Goodwill not only respected Xian Yuxue, but even had a hint of fear.Although the two have the name of husband and wife, they are not actually husband and wife.On the day Xian Yuxue and Shangyu got married, the two had an agreement that they would only be husband and wife in name.As for how many concubines Shangyu is willing to marry, she doesn't care.

Shangyu was sulking. He sat cross-legged on the futon in the bedroom, lit Jinghun incense, and took countless high-quality Nine-Turn Golden Pills. After that, he began to heal his wounds.

The injured part is in the brain area, and it is not easy to recover.In this battle, he felt that he lost inexplicably, and lost extremely strangely.

The mana in Shangyu's brain was surging, and the damaged areas absorbed nutrients and began to recover slowly.This process is very slow, within three to five days, there is absolutely no way to recover.

At this moment, a maidservant came in to report: "Young Master, Grandma is here."

Goodwill took a deep breath, he opened his eyes, then got up, and said, "Well, let's go down."

Afterwards, Goodwill walked out of the bedroom.

In the living room of the main hall, Xian Yuxue was wearing a long red dress, like a flaming red shirt, stunning yet awe-inspiring.She is as beautiful as a snow lotus that does not touch the dust, but also as proud as a queen looking down on the world.

Xian Yuxue naturally had long purple hair, she was tall, and came to Shangyu.

Shangyu immediately smiled and said, "Xiaoxue, you are here!"

Xian Yuxue glanced at Shangyu indifferently, then, she gave a light snort, and said, "Are you injured?"

Shangyu was helpless, he was extremely unwilling to let Xianyuxue find out about this.Naihe Xian Yuxue's eyes were like torches, and she could tell at a glance.He could only say: "Yes, I suffered some minor injuries."

Xian Yuxue sneered and said, "This doesn't look like a minor injury."

Shangyu blushed, and he said, "It's really not a problem."

Xian Yuxue said: "Whether you get in the way or not has nothing to do with me, but now with the strength of our Zifu and yours, there are too few people who can hurt you. Could it be that you fought against the Dragon Clan?"

Goodwill said: "No, there is something. The Lord strictly ordered us not to mess with the dragon family first, and I will not violate the Lord's prohibition."

"Did you fight the elf prince? Or did my elder brother teach you a lesson?" Xian Yuxue said.

Goodwill said: "Neither of them. I have always respected my elder brother. How could my elder brother teach me a lesson. The elf prince is even more out of the question."

Xian Yuxue didn't bother to guess, and said, "Then tell me, what's going on?"

Goodwill said: "This time we finally tracked down the matter of Zijing, that bitch Zemo was captured by us. But Zijing is no longer in her hands. We found out from her brain that she will The amethyst was handed over to a strange human. That human is not on our planet, and has been wandering in space. We chased it..."

"You were injured by that human?" Xian Yuxue said slightly startled.

Goodwill said: "That human being is nothing special. I was careless this time. After my injury is healed, I must kill him with my own hands to avenge my shame!"

Having said that, Goodwill gritted his teeth.

Xian Yuxue frowned. When she frowned, she was extraordinarily beautiful and distressing.Afterwards, she said: "The matter of the Amethyst is no small matter. We must get the Amethyst quickly. Forget it, my eldest brother and I will take care of it. You can recuperate at home!"

"No!" Shangyu became anxious immediately.

"Huh?" Xian Yuxue said, "Are you afraid that we will take your credit?"

Of course, Shangyu was also afraid of Xianyuxue's attack, but he couldn't say it directly. He said, "My father has been paying attention to this matter, and he will naturally make arrangements. You don't need Xiaoxue and your elder brother to worry about it."

Xian Yuxue sneered and said, "As expected, we are still outsiders."

Shangyu cursed in his heart, when did you treat Lao Tzu as one of your own again?

He smiled apologetically and said, "Xiaoxue, I'm not reconciled. I've never been defeated in my life. I must get back this shame."

Xian Yuxue frowned and said, "You lost a lot of troops this time, right?"

Goodwill said: "Yes."

Xian Yuxue said: "You have always had a bad reputation in the Shenbing Division and even the entire Zifu. This time, I am afraid that many people will target you. It will also be very unfavorable for you to take over as the Shenbing Division in the future."

Goodwill's face suddenly turned ugly.How could he not know this.

Xian Yuxue said again: "You haven't told the public about this, have you?"

"Of course not, I'm not stupid!" Shangyu said.

Xian Yuxue said: "Let's do this. Although we are not husband and wife, at least we are on the same line of interests. I will ask my elder brother to help you heal your injuries. He has the Dragon Bone Chalcedony Holy Pill, and one pill can heal your injuries. After that , my eldest brother and I will go with you to capture that human being. My eldest brother and I will fight for you, if you can’t fight, we will capture it again. After the capture, the man will say that you captured it, how about it?”

"Really?" Shangyu was ecstatic.

Xian Yuxue said coldly: "Don't think that my eldest brother and I are as narrow-minded as you!"

Goodwill said: "Yes yes yes!"

Xian Yuxue left soon.Afterwards, Xian Yuxue came together with her elder brother Xian Zhengyun.Xian Zhengyun has a dignified appearance, restrained spirit, gentle and calm.He gave the Dragon Bone Chalcedony Holy Pill to Goodwill.

With the help of Xian Zhengyun, Shangyu fully recovered from his injuries within an hour.

Immediately afterward, Shangyu left Danube with Xian Zhengyun and Xian Yuxue.These three people all have the secret technique of the Zifu, the Misty Teleportation Art. When the Misty Teleportation Art is used, the distance is about ten thousand miles in an instant, which is even worse than the Great Teleportation Art.

Goodwill pursued the amethyst breath on Chen Yang's body and went all the way.

Chen Yang continued to fly forward in space, and he knew that those people would come after him sooner or later.But Chen Yang thought that the farther away from that Danube planet, the better.In this way, it takes them a lot of time to go back and forth, and they can even give themselves some breathing time.

The three of Shangyu chased him for three days in a row, and Chen Yang fled for three days.

"This lowly human can escape faster than a rabbit!" Shangyu was tired of chasing, and couldn't help but curse.

Xianzhengyun was calm and relaxed. He smiled lightly in the void and said, "This human is not from the Danube planet. I don't know which planet he came from. His cultivation base is very good, and he can travel such a long distance. He has been leaving us behind all the time, and he can still persist. It is enough to see how powerful his mana is. I am more and more interested in this human being."

Xian Yuxue said coldly: "After all, there is only one person for him. For the past three days, we have taken turns chasing him. When he is exhausted, it is the day when he will die!"

When Xian Zhengyun was chasing after him, Xian Yuxue and Shangyu entered Xian Zhengyun's storage bracelet.On the contrary, when Xian Yuxue is chasing after him, Shangyu and Xian Zhengyun will also enter into Xian Yuxue's storage bracelet.

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