Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning were taken aback, and they quickly left the tent.

I saw the multicolored rays of light reflected in the distant sky, and those rays of light swayed and changed in the air like scattered clouds.Sometimes it can hide the appearance of the ocean, and sometimes you can see the ferocious monsters galloping.

It was a very odd scene.

Those lights illuminated the entire sky, and the long night seemed to have passed.

"Oh my god, that's the aurora. There are so many auroras. That must be the mountain of aurora we're looking for." Ye Chaoning said excitedly.

"Let's go there quickly!" Chen Yang quickly summoned the ice dragon, and the two of them sat on the ice dragon and ran towards the aurora.

The aurora continued, and Ye Chaoning had never seen such beauty in his life.

It's not that Chen Yang has never seen it before. He has experienced cruel solar particle storms in the universe, and he has also seen gorgeous quantum storms and so on.

"We will have other troubles in the past. All the masters are looking for this mountain of aurora. Right now, the appearance of the aurora will probably attract all the nearby masters." Chen Yang said.

Ye Chaoning said, "We want to save brother and sister-in-law..."

"Sister-in-law?" Chen Yang became furious when he heard this, and said, "My sister has turned into your sister-in-law, so don't yell."

Ye Chaoning actually felt in his heart that only Suzhen in Heiyi was worthy of his elder brother, so he spoke his mind all of a sudden.Amused in her heart, she felt strange at this moment, and said: "My elder brother is also the pride of heaven, what's wrong with you, your sister is not your girlfriend."

She thought Chen Yang was weird.

"Oh, I can't tell you clearly." Chen Yang said.

"Oh, I remembered, you and your sister are not real siblings. Don't tell me, you like your sister?" Ye Chaoning immediately seemed to have discovered a new world.

Chen Yang suddenly became angry from embarrassment, and said, "It's time, stop talking about this nonsense."

Ye Chaoning seemed to understand something.

Chen Yang's performance made her woman's sensitive mind catch something.

She suddenly felt a little uncomfortable for no reason, and she couldn't explain it clearly.At that moment, she stopped entangled in this topic, and said in a deep voice: "The dragon spirit is very important. When we save people, we should try our best to catch the dragon spirit in our hands. Once this thing falls into the hands of the Dark King In the hands of those people, it is a disaster for the whole world."

Chen Yang didn't care much about these things, and he didn't think it would be a disaster if the Dragon Spirit was taken by some dark king.What he is most worried about now is the safety of Hei Yi Suzhen.

However, he also understood Ye Chaoning's feelings, so he did not refute.

The Mountain of Aurora seems to be right in front of your eyes, but in fact, there is a long distance away.It took more than two hundred miles to arrive.

On the way here, I actually ran into other humans.

It's just that everyone was in a hurry, and no one paid attention to anyone.

Those who dare to come to the Arctic Ocean to snatch the spirit of Shenlong, but none of them are simple people.

The entry ticket must be at least the ninth rank of Shenlong or above.

Because many people know that the King of Darkness is coming... People who know that the King of Darkness is coming and dare to share a piece of the pie are the easy ones.

Finally, Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning arrived at the foot of the legendary Aurora Mountain.

Chen Yang looked up and saw the spectacular scene ahead.

There is a towering snow peak in front of it, and above the snow peak, the aurora gathers together, like colorful jellyfish, changing like colored glass, like ribbons, like a mirage.

The whole sky is like this.

It's like the heaven in people's minds.

"There are often auroras in the Arctic Ocean, but the auroras usually don't last long." Ye Chaoning said in a deep voice.

"It's formed by the solar wind and the earth's magnetic field!" Chen Yang said, "Let's go up!" After he finished speaking, he drove out the flying dragon.

The two got on the flying dragon, and the flying dragon flew towards the top of the snow peak.

The snow peak is very high, and the higher you go, the thinner the air becomes.

This place is originally a restricted area for mortals.

Some masters who can't fly dragon qi rely on dragon qi to climb up, but the speed is definitely not comparable to that of Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning.

This area is already high-dimensional, and after climbing hundreds of meters, it finally reached Aurora Mountain.

On the Aurora Mountain, there are endless.

The continuous snow peaks are like the ocean...

Looking at the aurora again, most of the aurora is in the sky, but in the distance, it seems to be on the top of the mountain.

About thirty miles away, that's where the aurora is most intense.

Chen Yang drove out the ice dragon, and then galloped towards the place where the aurora was the thickest...

Occasionally, figures appeared all around, and even galloped to the front of Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning.

Not long after, a light curtain appeared in front of him.

The colorful light curtain flowed like a waterfall of light.

Surrounded by light curtains, the world of light curtains.

Someone in the distance broke into the light curtain directly.

Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning looked at each other, and they both nodded at the same time.After that, the ice dragon rushed into the light curtain with the two of them.


The moment he entered, Chen Yang had a very familiar feeling.

It's like going from one space to another before.

After entering, the scenery in front of you suddenly changed.

There is no colorful and aurora world as imagined.Rather... dark, desolate, ruined.

The sky is dark, like a dark sky covering the world.

To be precise, it looks like an ancient city.

However, why there is such a city in such a place is beyond Chen Yang's imagination.

You know, this is the extreme north, the Arctic Ocean!

Geographical subsidence, Gaosheng is unlikely to build such a city here.

"What's the situation?" Ye Chaoning was confused by everything in front of him.

Chen Yang ignored Ye Chaoning, he looked behind, it was already dark.

There is no such light curtain at all.

Sure enough, he entered another space.

This place is different from the earth. Another layer of space on the earth is a kind of world.But here, it is just a limited space.

Of course, this was just Chen Yang's guess and feeling.

"Look here, does it look like a lair? Are my sister and your brother here?" Chen Yang immediately asked Ye Chaoning.

Ye Chaoning said, "This doesn't look like that kind of cave!"

Chen Yang fell silent.

He began to check around, and in front of him was a dilapidated city, most of which had been damaged.

"Go in and have a look." Chen Yang said to Ye Chaoning.

"There's someone over there!"

"Someone came in again." Ye Chaoning pointed to the surroundings and said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also saw people appearing all around, about 30 people.

Some people have already walked into the city, some are watching around, and some are trying to form a group.

Chen Yang saw that among those people, there were Asians and Europeans.

"Hi, little brother!" Suddenly, two people from the Hua Kingdom came towards Chen Yang with smiles on their faces.One of the middle-aged men shouted with a wide smile.

Chen Yang looked over.

The cultivation bases of these two Hua people are already at the ninth rank of Shenlong.

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