Ye Chaoning was very satisfied with Chen Yang's answer.After that, the two chatted about other things, unconsciously, sleepiness hit Ye Chaoning, and after a while, she fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing that Ye Chaoning fell asleep, Chen Yang closed his eyes and rested, and then fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Chaoning suddenly woke up from his sleep.In this world of ice and snow, sweat was dripping on her forehead.

"What's wrong?" Chen Yang immediately sat up and asked.

Ye Chaoning also sat up, and she said to Chen Yang, "I dreamed about my brother and your sister."

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "How is my sister?"

Ye Chaoning looked terrified and worried, and she said: "It's not good, they are trapped. Before, I could only feel that my brother was trapped. Sometimes it was snowy, and sometimes it was dark. But this time, I can see It is a little clearer. Around them, it seems to be a dark lair. It is different from the previous place, and your sister was seriously injured. In that lair, there are many ghosts and ghosts. My brother is protecting your sister!"

Chen Yang looked weird, and said, "Impossible, my sister still needs your brother to protect me?"

Ye Chaoning said: "My brother is very powerful. Although your sister has high talent, she still has little time to practice!"

"My sister's cultivation should not be inferior to mine, can your brother beat me?" Chen Yang said dissatisfied.

"My brother may not be weaker than you!" Ye Chaoning said, "My brother is the son of light."

Chen Yang snorted and said, "What kind of son of the light, is it the son of the light who knows the dragon energy of light? I also know the dragon energy of light!"

Ye Chaoning got a little annoyed, and said, "I just said I saw it, why are you arguing with me, they are very dangerous now!"

Chen Yang also realized that he was a bit off topic, and said, "Where is that place? How should we find it?"

Ye Chaoning said: "I don't know the exact place, but I should still go in the northwest direction. The closer I get, the more clearly I can sense it."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, since this is the case, let's continue on our way." He was also a little worried about Hei Yi Su Zhen.

Hei Yi Suzhen is originally an immortal body, but if the soul is scattered now, the real body will be sealed forever, which is equivalent to death.This result was absolutely unacceptable to Chen Yang.

In the ice and snow, Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning rode the ice dragon again.

Going all the way, it's like walking in the desert, with no human habitation and no vitality.

Chen Yang would often make Ye Chaoning fall asleep, and sometimes Ye Chaoning couldn't fall asleep, so Chen Yang would let Ye Chaoning use the dragon energy to drive the ice dragon, so that after consuming Ye Chaoning's physical strength, it would be easier for her to fall asleep.

Ten days passed in a row, and Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning hadn't seen the Aurora Mountain, nor had they encountered any people.

But Ye Chaoning's dream became clearer and clearer.

She saw many things, and saw that the dark lair was very large and long, like an underground city.

Countless monsters came out of it. To be precise, they were not monsters, but dead creatures. Under the control of dark forces, they kept attacking Ye Feng.

Hei Yi Suzhen was indeed seriously injured.

Ye Feng has been struggling to support.

By the ninth day, Ye Chaoning probably understood some basics.I found out from her brother Hei Yi Suzhen's conversation.

"In that lair, there is an existence called the Night King. The Night King also has a frost dragon, which is a prehistoric creature and was resurrected by the Night King. The dark power of the Night King is very terrifying. Before, it was you The sister fought the night king, and she drove the night king and the frost dragon back into the darkness. But now, they can't leave the lair. If the night king and the frost dragon recover, they will die. " Ye Chaoning said to Chen Yang.

"Night King? Why did another Night King come out?" Chen Yang felt a headache, and he faintly felt that the matter of the dragon spirit was not that simple.

Ye Chaoning said: "Also, I have to admit that it seems that your sister is stronger than my brother. From their conversation, I can hear that your sister was mainly responsible for the defense before. But here is darkness everywhere. There is already a lot of suppression in the power."

Chen Yang said: "Stop talking about these useless things, how far do you think we are from them?"

Ye Chaoning said: "It seems that it's not far away, but I really can't tell where the lair is."

Chen Yang said: "Well, it doesn't matter if I don't know. I perceive the dark dragon energy, and I can always find the location of the lair in the dark. Since the lair is like a city, it is impossible to disappear without a trace. Most of it is underground. "

Ye Chaoning said, "It's all up to you."

Chen Yang nodded.

Riding the ice dragon all the way forward, Chen Yang sensed the dark dragon energy and looked for the dark lair.

In his consciousness, with his own dark dragon energy as the center, the surrounding world becomes a black ocean.In this piece of world, there is a long night, and the dark dragon aura is extraordinarily strong.

Chen Yang quickly sensed the traces of some creatures in the darkness...

It's human!

In the dark ocean, Chen Yang also felt the existence of a living being.This creature seems to be extraordinarily powerful, like the source of darkness.When Chen Yang sensed this creature, the creature let out a soft hey.

It seemed that he had noticed Chen Yang's visit.

Chen Yang was taken aback, and said to himself: "Is this guy the Night King or the Dark King? This trip is so dangerous!"

Soon, Chen Yang withdrew his visitation.He felt that this seemed unsafe...

But soon, Chen Yang felt that in the dark ocean, there was an original force visiting him.

Chen Yang knew that the other party was also testing him.

Right now, Chen Yang still wants to wait and see what happens.

He wasn't afraid of the opponent, he just knew that the opponent was not weak.The most important thing right now is to save Hei Yi Suzhen, there is no need to provoke such a powerful enemy.So Chen Yang immediately circulated the dragon energy in his body, hiding the dark dragon energy.

As a result, the other party could not find it immediately.

On the snow peak, a dwarf old man stood facing the wind.

He was wearing a black robe that flapped in the wind.

This old man is only one meter tall, but he has an invisible majesty that makes people dare not approach and despise him.

Behind the old man stood six Liguo people.

Five men and one woman!

These people are all disciples of the old man.

And the old man is the Dark King Douglas in the Dark Holy See!

The Dark King snorted slightly.

Aribula, the female disciple behind, immediately asked, "Master, what's the matter?"

Erebra is about 28 years old, she is the only female disciple of the Dark King, and also the youngest female disciple.She was coquettish and beautiful, even in such bad weather, she was still wearing a black leather skirt, revealing her snow-white thighs.

She has a proud figure and can be called a stunner, with blond hair and flaming red lips. When a man sees her, he can't help but feel impetuous and angry.I just want to press her under my body, so I can feel happy!

The Dark King's eyes were extremely deep, and he said in a deep voice: "Unexpectedly, there is such a strong dark dragon energy master. I thought that no one in this world could compete with me in controlling the dark dragon energy. "

"What?" Aribra was taken aback.

The eldest disciple of the Dark King is called Zorn.

Zorn is in his fifties, but he looks very young, he seems to be in his 30s.He is tall and straight, with a jade tree facing the wind.

Zon's cultivation is extremely strong, only under the King of Darkness.

Normally, most of the Dark Holy See is in charge of him.

Zon was also taken aback, and said, "Master, what happened?"

The Dark King said lightly: "Just now, I felt that in the ocean of dark dragon energy, there was a dark force visiting everything, and finally visited me. But he quickly accepted this visit, but wait When I visited the past, he disappeared. This shows that this person not only has a strong dark dragon aura, but also has learned other dragon auras. Moreover, this kind of dragon aura is not weaker than the dark dragon aura, otherwise, he would not be able to Hide his existence in my consciousness."

"Could it be Su Lumo?" Second disciple Nick said in a deep voice.

"It can't be Su Luomo, Su Luomo doesn't know the dark dragon spirit." The Dark King said.

Aribula said: "It seems that this dragon spirit has attracted too many experts. They really dare to come and compete with us!"

The Dark King said: "We have been looking for it for several months, but the Mountain of Aurora has never appeared. If someone else goes there first, the consequences will be unimaginable. So, don't be careless."

Zon and the others immediately said, "Yes, Master!"

"Have you found it?" Ye Chaoning was also asking Chen Yang at the same time.

Chen Yang smiled wryly, and said, "I didn't find it, but it seems that I found someone I shouldn't be looking for."

"What?" Ye Chaoning was puzzled.

Chen Yang said: "I feel a source in the sea of ​​dark dragon energy, but it's not the Night King you mentioned."

"How do you know it's not the Night King?" Ye Chaoning said, "We don't even know what the Night King looks like."

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "I think he should be the Dark King."

"Dark King?" Ye Chaoning was taken aback.

Chen Yang said: "He was also looking for me just now, and I hid the dark dragon energy."

"Are you afraid of him?" Ye Chaoning said.

Chen Yang said: "It's not because I'm afraid of him, I just don't want to cause trouble." Ye Chaoning said: "But, I don't know how long my brother and the others can hold on."

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "Then let me check again."

Ye Chaoning said: "I don't want it anymore, let's wait. A Night King is already very difficult to deal with, if you attract the Dark King again, it will be miserable."

Chen Yang said, "It would be great if I could meet up with your master."

Ye Chaoning said: "This place is too big. My brother and the others came a month early, but they didn't meet my master. It's so easy for us to meet."

The two did not continue walking blindly, but found a shelter from the wind and pitched a tent.

After resting like this, I ate something again.

After his stomach was full, Chen Yang began to use the dark dragon energy to check his surroundings again...

But at this moment, an accident happened.

Suddenly, a bright light came from outside the tent, and the colorful light illuminated the long night...

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