The strongest player in history

Chapter 2250 Golden Seal

Meng Qingchen stared at Chen Yang, but she didn't say a word.

Chen Yang also fell silent, and he also looked at Meng Qingchen.

After a long time, Meng Qingchen said in a deep voice, "What did you do?"

Before Chen Yang could speak, Dongfang God said sadly, "Jonathan is a traitor. He helped Meng Qingchen kill His Highness."

Chen Yang said to Dongfang God: "I see it." After finishing speaking, he said to Meng Qingchen: "Meng Qingchen, do you know what your biggest weakness is?"

Meng Qingchen said lightly: "You don't need to tell me." Of course she is aware of her weakness, and her weakness is that she has no trustworthy people around her.Even though she has already controlled the Four Great Elders, she is still afraid that the Four Great Elders will make a fool of themselves.Therefore, she dared not let the four elders get in touch with the Loulan Golden Seal.

At this moment, Meng Qingchen thought of something, her face changed suddenly, and she said: "You... took my golden seal? It's impossible!"

The Loulan Golden Seal is hidden deep in the central area, and the formation space is extremely mysterious and complicated.She didn't believe that Chen Yang had the ability to break through many obstacles.Moreover, there are four elders guarding it!

But at this moment, Chen Yang had already taken out something in his hand.

That thing is like a golden jade seal, shining brightly.

It's not something else, it's just... the Loulan Golden Seal!

Chen Yang sneered, and said, "Now in your Loulan Heaven, the 360th Five-way God has lost the protection and suppression of the golden seal, and is going crazy. The four elders are busy fighting the fire, but I don't think they can last long." Time. I advise you, hurry back and put out the fire."

"You court death!" Meng Qingchen was furious.

At this moment, Meng Qingchen made a direct move.

The Magic Mirror of Myriad Arts shone ten thousand feet of light in her hands, and everyone fell into the Magic Mirror of Myriad Arts.Among them, Chen Yang bears the brunt.

Meng Qingchen's golden characters directly enveloped Chen Yang.

Everyone saw that in the center, Chen Yang was surrounded by densely packed characters like bees.Meng Qingchen didn't kill Chen Yang, she was also afraid that it would destroy the golden seal.Her golden characters are able to subdue the opponent's mind, causing all its involuntary surrender.It can make the opponent gradually unable to use mana.

Meng Qingchen wanted to take back the golden seal quickly with the momentum of thunder.

Chen Yang was wrapped in the golden characters, and immediately felt the surroundings were surrounded by golden halos in all directions.Each halo is a word, and each word is a kind of profound origin of Taoism.There is a strange scorching power hidden in these fonts.

Chen Yang suddenly felt extremely hot all over his body, which his icy physique couldn't resist.

These hot fonts are absorbing his mana and paralyzing his whole body.

The magic mirror is extremely terrifying, and the person who cast the spell is Meng Qingchen.It's too simple to create the purple mansion's energy to drive the golden purple mansion and absorb the power of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was taken aback.

But at this time, his reaction was also extremely fast.As soon as his figure moved, his whole body got into the black hole spar.

All the golden characters also drilled in.

Chen Yang quickly activated the black hole vortex, and the Great Devouring Technique followed suit.

He wanted to devour all these golden characters.

Meng Qingchen also felt this change, she was slightly startled, and then sneered: "The light of rice grains also emits brilliance!"

Driven by her mana, the golden characters actually began to counterattack Chen Yang's black hole power.Chen Yang felt that the origin of his Great Devouring Technique was being absorbed by those golden characters.

"Oops!" Chen Yang was taken aback, this time he really panicked.

Monk Linghui immediately said: "Your cosmic power forms a black hole, which can absorb everything. But the golden characters are also the source of all magic. But your cultivation is far inferior to Meng Qingchen, so you can't absorb her. "

Chen Yang felt that his strength was being swallowed by Meng Qingchen, he said: "Now I understand all this, but what should we do?"

Monk Linghui rolled his eyes and said, "It's easy, grab more than half of the black and yellow liquid and let her absorb it. The black and yellow liquid is specially designed to cleanse memory and strength, and wash away all her spells. Then you can suck her up." .”

"Good way!" Chen Yang couldn't help laughing when he heard this.He thought Monk Linghui was really a genius!

Chen Yang was absolutely wise in front of the Eastern God.

When Chen Yang came in front of Monk Linghui, Chen Yang felt as if he had become an oriental god, and he was a little unresponsive.To put it bluntly, it is mentally retarded.

Chen Yang quickly turned half of the black yellow liquid out, and then sprinkled it on the golden characters.

The densely packed golden characters never refused to come, and immediately greedily absorbed the black yellow liquid.

Meng Qingchen didn't think much about it at all, she was about to take down Chen Yang, it's impossible for you kid to sprinkle some water, I was so scared that I left immediately.

But soon, Meng Qingchen realized something was wrong.In the golden characters, countless origins of Taoism began to be assimilated and turned into a blank.

Wanfa... It was originally a whole set of exercises.But at this time, it began to be incomplete.

Chen Yang also discovered this situation immediately, he quickly used the power of the black hole, and absorbed it vigorously with the Great Devouring Technique.Countless blank golden characters were completely absorbed by Chen Yang.Although the golden characters were blank, the energy and nutrition inside quickly replenished Chen Yang's strength, making it extremely nourishing.

Meng Qingchen was taken aback.

The Myriad Magic Mirror has always been invincible, this is the first time it has encountered such a weird situation.

"This brat really has too many weirdos." Meng Qingchen had no choice but to quickly take back the remaining golden characters.

Chen Yang immediately returned to Moshan Cangqiong and his party.

"Come on, Meng Qingchen!" Chen Yang laughed loudly, and said, "If you dare to make a move, I will destroy this golden seal today, and destroy your hometown in Zifu."

A look of fear flashed in Meng Qingchen's eyes.

"Hand over the golden seal!" Meng Qingchen said in a deep voice.

Chen Yang said: "You know what I want, I want a gold seal, and I can exchange it in Mo language."

Meng Qingchen pondered.

At this time, she could already feel the chaos in the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom.

"Let's go!" Meng Qingchen was helpless, she couldn't talk to Chen Yang in detail now.I'm also afraid that if Chen Yang is pushed too hard, Chen Yang will destroy the golden seal.

Meng Qingchen had to go back to appease the 360 ​​five-way gods in Loulan Heaven.

At this time, Meng Qingchen is leaving.Of course, Chen Yang and the others would not stop them.

Afterwards, Meng Qingchen and his party left quickly.

Chen Yang took everyone away and returned to the elves.

The death of the elf king was a devastating blow to the entire elf clan.

When the news of the Elf King's death spread, the entire elf clan was boiling.

Jonathan's rebellion was also widely publicized, and the Dark Elf clan was immediately hated by the other two clans.The clansmen of the dark elves gathered together, and they guarded the gate of the palace to prevent the elves from the other two clans from breaking in.

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