The strongest player in history

Chapter 2229 Human Heart

The Eastern God fell into deep thought when he heard the words, because everything Chen Yang said was possible.But now, they can only wait first!

At this time, the Zifu side is not calm.

In Zishen Palace in Zifu, Meng Qingchen first received Xian Tianque in the palace.

Xian Tianque looked extremely respectful, he said to Meng Qingchen: "Master, we have found the whereabouts of Dongfang God and Chen Yang again."

Meng Qingchen looked calm and said, "Oh, really?"

Xian Tianque said: "They reappeared in the Southern Xinjiang Continent, and our people have secretly captured their aura. Now their coordinates have been exposed under our noses." He paused, and said: "But this matter, It's a little strange, they seem to do it on purpose."

Meng Qingchen said: "Really? What do you think?"

Xian Tianque said: "I'm afraid there may be fraud!"

"What fraud?" Meng Qingchen asked.Her calm voice made Xian Tianque feel that she was even more unpredictable.

Xian Tianque didn't dare to think too much, and continued to reply: "I feel that they might join forces with the Elf King. This move is to lure the snake out of the hole."

"Elf King? Aserati?" Meng Qingchen smiled lightly and said, "Your analysis makes sense. It's not impossible. If Aserati is hiding in the dark, no matter how many people we send, it won't help , and will lose soldiers and lose generals!"

Xian Tianque said: "If the Elf King is really there, Lord, you will personally take action and capture the Elf King. In the future, we will capture the Elf Clan without any effort."

Meng Qingchen said: "Do it yourself? The Elf King still has some tricks, and he may not be able to win in a single battle. It's a surprise."

Obviously, Meng Qingchen didn't intend to do it himself.

She has her considerations, but what exactly she is considering is something that even Xian Tianque can't fathom.

Xian Tianque said: "Since this is the case, then we can ignore it for now. This matter is for them to save Mo Yu, and they are the passive ones."

"You're right." Meng Qingchen said: "However, I still plan to hand over this matter to the Moshan family."

Xian Tianque shivered slightly, at this moment, he immediately understood what Meng Qingchen meant.

In the purple mansion, there are eight divisions, three mansions, and one palace!

Among the eight divisions, the division of offering sacrifices to heaven and the division of divine soldiers are the most powerful.

And the Sanfu is above the Eight Divisions.

Among the three mansions, Moshan Mansion is the strongest.Moshan Mansion has almost formed its own school. Under the leadership of Moshan Mansion, the other two mansions, such as Ziyue Mansion and Tianshan Mansion, don't quite obey Meng Qingchen's orders.

Meng Qingchen's Purple God Palace is the most powerful.However, it is still very difficult for the Eighth Division to order the three governments.For a long time, Meng Qingchen has been balancing in it.

Although Meng Qingchen is a woman, she is definitely talented and ambitious, and her ideals are more ambitious than previous Meng Patriarchs.Not only does she want to integrate the Purple Mansion into a monolith, but she also wants to annex other continents and grasp all the resources in the world. She wants to make the entire Danube planet hers.

Meng Qingchen's ambition is so great.

For a long time, Meng Qingchen's strategy was to win over the Eight Divisions and ignore the Three Governments.

And at this time, Meng Qingchen was about to take the opportunity to make a move.She wanted the universe spirit, but she didn't want to distribute the benefits of the universe spirit to disobedient people.

Xian Tianque took a deep look at Meng Qingchen, and then said: "The lord has orders, and both the servants and my father are willing to do their best!"

Meng Qingchen nodded in satisfaction, and said: "As long as you are sincere to this deity, your benefits will be indispensable."

Afterwards, she let Xian Tianque back down.

But when Xian Tianque retreated, she still told Xian Tianque to follow Chen Yang's line closely and not break it.

Xian Tianque naturally agreed.

After Xian Tianque withdrew, Meng Qingchen held an important meeting immediately.She summoned the Eight Divisions, the Three Governments, and all the elders to attend the meeting.

In the Zishen Palace, the veterans of the Meng family who were behind Meng Qingchen were also present.

This also shows how important this meeting is.

No one dares to neglect such a meeting.

The Three Mansions are not in the Purple Mansion, but guard other parts of the Eastern Frontier Continent.After receiving Meng Qingchen's order, the masters of the three mansions immediately rushed to attend the meeting.

They did not come alone, but brought their advisors and generals.

But at this time, the counselors and generals were all waiting outside the Purple God Palace.The masters of the three major palaces, the Demon Mountain Mansion, and the Demon Mountain Sky.The master of Ziyue Mansion is like smoke and dust.And Gou Chen, the head of the Tianshan Mansion!

In the Zishen Palace, Meng Qingchen sat on the head, dressed in a white shirt, like the Queen Mother of the Heavenly Palace, majestic and majestic.

Behind her stood four senior elders.

It's a deterrent.

The heads of the eight divisions are all here, with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes.

The three palace masters had already discussed when they came in that they would watch over and help each other.

Moshan Cangqiong is tall and tall, looks like he is in his 40s, has a violent temper, rebellious and unruly, and his cultivation is even more superb and unpredictable.

He has never given Meng Qingchen any face, thinking that Meng Qingchen is just a girl's film.

This is also the point that Meng Qingchen is most displeased with about the magic mountain sky.

As for Ru Yanchen, she is an extremely beautiful woman, calm and majestic, with the air of a general.

Gou Chen, the head of the Tianshan Mansion, looks to be in his fifties, giving off an eerie feeling.

Above the palace, everyone paid homage to Meng Qingchen.

Meng Qingchen waved his hand and asked everyone to stand up.After that, she went straight to the topic, and said: "At present, the human race is declining. With the concerted efforts of all the families in the Zifu, the resistance of the human race is only a few people from the Dongfang family. Now, the deity has received the news and knows The Eastern God has already left the elves. This son is extremely cunning, and the deity sent people to arrest him several times, but they all returned without success. Could it be that there is no one in my Zifu?"

When she spoke, her eyes scanned everyone present.

The chiefs of the eight divisions all understood and lowered their heads.

"Or, for this matter, I have to do it myself?" Meng Qingchen continued.Her eyes sized up the sky of the Demon Mountain, like smoke and dust, and Gou Chen.

Xian Guinong immediately stood up and said, "I'm guilty. I surrounded the Eastern God last time, but returned without success. I also ask the lord to forgive me. This time, I'm willing to take the blame and do meritorious service, and go to capture the Eastern God!"

Meng Qingchen snorted coldly, and said: "Xian Guinong, you still have the nerve to stand up. You are right, you are a guilty body. If I let you go again, you will return without success. I can't even kill you. Since you are old and meritorious, this deity will forgive you this time, so step aside quickly."

Xian Guinong understood Meng Qingchen's thoughts, he was also acting in cooperation with Meng Qingchen, so he withdrew immediately.

Meng Qingchen then said: "After all, the Eighth Division can't do it. It seems that we can only rely on the Three Palaces to take action in this matter." She paused, and finally locked her eyes on Moshan Cangqiong, and said: "Palace Master Cangqiong , are you willing to take down that rebel Eastern God for this deity?"

Moshan Cangqiong was slightly taken aback, and he sneered, and said: "It's a trivial matter, nothing to worry about. Since the Lord has this demand, the servants will do it!"

"Okay!" Meng Qingchen clapped her palms and laughed loudly, and said, "With the words of Palace Master Cangqiong, I am relieved. I will leave this matter to Palace Master Cangqiong to handle it. However, this matter is quite urgent. If it is not urgent, This deity will not summon everyone here. Here, this deity will give you a day, Master Cang Qiong, how about it?"

Moshan Cangqiong narrowed his eyes slightly, he wasn't an idiot, he sensed something was wrong at this moment. "Where is that man, I don't know yet." He said.

Meng Qingchen said: "This deity already has detailed coordinates, and you can find it in an instant. Palace Master Sky Palace doesn't need to worry about this issue!"

The magic mountain sky felt that riding a tiger was hard to get off.

At this time, Ru Yanchen stood up and said, "I am willing to work with Palace Master Cang Qiong."

Gou Chen also stood up.

Meng Qingchen waved his hands, laughed three times, and then said: "This is too much to make a fuss about. The Eastern God is a junior with weak strength. My Zifu arrests him as a thief, and I want to send out the three palace masters. If you go out, won’t you make the giant dragon clan, elf clan, and beast gods laugh at you? No, absolutely not. I want Palace Master Cang Qiong to capture that Eastern God like a thunderbolt.”

Moshan Cangqiong hesitated for a while, he couldn't retreat at this time.

Only then did he realize that Meng Qingchen deliberately set him up.Of course he knew that it would not be easy, but he was not afraid.Big deal, if you can't catch it, you can't catch it.If you, Meng Qingchen, dare to take the opportunity to make trouble, the three houses of Lao Tzu will turn against you together.

"Yes, my lord!" Moshan Cangqiong knelt on one knee and said, "Your servant takes orders!"

Meng Qingchen said: "Okay, okay, okay!"

Afterwards, Meng Qingchen handed over the Eastern God and Chen Yang's information to Moshan Cangqiong.

At the same time, Meng Qingchen also gathered eight divisions to entertain Ru Yanchen and Gou Chen to the banquet.She said to Moshan Cangqiong, "Palace Master Cangqiong, we are gathering together now, and when you capture that thief, it will be time for us to celebrate for you."

Moshan Cangqiong still wants to know more about it, and they are like smoke and dust, discussing with each other.But obviously, Meng Qingchen deliberately didn't give Moshan Cangqiong this chance.

On an isolated island overseas, the night is like water.

Chen Yang later learned that there was no moonlight shining here.But there is a luminous body similar to the moon, which will provide a faint light to shine on the sea at night.

It is very similar to the moonlight.

Dongfang God didn't really understand Chen Yang's strategy. He thought that there were too many loopholes in this strategy.If it were him, he wouldn't be fooled.

Not to mention that there are so many capable people in the Zifu.

"Brother Chen Yang, if the Zifu goes all out to arrest us, will we be dead now?" Dongfang God asked worriedly.He is not used to exposing himself, this feeling is like a thorn in the beating.

"Go all out? It is indeed a dead end." Chen Yang said in a deep voice.

"Then it's too risky for us." Dongfang Shen said, "I don't regret my death, but I don't want to implicate Your Highness."

Chen Yang's eyes were far away, and he looked at the sea in the distance.

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