The strongest player in history

Chapter 2481 Shielding

What Chen Yang caught was the time spar. The reason why he dared to detonate the extremely cold wormhole was because he knew that the time spar had the ability to be unpredictable.Will not be affected by the explosion!

Although the extremely cold wormhole is a treasure, it is a pity to lose it like this.But the time spar can be kept, which is still acceptable.Furthermore, even if the time spar could not be saved, compared with Chen Yang's own life, everything else would be nothing.

Chen Yang got the time spar, turned around, and went to look for the Tsing Yi.

Right now, between him and Tsing Yi, there is no end to death.

Tsing Yi immediately sensed that Chen Yang was chasing him from behind. He was not in a hurry to escape, but waited for Chen Yang to arrive.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Yang came to Tsing Yi.

The two stood in the dark void, surrounded by a vast and boundless void universe.

Not a shred of light!

But Chen Yang saw Tsing Yi clearly.

"You can't kill me, and I can't kill you either. What do you want to do you have been following me?" Tsing Yi said rather annoyed.

Chen Yang glanced at Tsing Yi and said, "How do you know that I can't kill you? I was able to win over that young lady just now. Now I can win over you too!"

"Stop pretending!" Tsing Yi said impatiently, "Don't forget who I am, I am you. I know exactly what you are thinking. Do you want to convince me? Why don't you convince yourself. You Crush you, and I will fuse you. Then, everything will be the best of both worlds. There is still only one Chen Yang in this world."

"You are not Chen Yang!" Chen Yang said: "Chen Yang originally loved his wife, son, and family. But what about you? How dare you say that you love Ling'er? Love Nianci, love Mo Nong, Do you love Qiao Ning?"

Tsing Yi said: "Yes, I can't! The longer I live, the stranger they become to me."

"Because everything is mine. And you..." Chen Yang said.

"And what about me? I am a living being. I survived and became independent, not to fuse with you." Tsing Yi said.

"It's so hard for you to die. Why should I die?" Tsing Yi said angrily.

"Damn it!" Chen Yang said, "I haven't said anything yet, you always have so many reasons! I haven't asked you to sacrifice, but you want me to."

Tsing Yi sneered again and again, and said: "Hmph, I just blocked your mouth first!"

Chen Yang said: "Pretend to be smart, this is not my character!"

Tsing Yi said: "That's because you didn't notice it. You have too many bad roots, but unfortunately you can't see it. But you can see it in me."

Chen Yang said, "Are you deliberately wanting to be different?"

Tsing Yi said: "Haha, you can say whatever you want. It's not me who is unconventional, but you are the one who is hypocritical and oppressive. And Chen Ling, he is just like you. What you want to do and what you want are all suppressed. And me and Chen Tianya is the real me. You should be Chen Ling's son, and I should be Chen Tianya's son. He is the devil emperor. From now on, I will be the devil emperor! Devil emperor Chen Tianya, devil emperor Chen Qingyi , hahahahaha!"

He then laughed out loud, as if he thought it was a very good idea and plan.

He thought it was simply wonderful.

Chen Yang shook his head, and said: "You are wrong, you will never become Chen Tianya. Chen Tianya has a strong character, but you don't. Also, Senior Ling was ashamed back then, and made a big mistake by not killing Chen Tianya. But today, I I will not repeat the mistakes of my predecessors. At the end of the world, at the end of the universe, I will definitely kill you!"

"Fuck!" Tsing Yi cursed immediately, and said, "You have countless enemies, why do you have to kill Lao Tzu? Is Lao Tzu your big enemy?"

Chen Yang sighed, and said: "Okay, we can't explain the truth clearly. There is no reason to explain it, because the world is unfair. And you were born with a mistake. Now, I want to correct this mistake !"

"Then come!" Tsing Yi yelled and said, "I want to see how you can kill me!"

Chen Yang shot immediately.

The two immediately fought again, and the black hole sword cut through the void!

The Sword Art of Creation has countless illusions!

A sword comes to the east, and the sword breaks through the sky!

Lightning Thunder God scissors, the sky falls apart!

The two fought from the east to the west, and from the west to the north. I don't know how many planets were destroyed in the process, and how far they flew!

This fight lasted for three full days and three nights.

After three days and three nights, both of them were somewhat exhausted.

Afterwards, the two took a temporary rest on a desolate death star.

"Hahaha, you can't kill me, you can't kill me!" Tsing Yi sat ten meters away from Chen Yang and said with a big laugh.He looks a little crazy!

Chen Yang also knew that he really couldn't kill Tsing Yi.At least, not alone.

At the same time, Tsing Yi was also aware of this problem.

He stood up and said, "I'm leaving, don't follow me anymore."

Then, he flashed his figure and escaped into the space.

Chen Yang didn't chase after him any more. There was no point in chasing after him like this!

Afterwards, he began to sit cross-legged and cultivated.

Another three days passed, and Chen Yang finally returned to his prime.The cosmic aura in the universe is endless, and Chen Yang can absorb it and then strengthen himself.

Chen Yang could sense Tsing Yi's location, and he also sensed that Tsing Yi had gone to another planet to recuperate.

But at this moment, Chen Yang suddenly lost the specific location of Tsing Yi in his mind.

"Huh? What's the situation?" Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, and immediately felt uneasy.This is not a good sign!

"The fragments on Tsing Yi's body are one with me. I can feel his existence no matter where the world is. In the same way, he can also feel my existence." Chen Yang began to think: "What method did he use to block me? The feeling for him? In the black hole? But, even being in the black hole can't cut off my feeling for him!" For a while, Chen Yang couldn't figure it out.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Chen Yang sensed Tsing Yi's presence again.

These few changes made Chen Yang a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

"No, this is not Tsing Yi. It's my fragment, a fragment that has not been fused by Tsing Yi!" Chen Yang thought to himself.

He finally figured everything out.

Before, Tsing Yi did not have the ability to shield Chen Yang.Therefore, Chen Yang kept focusing on Tsing Yi.Now that Tsing Yi was gone, Chen Yang realized that this unfused fragment was on him.

"What's the matter with this fragment? Well, don't worry, I'll go and have a look first. It's not far away!" At that moment, Chen Yang moved and immediately left the Death Star where he was.

"Could it be Tsing Yi's trap?" Chen Yangren couldn't help thinking to himself as he shuttled at a high speed.

"It's probably a trap!" Chen Yang said in his heart, "But I have to take a look."

If he didn't take a look, Chen Yang would never be able to settle down.

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