The strongest player in history

Chapter 2196 The Man and the Dragon

This star dragon scepter also has a similar artifact spirit, and it has a lot of mana.Just now, it was the spirit of Qi that activated the magic power and shattered Chen Yang's palm power.

Although Chen Yang is not enough to look at in front of those celestial bosses, but his strength is placed on the earth, and he is definitely number one.The kind in the Cave Wonderland, he can slap it to death with one palm.

He didn't slap the Death Star Dragon Scepter with one palm, which is enough to show that this scepter is powerful.

Goodwill also happens to be relying on the scepter to escape.

Right now, the star dragon scepter consumes too much mana and is not a threat at all.Chen Yang froze it, and the Qi Ling inside immediately howled.

Chen Yang grabbed the Xinglong scepter with his big hand again.

Then, Chen Yang invaded into the Xinglong scepter with great mana.The star dragon scepter really formed its own space.

The dragon atmosphere is filled inside, like clouds and mist rushing, and the space is more than a thousand square kilometers!

In the great world on earth, it is comparable to the existence of a city.Some small countries are really only this big.

In this space, Qi Ling presides over the formation in the very middle.That weapon spirit is the soul of a dragon.

Since ancient times, to be able to live as a soul, one must have great strength.Like Suzhen in black, and the dragon in front of her.This dragon is naturally not as good as Heiyi Suzhen, but relying on the dragon energy and formation here, he can still live.

The star dragon scepter can just make its physical body.

Chen Yang's mana formed a primordial spirit, and he came in front of this dragon.

The shape of this dragon is different from the many dragons Chen Yang has seen on the earth, with a ferocious face, like a monster.But the dragon prestige exuding from the whole body proves that it is a dragon!

"Dragon? Human? Outside of this universe, why did we meet these two familiar species? Could it be that the universe is dominated by humans and dragons?" Chen Yang felt a little strange.

He didn't think much about it, time was urgent, and he knew that the people in Zifu might make a comeback at any time.It was a fluke to defeat the young master this time.

There are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky!

Chen Yang controlled the dragon with great mana, and cleared the imprint of goodwill from its body.

Goodwill happened to be injured, and when he fled in space, he felt that the dragon's mark was being forcibly erased.Hateful, he is completely powerless to stop it now!

"You lowly thing, sooner or later I will ask you to live and die!" Shangyu cursed.

He can't do anything about it.

Chen Yang successfully erased the mark of goodwill, and then used his supreme magic power to form a mark in Shenlong's body.

The dragon quickly shouted obediently to Chen Yang: "Master!"

Chen Yang nodded in satisfaction, and then he put the Xinglong scepter into Jiexumi.The body flickered, and he quickly left the place.

Chen Yang found another Death Star, and he temporarily lived there.

"Linghui, this is not easy to handle. If the aura on my body cannot be removed, those people from the Zifu will come to chase me endlessly. The young master alone will not be able to deal with it. If the big boss behind him makes a move, only I'm afraid I'm going to die!" Chen Yang said to Linghui.

He knew the urgency and the key, so he immediately asked Linghui monk for help.

Monk Linghui seemed a little helpless, and said: "We are separated from the earth now, and everything becomes unknown. If the poor monk was in its heyday, we would just go and destroy this Danube planet directly. But not now! The poor monk's Many methods have not worked.”

Chen Yang said: "It is precisely because I am not on the earth that I am more worried. On the earth, anyway, I still have many connections, and I also have the status of the king of destiny. In this universe, the universe does not give me This face. Maybe, it’s really a shame that my life is over here. Damn, do you think this is an innocent disaster? I just said hello to that bitch out of curiosity.

Well, she was lucky enough to give me such a big gift.I can't even wash it off by jumping into the Yellow River. "

Chen Yang thought for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more unhappy he became, and he said, "I can't go back to Danube with them. If I go there, they won't let me go even if they find out that I don't have amethyst on me. They will interrogate me Clearly, if you take away all my exercises, you will not let me go in the end."

Monk Linghui said: "That's right, fellow Daoist, you are very accurate about this."

Chen Yang said, "That's why I'm in a hurry now!"

Monk Linghui said: "After all, we are not from Danube, so we don't know many things. But didn't you just catch a dragon? Ask it!"

Chen Yang's eyes lit up, and he said, "Why did I forget about it?"

He thought of Linghui for the first time. If Linghui was not there, he would definitely not forget the dragon.

At the same time, Chen Yang thought of a question.

"Linghui, I remember that when Ye Fan was accepted, Ye Fan later told me that he was from the Blue Pole Planet. In other words, there are also humans on the Blue Pole Planet. Kepler's Immortal World is also inextricably linked with humans. This On the Danube planet, there are also humans and dragons. Are there all these species in the universe?"

Monk Linghui said: "This question, fellow Taoist, you asked very well. Because the poor monk once had this doubt."

Chen Yang said: "How to say?"

Monk Linghui said: "The poor monk has been to many planets, and indeed found that most of the planets are dominated by humans and dragons. Of course, in some planets, dragons dominate."

Chen Yang fell silent.

Monk Linghui continued: "Later, the poor monk figured it out."

"Oh?" Chen Yang became interested and said, "What have you figured out?"

Monk Linghui said: "In the body of a tiny living being, there are internal organs. The poor monk refers to creatures of the mammalian type, and then to the human body. The internal organs and countless cells in the human body faintly correspond to the stars of the universe. Maybe , the number of cells is the number of stars. Fallen cells and regenerated cells are like meteorites and regenerated stars. This is what people call all laws of the same origin!"

"Humans and dragons are the most perfect state of living body evolution. Other creatures are either physically perfect, but their intelligence is not perfect. Humans and dragons have achieved two perfections, which is why on most planets, advanced creatures are all It’s humans and dragons. Because this is the ultimate goal of evolution!”

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

"I see, what you said is too reasonable." Chen Yang said immediately.

Monk Linghui smiled slightly, and said: "Although the poor monk is not human, he is also evolving towards human beings." He paused, and said: "Okay, let's not talk about these, let's solve the immediate tasks first."

Chen Yang nodded, and immediately ended his conversation with Monk Linghui.

He took the star dragon scepter out of Jiesumi and summoned the dragon.

In the past, Chen Yang needed some tricks and intimidation to tame the spirits, but now, with his profound mana, these spirits didn't even dare to resist in front of him.This is the benefit of strength!

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