The strongest player in history

Chapter 2166 God Emperor Arrives at an Appointment

On the wedding night, the night of the bridal chamber, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning cuddled together.Qiao Ning told Linger's letter, she said, she didn't expect Linger to be so clear.Although Chen Yang didn't know what was written in Ling'er's letter, he could make a rough guess.He said to Qiao Ning: "It is a great fortune and admiration to have three wives like you at the same time in my life. Qiao Ning, I assure you, from now on, I will never provoke other women. woman."

Qiao Ning hugged Chen Yang contentedly.

Chen Yang stayed in Dakang Imperial City for the time being, and he didn't have any plans in a short time.The only thing that seems to be urgent right now is to find the Star Stone.However, there is no clue.To say it's important, it's not that important.

There's plenty of time anyway.

People are like this, even Chen Yang has his inertia.

But on the third night, Chen Yang ushered in a guest.

He was taking a leisurely nap in the courtyard of the Hou Mansion.

At this time, Qiao Ning, Bi Yue, and Bi Tao all went for a stroll in the street.

Lin Bo came over suddenly and said, "Master Hou, there is a gentleman outside who says he is your old friend and wants to see you."

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, since he had nothing to do anyway, he said, "Okay, I'll go take a look with you."

Lin Bo nodded.

Chen Yang followed Lin Bo to the vermilion lacquer gate.

Sure enough, there was a person standing in front of the door. This person was tall and elegant, refined and elegant, and looked about forty years old.

Dressed in white, he looked like a peerless celebrity.

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, almost thinking that the person who came was the Devil Emperor.

But if you look carefully, you will immediately react.

The person who came was not the Devil Emperor, but...the Emperor of China, Chen Ling.

Although the Great Emperor of China and the Devil Emperor look exactly the same, their temperaments are vastly different.

When Chen Ling saw Chen Yang, he smiled slightly and said, "Chen Yang, long time no see."

Chen Yang was overjoyed, and immediately stepped forward, saluted respectfully, and then said: "This junior has met Senior Ling!"

"You don't need to be too polite!" Chen Ling spoke softly.

"Senior Ling, please come in quickly!" Chen Yang said immediately.

Chen Ling nodded.

The two entered the Hou Mansion and sat down in the pavilion in the courtyard.Chen Yang told Uncle Lin to prepare the food and drinks quickly.

Lin Bo agreed.

After taking his seat, Chen Yang's joy was beyond words. "Senior Ling, it's great to have you back."

Chen Ling said, "Oh? What's so good about it?"

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, then he laughed and said, "With you here, I don't think there is any difficulty."

Chen Ling smiled and said, "I won't help you solve your problems."

Chen Yang chuckled.

"By the way, senior, where did you come back from?" Chen Yang said, "Have you returned to the Great Thousand World?"

Chen Ling sighed slightly, and said: "I came back from a very distant space. I didn't go to the Great Thousand World. It is very difficult for me to go back to the current Great Thousand World. Since the killing and robbery came, the Great Thousand World has treated us This kind of monk is becoming more and more repulsive. Thinking about it, the Great Thousand World has the rules of the Great Thousand World, which have not changed over the years. I have nothing to say."

Chen Yang sighed slightly, and said, "Then is there anything you need me to take to the Great Thousand World?"

Chen Ling said: "It really is. I made some spiritual imprints. Please help me take them to your Aunt Ye."

Chen Yang said: "Good!"

Chen Ling then ejected a mark to Chen Yang, and Chen Yang caught it immediately.Chen Ling said again: "I haven't seen you in a few years, and your cultivation is progressing very fast. You really deserve to be the King of Destiny in the world!"

Chen Yang blushed, and said, "Senior, you're too proud."

Chen Ling said: "By the way, you asked me to keep the rough stone for you before, but then I had some problems when I was fighting the enemy. As a last resort, I integrated the rough stone into my mana. Therefore, there is no way to return it to you gone."

When Chen Yang heard the words, he didn't take it seriously, and said, "Being RB is for you, and you don't want it, so I said it will be kept for you."

Chen Ling said: "I took advantage of you in this matter. I will remember this."

Chen Yang said: "Senior, it's too outrageous for you to say that. You saved my life. In my heart, you are my senior and my father. It's just that I don't have this blessing. "

Chen Ling stared at Chen Yang, and then he sighed slightly, and said, "If you are really my son, I would think this is a very good thing. Fate tricks people!"

Chen Yang immediately knew that Senior Ling was thinking of his own son, Chen Jiahong.At that moment, he immediately said: "Senior, brother Jiahong has repented, and I met him later. He is very well now. You don't have to worry about him anymore."

Chen Ling's eyes lit up, and he said, "Really? Looks like I'm going to visit him. How did he repent?"

Chen Yang immediately talked about fighting against the enemy with Chen Jiahong in the wasteland.

After hearing this, Chen Ling was extremely happy.Just as the food and wine were served, he drank three glasses of wine in one go. "His mother has always blamed me for being too cruel to him, but she doesn't know that my own son is not in pain. Now that he has repented, I will take him back to his mother."

Chen Yang said: "At the beginning, brother Jiahong was just trapped by love and took detours. It is understandable to take some detours when you are young. Repent in time and it will be good."

Chen Ling nodded and said, "Yes, yes!"

Then, Chen Ling remembered something, and said seriously: "Chen Yang, do you know that your father Chen Tianya is back this time. We went to a certain place together. Not only your father came back, but also Emperor Shura was silent Ran also came back. And... the most important thing is that my master God Emperor sent a Primordial Spirit back. I heard God Emperor said that there is still an appointment between you and him?"

Chen Yang was slightly startled, and immediately said: "Yes..." He then smiled wryly, and said: "Ten years ago, my wife Luo Ning died tragically. And Na Fan Wuyu was my wife's great enemy. I broke into the realm of the gods and killed Fan Wuyu. I didn't care about the face of the god emperor and his old man in this matter. Therefore, I made a ten-year contract with me."

"How did you make the appointment?" Chen Ling asked solemnly.

Chen Yang said: "The old man said, I can pick him up in 3 minutes." He paused and said, "Ten years have passed now, but Senior Ling, you don't have to worry about me. I am confident, facing He is an old man with a primordial spirit, and he can survive for 3 minutes."

"Fart you!" Chen Ling couldn't help but swear. "The god emperor is now at the fourth level of the creation realm, which is the realm of divine transformation. I can deal with one of his primordial spirits. You said you can survive for 3 minutes? With his time rules changed, 3 minutes can It is ten thousand years long."

Chen Yang couldn't help but turn pale with astonishment, and said, "Fourth level of creation realm? How is this possible? How many years have passed? I remember that when the original agreement was made, the cultivation level of the old god emperor was at most the cave fairyland!"

Chen Ling said: "In this world, you are not the only one who has adventures."

Chen Yang made a bitter face, and said, "It seems that I am doomed this time."

Chen Ling sighed, and said, "You don't have to be overly pessimistic, I'll deal with this matter for you."

Chen Yang said, "Thank you, senior!"

Chen Ling said: "Don't be too happy too early, I know the God Emperor too well. He is not a person who can be discussed."

Chen Yang said: "I understand. In short, do your best and obey the destiny. If it is really impossible for me to escape this disaster, then it is also my fate."

"You're so free and easy!" Chen Ling couldn't help smiling.

"Chen Yang..." At this moment, ripples suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

Then, a door appeared in the void.

A person appeared through the door.This person is...God Emperor Lin Zhan!

God Emperor still looks the same.But his eyes are deep, as deep as the void of the universe.

Chen Ling and Chen Yang were slightly startled when they saw the God Emperor.

The two stood up at the same time, Chen Ling cupped his fists and shouted, "Master!" Before, he called the God Emperor his senior!Afterwards, subtly, he had already called Master.The god emperor also accepted the name of the master.

Although they have not performed the ceremony of apprenticeship between each other, they have the reality of master and apprentice.

The God Emperor nodded slightly, and then said to Chen Yang: "Seat RB is here today to fulfill the ten-year agreement with you."

Chen Yang couldn't help crying in his heart.

"Senior, do you want to fulfill it now?" Chen Yang asked.

The God Emperor said: "I have other things to do. Since we met today, it is naturally at this time."

Chen Yang said: "But, the junior is not ready yet. Can you give the junior three months back?"

"Impossible." The God Emperor said: "I gave you ten years that day, and it was already for Ling'er's sake. Today, there is no favor to talk about."

"Master..." Chen Ling immediately said in a deep voice: "Chen Yang has already told me what happened that day. Although there are some mistakes, it is understandable. With your current cultivation level, if you want to kill Chen Yang , is easier than crushing an ant to death. Chen Yang still has a heavy responsibility, so let’s forget about this matter.”

The God Emperor glanced at Chen Ling, and then said, "Can you forget about the matter between you and Mo Ran?"

"Of course not!" Chen Ling said."But it's of a different nature," he added.

The emperor said lightly: "For me, it's all the same. No one can change the things I decide. Neither can you! Once you say something, it is the destiny. You can't change your heart, let alone this one. The heart of the seat?"

Chen Ling said, "This..."

The God Emperor said: "Or, you can attack me. For this kid... But Mo Ran and Chen Tianya have joined forces."

Chen Ling fell silent.

Seeing that Chen Ling was in a dilemma, Chen Yang knew in his heart that the God Emperor could not change.

He took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I will fight!"

Chen Ling said, "Chen Yang, you..."

The God Emperor said: "Very good, let's settle all grievances and grievances together today. Come with me!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around, but the gate of the void did not disappear.

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