Quinn was the leader and stood in front of Chen Yang and Dongfang God.

Chen Yang saw that there was no Meng Qingchen among the visitors, so he was secretly relieved.This proved that things did not exceed his expectations.

"A master, all masters! Since he is a master, he has value!" Chen Yang looked at him secretly, and at the same time shouted to Na Kuiyin: "Who is here, and why are you so inspiring?"

Quinn glanced at Chen Yang coldly, he didn't think highly of Chen Yang.Afterwards, his eyes fell on Dongfang God, and he asked, "You are the last flame of the Dongfang clan, Dongfang God?"

Chen Yang was despised again, and couldn't help feeling depressed.

Dongfang Shen also looked at Quinn, and said in a cold voice, "That's right!"

Quinn said coldly: "Come with us, I can spare you from dying. If you don't listen to me, I will let you die on the spot now."

His majesty was revealed in his words, and his murderous intent was rushing, and a coercion came to oppress Dongfang God.

Dongfang Shen looked up to the sky and laughed three times, then said to Quinn: "Kill me? Old dog, do you have the ability?"

"Looking for death!" Quinn's eyes turned cold.

"Kuiju, you and I work together to trap them. The Four Great Generals, kill this boy named Chen Yang. Kuiju, you and I will capture the Eastern God!" Quinn gave an order.

Kui Ju nodded immediately and said, "Okay, brother!"

He runs monstrous mana quickly.

Kuiju's long purple hair turned into thousands of giant pythons.

The same goes for Quinn's hair.Thousands of purple pythons instantly enclose a radius of hundreds of miles.Quinn and Kuiju's giant python actually had sex together, and then a golden light bloomed.

"Fengyun Transforming Dragon Formation!" Seeing this, Dongfang God paled slightly.

Then, Na Quinn and Kui Ju attacked and killed the Eastern God.

The wind and cloud turn into a dragon, and the golden light surges wildly.

In the golden light, the air of creation bombarded wildly, and space and time were cut into countless fragments.Under such a large formation, the masters of the Tianyu Realm almost died in the blink of an eye.In an instant, you will fall into the magic barrier of time and space.Chen Yang and Dongfang God were cut apart immediately, and Chen Yang lost the trace of Dongfang God before his eyes.

At the same time, the four major battles will be headed by Aotian, and they will bombard Chen Yang.The four generals didn't need to keep their hands. They were familiar with Fengyun Hualong Formation, they shuttled through the void, and all sent a strong attack on Chen Yang.

The four great generals, four pairs of eyes emit eight purple lights at the same time.

They are all masters at the Celestial Realm level. This shot, coupled with the assist of Fengyun Hualong Formation, is extremely fierce and incomparable.

The eight purple divine lights shot at Chen Yang, there was nothing to hide, nothing to hide.

Of course, Chen Yang didn't intend to hide either.

At this moment, Chen Yang quickly rotated the black hole spar, a black hole formed around him, and then the Great Devouring Technique unfolded.The huge black hole quickly absorbed the eight purple rays.

Immediately, the four great generals felt that their own strength seemed to have been thrown into the sea, and they did not cause any harm to the enemy.

"Damn it!" Na Aotian couldn't help turning pale when he saw this.

Chen Yang sneered, but he sent out the sword of soul to Aotian first!

Like lightning, the soul sword broke through the barriers of spells and space, and reached Aotian's brain.

Aotian was slightly startled, and immediately alerted, he tossed his head, he was refreshed for a while, and a wave of mental power was quickly forced out, directly beheading the sword of the soul.

But at this time, Chen Yang shot continuously.He has used too much magic power to deal with the four great generals, otherwise, he could kill Aotian instantly.

Chen Yang's current cultivation base dominates the world, but facing the four masters of the Celestial Realm to attack and kill together in the Fengyun Transformation Dragon Formation, it is also a bit difficult at this time.

And Dongfang God was besieged by two brothers, Quinn and Kuiju, and it was even more at stake.

"Your Highness!" Chen Yang didn't want to delay, and immediately notified His Royal Highness the Elf King, that is, Aserati.Aserati nodded, and he came out directly.

However, his figure is still hidden in the black hole vortex.

In other words, at this time, no one outside has discovered the existence of His Royal Highness the Elven King.

"Hey!" His Royal Highness the Elf King suddenly yelled softly.

He condensed a little light from his fingertips, and shot at Aotian.

Chen Yang was even more unkind, and he pointed out the sword of the soul and shot at Aotian!

Aotian immediately felt that his mind was being attacked again, and he used his mental power to block the sword of mind.Then, the sword light of the elf king slashed like a pool of autumn water.

Not sharp, plain, ordinary.

Aotian didn't dare to underestimate it, and took back Zimang.Then, with a grasp in his hand, his long purple hair quickly turned into a long purple sword. He turned the sword around and slashed fiercely at the sword light emitted by the elf king.

This sword slashed down, fully transporting his vitality, law, and strength.This is the sword of essence that he has cultivated all his life!

This sword cut through the sky and broke the rules!

However, this sword did not block the elf king's sword light.The elf king's sword light penetrated Aotian's purple long sword, and that long sword quickly softened into countless purple hairs.

Then, Jianguang penetrated Aotian's eyebrows.

Aotian didn't even have time to snort, when the sword light penetrated between the eyebrows, it destroyed all the mana and brain tissue in Aotian's brain, turning his brain into a mess.All the magnetic fields and mana will disappear.

Aotian died on the spot.

No matter what kind of master you are, what level of cultivation you are, when the murder comes, you will die on the spot.The Elf King made another attack at the same time, Chen Yang restrained the other three generals with the Great Devouring Technique, and the Elf King secretly attacked.These three battles will be completely vulnerable!

Arthur Rati shot consecutively, and then, the other three generals also died tragically on the spot!

Chen Yang didn't plan to keep his hand with these generals, his goal was Na Quinn and Kui Ju!

"Your Highness, if these two people are arrested, we will have room for change!" Chen Yang said to Aserati.

Aserati nodded, and he continued: "You surround this area with the law of black holes, and there are still people watching from the outside. Don't let them see me making a move!"

Chen Yang said: "Okay, but I can't find out where those two people are right now."

"It's enough for the king to come!" Aserati said.

While he was speaking, he destroyed the corpses and wiped out the traces, smashing all the corpses of the four generals into ashes.

Then, Aserati took out his golden sword!The supreme golden sword he became famous for!

The golden ocean in front of him is boundless, and he can't see through everything around him.

As soon as the supreme sword came out, a ray of sword light slashed out, and all the illusion in front of him was instantly broken.Chen Yang quickly enlarged the black hole spar infinitely, and the law of the black hole enveloped Quinn and Kuiju who were fighting fiercely.The Eastern God is also shrouded.

Quinn and Kui Ju didn't know that General Four was dead, and the two of them teamed up to capture Dongfang Shen, and they were about to trap Dongfang Shen.The order they got was to catch them alive, so they didn't kill them, which delayed some time.

The Eastern God has a magic weapon called the Heaven and Earth Banner.The heaven and earth flag looks like a flag, once waved, the magic power will be stirred up, and the sky will be turned upside down, which is extremely powerful.At this time, Chen Yang saw that inside the enchantment, the soil was churning and the sky was shaking, like a natural disaster and an earthquake.

Quinn and Kuiju also sacrificed their magic weapons to suppress the surrounding space, and blast away the attacking air of heaven and earth.The two pressed on step by step, if they hadn't wasted their vitality in setting up the formation, Dongfang God would not be able to hold on at this time.

Aserati didn't say much, and with a flash of his figure, he was in front of Kuiju.

The supreme sword was ejected by him, and the light of the sword was like a swimming dragon, entangled towards Kuiju, and rolled up the golden light!

Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen joined forces to capture and kill Quinn.

Aserati shouted to Chen Yang: "Quick battle, don't delay!"

"Okay!" Chen Yang knew that Aserati had many concerns.

With a roar, he unleashed the Great Universe Thunder Sword!

The sword light flickered in the void, and the thunder force and the power of the universe merged together. There is only this sword in the world!

Quinn had always underestimated Chen Yang. Only when Chen Yang made a move did he realize that he was making a big mistake.When this sword light slashed over, he actually felt the universe collapse in his mind, and the thunder light came to kill him.

Quinn turned pale in shock, and immediately activated the magic weapon, the Canglang Vase!

With a bang, the Canglang Divine Bottle exploded with infinite brilliance, and opened its huge mouth, as if the power of the ocean and the water of the Canglang swallowed the sword light.At the same time, he withdrew his long purple hair in the Fengyun Hualong Formation.That is also his strength!

In the Vase of Canglang, the magic power is boundless, and the Qi of the Zifu, the creation of Quinn, is also integrated into it.

Inside there are profound creation laws, unspeakable mysterious secrets, and tremendous terrifying power.Ordinary celestial masters, and even the first-level masters of the creation realm are trapped, and it is difficult to escape.

But at this time, Chen Yang's Great Universe Thunder Sword broke through all the laws of creation like a god, and with a final bang, it unexpectedly... reached the other shore directly.

The Thunder Sword of the Great Universe pierced through the bottom of the bottle, as if piercing through a sea of ​​bitterness.Immediately, the essence leaked out, and all the sea water came out uncontrollably, venting wildly downward.

Fortunately, there is an uninhabited island below here. If it is not the case, life will be ruined.Compared with what is flooded with golden mountains and here, it is all pediatrics.

Roar!Quinn loses color!

His Canglang Divine Vase was broken by a sword from a guy who hadn't reached the Creation Realm.It's incredible.

At the same time, the Thunder Sword of the Great Universe continued to kill Quinn!

Quinn's eyes circulated mana, and the purple divine light slashed past, completely destroying the aftermath of the Great Universe Thunder Sword.

Dongfang Shen didn't eat anything at this time, so he let out a loud roar, and made a move with all his strength.The heaven and earth banners were drawn together, and he vigorously moved the heaven and earth banners, offering a palm.This palm contains his mana, law, and the power of the heaven and earth spirit in the heaven and earth flag.

Then, Quinn saw a mountain rolling over his head.

Quinn was shocked, and quickly turned the purple hair.Zifa turned into countless giant pythons and blasted towards the mountain.

Chen Yang also let out a roar at this time. He used enough strength to bombard Quinn with his palm.The power of one palm is the power of 200 billion galloping horses!

This palm is overwhelming, tyrannical and boundless, it seems to shatter the stars...

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