The strongest player in history

Chapter 2807 The world is too bitter

An Daoshen said hurriedly: "This subordinate thinks so too."

At this moment, Yan Nanfei suddenly noticed something was wrong.

An Daoshen also noticed something was wrong!

Their figures flickered at the same time, and in an instant, they came to the palace.

"What are you doing?" An Daoshen already knew what happened. Seeing Leng Yifu standing there blankly, he couldn't help being very angry and asked sharply.

Yan Nanfei also had a gloomy expression.

Saint Lun also followed.

When Leng Yifu saw An Daoshen and Yan Nanfei, he knelt down immediately. He cried and said, "My lord, Mr. An, save me!"

"What's going on?" Yan Nanfei said in a deep voice.

"Let me answer it!" Chen Yang spoke quickly, and he directly talked to everyone through Leng Yifu's brain. "It's me. I control Leng Yifu's brain. His actions are completely out of his control! Just now, I found out that you may be aware of my existence, so I preemptively killed Mr. An's son and daughter. All the wives were caught in."

"You're courting death!" An Daoshen was furious.

Chen Yang laughed loudly and said: "Master An, you don't need to show your prestige. Of course it's easy to kill me. But, I'm afraid that all your family members will be buried with you. But in fact, it doesn't matter. People who practice Taoism, this family and so on, are all floating clouds, floating clouds! You can find them again after you die, and you can be reborn, isn’t it, Mr. An?"

An Daoshen's eyes were bloodshot, he wished he could tear Chen Yang into pieces, but at this moment he didn't dare to act rashly.

He hurriedly said to Yan Nanfei: "Master, please have mercy!"

Yan Nanfei glanced at An Daoshen, but he ignored An Daoshen.His gaze was fixed on Leng Yifu, as if he wanted to see through Leng Yifu's head and see through Chen Yang.

"Are you really alive?" Yan Nanfei said.

Chen Yang coughed dryly and said, "Obviously, he's not dead!"

Yan Nanfei said: "I saw with my own eyes that you disappeared under the attack of the black obsidian spirit. How did you do it?"

Chen Yang said: "Everyone has secrets, and I also have my own secrets. Besides, at this moment, your lord should be concerned about whether I will bring a general like Leng Yifu and Mr. An's family to die together, or Everyone is happy? After all, this Jianghu is vast! A person cannot be resurrected after death, and if I run away, you can catch me and kill me again. Isn't it?"

He paused, and then said to An Taoshen: "Master An, if I were you, I would swear to your master that I would definitely capture a sinner like me alive in the future. This is the best of both worlds, what do you think?"

Daoist An An immediately knelt down and said to Yan Nanfei: "My lord, Yifu is a general of our Shadow Clan. I beg you to cherish Yifu's life and death. In the future, my subordinates will work together with Yifu to bring this thief back!"

He can talk, but never mentions his family.

When Mr. Leng heard this, he couldn't help but burst into tears of gratitude.He wasn't stupid, he didn't know that this was An Taoshen's routine.It's that he made a big mistake himself, and at this time he is in a desperate situation. At this time, Andaoshen is still willing to speak for him, so how can he not be moved.

After Yan Nanfei was silent for a while, he smiled slightly and said, "Lord An, what are you talking about? How can I ignore you and your family's life and death. Your son is my son. Your son The daughter is the daughter of this seat. Your wife is the sister-in-law of this seat!"

He then said to Chen Yang: "Okay, I can let you go. But how are you going to ensure the safety of Master An's family and the safety of Mrs. Leng?"

When Na Moyou and Long Xin heard that the plan was successful, they couldn't help crying with joy.

Chen Yang didn't dare to be careless, he said, "Open the exit, and when we get to a safe place, I will let them go."

"How can we do that?" An Taoshen said immediately: "When you get to a safe zone, if you don't let people go, what can we do with you?"

Chen Yang said: "If I let him go first, and you kill me instead, what can I do?"

This is indeed a real problem.

Yan Nanfei said: "It's also very simple. I will escort you out with Mr. An. When you reach a safe place, you hand them over. This way everyone will be happy, okay?"

Chen Yang thought about it and agreed.

Because if he refuses to agree to this, the other party will definitely not feel relieved.

Now, act quickly.

Yan Nanfei and An Daoshen led the way, and Leng Yifu led Chen Yang and others followed behind.

Yan Nanfei just waved his hand, and a door appeared in front of him.

Everyone entered the door.

After entering the gate, there is a dark tunnel.

Yan Nanfei and An Daoshen were very fast, flying thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye.

Leng Yifu was also very fast, keeping up with him.

Chen Yang suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Although the Lord of the Devil's Cave has a high level of cultivation, the Shadow Clan has always been shy. He is willing to venture out now. It's not right, it's not right!" Chen Yang sensed that something was wrong, and he immediately ordered Leng, saying: "Leave this ghost place immediately, Otherwise, I will kill you directly!"

"How did you leave?" Leng Yifu was shocked when he heard this.

But at this time, it was too late.

The obsidian essence suddenly surged from the front and rear tunnels, and it floated past Leng Yifu in an instant...

This Obsidian Essence is not simply an Obsidian Essence, but an Obsidian Essence that possesses Yan Nanfei's esoteric spirit.

There was a ferocious look in Leng Yifu's eyes!

"Go to hell, you little bastard!" Leng Yifu cursed violently.

Where could Chen Yang hear Leng Yifu insulting him like this, he knew that Leng Yifu had always had no integrity.

But right now, even if Chen Yang was upset, it was too late to deal with Leng Yifu.

Because at this moment, the infinite spirit of obsidian attacked and attacked.

At this moment, Chen Yang already understood the other party's intention.

That is, the essence of obsidian can deal with itself.But it will not hurt the people of the Shadow Clan...

Use enough obsidian essence to freeze, myself, Mo You, and Long Xin have to resist this freezing power.At the same time, this freezing power will also freeze Leng Yifu's brain, and also freeze the family members of Andaoshen.In this way, it is not so easy to kill them.

And what they want is this moment...

The infinite black obsidian essence attacked and killed, and when Chen Yang realized it, An Feng, An Jie, An Ruyi and Mrs. An were all frozen.

Long Xin and Mo You hadn't recovered their skills, so they could withstand this fierce freezing.

Chen Yang still wants to rescue them...

In that fleeting moment, Chen Yang swallowed Long Xin and Mo You with his mouth...

The entire black hole spar was frozen.

Chen Yang himself quickly became a sculpture.

At this time, Yan Nanfei and An Daoshen quickly came to Leng Yifu's mind.Both of them shrunk their figures to a tiny bit, and entered in an instant.

Andaoshen directly grabbed all his family members and took them into his hands.Yan Nanfei grabbed Chen Yang and his black hole spar, and also grabbed them.

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