The strongest player in history

Chapter 2230 Magic Mountain Mansion

Chen Yang had a lot of considerations and couldn't tell Dongfang God, because in the world of Dongfang God, there is something simple.But Chen Yang heard Dongfang God talk about the situation in Zifu, and he understood Meng Qingchen's situation somewhat.Chen Yang couldn't guess how Meng Qingchen would take the next step, but he felt that there was a gap in it that could be exploited.

There is a cloud of fog in front of him, and it is also a game.It was a game between Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen.Chen Yang knew that Meng Qingchen's methods were very powerful. Moreover, Meng Qingchen's cultivation base was unpredictable, and he had strong strength as his backing.On Chen Yang's side, there was nothing to win.

But Chen Yang still had to play this game of chess.

He cannot back down.

Chen Yang's only advantage is that although Meng Qingchen's Zifu is powerful, the people below are not in the same league.Although a strong man has great strength, he will lack flexibility.

Chen Yang is a mouse. Although his strength is relatively small, he is more flexible.

Chen Yang is a smart man, he knows how to use his own advantages and how to target Meng Qingchen's weaknesses.

He and Meng Qingchen have never met, but the chess game has already begun.He paid enough attention to Meng Qingchen, and Meng Qingchen definitely didn't pay enough attention to Chen Yang.

In the eastern border continent, the night is like cold water!Moshan Cangqiong led his masters back to the Moshan Mansion, which is located in the north of Dongjiang Continent.

The Magic Mountain Mansion is magnificent.

Around the Magic Mountain Mansion, there are continuous snow-capped mountains.

The magic mountain sky entered his palace and sat on the top.Soon, he summoned the advisers and generals below.

The person Moshan Cangqiong trusts the most is his life-threatening scholar.

At the same time, there were two veterans and four powerful generals who were all present.In addition, Moshan Cangqiong also has a freak brother whose cultivation base is extremely terrifying.

This is an existence that makes many people in the Zifu a little afraid, and it is called the Magic Mountain Liancheng.

Moshan Liancheng has become crazy in cultivation and ignores worldly affairs.

But this time, Moshan Cangqiong also called Moshan Liancheng over.Moshan Liancheng is short, with an ugly face, gloomy and silent.

He was wearing a black robe and said nothing below.

Moshan Cangqiong immediately told the death-death scholar about the matter.

The life-killing scholar immediately said: "Master, this matter is not easy. Meng Qingchen has always wanted to deal with us, and she is setting a trap."

Moshan Cangqiong said in a deep voice: "Of course I know that she is playing tricks, but she forced me on the main hall. I was riding a tiger and I had already accepted this job. If I don't do it, Meng Qingchen will be sure." made an excuse to attack."

At this time, Aotian, the leader of the four generals under Moshan Cangqiong, stood up.He snorted coldly and said: "Mansion Master, if Meng Qingchen wants to make trouble, we will turn against her. The other two mansions will stand by us and help us. If we really use force, will she be able to stop it?"

The life-killing scholar hurriedly said: "Absolutely not!" He paused and said: "Brother Aotian, I know you are a very proud person. But Meng Qingchen should not be underestimated. Li Deng has made the old foxes of Basi submissive over the years. We must not underestimate her methods."

The words of the life-killing scholar silenced everyone.

Moshan Cangqiong's face was deep, and he said: "Meng Qingchen is getting stronger and stronger, if she wants to deal with us, she will do it sooner or later."

The life-killing scholar said: "Meng Qingchen is still afraid of our three prefectures, otherwise, she would not take this kind of differentiation method. We must let the other two prefectures know the truth of this cold-heartedness!"

Moshan Cangqiong said: "You are right about killing your life, but when it comes to life and death, who will really care about whom?"

The life-killing scholar said: "That's right, we have to discuss this matter in the long term. But right now, we have to do this matter. Even if we fail to do it, it is not a violation of her order. If she insists on reducing the crime, she will This will allow the other two governments to see clearly her face and purpose. Only then can we turn passive into active."

Moshan Cangqiong heard the words, his eyes lit up, and said: "That's right."

The life-killing scholar went on to say: "We have always paid attention to the Eastern God. This person is indeed capable, but he is far from the point where he will make us feel like an enemy."

Moshan Cangqiong said: "This is exactly where the doubt lies. I have already sent someone to inquire about it."

The life-killing scholar said: "It's better to be cautious."

Demon Mountain Sky said: "That's right."

About an hour later, Moshan Cangqiong got some news.It's about Chen Yang.

Moshan Cangqiong couldn't imagine that there might be an Elf King hidden by Chen Yang's side. He knew this news later, and what he could find out was only what Meng Qingchen let him know on purpose.

Moshan Cangqiong said in a deep voice: "It turns out that there is such a story in it. If you send someone rashly, you will stumble. It is a mistake. This time we will take action together. We will do our best to take this person down! "

"No, no, no..." The life-killing scholar said hastily: "Mansion Master, you can't do this. We can't show our hole cards all at once. Because we haven't seen the opponent's hole cards yet!"

Moshan Cangqiong was slightly taken aback, and then felt that what the life-killing scholar said had some truth.

After some discussion, a countermeasure was made.

On the sea, it was extremely calm.

Chen Yang and Dongfang God didn't wait long, and a crisis began to appear in the surrounding area, and then, figures flickered.

"Here we come!" Chen Yang snorted lightly, then stood up.

Dongfang Shen also stood up.

Those who came were the two veterans and the four great generals under Moshan Cangqiong.

And the magic mountain sky, the life-threatening scholar, and the magic mountain Liancheng are all peeping in the dark, and they don't make any moves.

The two elders are Quinn, Kuiju!

The cultivation bases of these two people are already the cultivation bases of the Purple Mansion of Creation, a first-level creation!

The Creation Zifu is not a Chinese cabbage, and the Magic Mountain Mansion is able to surpass the Eight Divisions, relying on these elite forces.

And the four great generals are also the strength of the Nine Parts of the Zifu, which is equivalent to the strength of the Celestial Realm.

Absolute formidable enemy!

Quinn is the first and is Kuiju's eldest brother.

At this time, a group of six people quickly dispersed and surrounded Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen.

On this island, the sea breeze blows, and it is cold to the bone.

Quinn has purple hair, a white robe, and a cold and indifferent face.A pair of purple eyes seemed to be devouring people!

Quinn brought strong oppression to Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen.

With this lineup, it should be said that they are sure to capture Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen.

Magic Mountain Sky is extremely cautious.If it wasn't because Meng Qingchen was the one who set him off, he definitely wouldn't attach so much importance to these two people.

"The power of these two people, only the Eastern God has reached the level of the creation of the Purple Mansion, and the remaining one has not even reached the level of the Creation of the Purple Mansion. What is Meng Qingchen planning?" Moshan Cangqiong passed the four battles in the dark He will observe Chen Yang and Dongfang God, so he said.

The life-killing scholar said: "Mansion Master, there must be something wrong with this, let's wait and see what happens!"

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