The strongest player in history

Chapter 2167 Peerless Battle

Chen Yang had mixed feelings in his heart. He didn't expect such an agreement to come so quickly.He was completely unprepared.Moreover, the God Emperor has already reached the fourth level of the Creation Realm, so he has no chance of winning at all!

But this is the gentleman's agreement back then!

Just as the God Emperor said, it was already a matter of love if he didn't kill him back then.Do you still have to find a helper today?Or run away in a hurry?

In order to survive, it can indeed be done.

But the God Emperor is not an enemy, but Linger's master!

He felt that if he turned and ran away, he would despise himself.

It's a pity that Monk Linghui's vine eggs can no longer be used.Otherwise, continue to hide in the vine egg this time, not to mention three minutes, three days, thirty days, three hundred days, no problem.

Chen Yang later asked Monk Linghui about the vine egg, and he asked if he would not be afraid to meet any powerful masters in the future?You can sit back and relax after performing this vine egg technique.

Monk Linghui smiled wryly on the spot, and he said to Chen Yang: "The poor monk used the magical psychic liquid of the Great Spiritual Liquid Technique to combine the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley. This magical psychic liquid has almost been consumed. You have to wait another ten years if you want to use it again."

"What magical liquid?" Chen Yang was puzzled.

Monk Linghui said: "The original supernatural liquid of the Great Spiritual Liquid Technique, and other supernatural powers, can be broken down into countless parts. But only the Great Spiritual Liquid Technique is the only one. It is because of the wonder of the supernatural liquid. Now, It will take ten years for the poor monk to use up the supernatural liquid and condense enough supernatural liquid again. Do you understand?"

When Chen Yang heard this, of course he understood.

At this time, Chen Yang's thoughts returned to reality.He had a terrible headache, but at this moment, Chen Ling said to Chen Yang: "Stinky boy, go to Xuan Zhenghao immediately. I will seal this door for you."

Chen Yang immediately said firmly: "No, Senior Ling! Since it is a gentleman's agreement, you should repay it with a gentleman's style!"

After he finished speaking, he entered the door without hesitation.

Chen Ling had no choice but to follow in.

After entering, there is a passage similar to a space-time tunnel, with colorful surroundings and drastic changes in the magnetic field.After walking a few steps, the tunnel in front of him suddenly flowed rapidly.Then, the eyes suddenly opened up.

Chen Yang and Chen Ling fell straight down.The two cast their mana directly, stood still in the air, and then landed smoothly.

Here is a big valley!

This big valley is surrounded by cliffs, and above it are green trees and vines.The green vines covered the sky, but there was a lake below the valley, and there was a luminous body in the lake, which emitted something like sunlight, making it still bright.

The scenery here is very good!

After Chen Ling and Chen Yang landed, a figure flashed in the distance, and then, the figure came in front of Chen Ling and Chen Yang.

The person who came was dressed in black and had a peerless face. It was the Holy Emperor Dongfang Jing!

It was the first time Chen Yang saw Dongfang Jing.

Dongfang Jing glanced at Chen Yang, and then said solemnly to Chen Ling, "This is the master's supernatural power seed."

Three and a half years ago, the God Emperor fought against the Win Emperor!

At that time, the supernatural power seed shattered.

Later, the God Emperor reforged the supernatural seeds.The supernatural power seeds forged from the star core are several times more powerful than the previous supernatural power seeds.

Chen Ling glanced around, and said, "I can see it."

Dongfang Jing said: "Silent Ran has already discussed with Chen Tianya, the two of them will fight us at the same time."

Chen Ling sneered, and said, "Chen Tianya is afraid that after I kill Shen Ran, the two of us will be too much of a threat to him. He knows that I will not let him go."

Dongfang Jing said: "That's right, Mo Ran also knew this, so he won over Chen Tianya."

"They really like each other!" Chen Ling said.

Dongfang Jing felt a little resentful.However, her eyes fell on Chen Yang again at this time, "This is...?"

"He's the one I told you about, Chen Yang!" Chen Ling introduced immediately.He introduced Chen Yang to Dongfang Jing.Then he said to Chen Yang: "This is my wife, Dongfang Jing. Chen Yang, you can call her Aunt Jing!"

Chen Yang immediately saluted respectfully and shouted, "Hello, Aunt Jing!"

He also felt a little embarrassed in his heart, because Chen Tianya that Dongfang Jing mentioned just now was his biological father.

Dongfang Jing naturally knew that Chen Yang was Chen Tianya's son.She also felt a little weird and awkward.

Dongfang Jing still nodded and said, "Chen Yang, hello!"

"Why..." Dongfang Jing felt strange again, and said, "Why did you bring Chen Yang to today's decisive battle? You want him to persuade Chen Tianya?" She was asking Chen Ling.

Chen Ling couldn't help but said bitterly, "How could I be afraid of Chen Tianya. There is an appointment between Chen Yang and Master!"

"You want to fight our master?" Dongfang Jing couldn't help being dumbfounded when she heard the news.She couldn't believe her ears.

Chen Yang smiled wryly, and said, "I don't want to either, but today, I have no choice."

"Crazy, you must be crazy. Aren't you courting death?" Dongfang Jing said.

While speaking, the figure in the field flashed again.

Then, Chen Tianya, Mo Ran, and the God Emperor all came in front of Chen Ling and the others.

Mo Ran also has an indifferent face, dressed in black, he looks like a god of death.

Today, he is extraordinarily dignified.

As for Chen Tianya, he was wearing a silver robe and his face was indifferent.In his eyes, there was no emotion at all.

However, when Chen Tianya saw Chen Yang, his eyes changed slightly.To be precise, there is a touch of weirdness.

"You evil, why are you here?" A trace of anger flashed in Chen Tianya's eyes, and he said, "What? Do you really think that Chen Ling is your father? Do you want to join forces with him to deal with your father?"

Chen Yang looked at Chen Tianya, his feelings were already very complicated.He thought for a while, then sighed slightly, and said: "Probably, we don't need to be enemies anymore. I came today not to deal with you. It's because I had an appointment with Senior God Emperor ten years ago. Today, I'm here for an appointment."

"What?" Chen Tianya was taken aback.

"What's going on here? Leader?" Chen Tianya immediately asked the God Emperor.

The God Emperor said indifferently: "What he said is very clear. Ten years ago, he broke into the realm of the gods to kill Fan Wuyu. At the beginning, I saw that his ability was low, so I gave him ten years. Today, he only needs to survive under my hands. In 3 minutes, the Liangzi of that day will be considered exposed."

Chen Tianya's eyes became even more strange, but then he sneered and said, "Little evil, you are really capable. If you want to die, then I can't stop you."

Chen Yang also sneered, and said: "You always wanted me to die, it's just as you wished. In this life, you won after all. If I die, our mother will disappear from the sky and the earth. No one will force you to give it to me." My mother knelt down and apologized."

Chen Tianya snorted coldly, but ignored Chen Yang.

Everyone in the field has complicated thoughts.

Mo Ran was still a little worried at first, but seeing that Chen Tianya didn't help Chen Yang at this time, he was slightly relieved.

Chen Yang's heart was full of grief, and he was going round and round. After all, he could not escape death!

Unexpectedly, after going around such a big circle, it still ended like this.

Moreover, in today's situation, there is nothing to say about a fair fight and no escape.

What miracle could there be?

At this time, the God Emperor also said: "This place was created by the supernatural power seeds of this seat. This seat has already arranged the formation. This place is extremely secret. Within three days, no one in the world will be able to discover it." This place. The energy after you fight will be absorbed by the seeds. The more fiercely you fight, the stronger the seeds will be. I didn’t want you to meet each other in battle, but no matter what, the grievances between you have been deep. In response to your request and intention, here, you will never die. All grievances and grievances will be resolved here."

"Okay!" Chen Ling's eyes immediately burst into fierce killing intent.

"Silence, you killed Tang Jiayi and the child in her womb that day. You killed them in front of me. All these years, the scene of that day is still vivid. Today, I will use your blood to comfort their spirits in heaven." Chen Ling said.

He paused, then said to Chen Tianya: "And you, Chen Tianya, you can't escape Xiao Qing's death. You can't escape Sister Chen's death...Even if you are immortal, today I will I will make you pay in blood!"

Chen Tianya sneered, and said, "Chen Ling, there are many people who want to kill me in this world. Others can't do it, and neither can you. Let's stop talking nonsense!"

"Okay!" Chen Ling said, "It's really time to stop talking nonsense."

His figure flashed, and suddenly he flashed towards the sky.

Silently followed immediately.

The East is as quiet as a shadow.

The strange thing is... Chen Tianya didn't move.

He didn't run to join the battle.

"Chen Tianya, what do you mean?" Mo Ran roared in the air.

But Chen Ling and Dongfang Jing locked onto Shen Ranran in an instant.

"Hahaha..." Chen Tianya suddenly sneered, and said, "Silence, I suddenly changed my mind."

"You..." Angrily said silently: "Don't forget, if I die, the husband and wife will not let you go?"

"With them, they can't kill me." Chen Tianya sneered again and again.He turned to the God Emperor again, smiled coldly, and said, "Chief, I know that this Primordial Spirit is also very important to you. You once suppressed me on Mount Tai for several years. I will never forget this shame. Today is really a shame. This is a good opportunity, I have decided... to kill this primordial spirit of yours!"

The God Emperor's eyes froze.

He was also a little surprised.

But Chen Tianya has already moved.

In an instant, Chen Tianya turned into a sun god's light, but it blasted towards the body of the god emperor.

Now that his cultivation base has advanced greatly, he is already a master at the peak of the heavenly realm!

As for Chen Ling and Mo Ran, Dongfang Jing was a master at the second level of creation.

Although Chen Tianya has not reached the realm of creation, his strength is no weaker than anyone else.

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