to find out the truth, why are you so angry, Fellow Daoist Yuanshi? And why are you obstructing me in every possible way? Could it be that the death of the old man Hongchen really has something to do with you?"

Yuanshi Tianzun sneered and said: "If you don't cooperate with you, you will be obstructed in every possible way? What are you in the eyes of the poor!"

Yuan Sheng was insulted by Yuanshi Tianzun in this way, but he was neither angry nor sad.With his face still pale, he said: "Fellow Daoist Yuanshi, I have always respected you very much. It is really disrespectful for you to speak like this."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Pindao speaks and does things like this. Kunlun disciples, it is definitely not you who want to judge. Pindao and Tongtian have already asked Yunxiao, and she has never been to Hongchen Mountain. You slander everywhere, it is simply You have ulterior motives. Pindao would like to ask you, what is your intention? Or is it that you are polite and benevolent and moral on the surface. In fact, you want to defeat us one by one, kill them one by one, and then realize your millennium of revenge on us Big plan? This fairy world was originally peaceful. Thousands of years ago, how many immortals did you kill using the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji? You are still not satisfied with so many blood debts. Now you have found the right opportunity to use the primordial purple energy to control The way of life and heaven. Thousands of years ago, the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji. Today, you control the way of life and heaven, and you have adopted a soft policy. Many years ago, you found that pure brute force is not enough, and now you are going to divide us? You are really smart, but you will People in this world see it as too stupid."

As soon as this remark came out, there was a lot of discussion among the heroes.

The scene became extremely noisy.

Yuan Sheng blushed for a while, then turned pale for a while, and he was speechless after being refuted by Yuan Shi Tianzun.

After a long while, the scene finally quieted down.

Yuan Sheng said bitterly: "When did you avenge your grievances? Back then, you killed my Kepler tribe. Then I took revenge... This kind of dispute should have ended long ago. Today, even if you have wronged me in every possible way, I must Find justice for the old man in the world. A sage of heaven cannot just die in a daze like this. Fellow Daoist Yuanshi, I just want little friend Yunxiao to stand up today and accept the old man's investigation of spells. In front of the people of the world, restore Find out the truth about the death of Hongchen old man. If she has never been to Hongchen mountain, this old man is willing to kowtow and apologize here!"

Chen Yang looked secretly startled, this Yuan Sheng old man is really very courageous.It is here that Kunlun Mountain launched an attack on the Kunlun people.

For a while, he still felt that Yuanshi Tianzun, a sage, was very suitable for his temper.It is to scold you in public that you are not a thing.

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