The strongest player in history

Chapter 2809 Yannan Returns

Andaoshen's sword power finally shattered Chen Yang's sword of fate!

Leng Yifu also saved his life!

At the same time, Yan Nanfei shot at Chen Yang with a sword.Yan Nanfei's sword power is the condensed cold demon armor!

For a moment, it seemed as if the Obsidian Essence in the entire Obsidian Tunnel was under his control.

The power of this sword can instantly turn ten thousand iron mountains into nothingness!

This is the supreme sword!

It is an irreversible sword!

Chen Yang immediately realized how powerful Yan Nanfei's sword was, even if he squandered the remaining 5 years of his life, it would be difficult to resist.

In this tunnel, Yan Nanfei is the master!

Chen Yang was seriously injured right now, and it was difficult to recover in a short time.He can only rely entirely on the power of fate...

"This is a treasure land, which can actually absorb so many fates into the fate talisman!" Chen Yang didn't want to leave here for the time being.Facing Yan Nanfei's domineering sword power, he didn't have time to think about it, so he activated the Great Fate Technique!

"Great fate, you are a supreme existence. Take me, hide yourself, and avoid all these attacks!" Chen Yang began to chant spells, and at the same time urged the Great Fate to come out.

At that moment, the gray power of fate enveloped Chen Yang.

When Yan Nanfei's sword power slashed in, Chen Yang suddenly disappeared.

There was no trace of Chen Yang in the audience.

Yan Nanfei slashed through the air with his sword, he just opened his mouth and sucked in the sword power into his mouth.There was anger and killing intent in his eyes, and his divine sense shot in all directions, trying to find Chen Yang.

An Daoshen and Leng Yifu were also very surprised. They also searched around with their spiritual thoughts, but there was no result.

"Damn it!" Yan Nanfei couldn't help cursing.

Everything that happened in front of my eyes was too weird.

"My lord, he must still be here!" An Daoshen said.

Yan Nanfei said in a cold voice: "Of course I know he's still here, he's obviously been seriously injured, how can he still display such tyrannical power?"

An Daoshen said: "This son is really too weird. He was killed by us before. He was safe and sound afterward. It is not surprising that he has displayed such power again at this moment."

Yan Nanfei said: "Just guarding here, he must assimilate his body molecules with strange power to achieve the effect of invisibility. This will definitely consume a huge amount of energy, and it will not last long."

An Daoshen said in a deep voice: "Master, your analysis is extremely correct. It's just that the subordinate is very strange. Since he can hide, why didn't he become invisible earlier?"

Yan Nanfei was startled when he heard the words, and then fell into deep thought.

He immediately thought of something, and said: "When he started the calamity fire just now, he was determined to die. Later, I felt that the obsidian essence around me was being violently swallowed. It was as if the obsidian essence The spirit gave him a strange energy. Not good...he is absorbing the obsidian spirit again!"

Yan Nanfei's face suddenly changed.

An Daoshen and Leng Yifu also turned pale.

Yan Nanfei was even more annoyed, but he suppressed his anger.

"Let him absorb it all the time, and he will become stronger!" An Daoshen immediately said to Yan Nanfei.

Of course Yan Nanfei understood this truth, but he was helpless.

At this moment, Yan Nanfei's thoughts flashed through his mind... Countless ways, thoughts flashed in his mind, but none of them worked.

He has encountered countless war dangers in his life, but at this moment he is the most helpless.

And at this time, Chen Yang certainly wasn't idle.

Yan Nanfei guessed right, Chen Yang needs to consume a lot of energy to maintain his invisible state.His cultivation base is too strong now, and there are Mo You and Long Xin in his body, so it is even more difficult.Thanks to the magic of the Great Fate!

His 5-year lifespan has been exhausted.

But the good news is that the great fate talisman can continue to absorb the surrounding obsidian essence.

The obsidian essence here seems to be endless.

Chen Yang gradually absorbed a lifespan of 100 million years!

A lifespan of 100 million years is already the limit of his body.He can only sustain a lifespan of 100 million years at present!

The shadow on the great destiny talisman changes according to Chen Yang's overall lifespan.Only when Chen Yang's lifespan is shorter, the shadow will be bigger.On the contrary, Chen Yang's lifespan has been increasing now, so the shadow has not continued to increase.

Chen Yang consumed it happily. Anyway, he used up 1 years of life, so he immediately replenished 1 years of life.

It really doesn't hurt at all!

At this moment, Chen Yang felt a kind of indulgent happiness.

It's like getting rich suddenly, surrounded by beauties, and having a feast in the sea and sky.Although it was very refreshing, deep down in my heart, there was also an indescribable sense of uneasiness.

It seems a little sinful!

Chen Yang then used the power of fate to heal himself.

He was badly wounded, but there was a stupid way to do it, and that was to be smashed to pieces.Then you can quickly recover...

But at this time, how dare Chen Yang do this.

He directly used the power of fate to heal.He not only treats himself, but also treats Mo You and Long Xin together.Anyway, the life expectancy is very long now.

The power of fate is indeed miraculous. After entering Chen Yang's body, it quickly repaired Chen Yang's injured area.

At the same time, Long Xin and Mo You also felt this kind of magic. They felt that there was a warm current in their bodies, and the injured cells were recovering rapidly.

Soon after, Chen Yang, Long Xin and Mo You all recovered from their injuries!

"My lord, what's going on here? How could there be such a miraculous thing?" Long Xin and Mo You said in amazement.

Chen Yang chuckled and said, "I'll explain to you later."

Chen Yang's lifespan is always 100 million years, and he doesn't know how much it took.

At this time, Chen Yang was a little skeptical. Even if he wanted to raise his cultivation level to the ninth level of creation, he might be able to do it with the Great Fate Technique.

But in the dark, Chen Yang felt a sense of crisis.His intuition told him that he couldn't do that.You must never do this. Once you do this, the consequences will definitely be in your eyes.

Everything happens for a reason!

You pay for what you get.There is no reason why you will get huge rewards if you don't pay!

Chen Yang felt that if he really relied on the Great Fate Technique to ascend to the Ninth Level of Creation, he would encounter great disasters in the future, and he would fail because of his weak foundation.It may also become obsessed, and it is more likely that this cause and effect will be transferred to the family.

"Roar!" After all the power recovered, Chen Yang withdrew his stealth.

He asked Long Xin and Mo You to stand behind him.

So just like that, Chen Yang appeared in front of Yan Nanfei, An Daoshen, and Leng Yifu.

Yan Nanfei, An Daoshen, and Leng Yifu were also surprised when they saw Chen Yang come out so calmly.They already felt that something was wrong in their hearts, but they also felt that it was not realistic.In the final analysis, Chen Yang is only at the third level of the holy realm. Could it be that he can turn the tables here?How is this possible?

Although they were thinking so in their hearts, the miraculous things Chen Yang did still made them feel a little nervous.

Chen Yang first looked at Yan Nanfei, he smiled slightly, and said, "Master, I know your name is Yan Nanfei. I know it from Leng Yifu, but you may not know me."

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