The strongest player in history

Chapter 2251 Candidates

The elves were in turmoil.Some hated Jonathan, and some even hated the dark elves.They even hate outsiders like Chen Yang, the God of the East, and Moshan Cangqiong.There are also those who hate the sea elves, who are so excited that they are simply out of control.

And at this time, two senior masters of the elves finally came out.

Before, the two senior masters didn't act together, not because they didn't cooperate.But if they also leave, the elves will become extremely empty.

These two senior masters are Adolf, the senior of the blood elves.

And the senior of the sea elves, Lynn!

Lynn and Adolf have been cultivating in the depths of time and space, and rarely care about world affairs. They are already very old.It is not easy for them to survive the long years.However, their cultivation bases are only about the same as the four elders in the Purple Mansion.

They were also no match for Aserati.

Aserati is young and his cultivation is superb, so he is the king.It is also because of this that he does not have to hide in the depths of time and space.

On the Danube planet, although there is no so-called heaven.But in the dark, there is also destiny.Moreover, as they grow older, they become more and more repellent to the magnetic field around them.

After all, everything has rules.

The living beings on the Danube planet also have birth, old age, sickness and death.When these seniors surpassed the threshold, they began to fight against the rules, and the higher their cultivation level, the more serious this phenomenon of exclusion became.

Lynn and Adolf didn't look old, they looked like middle-aged people, and they were both refined and chic.

There was no political disagreement between Lynn and Adolf.The two are companions in the depths of time and space, but they are still good friends.

In such a crisis, the two came out to preside over the overall situation.

In the Golden Palace, Lynn chaired the meeting.

Adolf sat beside him.

Chen Yang, Dongfang Shen, Moshan Cangqiong and others all came.And Dolores, Andersenne all came.

The rest of the ministers also arrived.

The rest of the leaders of the dark elves were also sent over for a meeting.

In the main hall of the Golden Palace, the atmosphere is sad and serious.

The second leader of the dark elves is called Jonas, and Jonas is Jonathan's younger brother.

Jonas first said: "I don't agree with my brother's approach. Moreover, I don't know. Although we dark elves practice the dark way, we are still elves after all. At this moment, the elves should unite as one. From From now on, the elders of our clan and I have agreed to formally expel Jonathan from the dark elves. I have officially become the leader of the dark elves. Since then, I will guard our elves together with the blood elves and sea elves! "

Everyone looked at Jonas.

Jonas' words did make everyone slightly relieved.But everyone also has doubts in their hearts.

Cohen, the minister in charge of agriculture, couldn't help but said: "Chief Jonas, we are very happy that you can make such a choice in times of crisis. But we are also afraid of repeating the same mistakes. Didn't Jonathan really have such a major plan? Can I tell you a thing or two?"

Jonas is a handsome young elf. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "It is true that Jonathan never told me. I don't even understand now. When did he take refuge in the Purple Mansion."

Another minister, Op, stood up and said: "Although the situation is very critical now, it is really not suitable for us to be suspicious of each other. I don't want to suspect the dark elves, but the old minister is even more afraid. When we fight together In the Purple Mansion, the dark elves will continue to stab us in the back. Therefore, the old minister suggests that all the dark elves, including the main person in charge of the leader Jonas, be put in prison first."

As soon as Aopu's suggestion came out, the audience fell silent.

His words are not without reason.

But doing so will also completely hurt the hearts of the dark elves.It will even push them to the opposite side.

Jonas fell silent too.

At the scene, there was a lot of discussion.

Both Lynn and Adolf felt a headache, they had ignored these mundane matters for too long.These disputes make them feel at a loss.

Lynn looked at Adolf, and Adolf spread his hands and communicated with his mind: "You can figure it out, I will support you, old brother."

Lin En felt even more helpless upon hearing this.

Chen Yang immediately spoke up, and he said, "Everyone be quiet, I have something to say."

His voice was not loud, but it was accurately transmitted to everyone's ears.

The scene really fell silent.

But immediately, an elf said angrily: "Chen Yang, our elves have come to this day, all because of you. If it weren't for you, how could His Royal Highness be like this? Do you still have the right to speak?"

The person who spoke and accused was a minister of the blood elves, his name was Payne.

Payne looked very angry.

Chen Yang also looked at Payne, and he said calmly: "I understand everyone's anger. I am also sorry for His Highness's death. But, have you ever thought about a question, that is, if I don't show up? Wouldn't Meng Qingchen attack the elves? If she didn't plan to attack, why did she buy Jonathan? Jonathan's rebellion did not happen in the past few days. What does this mean? What did my appearance bring? Originally , In the Purple Mansion, the Eighth Division has already been disabled. The three mansions are all facing us. Moreover, the Loulan Golden Seal is also in my hands."

While speaking, he took out the Loulan Golden Seal.

"What a good situation this is. We are about to win. As long as His Royal Highness the Elf King does not die, now, Meng Qingchen of the Zifu is nothing more than scabies. But all of this has been ruined by Jonathan's hands. He attacked His Highness in a sneak attack!" Chen Yang said each word forcefully.

Everyone fell silent.

Chen Yang then said: "Now that the matter has come to an end, complaining to each other is useless. If the elves intend to surrender and use it for the Purple Mansion, then I have nothing to say. Everyone here can imprison us and give them as gifts." To the Zifu! If you are not going to surrender, then I think the only thing we can do now is to cooperate sincerely."

"He was right, now we should unite!" Dolores said immediately.

Immediately, more people joined Dolores.

Lin En nodded and said: "Chen Yang, what you said makes sense. The elves yearn for freedom and peace. It is impossible to surrender to Meng Qingchen and become a second-class creature from then on. We would rather die than never Uncompromising. Although the elves are gentle, it does not mean that they are bloodless."

He paused and said, "So, do you have any good ideas now?"

Chen Yang took the Loulan Gold Seal in his hand and said, "We must unite with sincerity now, but the matter of the dark elves makes everyone worry. I understand this very well."

He looked at Jonas and said, "Jonas, can you understand their incomprehension?"

Jonas' eyes were complicated, he nodded and said, "I can understand!"

Chen Yang said: "How about this, let Senior Lin En and Senior Adolf control the brains of the heads of your dark elves. Wait for this crisis to pass, and then give you freedom, how about it?"

After he proposed this method, everyone's eyes lit up.

This is indeed the best way at present.

But everyone didn't expect it.

Jonas readily agreed.

So, the matter was settled like this.

Next, there was another thing.That is, who will be the new elf king.

The more critical the time, the more it is necessary to elect the Elf King as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the elves would not be able to survive this catastrophe.

When choosing the Elven King, everyone first recommended Lynn and Adolf.Lynn refused straight away, and now he felt really powerless.

Neither did Adolf.

But at this time, Andersenne stood up, and she said: "You don't need to discuss this matter anymore, His Highness had a conversation with me before he left yesterday. He left a suicide note, specifying who should be the new heir .”

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up again.

Anderson continued: "I hope that at this time, everyone, don't blame your highness for bringing the elves to this point. Because your highness has always known that if you don't fight, the elves will only end up being slowly eaten away by the purple mansion This time, if it weren't for Jonathan's rebellion, our elves would not have come to this point. Every time before your Highness sets out, he is ready to sacrifice himself for our elves! His life is glorious and without regrets, and it is always worth We respect it!"

After Anderson finished speaking, she knelt towards the sky with a dignified expression.

Everyone also knelt down.

Of course, Lynn and Adolf do not kneel, they are seniors.

Chen Yang and others also knelt down.

After a moment of silence, Lynn said: "The national crisis is at stake. Now is not the time for us to be sad. Let's all get up. Anderson, you and Dolores read the suicide note of His Highness the Elven King together."

Anderson nodded.

She took out the suicide note.

Dolores also came to Anderson's side.After verification by Dolores, this suicide note is indeed the authentic work of the elf king Aserati, not an imitation.

And when Dolores saw the candidate for the next Elven King, he was even more stunned.

Surprised, surprised, unbelievable.

Various complex expressions appeared on his face, but soon, Dolores chose to accept it.

Because he felt that this was the best candidate.

It's just that it's not in line with the rules.

The candidate for the Elf King is...Chen Yang!

When Anderson and Dolores read out Chen Yang's name together, everyone was erupting and discussing...

Lynn, Adolf was also stunned.

People like Dongfang Shen and Moshan Cangqiong were also dumbfounded.

Even Chen Yang himself was stupefied. Damn, I'm not from the elves. What is your Highness going to do?

"This is absolutely impossible!" Minister of Agriculture Cohen was the first to stand up and object loudly.

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