Chen Yang's cold voice sounded in Xian Zhengyun's mind: "Your sister and I are still outside, you want to finish playing together, right?"

Xian Zhengyun was shocked.

He didn't expect Chen Yang to monitor him to this extent.Immediately, Xian Zhengyun said calmly, "Besides, he is very suspicious."

He originally wanted to tell the elders that Chen Yang was extremely proficient in formations.But now, he dared not speak out.

Chen Yang monitored Xian Yuxue and Xian Zhengyun at all times, and also severed the spiritual connection between Xian Yuxue and Xian Zhengyun.When he entered Loulan Heaven, he took a reverse route.Originally, Xian Zhengyun's route was a hidden line, but Chen Yang knew that this hidden line had been exposed.Relying on the formation, he opened up a new hidden line.This is what Meng Qingchen didn't expect.

On Meng Qingchen's side, Gou Chen didn't follow suit at first.But at this time, they also joined the battle group and went all out to kill Meng Wanshan.

They all knew that Meng Qingchen could not be killed in a short while.

But they can kill Meng Wanshan first, and then all work together to trap Meng Qingchen to death.At that time, no matter how powerful Meng Qingchen is, it will be hard for him to do it alone.

Everyone's heart is like a mirror.

And at this time, Meng Wanshan was indeed complaining repeatedly.These masters all came to kill him like crazy, and he was about to die.Meng Qingchen also took care of Meng Wanshan, and in a few flashes, he used the magic mirror to help Meng Wanshan block several of the most ferocious attacks in a row.

Aserati attacked even more fiercely.

Meng Qingchen was suddenly exhausted, and her magic mirror went to rescue Meng Wanshan.Then she herself was exposed to the Supreme Sword of Aserati.

What Arthur wanted was this opportunity, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed. The Supreme Sword continued to circulate in his hand, and then he used the sea elf's absolute secret method to circulate the sword energy to the extreme.

A sword that contains the belief power of the infinite sea elves, like the autumn waters of a flat lake, like a lone goose gliding across the sea...

In the presence, everything became dim, only this sword burst out with unparalleled light!


This sword directly cut through the void and reached the top of Meng Qingchen's head!

Kill with one sword!

Meng Qingchen's person was beheaded, her eyes were wide open, and blood overflowed.

"She's dead!" Aserati was ecstatic.

He is very sure.

This feeling of hitting an entity is by no means illusory.

But just when Aserati was in ecstasy, a severe sense of crisis suddenly struck him.

Behind him, Jonathan suddenly had a poisonous light in his eyes.

His dark compass condensed a dark magic blade and charged towards Aserati's back!

The power of darkness is silent, yet it can unleash the most terrifying lethality.

This was absolutely unexpected.

It was also the most relaxing moment for Aserati.

But even so, Aserati is worthy of being the king of elves, he let out a loud roar, and actually merged with the Supreme Sword into one.

The golden light filled the sky, and the dark magic blade slashed on the supreme sword.

The two collided, sparking a monstrous flame.

The dark magic blade was then annihilated in the golden light... "Jonathan, you are courting death!" Arthur Rathi's voice seemed to come from hell.

"You are looking for death!" At this moment, Meng Qingchen's voice suddenly sounded.She actually appeared not far in front of Aserati, and at the same time, she slapped Aserati on the forehead.

Meng Qingchen's palm contains the power of her creation Zifu, which can shatter stars.

Aserati had no time to resist, his mana defense was shattered by Meng Qingchen's palm.

"'s impossible!"

Such a thought flashed through Arthur's mind at last.

But soon, Aserati's whole body was shattered, and countless magnetic fields and fragments were scattered...

A generation of heroes, Elf King Aserati... is dead!

Just like that, he was beaten to death by Meng Qingchen.

The leader of the rebel army on Chen Yang's side, the pillar of the crowd, just... died.

"Your Highness!" Dongfang Shen and Nadolores couldn't help exclaiming when they saw the situation here.Dongfang Shen burst into tears.

"You... lost!" Meng Qingchen's eyes were cold.

While her figure flickered, she had already captured Meng Wanshan into the Magic Mirror of Ten Thousand Arts,

At the same time, Jonathan also stood behind her.

Dongfang Shen, Dolores, Gou Chen, Moshan Cangqiong, Xian Guinong, Shang Wudao, and Gou Chen's masters were all stunned.

Such a change in the situation was beyond their expectation.

"Gou Chen, you are loyal to this deity at this moment. I will not blame you for the past. In the future, I will be your confidant. I swear hereby that I will never break my promise. If I have the oath, I am willing to accept the righteous law of heaven!" Meng Qingchen's voice was sharp and powerful.

Meng Qingchen's words can be regarded as coming from the heart.

She swears that she is sincere.

Gou Chen's eyes moved, and he knew in his heart that the elves' side was going to die.At that moment, he immediately led his masters to Meng Qingchen's side.

"My lord, I realized my mistake. From now on, I will do my best to serve my lord!" Gou Chen knelt down and said.

"Okay!" Meng Qingchen nodded and said: "Everyone get up, after the elves are wiped out, I will reward you for your merits!"

"Jonathan, you traitor!" Dolores was heartbroken. He was so angry that he glared at Jonathan on the opposite side, and said, "You are pushing our elves to a point of no return."

Jonathan smiled coldly, and said: "Athelati is self-willed, and he is no longer suitable to be the king of elves. You'd better submit obediently, and I will be the king of elves in the future. The elves, from now on, will allegiance to the Lord Zi Palace, for generations to come." Allegiance!"

Meng Qingchen nodded and said: "Yes, the dark elves will be protected by this deity. Dolores, if you surrender now, this deity will also protect your blood elves. This deity will let you and Jonathan jointly manage the elves Otherwise, there will be no blood elves left!"

"You..." Dolores couldn't say a word.

Of course he was unwilling to surrender.

But Aserati's death dealt him a great blow. He may have a heart of loyalty and bravery, but he couldn't help but care about the fate of the blood elves.

"But..." Dolores felt a battle between heaven and man.If he really surrendered, he would become the eternal sinner of the elves in the future.

Jonathan is undoubtedly destined to be nailed to the pillar of shame.

"No, never!" After a while, Dolores's eyes flashed.

He couldn't just push the elves into dire straits.

He can clearly see the fate of the human race.

At this time, Dolores' eyes were extremely firm.

The situation on the scene changed, and the situation changed too fast.

Now there is a major situation... that is... the magic mountain and the sky are free.He was controlled by Aserati.But now that Aserati is dead, Moshan Cangqiong directly refined the imprint belonging to Aserati in his brain.

But at that time, Chen Yang had already thought about it.They are controlled separately.The Moshan Liancheng is controlled by Chen Yang.The deadly scholar and Quinn are controlled by the Eastern God.

Moshan Cangqiong is very embarrassed now, even if he wants to surrender.

Even if Meng Qingchen vowed not to kill him, he would not believe it.The grudge between him and Meng Qingchen was too deep.

Moreover, he couldn't ignore the brothers behind him.

He can only go one way to the dark.

Then, when he was in the dark, Shang Wudao, Xian Guinong and the others had nothing to do.Because Shang has no way, Xian Guinong and others are controlled by the magic mountain sky.

These complicated situations were beyond Meng Qingchen's expectation.

At this time, Meng Qingchen looked at Xian Guinong, Shang Wudao and others.She felt a little strange, and asked: "Aserati is dead, you... haven't recovered your freedom yet?"

There is no way for business, and Xian Guinong also feels embarrassed.

Moshan Cangqiong sneered, and said: "Meng Qingchen, you can't think of it. They are under my control."

"You..." Meng Qingchen gasped, she was a little depressed now.

But soon, Meng Qingchen regained his calm look.

"Moshan Cangqiong, do you think you still have a chance of winning?" Meng Qingchen asked.

Moshan Cangqiong said coldly: "So what if there is no chance of winning? Do you want me to give you my head without a fight?"

Meng Qingchen said: "You surrender to me, I will control your brain and spare your life. In the future, you can just do things properly!"

"That won't work!" Dongfang Shen stood up, his grief and indignation was abnormal, but at this time he held back his grief and indignation, and sneered, "Because his younger brother and his subordinates are controlled by me and Chen Yang. You You can't give up your men, and he can't give up his men."

Meng Qingchen glanced at Dongfang Shen.

At this moment, a thousand grass and mud horses were galloping repeatedly in her heart.

What is this all about!

"So it seems..." Meng Qingchen took a deep breath and said, "Everyone of you depends on your destiny. Today, none of you are planning to leave." In her eyes, murderous intent bloomed.

The pupils in Moshan Cangqiong's eyes suddenly shrank.

He felt the threat of death.

Meng Qingchen now has Gou Chen to help, Jonathan is here, and Meng Wanshan... They really have no chance of winning.

The scale of victory is indeed tilting, seriously tilting.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came over.

It was Chen Yang's voice.

"Meng Qingchen, you don't seem to think highly of me. In the audience, you have noticed that I am not here, but you are not nervous at all. Is it because you know that I can't save Mo Yu?" Luoyin, Chen Yang brought Xian Zhengyun and Xian Yuxue to the center of the arena.

The appearance of Chen Yang immediately gave hope to Moshan Cangqiong, Dongfang Shen and others.

His arrival is like a divine soldier descending from heaven!

Chen Yang is dressed in white and looks elegant.

He stood ten meters in front of Meng Qingchen.

Meng Qingchen also looked at Chen Yang.

This is the first official meeting between the two.

But they have fought against each other several times, and Meng Qingchen has repeatedly suffered losses in Chen Yang's hands.

Meng Qingchen's heroic demeanor and Chen Yang's indifferent demeanor formed a strange picture.

In the audience, the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Moshan Cangqiong and the others had been so suppressed that it was difficult to breathe... But when Chen Yang came, everyone felt a sense of clearing the clouds and seeing the fog in their hearts, and they suddenly became enlightened!

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