The strongest player in history

Chapter 2706 The Arctic Ocean

Chen Yang told Chen Tiannan about Lingzun.

In that empty universe, Lingzun's imperial skyship devoured the planets and continued to grow.Their goal is the earth, and the earth is already preparing for war.That battle will be a matter of life and death for everyone.It also includes the celestial world, because the celestial world and the earth are siblings of the same mother, and they are connected by flesh and blood.

Chen Tiannan couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, he also realized the seriousness of the matter.

"We came this time to change some rules of the celestial sphere, but also to protect the earth. In essence, we did not harm the celestial sphere, but protected it." Chen Yang said to Chen Tiannan.

Chen Tiannan said: "I originally thought that it would be best if you and Bai Suzhen stayed here forever, but I didn't expect that there would be such a terrible crisis. Then, how can you go back?"

Chen Yang said: "In the depths of these dragon auras, there is the real body of Bai Suzhen and me. I haven't found the real body yet, but I believe that if I continue to practice, I should be able to find it. Of course, don't be too Worry. There are many capable people on the earth, it doesn't mean that if Bai Suzhen and I can't go back, the earth will be useless. I believe that the earth can exist for such a long time, so there is a reason for its existence. It can't be destroyed by mere spiritual masters."

Chen Tiannan immediately said with certainty: "Yes, the earth will never be destroyed!"

"The timeline here and the timeline of the earth have errors and omissions. At that time, we only need to go back to the correct time point, and there will be no delay." Chen Yang added.

Chen Tiannan nodded and said: "If you need my help, just ask." He paused, then smiled wryly: "But with your current ability, there is nothing I can do to help you."

Chen Yang hurriedly said: "You must not say that." Then he smiled and said: "I also said last time that I am not younger than you. So I really can't call you uncle in private. But, you I will never forget the help you have given me. I am also thinking, what can I do to repay you. But this matter of cultivation is indeed not something I can come to help you grow."

Chen Tiannan smiled and said: "Don't say that, you have already helped me a lot. I didn't help you much, but you gave me a lot in return. It took me at least ten years to get to where I am today. What about this position. Now, who doesn't know that you, the young king, were brought out by my insight. Who doesn't know, that I am the uncle of you, the young king?"

Chen Yang laughed.

The two chatted happily, and finally, Chen Yang sent Chen Tiannan back to the hotel where he was staying.Chen Tiannan explained that he would leave tomorrow, and told Chen Yang to leave him alone.Chen Yang said that he would contact me tomorrow...

After sending Chen Tiannan back, Chen Yang called Ye Chaoning, who directly said that she was looking for Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also agreed.

The night is already deep.

There is no moon tonight.

Chen Yang stood by the road in front of the hotel, the neon lights of the hotel and the lights of the road mixed together.

There is a hint of cold in the night wind.

Chen Yang still smelled of alcohol, he paced back and forth, but thought a lot of things in his mind.

But it seems that there are some far-fetched things.

I don't know why, all the way to today, he already has glory, identity, status, and supernatural powers.But he always thinks about his childhood, fighting in the African bush, and hanging out in bars after completing missions.

At that time, although he was licking blood with a knife, he had no ambitions and was extremely happy.

As people grow older, their responsibilities will also increase.

When I was young, I wanted to have power, wealth, and status!

But I never thought about what you will bear when you have something.

After Chen Yang waited for less than half an hour, Ye Chaoning drove over in an off-road vehicle.The off-road vehicle stopped in front of Chen Yang. Chen Yang opened the door and sat on the co-pilot.

Tonight, Ye Chaoning is wearing a black windbreaker, mature, capable, cool and glamorous.

Chen Yang was wearing an ordinary leather jacket. Even the simple clothes had an indescribably mature charm on him.

His face is immature, but it feels like a 16-year-old boy?

Ye Chaoning couldn't help but said: "I always feel that under your young body, there is a sophisticated soul hidden!"

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "Your feeling is very accurate!"

Ye Chaoning also smiled, and then started the car.

"You are in such a hurry that you must see me. Is there something important?" Chen Yang asked casually.

"Yes, there is something very important. I want you to accompany me to a place." Ye Chaoning said.

Chen Yang said: "Okay, no problem, where are you going?"

Ye Chaoning was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect Chen Yang to agree so easily.

"You haven't asked me where I'm going yet." Ye Chaoning said.

Chen Yang said, "It doesn't matter."

This is a kind of strong self-confidence that belongs to Chen Yang today.

Ye Chaoning said: "That's right, you should already know that my master, my brother, and your sister have all gone to the Arctic Ocean."

Chen Yang rubbed his nose, feeling something was wrong, and said, "I know my sister has gone, why did your brother go too? Did they go together?"

Ye Chaoning said, "That's right!"

Chen Yang felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Although he had never seen this Ye Feng, he felt inexplicably hostile.

He didn't realize it himself.

But at this time, Chen Yang didn't bother to investigate, he immediately asked: "Did something happen?"

Ye Chaoning said: "Master went there for three months, but there was no news. Then my brother and your sister passed, and there was no news. Recently I always dream that my brother is trapped somewhere in the ice and snow. I have a very bad feeling in my heart, you don’t know, my brother and I have a kind of telepathy since childhood. When I was young, I once encountered a giant python in the mountains, and my brother came to save me in time. Because he dreamed that I was going to be in danger."

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "Stop talking about your brother all the time, what about my sister?"

Ye Chaoning said, "I didn't dream of her!"

"Then do you know how to find them over there?" Chen Yang asked.

Ye Chaoning said, "I don't know!"

Chen Yang said: "It's fine for me to go with you, but there must be a destination. The Arctic Ocean is icy and snowy, and the signal is blocked, so let's go rashly. Isn't it a needle in a haystack?"

Ye Chaoning said: "I know the approximate location where the dragon spirit appeared, and they should all be looking for that location."

Chen Yang immediately said: "Okay then, you get ready. When you're ready, we'll leave immediately!"

Ye Chaoning was very grateful immediately, and said, "Thank you, Chen Jun!"

Chen Yang said: "You don't need to thank me, I'm going to find my sister."

Ye Chaoning still insisted, "No matter what, I thank you for accompanying me."

They broke up that night, and Ye Chaoning prepared everything the next day.

Chen Yang said goodbye to Chen Leyi and Chen Tiannan, and then greeted Yan Jiuzhong and Mr. Wu.After that, they set off with Ye Chaoning.

Just take a private plane there.

Even the private plane couldn't reach the core area of ​​the Arctic Ocean, so Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning were dropped off at the outskirts.After that, the private plane returned.

For the rest of the journey, Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning had to go on their own.

The air in Kyoto is still only full of chill.

But the Arctic Ocean is covered with ice and snow all year round, and most of it is still in the ocean.It's just that the oceans have been frozen.

What's more terrible is that from October to March in the Arctic Ocean, it is in a state of dark night.

In other words, it was always dark.

And after March, it's daytime again.

In the Arctic Ocean, there is one day and one long night.

After day, night, so a year passed!

The climate is the worst place in the world.

But in the long night, beautiful auroras often appear.The temperature at night is often minus 20 degrees Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius.

Both Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning wore night vision goggles to prevent symptoms of snow blindness.

At this time, the plane had already flown away.

Chen Yang and Ye Chaoning stood on the vast snowfield, and the bitter cold wind blew in, as if they were going to freeze them to death.

However, Ye Chaoning practiced the spirit of the ice dragon, so she was not afraid of the cold at all.

At this time, Chen Yang couldn't help but miss Jie Xumi.Because at this moment, he was carrying a lot of luggage, which was somewhat bloated.

In all directions, thousands of miles of snow, it seems that they all look the same.

Even the ocean, the ocean is frozen ice.

The Arctic Ocean is the only white ocean in the world.

Chen Yang said to Ye Chaoning: "Now, where are we going?"

Ye Chaoning had a map in her hand. She took a compass, compared it with the map, and said, "Go northwest, and after about three hundred miles, we will see an iceberg. Let's rest there tonight, how about it?"

"The destination is the Mountain of Aurora, right?" Chen Yang asked.

Ye Chaoning said: "That's right, it's the Mountain of Aurora! It's marked on the map. Going forward to the deepest part of the Arctic Ocean, there is a Mountain of Aurora. There may be the place where the spirit of the dragon is."

Chen Yang looked around, and there were only their own footprints on the snow.

This area is too wide...

"We came too late, and we don't know what happened there." Chen Yang sighed, and said, "Let's go."

Ye Chaoning nodded.

There was a strong wind in the sky, mixed with hail and snow particles, and it was extremely difficult to walk in it.

Chen Yang carried all the luggage on his back, and at this moment he directly displayed the ice dragon spirit.The ice dragon condenses in the air, and the air of the flying dragon fuses with the ice dragon with the help of wind.

The ice dragon was so lifelike that it appeared in front of the two of them.Chen Yang sat on the ice dragon, and said to Ye Chaoning: "You can't rely on your feet, come up."

Ye Chaoning looked a little stunned, she didn't expect to be able to operate like this.

Soon, Ye Chaoning also sat on the ice dragon.

The two were not stuck together, after all, the body of the ice dragon was still very large.

Afterwards, the ice dragon went against the wind in the strong wind and ran quickly.

It's not flying, because the wind is too strong, relying on the flying dragon to fly is very energy-intensive.

The ice dragon is particularly advantageous in this weather.Therefore, the fusion of ice dragon and flying dragon is the best.

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