The strongest player in history

Chapter 2707 Wind and Snow Night

Chen Yang's cultivation has reached the ninth rank of Shenlong!

But to be honest, since he reached the ninth level of cultivation, he realized the vast world above the ninth level.The ninth step is a threshold. After entering this threshold, there is a vast world.

The reason why Chen Yang is invincible is because he understands the mysteries and rules of this vast world.He can run the spirit of fire, the essence of ice and so on.

The fusion of the seven dragon qi in Chen Yang's body is equivalent to gathering all the dragon qi of heaven and earth into one body and melting them into one furnace.These dragon qi are fused with the outside dragon qi, and the cycle goes on and on.

Generally speaking, other masters are limited to inhaling dragon energy into their bodies, and then injecting it into the dragon.However, Chen Yang has reached the point where Shenlong can absorb the energy of other dragons.It means that others are still carriages, but he is already a car.

There is no comparison!

At this moment, Chen Yang launched the ice dragon and flying dragon to run. Under Chen Yang's control, the ice dragon and flying dragon kept absorbing the dragon energy from the outside world.

The speed was extremely fast, and Chen Yang seemed to be able to handle it with ease!

"I planned to visit your master. I had a one-year appointment with him, but I didn't expect him to never go back!" Chen Yang said to Ye Chaoning with a smile in the snowstorm.

Ye Chaoning immediately dissatisfied, said: "You are a man, a man, can you not be so stingy! You still remember this matter! You have proved to my master and everyone that my master was wrong at the beginning!"

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "That's not being stingy, but following the agreement. If you say it, it's like spitting and nailing, and I have to abide by it."

"You are stingy!" Ye Chaoning said dissatisfied.

Chen Yang laughed.

After galloping for hundreds of miles, Ye Chaoning asked strangely: "Aren't you tired? Does this consume too much of your dragon energy? If we meet a master again, can we still deal with it?"

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I never do things that I'm not sure about."

Ye Chaoning just kept his mouth shut.

The longer she spent with Chen Yang, the more she felt that Chen Yang was like a master, like an abyss, like an ocean, boundless and unfathomable.

Chen Yang only took about 10 minutes for the one-hundred-mile journey.

The ice dragon was like a speeding sports car in the strong wind.

Ye Chaoning had to incite the whole body of the ice dragon to protect her body, otherwise she would not be able to withstand the storm outside.

About an hour later, Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning arrived at the iceberg marked on the map.

Chen Yang had used too much dragon energy, and he really needed to take a break at this time, in case of emergency.

The iceberg in front of it towers into the sky, and the white ocean can be seen in front of it.

Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning stopped at a corner of an iceberg sheltered from the wind, and opened the tent.

The two entered the tent to rest.

There is only one tent. In this environment, there is no need to divide it so much.It is a burden to bring two tents, it is better to bring more food.

Ye Chaoning found some canned beef and milk.

Unfortunately, the canned beef and milk have turned to stone.

Couldn't stop talking.

The living environment in this place is indeed too harsh.But also to prevent the emergence of tornadoes...

"This..." Ye Chaoning held the frozen food and said helplessly, "Here, can you still use your fire dragon spirit?"

The environment also has a great influence on dragon energy.

In this icy and snowy world, a master who has the aura of the ice dragon is like a tiger with wings added.But for a master of Fire Dragon Qi, that is simply blind.

Chen Yang chuckled, and said, "No problem, you take out that frying pan, and find some snow to put in it."

Ye Chaoning immediately followed suit.

After that, Chen Yang immediately displayed his fire dragon spirit.

He closed his eyes and concentrated, and the world around him immediately became clear.

Dark as an abyss!

Chen Yang thought to himself, this place might be dominated by the King of Darkness.

The long night is best for the Dark Lord.

Chen Yang then relied on the spirit of the fire dragon to find the sea of ​​fire dragons.

The fire dragon's energy is indeed very thin in this place, no matter how high your cultivation is, as long as you absorb the fire dragon's energy, you will feel cool in this place.

Then, Chen Yang opened his eyes.

In his hands, flames blazed up.

One more flick, and the flame was burning under the pan.

In the frying pan, the white snow quickly melted into water, and then boiled.

The canned beef hadn't been opened yet, and it was cooked in boiling water, and soon it all melted.

Chen Yang opened the lid of the can, and after a while, there was the smell of beef in the tent.

After the beef was hot, Ye Chaoning poured the beef into two bowls.She found out the instant noodles and cooked them in a pan.

Half an hour later, Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning ate hot beef noodles.

On weekdays, these foods are nothing more than ordinary.

But in this world of ice and snow, it is so rare.

After eating, drink milk again, that is even more pleasant.

However, there was a lingering smell of beef and instant noodles in the tent.But this is survival in the wild, not a place to talk about the environment.Ye Chaoning wasn't that spoiled, so he didn't say anything.

After resting for about an hour, Chen Yang said to Ye Chaoning, "Let's set off."

Ye Chaoning was anxious to save his brother, so of course he agreed.

She didn't know where Ye Feng was, she only knew that it was a place covered with snow.But on the Arctic Ocean, where is not white snow?

So at this moment, they can only continue to rush towards the Aurora Mountain.

The ice dragon is galloping on the ice field, advancing rapidly...

The wind and snow never stop.

Long night, accompany forever!

Driven all the way for three hundred miles, the two rested again.

Chen Yang also felt that it was time to sleep.

Ye Chaoning also agreed, she felt that she might be able to sense her brother's existence more clearly in her sleep.

In the tent, after eating some quick biscuits, the two wrapped themselves in their sleeping bags and got ready for bed.

However, it is not so fast to fall asleep.

Ye Chaoning found it strange that although she and Chen Yang slept in the same tent, she didn't feel embarrassed at all, and she wasn't afraid that Chen Yang would do anything wrong to her.It's such peace of mind and trust in him!

In Chen Yang's eyes, Ye Chaoning was just a little girl.

Although he hasn't touched a woman for a long time, he doesn't think much about this little girl.

In the dark night, Ye Chaoning suddenly asked Chen Yang: "Are you asleep?"

Chen Yang turned over and looked at Ye Chaoning.

The tent was not big, and when they turned over, their faces were very close.

Ye Chaoning blushed suddenly.

Chen Yang stepped back a little, smiled faintly, and said, "Why, you can't sleep?"

Ye Chaoning said: "I was thinking, what kind of person are you? Why, there are so many miracles in you? In our history, there is no one like you."

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, he thought about it carefully, and said: "Actually, I have some secrets about me. Maybe I can tell you when the right time comes. But right now, I can't tell. In the future, you will understand everything. "

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