The strongest player in history

Chapter 2710 Undead City

The two Chinese men were both about forty to fifty years old, and they came up to greet Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning warmly.One of the middle-aged men said happily: "Little brother, I know you, aren't you Chen Jun? We all saw the battle you had in school before, it was amazing. I didn't expect you to come here too .”

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you. I don't know what you call me yet?"

The middle-aged man said, "My name is Hu Changyun, and his name is Guan Jun!"

"Hu Changyun, Guan Jun?" Ye Chaoning was slightly startled when he heard their names, and immediately asked, "Could it be that the two are the famous South China Sea Pirates?"

Hu Changyun and Guan Jun were immediately a little embarrassed when they heard the words. Generally, people would call them two heroes in person.Double Thieves is the nickname behind it!

Ye Chaoning didn't think about it, so he just yelled out.Moreover, she didn't like the two of them very much.

Guan Jun immediately said: "This young lady has such cultivation at such a young age. If my guess is correct, she should be a disciple of Master Shenlong, right?"

Ye Chaoning and Ye Feng have always belonged to the confidential files, but in the Jianghu, there are always some legends.

Guan Jun and Hu Changyun hang out in the rivers and lakes, but they have some knowledge.

Ye Chaoning smiled lightly, but did not answer.

Chen Yang said with a smile: "Her name is Ye Chaoning, she is my friend. Let's come here to try our luck together."

Guan Jun immediately said: "We are also here to try our luck. I heard that Master Shenlong is also here. Are you with Master Shenlong?"

Chen Yang said, "I haven't found it yet." He was telling the truth.

It's not that Chen Yang has no experience in the world. If the other party is stronger than him, he will definitely say that Master Shenlong is nearby.But these two people, he really didn't bother to play tricks and tactics with them.

After Guan Jun and Hu Changyun heard the words, they looked at each other.Afterwards, Guan Jun smiled again and said, "In that case, how about we go together first?"

Chen Yang said indifferently: "It's okay!"

Guan Jun was overjoyed and said, "That's great."

At the moment, the four of them are also together.It's just that Ye Chaoning loathes these two people, she has no choice but to ignore them anyway.

Go all the way forward, and soon came to the bottom of the gate of the city.

There are still broken writing on the city.

That character is an ancient script, Ye Chaoning and the others don't know it at all.

"What is this writing!" Ye Chaoning said depressingly after reading it for a while.

Hu Changyun said: "This character does not seem to be written in Huaguo. I have studied a lot of characters, but I can't recognize them."

Guan Jun also said, "I don't recognize it either."

Chen Yang chuckled, and said, "I do know it. This word is a teaching text in the Middle Ages. The three characters on this city are called Necropolis City!"

"Undead City?" Hu Changyun and Guan Jun were taken aback.

Ye Chaoning didn't believe it, and said, "Is what you said true or false?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "At this time, am I joking?"

"Undead City, there is still such a city." Hu Changyun said: "This is really the world's largest, full of wonders!"

Guan Jun said: "Everyone is going in, let's hurry up, so as not to be caught before someone else."

Hu Changyun said: "Exactly!"

Chen Yang said, "Let's go!" He paused, and said, "How long have you two been here?"

"We've been here for more than half a year." Hu Changyun sighed and said, "I haven't found anything all this time."

Guan Jun said: "If it wasn't for the appearance of the aurora, we would still be wandering outside. There have been rumors about the mountain of aurora. It turns out that the mountain of aurora does not exist, but we have to wait for the appearance of the aurora."

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "It seems that Chao Ning and I are still very lucky. We've only been here for about ten days."

Hu Changyun also laughed, and said, "It's better to come early than to come by coincidence."

Guan Jun said: "Little brothers, you are very lucky. Maybe you will find the dragon spirit by then."

Chen Yang hurriedly said: "Hey, there are two big brothers here, even if they are found, they are for you!"

He didn't know what these two people were thinking, anyway, he had nothing else to do now, so he just played with them first.

Hu Changyun smiled and said, "Little brother, you are too polite."

When he was talking, he and Guan Jun kept exchanging glances.Guan Jun said: "Little brother, we are all Chinese people. In this place, fish and dragons are mixed together. We must unite together. Otherwise, people from other countries will be bullied. Shenlong Spirit, we must not If you dare to think, come here to experience it.”

Chen Yang said: "I don't dare to think about the spirit of the dragon. Coming here is also a matter of experience."

Hu Changyun and Guan Jun burst into laughter when they heard the words.

After entering the Undead City, the city was also in ruins.The houses are all stone houses, but most of them have collapsed, and the smell of destruction is everywhere.

In that central area, there is also a long river.

The long river is about [-] meters wide, and the length is endless.

The long river is full of black mud, and some bubbles sometimes appear in the mud.

There was a kind of black mist in the air, which smelled extremely foul.

Everyone can be sure that this mist is not poisonous and will not have any effect on the human body.

There are several streets in the Undead City. After the people who came in scattered, they quickly disappeared.

Obviously, no one wants to fight yet.After all, the target has not been seen yet.

Chen Yang and the others found one of the streets and walked in, away from the black swamp river.

After entering Undead City from the Arctic Ocean, the temperature has also risen significantly.

Most of the ground is flat, and it is no longer on the mountain.

Hu Changyun and Guan Jun are good at making friends, walking all the way in, they met several Hua people.These two people immediately went over to make friends with others, so Chen Yang and his team quickly grew to eleven people.

Among these eleven people, apart from Ye Chaoning, there were two other women.

Of the two women, one was eccentric, in her fifties, dressed in gray clothes, looking rustic.But she exuded an indescribable majesty and murderous aura.Her name is Miao Renhong.

Ye Chaoning also secretly introduced something to Chen Yang. Miao Renhong came from the remote mountains and Miaojiang, and was good at poisonous Gu insects, which was very scary.Absolutely not to provoke easily.

The other woman is very beautiful, in her thirties, enchanting and moving.

Ye Chaoning told Chen Yang that this woman was called Yu Luocha by people in the Jianghu.Moreover, she is also good at sucking the blood of men.Speaking of this, Ye Chaoning told Chen Yang, "I know you are young now, don't be fooled by her, otherwise you won't even know how you died."

Chen Yang couldn't stop laughing when he heard this, Ye Chaoning, does he really think of himself as a brat?

Among them was a man who seemed to be the strongest among them, and everyone seemed to be afraid of him.He is the free king!

Ye Chaoning told Chen Yang that King Xiaoyao had been practicing overseas and had killed countless people. He was not weaker than the principal Yan Jiuzhong.

In short, after all, none of the people here is a kind little white rabbit, and none of them are kind.

It may seem that the simplest and purest ones belong to Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning.

Chen Yang also asked Ye Chaoning: "You don't seem to like Hu Changyun and Guan Jun?"

"These two people have no bottom line in what they do. They have done a lot of burning, killing and looting. In fact, we have been looking for them all the time. It's just that they haven't returned to China recently!" Ye Chaoning said in a deep voice.

Chen Yang said, "Oh? Do you want me to kill them now?"

Ye Chaoning immediately said: "That can't be done, the alliance has just been formed. Besides, among these people, which one has no criminal record? My identity has been leaked by them. I don't think these people will trust us. .”

Chen Yang chuckled, and said, "It doesn't matter whether they trust us or not. This kind of alliance has no value in itself."

Ye Chaoning said, "Anyway, let's be careful."

Among the people present, Xiaoyao Wang looked the most powerful.Many people also flattered Xiaoyao Wang.

As for Chen Yang, Chen Yang seemed to be at the ninth rank of Shenlong.So, no one paid much attention to him.Who is not the ninth rank of Shenlong?

Everyone here knows Chen Yang.

But none of them collectively knew that Chen Yangcai had turned the Gufa family upside down in Liguo.If they knew, they probably wouldn't dare not take Chen Yang seriously at the moment.

These people have been here for at least a few months.

In this ghost place, all information is blocked, no wonder they don't know.

Before, Guan Jun and Hu Changyun were flattering Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning.Because they were afraid of Su Luomo, the Dragon Master.

But at this moment, Guan Jun and Hu Changyun went to make friends with other people, so they didn't pay much attention to Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning.

As for the others, it may be because they feel that they are reckless.But Ye Chaoning and Chen Yang more or less have official backgrounds.This is a bit like confrontation between officials and gangsters, so they are not willing to get close to Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning.

It's just that I dare not offend!

Because, they all know that Master Shenlong is probably nearby.

"Brother Chen Jun!" Just as Chen Yang was chatting with Ye Chaoning, the Jade Rakshasa floated over.As soon as you come here, there will be bursts of fragrant wind, and the smell will be intoxicating.

Yu Luocha has flaming red lips, and her hair is dyed blond with wavy curls.As soon as he came up, he hugged Chen Yang's shoulders, and the softness of his chest was also squeezed, which was very uncomfortable.

"Brother Chen Jun, I heard that you are amazing! You are a young genius. You are still so young, but you have already reached this level of cultivation. My sister really admires you!" Yu Luocha's voice was crisp.

Ye Chaoning was immediately upset, she coughed dryly, frowned and said, "Yu Luocha, you want to hook up with a man, go find someone else."

Yu Luocha grinned and said, "What's the matter, little sister, you're jealous. Could it be that you, like my sister, like young people like this? He's quite a few years younger than you!"

Everyone was walking, and when they saw this, they couldn't help laughing.

Ye Chaoning had a thin skin, and was immediately ashamed and angry.

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