Pulsatilla then took some of his own hair, and boiled it with magic power and potion.Afterwards, he condensed these potions into two pills and distributed one to each of Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen.

"It's still the same." Pulsatilla said.

Dongfang Shen nodded, and swallowed the pill in his hand in one gulp.

Chen Yang hesitated.

Pulsatilla looked at Chen Yang, and he said lightly, "Could it be that little brother doesn't trust me?"

Dongfang God also said: "Brother Chen Yang, the power of this elixir belongs to the original power. It is easy for you to destroy it. Take it with confidence!"

Chen Yang didn't want to say much, so he nodded and swallowed it in one gulp.

Soon, the pill began to melt in Chen Yang's body.

This is a warm current and a source of strength.Chen Yang forced these forces into his brain.

Soon after, both Chen Yang and Dongfang God grew purple hair, and even their eyeballs turned azure blue.The appearance of the two of them also changed slightly, becoming nothing like themselves.

Chen Yang felt the wonder of this power, as long as he didn't get rid of the power, it would always be like this.But it is also very simple to restore the original appearance, just force this force out.

"Senior, we are about to say goodbye." The Eastern God then said to Pulsatilla.

Pulsatilla's eyes were complicated, and he said: "This way, life and death are at stake, so be careful."

Chen Yang said suddenly from the side: "Senior, won't you go with us?"

Pulsatilla was silent for a long while, then said with a waned voice: "I am old and afraid of death."

Dongfang God said: "Senior has done too much for us, thank you senior! Brother Chen Yang, let's go!"

He pulled Chen Yang directly, and then quickly left the palace where Pulsatilla was.

In the next second, Chen Yang and Dongfang God had already arrived at the sky above Xuefeng.

"Brother Chen Yang, you shouldn't talk to senior like this. Senior has sacrificed a lot for our human race and paid even more." Dongfang God said: "I heard between the lines of your words, you always have doubts about senior, don't you?"

Chen Yang smiled lightly and said, "I do have some doubts, but whether my doubts are superfluous or not, we will soon reveal the answer."

"Oh, how to reveal the answer?" Eastern God felt strange.

Chen Yang said: "It's very simple, as long as we leave the scope of the Southern Xinjiang mainland, if people from the Zifu come to hunt us down, then there is a problem. If no one comes to hunt us down, then there is no problem."

"Okay!" said the Eastern God.

Chen Yang laughed, and then left the Southern Border Continent with Dongfang Shen.But while leaving, he quietly left one thing behind.This thing is... the black hole spar.

Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen were heading towards the Eastern Frontier Continent, and their original goal was to enter the Purple Mansion to save people.

Their speed was very fast, and they had already reached the sky above the Eastern Xinjiang Continent in the blink of an eye.

Dongfang Shen laughed and said, "Brother Chen Yang, look, we've already arrived. There's nothing wrong with it. You are still too suspicious."

However, as soon as his words fell...

As soon as the Eastern God's words fell, figures flickered in all directions in the sky.

Seeing this situation, Dongfang God's face immediately changed.

Chen Yang knew it well, and he said to Dongfang God: "Force all the breath of Pulsatilla's breath away." Before he spoke, he had already forced away the source of the power, and in a short while, Chen Yang had recovered his original appearance.

Dongfang Shen's face was very ugly, but he did it anyway.

Both of them returned to their original appearance.

As the figures flickered, four masters surrounded Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen.Those who came were none other than Xian Tianque, the Priest of Heaven, Xian Zhengyun, and an acquaintance of Chen Yang, Xian Yuxue.The other stranger was an old man in black.

This old man in black is Xian Tianque's father, Xian Guinong!

It turned out that Ji Tiansi was always in charge of arresting the Eastern God.So today's arrest, Xian Tianque will not disturb the other officials.The Purple Mansion has the strongest strength, but the biggest problem is the serious internal fighting among the various mansions and divisions.If all the prefectures and divisions were monolithic, the other three continents would already be in the purse of the Zifu.

But as Meng Qingchen in the leadership, she didn't dare to make her subordinates all monolithic.That would endanger her status, this is the emperor's mind, she must maintain balance.

Therefore, this is also a problem of helplessness, and it is also a problem that has never changed regardless of the planet or the tribe.

Where there are creatures and desires, there is no escape from this political struggle!

Xian Tianque was dressed in a fine attire and looked well-dressed. He was in his fifties, and he was not angry.He has a dignified appearance and indeed has the majesty of a patriarch.

And Xian Tianque's father, Xian Guinong, was old and hot. He looked to be in his seventies, but he was very energetic, his eyes were like eagles, extremely sharp.

Ji Tiansi is the first division among the eight divisions of the Zifu, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Chen Yang and Dongfang Shen were surrounded in the middle like this.

Seeing Chen Yang, Xian Yuxue giggled and said, "Chen Yang, let's meet again."

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and said, "It's not a good thing to meet under such circumstances."

Xian Yuxue smiled slightly, and said: "That's okay, you are not the main criminal. After I go back, I can ask my father to abolish your cultivation, and then you can be my little follower. This girl will definitely not treat you badly." .”

Chen Yang laughed and said, "You have a good idea, but it is destined not to be realized."

"Really?" Xian Yuxue said with great interest: "Could it be that at this moment, do you think there will be a miracle? There is no goodwill here, and you won't have another opportunity to take advantage of. Also, my grandfather, my father Here, no matter how many tricks you have, you will not be able to escape."

"Not necessarily." Chen Yang chuckled.

Xian Zhengyun frowned at the side, and said, "Little sister, what are you talking about with him?"

Xian Yuxue stuck out her tongue and made a grimace.

Xian Tianque and Xian Guinong were even more straightforward, and they shot together.They knew that Dongfang God should not be underestimated, but they didn't take Chen Yang seriously.

Because Xian Zhengyun gave them a lot of information, they thought that Chen Yang was just an opportunist and could not be regarded as a real threat.

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