The strongest player in history

Chapter 2482 Requesting Double Repair

Chen Yang felt that he was in too much of a hurry. Although he took the time spar, he didn't try to comprehend it.

However, deep in his heart, he did not regard this time spar as his own.He felt that the spar was tailor-made for the second brother at this time.

Chen Yangming knew that Tsing Yi might have a trap, but in order to find out what happened, he chased after the fragment without hesitation.

In the void, the wind is flying like lightning!

The great teleportation technique was used to the extreme by Chen Yang, although the distance was not too far.But this distance is only relative... Chen Yang arrived at the tracking place after a full hour.

The distance can no longer be measured with simple units of measurement.


After the explosion of the extremely cold wormhole, Di Feiyan ushered in the biggest failure in his life.

In the past few days, Di Feiyan felt that his life had suddenly taken a steep turn, and he was walking around with a recited word.First, there was an unreasonable disaster, Yinglao and others were killed inexplicably.I have suffered a heavy loss!Then, she drove Thunder Shenzhou to catch up with Tan Lao and his group, and finally waited for the Tiangang chariot to arrive.

In the end, it was his elder brother Di Huaixiu who came to the rescue!

After Emperor Huaixiu arrived, he defeated Tan Lao and his party with a thunderous attack.Moreover, Elder Tan, Master Mausoleum, and Fu Zhichen were taken away.

Di Feiyan could guess that Di Huaixiu wanted to use these masters for his own use.

But there was nothing she could do.Emperor Huaixiu has many people and many masters.Moreover, the eldest brother came under the banner of rescue.If I compete with him, one is that I can't grab it, and the other is that it is unreasonable!

What Di Huaixiu said was to take them back for interrogation.

Then, Di Feiyan thought of capturing Cheng Junyun and Dong Wuxian who had escaped.

As a result, Cheng Junyun and Dong Wuwu dropped the fragments ahead of time.Di Feiyan could only grab the fragments and come back, while Cheng Junyun and Dong Wuxian had already fled without a trace.

Di Feiyan didn't bother to pursue it, since the fragments were already in his hands anyway.

After that, she gave all the fragments to Tsing Yi.But she still left a fragment in her hand!This fragment is the key to mastering Tsing Yi.

After Tsing Yi merged, he brought Di Feiyan to look for Chen Yang's body!

This is all that happened to Di Feiyan after Chen Yang escaped.

After that explosion, Di Feiyan lost the Qiankun Leizhu and Thunder Shenzhou.

The death of Tan Hongxiu, Shui Gui, and Shui Luo made her very sad.

Tan Hongxiu grew up with her.

Di Feiyan was not immersed in sadness, she knew that everything was about to change.After returning to the Temple of Advent, he will lose the qualification to compete with his elder brother Emperor Huaixiu.

She has no choice.

But right now, the more important thing for Di Feiyan to do heal his wounds.

She was badly hurt!

Di Feiyan found a desolate planet, and then hid on an isolated island in the ocean to heal his injuries.This planet is uninhabited, but it has boundless oceans.

An isolated island in the ocean, where no grass grows.

Di Feiyan absorbs the lightning factor between heaven and earth to nourish himself.The extremely cold air in her body made her feel extremely cold.The body became weak again, and the lightning power that could be absorbed could not quench the extremely cold air.

But at this moment, Di Feiyan forgot one thing.

That is, she has Chen Yang's pieces.

Before, when she was strong, the shard was her tracker!

And now, she's weak.

Then, the fragments will become Tsing Yi's tracker to find her.

So, on that dark isolated island, Di Feiyan sat on a mountain peak dressed in white.And a flash of lightning flashed across the sky.

When Di Feiyan realized something was wrong, it was already a step too late.

Then, Di Feiyan raised his head and saw a person standing in front of him.This person is... Tsing Yi!

Di Feiyan felt startled.Tsing Yi quickly walked in front of Di Feiyan...

"Miss, how is your injury?" Tsing Yi asked with concern.

Di Feiyan took a deep breath, and said lightly, "There is nothing serious."

Tsing Yi said: "Miss, your body doesn't seem to be in serious trouble. Let me heal your wounds!"

Di Feiyan said angrily: "I said there is no serious problem, so there is no serious problem."

Tsing Yi couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said: "Miss, I am one with you. Why are you so wary of me? You can't hide your physical condition from yourself, and you can't hide it from me. I'm here to help you sincerely! "

"You..." Di Feiyan looked at Tsing Yi.She always felt that something was wrong in her heart, but right now, she didn't dare to really tear herself apart with Tsing Yi.So she immediately said: "I have notified my elder brother, and he will come right away!"

Tsing Yi said: "If the young lady hadn't been afraid of Di Huaixiu, she would have returned to the Temple of the God of Advent by herself. Therefore, I know that the young lady would never return to the Temple of the God of Advent before her injuries were fully recovered, let alone inform the emperor. Huaixiu came to the rescue."

"What on earth do you want to do?" Di Feiyan felt nervous.Now that she was injured, she could no longer face Tsing Yi with a condescending attitude.And at this time, she felt that this evil Tsing Yi was particularly uneasy.

Tsing Yi came to Di Feiyan's side. He sat side by side with Di Feiyan, and then said softly, "Missy has kindness to me again. This kindness and this kindness will never be forgotten."

Di Feiyan said: "Really? If you really remember this kindness, you are now outside the planet, protecting the Dharma for me! You are loyal to me today, and I will give you twice as much in the future!"

Tsing Yi said: "Of course there is no problem! It's just that Miss, you may not know much about your injury."

"What do you mean?" Di Feiyan said.

Tsing Yi said: "The extremely cold air entering the body is the power in the extremely cold wormhole. It can freeze thunder and lightning, think about all kinds of distracting thoughts, etc. This is why you can't quench the extremely cold air. The general Cold air, with your lightning power, you can temper it a little bit. But this kind of extremely cold air, its attributes are still higher than the power of lightning. If you allow the cold air to invade your body, I am afraid that you will not survive for three days what!"

Di Feiyan was startled.

She felt very bad.

"Do you have a solution?" Di Feiyan immediately asked.

Tsing Yi said: "I have a way to crack it, because this extremely cold wormhole is not restrained by me. I have absorbed the extremely cold air into my body before. Miss, you also know that my body is an eternal body. Not afraid of this kind of extremely cold air. Therefore, Chen Yang is also afraid that I will make trouble in the extremely cold wormhole."

After a pause, he stared at Di Feiyan again, and said very sincerely: "Miss, I have a way to save you. But I only want to save you, and there is absolutely no other meaning."

"What way?" Di Feiyan always felt that Tsing Yi had nothing to hold back.

Tsing Yi said: "Spirit and flesh dual cultivation! Men and women are one yang and one yin. After our yin and yang dual cultivation, my mana will merge with you. After that, I can completely suck out the extremely cold air in your body and mana. .As long as the extreme cold air leaves your body, your injuries will recover quickly."

"What? Shuangxiu?" Di Feiyan blushed suddenly.

Of course she knows about double cultivation.

The art of dual cultivation exists in the Tyrannosaurus planet, and there are many demons who are good at the art of harvesting and nourishing.

In Di Feiyan's eyes, this kind of magic is a sorcery, which she despises extremely.

"Impossible!" Di Feiyan said.

"But, miss, this is the only way to save you. We are all cultivators, why should you care too much about the matter of the flesh and skin. Saving your life is the most important thing!" Tsing Yi persuaded.

Di Feiyan said: "I don't believe you! Moreover, the physical body is extremely important to me. Perhaps most people who practice Taoism don't believe in feelings, including my father and my elder brother. But I believe in feelings, even love .It's absolutely impossible to have sex with someone you don't like."

Tsing Yi sighed slightly, and he said: "I am willing to do anything for you. Missy, I have no other way to save you. It's all my fault." fault!"

"You don't have to pretend to be in front of me." Di Feiyan said: "Although I believe in love, I am not one of those silly women in the world who can be fooled by men with just a few words. You want to fool me, it's just a joke."

"Miss, don't you really want to die? Don't you know the current state of your own body much better than me?" Tsing Yi said angrily.

Di Feiyan said: "This is my business, you don't need to worry about it!"

Tsing Yi stood up, facing Ti Feiyan, took a deep breath, and said, "Miss, I don't know how to describe my feelings for you. From the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you. When I developed an independent consciousness, it was like a newborn person. It was you who helped me, Miss. In my eyes, Miss, you are my only benefactor. I just want to save you now, I can't just watch You die!"

Di Feiyan said: "Don't tell me, in order to save me, so, you want to force me?"

Tsing Yi became excited, and said loudly: "Miss, when I save you, I will do whatever I want to kill you. Now, I want to take you to a hidden place, and Chen Yang, the main body, must not find it." After saving you, you will smash me into pieces and hand me over to Chen Yang. At that time, I will be equivalent to dead. It is my crime to offend you!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand and wrapped Di Feiyan into the sleeve robe.

With Tsing Yi's cultivation at its strongest, Di Feiyan couldn't compete at all.Afterwards, Tsing Yi stepped into the dark space.

Di Feiyan was sealed inside Tsing Yi's sleeve robe, which was blue in color.

Tsing Yi has already made a cyan gown with black hole spar.The sleeve robe is a black hole spar!

Moreover, there is still a mysterious space inside!

Di Feiyan couldn't get rid of it right now, and even if he got rid of it, it would be difficult to escape Tsing Yi's control.She hated it in her heart, but there was nothing she could do.

Di Feiyan didn't feel good about Tsing Yi, because from the beginning to the end, Tsing Yi showed Di Feiyan that she was just like her big brother, full of insidiousness and selfishness.

So, what Tsing Yi said just now, it is okay to deceive the ignorant girl.But if it was used to deceive Di Feiyan, Di Feiyan would never believe it.

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