The strongest player in history

Chapter 2480 Extinction

Chen Yang knows everything, and Tsing Yi knows everything.And now, Tsing Yi also incorporates Chen Yang's extremely cold air.

Seeing the Lightning Thunder God Scissor strangling over, Tsing Yi also used the Light Thunder God Scissors!

Black Hole Space vs. Black Hole Space!

The current situation between Chen Yang and Tsing Yi is very delicate, as if they are stealing each other's money.Everyone has gold coins on them, and if they fall, they belong to the other party.

Therefore, the bodies of the two people must not be broken. Once broken, they will be absorbed by each other.

In that black hole, Guang Lei Shen Jian and Guang Lei Shen Jian violently beheaded together.Chen Yang and Tsing Yi devoured each other again, but no one could do anything to each other.

However, although the two cannot defeat each other.

However, Tsing Yi still has the support of Di Feiyan!

At this time, Di Feiyan made a move.Her pretty face was cold, and she suddenly held the Qiankun Thunder Bead in her hand, and then grabbed Tsing Yi and Chen Yang with her palm.

The power of Qiankun Thunder Bead and Thunder Pool were all input into Di Feiyan's palm print.

The purple thunder hand held Tsing Yi and Chen Yang completely, and the violent lightning electrons and the law of Vientiane were all integrated into the hand of thunder.

This Vientiane Law was also input into Tsing Yi's body, and helped Tsing Yi kill Chen Yang.

Chen Yang felt purple clouds and electricity everywhere!

This purple cloud and electricity has its own Vientiane world, and Chen Yang feels that it is surrounded by lightning for thousands of miles!It is even more terrifying than the real world of thunder and lightning!

In this mudra, there are endless lightning, all kinds of lightning, and quantum lightning!

Under the power of Vientiane, the thunder and lightning turned into various mythical beasts, monsters, and various strange lightning and so on!Di Feiyan made a simple move, but it seemed to cast a world!


Many thunder and lightning beasts, magical beasts, and visions all rushed towards Chen Yang.


Di Feiyan didn't hold back at all, what she wanted was Chen Yang's fragments.

Without saying a word, Chen Yang began to absorb.

The Tsing Yi sneered and said: "Miss, I know him too well. After he absorbs it later, he will use a sword to break your Thunder Hand. However, your Thunder Hand is the thunder of the entire universe. Zhu's thunder world, under the distortion of space, he is absolutely invincible. But every time he casts a sword, his mana and mental power will be damaged. As long as your power is strong enough and fast enough, you can Explode his body!"

"Also, he doesn't know where he got the extremely cold air from the extremely cold wormhole. However, this extremely cold air has been absorbed by me. As long as he uses the extremely cold air to freeze it, it will be better. We Just use up his magic power!"

Tsing Yi roared wildly, and Chen Yang heard his voice.

He wanted to tell Di Feiyan and disturb Chen Yang's mind.

Chen Yang couldn't help scolding: "Do you think you know me well? I don't even know myself."

When the lightning force bombarded Chen Yang with all its strength, Chen Yang immediately started to devour it.

These lightning powers are mixed with the power of all phenomena, and there is absolutely no way to swallow them with the Great Devouring Technique.

But Chen Yang has the seeds of Xuanhuang God Valley!

He swallowed it after all.

And, soon, Chen Yang's body was like an inflated balloon.When the pure power was about to burst his body, Chen Yang also unleashed a sword attack!

Unleash all the power of Di Feiyan and Tsing Yi!

Chen Yang retained his own strength.

"Sure enough!" Tsing Yi immediately laughed when he saw that Chen Yang's reaction was exactly as he expected.

That sword Donglai was shrouded by Tsing Yi's mysterious space, and all of it was directly vented into the Thunder World.

Although the power of this sword is formidable, but with Tsing Yi's help, it was like a mud cow entering the sea in the end, without even a single ripple!

In many cases, it's not that Chen Yang is not fierce enough!

But the enemy is always in pairs!

It's enough to deal with a Di Feiyan, and this Tsing Yi has the same attributes as himself, and knows him well.

Seeing this situation, Di Feiyan was also determined.

Afterwards, she unleashed her supreme magic power, blasting towards Chen Yang with infinite thunder and lightning and the power of Vientiane.

Chen Yang absorbed again!

Tsing Yi also activated mana at the same time!

The two savage magic powers bombarded Chen Yang with all their strength. Even though Chen Yang had the ability to reach the sky, it was absolutely difficult for Chen Yang to absorb them all at this moment.

Absorbed, there is no time to convert!

Tsing Yi had a ferocious face, and began to get excited.

Chen Yang sneered.

"Since you can't switch, let's not switch!" Chen Yang suddenly drove the extremely cold wormhole.

He introduced all these attacking forces into the extremely cold wormhole.

The extremely cold wormhole is a living wormhole, and there is time spar to suppress it!

The infinity of the mystery inside is unimaginable.Even Chen Yang only understood one-thousandth of its mysteries.

The power of Thunder and Tsing Yi instantly fell into the sea like mud cows!

The power of time began to distort in the extremely cold wormhole, and swallowed all these forces into different time and space, and then was completely frozen by the extremely cold air.

Chen Yang absorbed it with the black hole vortex, allowing the extremely cold wormhole to completely shatter Di Feiyan's power.At this moment, his heart is very stable!

Di Feiyan and Tsing Yi couldn't help but lose color.

They naturally also felt this strangeness.No matter how fierce their strength is, the opponent seems to have an endless magic weapon, which can directly dissolve all their strength.

Moreover, Di Feiyan was infected by the extremely cold air, and suddenly felt uncomfortable all over his body.Fortunately, she belonged to the side that attacked Chen Yang, and when she found out that she was uncomfortable, she immediately cut off the attack.At the same time, she was proficient in the Heart Sutra of Lightning Mother, so she used the thunder and lightning of the Qiankun Thunder Bead to wash away the uncomfortable feeling.

Di Feiyan stopped.

Tsing Yi said in a deep voice: "I'll go to his mysterious magic weapon, miss, you continue to attack!" After he finished speaking, he rushed into Chen Yang's black hole vortex.

Although Di Feiyan was very displeased with Tsing Yi's giving orders, he didn't say much right now.

Chen Yang still couldn't control the extremely cold wormhole, so of course he didn't dare to let Tsing Yi enter.He sneered and said, "Go in if you want? Go back to your house?"

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he squeezed the formula, and instantly cast the Light Thunder God Scissors.

With a flash of Tsing Yi's figure, he withdrew from Chen Yang's black hole vortex.

"Miss, hurry up and continue Thunder Hand! When you attack with all your strength, he will have to open that mysterious magic weapon!" Tsing Yi shouted.

Immediately, Di Feiyan cast his hand of thunder again to envelop Chen Yang.Chen Yang knew what Tsing Yi said was right, if Tsing Yi entered the extremely cold wormhole, there might be some accidents.

Chen Yang must now kill all uncontrollable factors.

So, when the Thunder Hand shrouded him, Chen Yang twisted his body, and suddenly jumped into the small world inside the Thunder Hand.

Thunder God Beast, Warcraft, and many other forces rushed towards Chen Yang with all their strength.

Tsing Yi was stunned for a moment, and quickly chased after him.Naturally, Di Feiyan helped Tsing Yi, she allowed Tsing Yi to travel unimpeded in the world of Thunder.Let Chen Yang face many obstacles!

In an instant, Chen Yang fell into the center of Thunder World!

Thousands of attacks and kills, endless thunder and lightning strikes.

It is more terrifying than a thousand arrows piercing the heart!

Where could Chen Yang withstand such an attack? If he had to bear it, his body would be blown to pieces.

That is absolutely impossible.

If you open the extremely cold wormhole, you will face the risk of Tsing Yi running in.

"Hateful!" Chen Yang felt the enemy's mood at this time. Every time the enemy faced an opponent like himself, the mood was very bad!Now he can't wait to throw this Tsing Yi into the latrine.So fucking fucked up.

Chen Yang was no longer alarmed. At this critical moment, he waved his left hand and suppressed Tsing Yi with the black hole spar.And run Light Thunder God Scissors, Good Fortune Sword Art, and various spells to kill Tsing Yi at no cost.If Tsing Yi wants to break through this shackle, it will take some time.Chen Yang pulled out the fragments of the extremely cold wormhole with his right hand.

He grabbed the fragments of the extremely cold wormhole in his hand, opened the life door of the extremely cold wormhole, and urged the infinite extreme cold air to freeze the surroundings.

The thunder and lightning that came from many kills were directly frozen by the blue mist!

Chen Yang hid inside the ice sculpture, while the thunder and lightning outside were still coming fiercely.

At this moment, Tsing Yi also broke free from the shackles of the black hole spar.

Chen Yang took back the black hole spar, but Tsing Yi launched a black hole vortex to absorb the blue ice mist...

Tsing Yi is here to make trouble again!

"Fuck you!" Chen Yang yelled, which was enough to make me angry.Simply put all the blue ice fog into the extremely cold wormhole.

Then, a cold light flashed in Chen Yang's eyes, and he ejected the fragment!

Tsing Yi was about to grab the fragments of the extremely cold wormhole, but as soon as he moved, fear flashed in his eyes.He guessed Chen Yang's intention in an instant. At this moment, not only did this guy not step forward, but he quickly escaped from the control of Thunder Hand.

Anyway, Di Feiyan didn't set up obstacles for Tsing Yi!

Di Feiyan also sensed that something was wrong, but it was too late for her to react otherwise.

Because, at this moment, Chen Yang had already poured the Yuanshen bomb into the extremely cold wormhole.

Then, the extremely cold wormhole exploded!

At this moment, the blue brilliance was extremely dazzling.The blue icy mist covered the sky and swept across the entire Thunder World in an instant at the speed of lightning and thunder.

All the thunder and lightning were frozen!

Follow, there is a bang!

After the violent explosion, Thunder World was completely shattered.

Following the shattering were the Thunder Shenzhou and the Qiankun Thunder Bead!

At the same time, Di Feiyan's face turned pale, and he spat out a mouthful of bright red blood.

And in that Thunder Shenzhou, Tan Hongxiu, Shui Gui, Shui Luo and others were directly blown to pieces.The explosion of the thunder pond means that experts like them have no chance to resist.

Di Feiyan quickly escaped from the scene of the explosion. If she didn't leave, even if she was at the fifth level of the Creation Realm, she would be wiped out.

That Tsing Yi ran so fast that he was on the scene in an instant, and he couldn't even see his shadow.

And what about Chen Yang?

Chen Yang also ran very fast, he ran with all his strength, and at the moment of the explosion, he also rushed out of the Thunder World.

Both Chen Yang and Tsing Yi were intact, but Di Feiyan was the worst.

This peerless beauty failed to steal a chicken, but instead capsized her ship in the gutter.Lost Thunder Shenzhou, also lost Qiankun Leizhu.Almost all of her capable men were dead.

Chen Yang didn't go far, now that Di Feiyan was injured, there was nothing to fear!

After this violent explosion, Chen Yang grasped in the void, and grabbed a shiny spar in his hand!

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