The strongest player in history

Chapter 2223 Weird Disappearance

Xian Tianque directly grabbed Chen Yang, while Xian Guinong's target was the Oriental God.At the same time, the long purple hair of the two formed a large space formation, instantly covering Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen.

At this moment, Chen Yang's figure flashed, but he stopped in front of Dongfang God.He grabbed Dongfang Shen first with his big hand.

Dongfang God was about to resist desperately, Chen Yang immediately sent a voice transmission through his mind: "Come into my ring Sumeru, I have a way to get out!"

Dongfang God was slightly taken aback, then stopped resisting and entered Chen Yang's precepts.

Although he didn't know what Chen Yang could do, at this moment, Dongfang God could only trust Chen Yang. He knew in his heart that his resistance would be useless.Xian Guinong and Xian Tianque shot together, he didn't have the slightest chance of luck.

Chen Yang collected the Eastern God into the ring sumeru, and in the next second, Xian Tianque's big handprint had already enveloped Chen Yang.

Surrounded by the aura of the Purple Mansion of Creation, endless laws are surging in it.Chen Yang felt that he was in the rushing clouds and mist, and the surroundings were like a vast universe.

Chen Yang didn't have a black hole spar with him, so it was really difficult to break through the confusion around him.

Xian Tianque's hand tightened, and it shrank instantly.He clenched his fists, and then everything was calm.

At this time, Xian Guinong took out a magic weapon, and this magic weapon was the Star Soul Cleansing Bottle!It was Xian Guinong's magic weapon, he sacrificed it, Xian Tianque's fist penetrated into the bottle of star soul, and threw Chen Yang into the bottle of star soul.

Then Xian Guinong used his mana again to seal the star soul bottle with the aura of the creation Zifu.

After that, Xian Guinong breathed a sigh of relief.

Xian Tianque was still a little worried, and said, "I'm sure I've caught these two, but Dongfang God didn't resist, it's really weird."

Xian Guinong said in a deep voice: "Don't think too much, they are just going to die after entering father's bottle of star soul purification. You know the power of this bottle of star soul purification."

Xian Tianque said: "We'd better go back to the Temple of Sacrifice to Heaven immediately, and sacrifice them with great mana."

"Ah?" Xian Yuxue quit immediately and said, "Father, you can't kill that Chen Yang. You have to keep him for me to play with!"

"Nonsense!" Xian Tianque scolded Xian Yuxue.Xian Yuxue couldn't help feeling bitter and regretful, but she couldn't do anything about it.

To her, Chen Yang was just more interesting, that's all.

She will regret it for a while, but will not make unnecessary waves.

At this moment, the star soul bottle locked Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen.Xian Guinong's mana is integrated with Jingping, and if Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen want to resist Jingping, they will fight with Xian Guinong's mana.

Therefore, Xian Guinong could feel whether Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen were resisting, and he was not afraid that these two would run away.The star soul purification bottle is mysterious and unparalleled, and the people who were imprisoned have never escaped.

At that moment, a group of four people quickly left the place and flew into the Purple Mansion.

In the Palace of Sacrifice to Heaven, Xian Guinong and Xian Tianque were extremely serious, and they opened the barrier in the palace.

Xian Yuxue and Xian Zhengyun were watching.Xian Zhengyun said to Xian Yuxue: "This time, if we captured the Dongfang God, the Dongfang Clan will be completely disintegrated. The rest of the people, even if they are not caught, will not be successful. This is a great achievement, and we can do it because of it." And go into the Supreme Pavilion."

Xian Yuxue was not very excited, and said, "It's a pity for that interesting guy."

"Hey!" At this moment, Xian Guinong, who was refining the Star Soul Purification Bottle, let out a soft snort.

Xian Tianque's face was also full of doubts.

Xian Zhengyun was taken aback, and quickly asked, "Grandpa, Dad, what happened?"

As if seeing a ghost, Xian Tianque said, "It's gone."

"What's missing?" Xian Zhengyun couldn't believe it.

Xian Yuxue's eyes lit up, and she felt that this matter was even more interesting.

In the star soul bottle, Chen Yang and Dongfang God were indeed gone.

"Could it be that it has been refined?" Xian Zhengyun couldn't help but said.

Xian Guinong's face was very ugly, and he said: "This is impossible, these two people have extremely deep cultivation, and it is impossible to refine them before the Star Soul Purification Bottle is sacrificed by us."

"However, the Xinghun Jingping bottle locks people and never misses. How could they disappear out of thin air?" Xian Zhengyun said.

Xian Guinong said, "I also want to know what's going on."

"Weird, weird!" Xian Tianque said.

Xian Yuxue smiled slightly, and said, "That guy is extremely cunning, I knew it, it wouldn't be that easy to catch him."

At this moment, where are Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen?

These two people have already returned to the Southern Border Continent.

Chen Yang had suspected ghosts for a long time, so he deliberately made a space formation with black hole spar in the Southern Xinjiang Continent.To break through the Star Soul Purification Bottle, there is also Xian Guinong's mana detection, and only the black hole spar can do this.Mo Xiangwang in the original womb did this before, because the original womb is more wonderful and vast.

The black hole spar combined with Chen Yang's power also achieved this.

However, Chen Yang is also embarrassed. Now that he has left the black hole spar, his power has been reduced by at least half.Therefore, it is best not to leave the black hole spar.

Moreover, this backhand can only be used occasionally.If it is used a lot, the opponent will be on guard. Once someone breaks through the space teleportation, it will be a dead end.

In short, not commonly used.

After coming to the southern border continent, Chen Yang took back the black hole spar.

Dongfang God admired Chen Yang so much.

"I didn't expect..." Dongfang Shen felt heartbroken again later, and said, "I really didn't expect that Pulsatilla, and the brothers around me would all rebel."

Chen Yang said: "Not necessarily, before the truth is known, don't jump to conclusions. Brother Dongfang, you just like to draw conclusions too much. You say I can absolutely believe it, can I really absolutely believe it? You say Pulsatilla can absolutely believe it ? Can you absolutely believe it? There are two sides to everything.”

Dongfang God was speechless for a moment.

Chen Yang felt that the people on the Danube planet were more honest, and they were not allowed to engage in conspiracies.The Eastern God's mind is quite good, and it's a bit naive.

Chen Yang, on the earth, has experienced too many deceits, and has already been tempered into steel.He could be regarded as a genius on earth, so here, he felt that there were some conspiracies and tricks, which seemed a little childish in his eyes!

"Come here, take some of this first!" Chen Yang sealed a drop of Xuanhuang Liquid and gave it to Dongfang God.

"What is this?" Dongfang God wondered.

Chen Yang said: "Well, I'm afraid we still have breath on our body, taking this should be able to clear the breath."

This Xuanhuang liquid was improved by Chen Yang, and it was taught by Mo Xiangwang in the Yuan womb.The mysterious yellow liquid has been fused with the air of the universe, so it should be able to drive away some of the breath on the Danube planet.

Dongfang God once again lamented that Chen Yang was thoughtful, and he took it calmly at the moment.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid of being poisoned?"

Dongfang Shen also smiled and said: "If brother wants to harm me, I have already died a hundred times."

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