The strongest player in history

Chapter 2248 In Heaven

Xian Yuxue did not enter the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom, she did not have the ability to enter quietly.

Chen Yang and Xian Yuxue were peeping outside the Purple Mansion.

Xian Zhengyun drove straight in, and soon entered the barrier of the Zifu.Then, he found the location of the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom, and entered the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom with a hidden method.

Xian Zhengyun is also very familiar with the enchantment of the Purple Mansion, so he can enter without anyone noticing.He knew that the mark that originally belonged to him should have changed, so if he didn't use means to enter the barrier, he would definitely be discovered by Meng Qingchen.

The enchantment of the Zifu was cast, and countless efforts were spent.

Even Meng Qingchen couldn't completely change the barrier in a short time.

After Xian Zhengyun went in, Xian Yuxue and Chen Yang waited quietly in a hidden place outside.

Xian Yuxue was very worried, worried that her brother would be discovered and end up miserable.

Chen Yang comforted Xian Yuxue, and said: "Don't worry, even if your brother is arrested, Meng Qingchen will not kill him. He was forced, and your father is also... So, he is not in any danger."

When Xian Yuxue thought of her father... she suddenly felt sad.

After a while, Xian Yuxue said, "But, can my brother really succeed?"

Chen Yang said lightly: "Of course not!"

Xian Yuxue was stunned, and said, "What do you mean?"

Chen Yang said: "Mo Yu's hiding place must be heavily guarded. Even if your brother can approach quietly, it is impossible to rescue Mo Yu."

"Then you still let him go?" Xian Yuxue was furious.

Chen Yang said: "Your brother can't, I can! I'm just waiting for the signal from His Royal Highness the Elf King."

"You can?" Xian Yuxue couldn't believe it.

Chen Yang said: "Stop talking, stay here patiently, and don't act rashly. If I find anything abnormal about you, I will kill you and your brother immediately. Today's actions don't allow any accidents. "

"I don't understand, why do you have to save Mo Yu? Is it worth it to work so hard?" Xian Yuxue couldn't help asking.

Chen Yang said: "There are many things you don't understand. I saved Mo Yu because I promised her mother. My life was saved by her mother, so no matter how difficult it is, I must save her!"

"Ah?" Xian Yuxue was stunned for a moment before she realized that there was actually something like this going on.

All of a sudden, her mind became complicated.

At this time, Chen Yang also received the signal from Aserati, and he was sure that he could be dispatched.Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "I'm leaving."

It's really dangerous for him to go.

After Xian Zhengyun was arrested, he was still alive.But if he was arrested, then Meng Qingchen's side would absolutely hate him and Chen Yang, and would crush him to ashes.

Having said that, although Xian Zhengyun is safer with Meng Qingchen.But Xiao Ming was also pinched by Chen Yang, and everyone was actually considered to be each other.

Chen Yang kept the method taught by Xianzheng Yun in his heart, successfully exploited the alternate weak point of the barrier, and broke into the barrier quietly.

Chen Yang's knowledge of formations is extremely strong, and he also understands the knowledge of formations on the Danube planet, all of which he learned from the Elf King.After studying, he felt that the barriers here were weaker than those on Earth.

In other words, after Chen Yang, the formation master, came to the Danube planet, he would be even more invincible.

In his eyes, these barriers are childish.

Whether Xian Zhengyun lied to him or not, he knew very well.

And it's not that Xian Zhengyun didn't think about deceiving Chen Yang, such as finding a way to get Chen Yang arrested, and then control Chen Yang's life and death.So let him remove the mark of himself and his sister and so on.However, after Chen Yang simply asked a few questions about the formation, Xian Zhengyun became completely honest.

He realized that if he played tricks in front of Chen Yang, it would be too much for his life.The opponent's understanding and understanding of the tactics, I can't catch up with him in eight lifetimes.

After Chen Yang entered the barrier, he successfully entered Loulan Heaven.

In the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom, Xian Zhengyun used Loulan's source to integrate with the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom. He passed through many obstacles smoothly, and finally came to the place where Mo Yu was imprisoned.

The place where Mo Yu was imprisoned was a mysterious space.

This mysterious space is extremely vast, like a fairyland on earth.The inside is extremely warm, with exotic flowers and trees, lush herbs, flowers in full bloom, and all kinds of exotic fruits exuding bursts of fragrance.

Among the huge and beautiful flowers, a little girl about six years old, wearing a blue skirt, strolled among the flowers.She had nothing to do and looked a little bored.The little girl's eyes are black, like agate, with an indescribable aura.

Her face was like that of a china doll.

The whole body is full of aura, which makes people love for no reason.

When Xian Zhengyun saw this child, he was very sure that she was the Mo Yu he was looking for.

Xian Zhengyun was happy in his heart, but at the same time, he also felt that things went smoothly.

Just as he was about to take a step forward, a cold voice came. "Young Master Zhengyun, do you really want to step forward?"

The voice was the head of the four elders, the voice of Elder Xianyue.

Xian Zhengyun was taken aback, his heart skipped a beat, and he cupped his fists and said, "Xian Zhengyun, the younger generation, met the elder!"

Elder Xianyue and the other three elders also appeared in front of Xian Zhengyun.

"Young Master Zhengyun." Elder Xianyue was dressed in a green robe, with a fairy air.He said lightly: "Your arrival has been expected by the Lord. The Lord has already ordered, don't make it difficult for you. But Mo Yu will never let you take it away. You can stay here for a while before leaving. , just tell Chen Yang that you can't take it away."

Xian Zhengyun immediately felt extremely ashamed, he said: "I am ashamed of the Lord, and I am ashamed of the elders."

Elder Xianyue sighed slightly, and said: "Young master, you don't have to blame yourself, this matter is not your fault. The Lord has also said that after she has refined the amethyst and absorbed Mo Yu's Yuanling, there will be a solution Release the imprint of control in your brain for you. The only thing you have to do now is to work hard to live."

Xian Zhengyun was overjoyed when he heard the words, he said: "The junior is very grateful, in the future I will serve my master with all my might!"

Elder Changle on the side also said lightly: "Young master, there is no need to be polite, you are also a victim. However, I still have something to ask you."

Xian Zhengyun immediately said, "Excuse me, elder."

Elder Changle said, "Then Chen Yang, do you have any other arrangements?"

Xian Zhengyun was stunned for a moment, and he immediately said: "This, the junior really doesn't know. He is extremely shrewd. He won't say a word to the junior if he shouldn't say it. Besides, he..."

He was about to say something that Chen Yang was extremely proficient in the formation.

Xian Zhengyun's heart at this moment is completely on Meng Qingchen's side.

But at this moment, Chen Yang's cold voice suddenly reached his mind...

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