The strongest player in history

Chapter 2808 Unparalleled Fate

"Now I'm finished!" Chen Yang felt desperate.

This time all the hole cards were revealed, and the main body fell into the hands of the opponent.

The Great Fate also has a lifespan of less than 1000 years!He could feel that the shadow on the fate talisman was going to be full, and if it continued to burn, the calamity fire would burn completely.

Yan Nanfei left Leng Yifu's mind in an instant.

Andaoshen's family members were all saved.

"This passage is the original passage of the obsidian essence! The place it leads to is where most of the obsidian essences on this planet are located!" Yan Nanfei held Chen Yang in his hands, his eyes were cold, Said word for word.

Then, he threw Chen Yang to the ground again.

The black obsidian spirit around him surged up instantly, enveloping Chen Yang tightly inside and out.

Chen Yang had no resistance at all, and he couldn't even move.

Right now, Chen Yang is like an ice sculpture in this dark passage.

Leng Yifu who was at the side naturally gritted his teeth with hatred for Chen Yang. He said to Yan Nanfei: "My lord, this little bastard has made my subordinates suffer so much. He controls his subordinates and persecutes them in every possible way. Then he sent Long Xin and Mo You He hid them all in his stomach for protection. Didn’t he want to protect those two women? This subordinate implores the Lord to reward those two women again to this subordinate. This subordinate will let him watch helplessly, what is helplessness!”

Yan Nanfei glanced at Leng Yifu indifferently, and said, "This time, you almost made a big mess. I think you should not make any more troubles."

Leng Yifu was startled, then lowered his head and said, "Yes, my lord!"

Chen Yang was frozen, so he communicated with Mo You and Long Xin in his belly.At this time, he said bitterly: "You two girls, I'm really sorry. After doing so much, I still haven't changed anything for you. Later, in order to prevent everyone from being humiliated, I will trigger my fate."

Knowing the current situation, Mo You and Long Xin had tears in their eyes.Mo You said: "My lord has treated us very well. To be able to die with you today, my sister Long Xin and I have died without any regrets, without any complaints."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay!"

"There are still many curious things about this seat." At this moment, Yan Nanfei slightly untied Chen Yang's restraint, and at the same time, he slapped Chen Yang's chest and abdomen.

Yan Nanfei's palm melted all the ice formed by the black obsidian essence, and slashed into Chen Yang's body with the force of his palm.

With this palm, huge power, like the divine power of a million galloping horses, all smashed into Chen Yang's body!

This palm hit a Death Star, and that Death Star would instantly explode into ashes!

Chen Yang's mana surged violently, but he still couldn't resist Yan Nanfei's palm.

The black obsidian's spirit is too powerful to freeze him. At this moment, even the black hole vortex, the great devouring technique, and all kinds of power can no longer be used.

"Pfft!" Chen Yang spat out a mouthful of blood.

Venus popped out of his eyes, and he felt like his whole body was about to explode.

However, Yan Nanfei's palm was extremely measured, but it didn't break Chen Yang's body into pieces.

Obviously, Yan Nanfei didn't want to kill Chen Yang.

To be precise, it's not that he didn't want to kill Chen Yang.It was because he was afraid that Chen Yang could die and come back to life. He had to figure out some problems.

Chen Yang suffered a lot of damage, but Long Xin and Mo You were well protected by Chen Yang.

"My lord!" Long Xin and Mo You cried and shouted.

Chen Yang ignored Long Xin and Mo You, and raised his head to look at Yan Nanfei with difficulty.

Yan Nanfei asked calmly: "Answer me, what is the matter with you coming back from the dead?"

"If you answer, will you let me go?" Chen Yang asked back.

"No!" Yan Nanfei said.

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "Then why should I tell you? Are you good-looking? Well, I'm sorry, you're so ugly. I'll feel sick when I look at you for a long time!"

A terrifying killing intent suddenly appeared in Yan Nanfei's eyes.

He hates others making a fuss about his appearance.

"Mr. Leng, don't you want to humiliate him severely? Why are you hesitating..." Yan Nanfei thought for a while, and then said: "Wait, Lord An, let your family go back first. This place is not suitable for children Here we are!"

An Daoshen nodded quickly.

Afterwards, An Feng, An Jie, An Ruyi, and Mrs. An all bowed to Yan Nan Fei, and then left the corridor.

Leng Yifu was overjoyed, he looked at Chen Yang with an extremely cruel look.

Then, Leng Yifu came to Chen Yang.

He kicked Chen Yang to the ground, grabbed Chen Yang's hair, and slapped Chen Yang hard on the cheeks.

Chen Yang couldn't bear it, and immediately his cheeks were swollen with blood.

Seven or eight teeth were knocked out.

Even so, Leng Yifu still didn't feel relieved.He looked at Chen Yang with hatred, and said: "Little bastard, do you think this is the end? You are wrong, this is just the beginning. If you dare to treat me like this, I will let you die, not live!"

Chen Yang looked at Leng Yifu, he suddenly smiled and said, "You are very proud now, aren't you?"

Leng Yifu said: "What?" He suddenly felt a little weird.

Chen Yang said: "Do you think you have already won?"

Leng Yifu said: "Isn't it?"

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "Soon, you will know."

He simply wanted to get a back up before he died, otherwise he would have triggered the fire of fate long ago.

Leng Yifu felt bad, he wanted to leave...


At this moment, the fateful fire was completely ignited.

The gray power of fate enveloped Leng Yifu, and in the blink of an eye, the power of fate burned...

Yan Nanfei and An Daoshen were also surprised when they saw this.

Yan Nanfei immediately helped Leng Yifu drive away the robbery fire, he slapped out with a palm, and the strong wind strafed, and the black obsidian essence turned into a violent storm, and strafed towards Leng Yifu.

Leng Yifu also immediately put on the Ice Demon Armor, and used the freezing power of the Obsidian Essence to freeze Jiehuo.

However, that calamity fire is like a tarsal maggot, once it burns, it will never die.

Neither Yan Nanfei's power nor Leng Yifu's own power could extinguish the fire of fate.

Leng Yifu quickly moved away from Chen Yang, but it was useless, the fire of fate was still burning him.

He yelled in pain, but it was all to no avail.

Chen Yang didn't care about Leng Yifu anymore, his whole body was burning with fire...

This calamity fire is different from other flames, it will burn his whole body into ashes.In the end, only the eternal spar will be left behind!

The seeds of Xuanhuang God Valley will also be burned!

In the end, only the pure eternal spar will be left behind!

Chen Yang will die completely.

At this moment, Chen Yang felt very strange.He saw death, he could clearly feel the pain in his body, and he also felt that he was walking towards death.

It feels like falling from a cliff.

Falling to the ground is death.

And now, still in the process of falling...

Neither Yan Nanfei nor An Daoshen had seen this kind of situation before, and the horror of the calamity made these two top masters tremble.

Leng Yifu howled in pain...

Yan Nanfei and An Daoshen didn't dare to touch Chen Yang anymore.

Yan Nanfei instinctively sensed the danger, and he felt that if he touched it himself, he would also be contaminated by the fire.

And at this moment, Chen Yang suddenly noticed something strange.

He originally thought that he was bound to die, and that everything in the mortal world and the earth had nothing to do with him.

He still has too many entanglements and worries, but right now, he can only give up.I can only say that after I die, the flood will be overwhelming, and there is nothing I can do.

But at this moment, Chen Yang suddenly felt cold!

"Hey! The Tribulation Fire is burning, why do I still feel the coldness? It's like nutrition? My lifespan is over!"

Chen Yang could see it with the naked eye, and suddenly found that the burning fate talisman was absorbing the surrounding obsidian essence.

"What's the situation?" Chen Yang was surprised.

He didn't understand what was going on in front of him.

The fate talisman was quickly absorbing the essence of obsidian, and the fire of calamity began to go out...

At the same time, even the Jiehuo on Leng Yifu's body began to weaken.

Gradually, the fate talisman was completely extinguished, and all the shadows also disappeared.

Chen Yang finally had an intimate connection with the fate talisman, and he felt that the fate talisman was actively absorbing the essence of obsidian.

Chen Yang immediately used the remaining mana to activate the power of fate...

"My God, it can be converted into lifespan!" Chen Yang suddenly became ecstatic.

His lifespan is increasing wildly, and there are too many obsidian spirits here.

1000 years!

2000 years!

3000 years!

5000 years!

1 million years!

10 million years!

In an instant, Chen Yang's lifespan reached 10 years.

At this time, the fire on Leng Yifu's body completely disappeared, he jumped up suddenly, and sternly said to Chen Yang: "Little bastard, I will kill you!"

He made a sudden move, and the Ice Demon armor condensed the Obsidian Excalibur!


The sword is so powerful that it overwhelms everything!

Leng Yifu shot out in anger, and with the obsidian spirits all around him, his power was stretched to the limit.

This sword will kill the whole world!

Chen Yang was taken aback.

And that Yan Nanfei was staring at Chen Yang, his strength had already been accumulated in his body, as long as Chen Yang resisted a little, he would kill Chen Yang with a thunderbolt.

Everything that happened in front of him was extremely strange and incomprehensible to Yan Nanfei.

Chen Yang's lifespan is still increasing crazily. Although he was seriously injured, the power of fate is borrowed from the sky.He quickly rotated the fate talisman...

"Kill!" Chen Yang popped out a sword!

One sword is the lifespan of 5 years!

The Sword of Fate burst out in lightning, and strangled with the Obsidian Excalibur!


The Sword of Destiny passed through like a gust of wind, turning the Obsidian Excalibur into fly ash in an instant.

At the same time, the sword of fate also killed Leng Yifu!

Leng Yifu couldn't help being astonished, his ice demon armor quickly emitted infinite black rays to envelop the sword of fate!


Those black rays collapsed quickly!

The unparalleled power in the Sword of Fate continued to kill Leng Yifu.

Leng Yifu has no way to escape, can't resist!

Seeing this, An Daoshen and Yan Nanfei shot immediately.

The difference is that Andaoshen is helping Leng Yifu.Yan Nanfei pointed at Chen Yang...

Andaoshen also put on the ice demon battle armor, he pointed out the black ray, and the black ray instantly turned into ten ferocious swords...

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