The strongest player in history

Chapter 2224 Purple God Palace

In the Tianji Temple, Xian Guinong wanted to search for the auras of Chen Yang and the Eastern God, but the auras of the two disappeared quickly.

Xian Tianque said in a deep voice: "Father, how is it?"

Xian Guinong said, "I can't find it."

Xian Tianque fell silent.

Xian Zhengyun was also thoughtful at the side, but Xian Yuxue was more interested.

After a long while, Xian Tianque said: "Father, do I need to report this matter to the Lord?"

Xian Guinong glanced at Xian Tianque, and then said, "Report the truth."

Xian Tianque said: "Yes!"

Xian Zhengyun immediately said from the side: "Father, Grandpa, we didn't report this matter to the Lord in advance, and we are only talking about it now, I'm afraid the Lord will blame us!"

Xian Guinong glanced at Xian Zhengyun, and said, "Dongfang Shen and that weird boy had too many accidents. They came here for Mo Yu. We report it now, and it's not a big mistake. If it happens in the future They made a big disaster, but we didn't report it, that's the real regret!"

Xian Zhengyun suddenly realized, and felt that his grandfather was thinking more carefully.

Immediately, Xian Tianque said to Xian Zhengyun: "Let's go, Yun'er, let's go with my father to see the Lord."

Xian Zhengyun immediately said: "Yes, Dad!"

In the Purple God Palace, the unparalleled beauty of Meng Qingchen was dressed in a long snow-white dress, like a nine-day fairy.She looks spotless and flawless.

Her face makes people crazy.

There is a faint fragrance in the whole Purple God Palace. On both sides of the Purple God Palace, there are countless beautiful maidservants.

Xian Tianque and Xian Zhengyun bowed to Meng Qingchen, who was headed up, and said, "See my lord!"

"Excuse me, give me a seat!" Meng Qingchen said kindly, with a slight smile.

Xian Tianque and Xian Zhengyun got up, and then a maid brought a seat.But the two of them didn't sit down, Xian Tianque said first: "I report to the Lord that I have committed a crime. If I come here today, I will confess my crime to the Lord and ask the Lord to punish me."

After he finished speaking, he saluted again.Xian Zhengyun also bowed in salute.

Meng Qingchen was slightly surprised, and said: "Oh, what happened to Tianque today? What did he do, let's hear it?"

Xian Tianque immediately said: "A few days ago we received information that we had placed pawns in the Dongfang Clan. According to the intelligence feedback there, we found the former traitor Pulsatilla. Come to Zi Mansion and take away Mo Yu."

Meng Qingchen couldn't help turning pale, she said: "I never thought that you would actually place pawns in the Dongfang group. Very good, but, why didn't you report to the deity earlier?"

Xian Tianque said: "Reporting to the lord, this matter was not stable before, and the subordinates are not very sure, and I also want to surprise you, the lord."

Meng Qingchen nodded, and said, "It's hard for you to be loyal to Tianque, let's continue."

She didn't show any joy or sorrow or emotions, but it made Xian Tianque and Xian Zhengyun even more confused about what was going on in her heart.

Xian Tianque was more cautious, and said: "Reporting to the Lord, according to our information, there is another human being with the Eastern God. This person is from the earth, and his name is Chen Yang."

"It's him again!" Meng Qingchen couldn't help being surprised.

Xiantian Que felt strange, and said, "The Lord also knows about this person?"

Meng Qingchen smiled lightly, and said: "This person played around with goodwill, and Lord Shang Wudao personally took action, but he returned in vain. How could this deity not know."

Xian Zhengyun couldn't help being startled, because Shang Wudao asked him to keep the matter of Shangyu a secret.Xian Zhengyun also told the little girl not to tell anyone about it.Why did this matter still reach the ears of the Lord?Is there anything in this world that the Lord doesn't know about?

Also, when did Shang Wudao take action himself?

Did he not catch Chen Yang himself?

How many secrets does this Chen Yang have?

At this moment, countless doubts flashed in Xian Zhengyun's heart.

Xian Tianque was also taken aback, and said, "Master Shang Wudao took action himself, and was this kid escaped too?"

Meng Qingchen looked at Xian Tianque, and said: "Tianque used a single word, it seems that there are many deep meanings in it!"

Xian Tianque immediately said: "I am ashamed, I originally wanted to capture the Eastern God with my father, so as to surprise you, my lord. But I didn't expect that I and my father shot together, but in the end the Eastern God and Chen Yang escaped."

"The Eastern God has this ability!" Meng Qingchen was really taken aback at this time, and said: "This boy from the earth actually made you and your father come back without success, and the deity is more and more fond of him." Interested."

"I'm ashamed, I'm guilty, please punish me!" Xian Tianque said immediately.

Meng Qingchen waved his hand and said: "Forget it, you are also loyal. This time, I don't blame you. But, next, you have to follow this line closely. Since they want to save Na Mo Yu, why not?" I won't let it go. Whenever there is any new news, come and inform the deity immediately, understand?"

Xian Tianque heard the majesty and warning in Meng Qingchen's gentleness, he didn't dare to say more, so he said: "Yes, my lord!"

"Go down!" Meng Qingchen said afterward.

Immediately, Xian Tianque and Xian Zhengyun bowed to Meng Qingchen, and then left the Purple God Palace.

After leaving the Zishen Palace, Xian Zhengyun asked Xian Tianque, "Father, what is the master's plan?"

Xian Tianque said lightly: "How can we figure out what the Lord means. Don't think too much about it, just act accordingly."

Xian Zhengyun said: "The traces of them have been lost now, and it is very difficult to find them again."

Xian Tianque said: "They have lost the disguise of a pulsatilla, and they want to save Mo Yu, so they will definitely break in again. Be careful, as long as Mo Yu is still in our Zifu, they will be passive."

Xian Zhengyun's eyes lit up, and he said, "Yes, Dad!"

In the Southern Xinjiang Continent, above the snow peak, Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen went back to see the Pulsatilla.

However, Pulsatilla's address has been destroyed, and Pulsatilla's whereabouts are no longer known.

The Eastern God was suddenly at a loss.

Chen Yang was lost in thought.

Obviously, the enemy has become alert.It would be much more difficult to save Mo Yu again.

Moreover, there is not much time left for Chen Yang and Dongfang God.When the main body of the purple crystal is completed, Mo Yu will die.

Dongfang God said to Chen Yang: "I don't know who the spy is, but if this spy is alive, he is too much of a threat to us. It will also harm the elves. I have to go back to the elves first to arrest this spy." come out."

Chen Yang said: "You can go back, but I guess the spies should have escaped."

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