"What's your name?" Chen Yang asked Shenlong.

Shenlong said: "Master, my name is Xiu Zemi!"

Chen Yang said: "Okay, Xiu Zemi, let me ask you, do you know Amethyst?"

Xiu Zemi immediately said: "Master, Zijing is what the Zifu has been looking for."

"What's the use?" Chen Yang heard Zong Xiantang say something, but he also wanted to investigate Xiu Zemi.Xiu Zemi immediately said: "Amethyst can awaken the primordial spirit of a human being, and that primordial spirit is a precious aura, which can perfectly integrate the people of the Zixing clan and human beings, and can make the Danube planet more perfect. The Zifu's People have always wanted Amethyst."

Chen Yang was sure that Xiu Zemi hadn't lied. Generally speaking, he would also know that this kind of artifact lied.When he controls Xiu Zemi, Xiu Zemi will serve him wholeheartedly.Chen Yang continued: "Can you feel the amethyst breath on my body?"

Xiu Zemi said: "Master, I can't feel it."

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "Amethyst? I don't have amethyst on me, but the people in Zifu can always rely on this aura to track me. You have a way to help me get rid of the amethyst aura on my body. Then avoid the pursuit of the people in the Zifu?"

Xiu Zemi couldn't help but look distressed, and said, "Master, I don't have this ability."

"Greatly, you can't help at all." Chen Yang was a little depressed.

Xiu Zemi said: "Master, my role is to help you deal with the enemy. The Star Dragon Scepter needs your mana to pour in. When the time comes, I can use the Star Dragon Scepter to deliver a fatal blow!"

Chen Yang nodded, and said: "I will do this." He then asked: "Zijing, the people of Zifu want to integrate into human beings, what is going on?"

Xiu Zemi said: "This is a long story, because the existence of Zifu is not human beings. The creatures of Zifu are a kind of little creatures with purple hair and blue eyes. They will sneak into the human brain, and then Occupying the human brain, merging with humans, and finally becoming that human completely. This is their way of life! When they were born, they were a small bug."

Chen Yang was taken aback, and immediately said to Monk Linghui in his mind, "It's like your parasite!"

Monk Linghui was also listening carefully. He heard the words and said: "But this is much more advanced than the parasites of the poor monk."

"How to say?" Chen Yang was puzzled.

Monk Linghui said: "Most of the poor monk's parasites have low intelligence, and it is difficult to produce mana. But the Zifu has developed to a certain extent."

Chen Yang said: "So that's the case." He asked Xiu Zemi again, "Since they have merged with human beings, what do Amethyst and Yuan Ling do?"

Xiu Zemi said: "When merging, there will be some flaws. For example, some human minds will defeat the Purple Star Clan. Some will coexist with the two, and some will rebound after a long time. For example, the current Purple Crystal is because of a Purple Star. There was a problem with the integration of the insects of the race and humans, and humans occupied the brain, thus stealing the amethyst and fleeing."

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

"What about that person and Yuan Ling?" Chen Yang continued to ask Xiu Zemi.

Xiu Zemi said: "It is said that the person is a little girl about six years old. The little girl's origin is very strange. I heard some secret conversations with the young master Shangyu of the Shenbing Division. The girl is said to be from the universe. She was born from a wonderful primordial womb. But to force the primordial spirit out of her body, they must rely on Amethyst, otherwise, they would not be able to get the primordial spirit."

"Yuan Tai, Yuan Ling?" Chen Yang frowned.

At this time, Monk Linghui suddenly said pleasantly: "Fellow Daoist Chen Yang, this is really hard to find. It doesn't take much effort to get here! From the point of view of the poor monk, I'm afraid the little girl's spirit is the spirit of the universe! "

"What?" Chen Yang's eyes lit up.

He changed his mind and thought about it, this is not impossible!

But immediately, Chen Yang felt distressed again.

What I have to face is a planet!

How difficult is it to go to the Danube planet to capture the spirit of the universe after losing the luck of the earth?

This is mission impossible.

"It's impossible for the spirit of the universe to be just this one." Monk Linghui said, "With your current strength, friend Daoist, it's really impossible. Otherwise, go find it again, or go back to the earth and find some helpers to come !"

Chen Yang said: "But first, I have to make sure whether the thing on that girl is the spirit of the universe I'm looking for!"

Monk Linghui said: "How can you be sure? As long as you get close to Danube, the people from Zifu will rush to you."

Chen Yang said: "So, the most urgent thing is to get rid of the amethyst breath on your body. Then find a way to make some camouflage!"

Monk Linghui said: "If there is a way to get rid of this breath, there will be no troubles in front of me."

Chen Yang couldn't think of a better way.

Not every crisis, Chen Yang has a way to solve it.

Not every monk Linghui has a solution.

Chen Yang was helpless at the moment, he ran away blindly, and it was just delaying for some time.

After the soul ocean was upgraded to ice soul ocean, its power increased greatly.But at the same time, its concealment effect is greatly reduced.

Therefore, Chen Yang couldn't hide in the ice soul ocean to avoid this kind of breath pursuit.

Chen Yang first poured Xiu Zemi's mana into Xiu Zemi's scepter. His mana was stronger than Goodwill, so he filled it up quickly.He took some pills himself, and his strength returned to its full strength.

Xiu Zemi was also satisfied, and he did not forget to say: "Master, Shangyu is arrogant and arrogant. He has suffered such a big loss at your hands this time, and he will never let it go. In my opinion, in his With a strong heart, he will gather some helpers to come. But he definitely wants to defeat you with his own hands!"

"Huh?" Chen Yang's eyes lit up, as if he had found a chance.

Xiu Zemi's words inspired Chen Yang.

"If it's really what you said, after I successfully capture the goodwill, I can get a lot of secrets out of his hands." Chen Yang said.

Xiu Zemi said: "That's right, Shangyu knows more than me."

Chen Yang said: "But this guy's entangled helper must be a powerful person. Although he is arrogant, he is not a fool. I must catch him by surprise!"

Xiu Zemi said: "That's right!"

Chen Yang said: "His sand from the Ganges River has very weird tricks. I used the light of my heart to deceive him before, and if he makes a move again, I'm afraid he won't be easily fooled."

Xiu Zemi said: "I know the flaws of the Ganges River sand!"

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "Quickly say it!"

Xiu Zemi said: "In the sand of the Ganges River, there is a soul. If you find the soul, you can break the sand of the Ganges River with one hit. The location of the soul is..."

After Chen Yang listened, he knew what was going on.

He began to calculate.

Danube planet!

Looking at the Danube planet from space, the Danube planet is still in the solar system and enjoys the alternating light of the sun and the moon.But the Danube planet is far away from the sun, so the temperature is extremely low, and the entire planet is covered with ice and snow all year round.

Looking from a distance, it is all white.

Ice and snow have greatly reduced the development of civilization and technology on the Danube planet, and it is still in the era of cold weapons.Many of the houses here are igloos.The creatures on the Danube planet are cold-resistant beyond imagination.

In the ice and snow, many plants, food, animals and so on are born that adapt to the severe cold.

There are snow valleys, small snow valleys, rice peppers, etc., all of which are unique to the Danube planet.

The Danube planet has four seas, which divide the planet into four continents.

The Eastern Border Continent is where the Purple Mansion is located.There are three kingdoms in the Eastern Frontier Continent, and the kingdoms are also controlled by people from Zifu.Real human beings are all lowly beings in the Eastern Xinjiang Continent, with a very low status.

Dongjiang Continent is the strongest among the four continents.

The remaining three continents are inhabited by elves, half-orcs, and giant dragons.

The three continents are also always worried about the invasion of Zifu.Humans were originally the strongest among the four major races, but now they are occupied by the Purple Mansion and reduced to slaves.

The reason why the people in Zifu raise humans is to make shells for their creatures.Noble creatures will choose good humans to make their shells.

Human beings live in dire straits.

The reason why the elves and half-orcs were not invaded by the Zifu was because the people of the Purple Star Clan looked down on the elves and half-orcs.As for the giant dragon clan, it is too difficult to capture their brain domain.

In Dongjiang mainland, on Dongtai Mountain, the palace of Zifu is majestic, majestic and magnificent, covering an area of ​​30 square kilometers!It was a great ice and snow city, and it was the brilliant civilization of the entire Danube planet.The dazzling Zifu Shrine can be seen from space.

Among the purple mansions, there are eight divisions, three mansions, and one palace.

Among the eight divisions, the Jitian division is the most powerful, followed by the Shenbing division.

The Shenbing Division has its own palace.

At this time, several lights and shadows flickered in the sky.

After that, Shangyu and others fell outside the palace of Shenbingsi.

Outside the palace is a flat land, and on the flat land is ice.The ice surface is as smooth as a mirror, holy and spotless.

On both sides of the palace, the silver blood wolf stands, extremely mighty!

There are even magic soldiers in black who guard the palace!

Shangyu came first, followed by Zong Xiantang and others.Shangyu turned pale, and he walked inside.

Several black-clothed magic soldiers immediately knelt down on one knee and said, "See young master!"

Goodwill ignored it at all, and then walked inside.

He returned to his own cold spring palace.He is the only son of Shang Wudao, the head of the Shenbing Division, and has a high status.Cold Spring Hall is his main residence. Behind the Cold Spring Hall, there are more than 300 small courtyards, all of which are where his wives and concubines live.Every night when he decides who to sleep with and how many women to sleep with, he has to turn over his cards.

But without his summoning, those wives and concubines were not allowed to enter the Lengquan Palace.

However, there are exceptions. Among wives and concubines with many reputations, the main wife is called Xian Yuxue.Xian Yuxue is the daughter of the Priest Priestess, she has a high level of cultivation and is not inferior to goodwill.And the status is also very high, so Shangyu respects her very much.

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