The strongest player in history

Chapter 2165 Linger's letter

Ling'er continued: "That day, you were on fire, and your life was not long. I threw myself into your arms and cried bitterly. I knew that she was standing behind me. She didn't argue or say anything, but I knew better. She suffers no less than I do."

Chen Yang couldn't help shaking, he always felt that Ling'er didn't care much about other people.But now it seems that her heart is also like a mirror.

At that moment, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said that he planned to hold a wedding with Qiao Ning in Tianzhou.

After hearing this, Ling'er was slightly taken aback.Then he smiled slightly and said, "This is the best."

"Really? Are you not angry?" Chen Yang stared at Ling'er seriously.

Ling'er straightened up, and she also looked at Chen Yang seriously.Her eyes are very clear, without a trace of impurities. "Could it be that in your heart, I'm really so stingy and unreasonable?"

"No..." Chen Yang put his arms around her, and said, "Of course not, Ling'er, you have to know how precious you are. It's a great fortune for a man in the world to have you. But I still..."

Linger said: "Those are all things in the mundane world. I think we are all people who understand the Dao and the true meaning of life. Therefore, what those secular poems sing and praise should not be things that limit us."

Chen Yang was moved in his heart.

So far in life, what more can I ask for!

But afterward, Ling'er said again: "However, I won't go to your wedding. It's not that I don't want to, but if I go, Qiao Ning will also feel uncomfortable. She is not your concubine."

Chen Yang understood this meaning.

Ling'er is the wife Chen Yang Mingmei is currently marrying. If she leaves, how will Qiao Ning deal with herself?Is it really considered another concubine?

That's obviously not what everyone wants.

Linger then said: "But, I still want to give you a gift."

Chen Yang said, "Oh?"

Linger said: "I haven't made up my mind yet, I'll give it to you tomorrow morning, okay?"

Chen Yang said, "Of course!"

Afterwards, the two settled down.Among them, kissing is sweet and naturally indispensable.It's just that Chen Yang didn't intend to continue to surpass the thunder pool.

Ling'er also fell asleep in his arms with peace of mind.

In the silent night, all this is so harmonious and peaceful.

But suddenly, Linger said: "If one day I want to kill Chen Yihan, if I kill him, will you suffer?"

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "That's his retribution. No matter how much he does, he can't make up for what he killed grandpa. Grandpa is not your grandpa, but also mine."

Ling'er fell asleep peacefully.

Chen Yang was a little dazed.

What can he say?

He knew that if he said it was painful, maybe Linger would give up.But if Linger gave up, she would suffer.

In the morning, Linger got up very early.She asked Chen Yang to sleep first because she was going to prepare presents.

Chen Yang just let her go.

About an hour later, Linger came back.She gave Chen Yang a Ring Sumeru.

"You are not allowed to look at it, just bring this to her. There is my mark in it, if you secretly read it, I will know." Ling'er told Chen Yang a little bit naively.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "There is still a secret between you. Well, I promise you, I won't read it!"

Hei Yi Suzhen called Chen Yang and others to have breakfast together. After breakfast, Chen Yang said he would leave first.Huo Hongjin expressed dissatisfaction and said, "Master, there are still many things I haven't said to you."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "There will be more opportunities in the future."

Huo Hongjin had no choice but to give up.

Chen Yang then left.

He went to the great world.

This time, Chen Yang called Shen Mo Nong out to meet him.He was afraid of seeing Nian Ci, and then being inseparable from the little guy for a long time.

The two met on the rooftop of a secluded building.

"Mo Nong..." Chen Yang saw Shen Mo Nong, waved each other tenderly, and then he said straight to the point.

Shen Mo Nong was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then expressed his support and approval.

After that, Shen Mo Nong also prepared a gift.She was in a hurry, so Linger didn't make it so mysterious.She had gone shopping in a hurry, a pair of pillows.

Wedding pillows.

It doesn't really matter what the gift itself is.What matters is her attitude.

Chen Yang then went back to Tianzhou.

Tianzhou, the Shaowei Mansion has quickly become the Zhen Guohou Mansion!

Two mighty golden lions were also erected in front of the gate.

Up and down the Zhen Guohou's mansion, there are lights and festoons, full of joy.

On the day of the wedding, the emperor, empress, and prince all came to attend in person.

The Changsheng Emperor of Tianchi Pavilion also ordered Su Yanran to present a big gift.

All the ministers in the court also came to congratulate him.

This is a grand event in the entire Dakang Imperial City.

As for Mingyue Palace, Li Tianruo also came to present congratulatory gifts on behalf of Immortal Venerable.Li Tianruo told Chen Yang that the immortal was still healing, so he couldn't come to congratulate him in person.

In addition, Ling Yunfeng of Yuntianzong also came.Chen Yang and Ling Yunfeng were naturally chatting over wine.

From all corners of the country, many good friends have come.Many of them were unknown to Chen Yang.

This wedding, in Tianzhou, is very grand.

What's worth mentioning is that even the other three great monsters also came.

The Dragon King, Peacock King, and Fragrant Fox King are all here.

In fact, the Tianlong King has always been subdued by Xuan Zhenghao, so it is not surprising that he appeared this time.

Qiao Ning also has many friends on the road, and they all came to participate.

The guests gathered.

The wedding lasted for three days and three nights, and there was carnival for three days and three nights. The entire Dakang Imperial City was full of joy.

Chen Yang wears happy clothes, while Qiao Ning wears Fengguanxia.

They paid homage under the auspices of Xuan Zhenghao, got married, and after the ceremony was completed, they were sent to the bridal chamber.

Chen Yang didn't know that Nie Meiniang was also here.However, she came and left silently.

Xuan Zhenghao knew about it, but he didn't tell Chen Yang.

Inside the bridal chamber, the candlelight of the red candle danced.

Chen Yang drank a lot of wine, he was very excited.

Qiao Ning was sitting in front of the bed, with the red gauze covering the phoenix crown.

Chen Yang came in front of Qiao Ning, resisting his excitement, and gently lifted the red veil.

At that moment, he saw the beauty of Qiao Ning in front of him.She is rare shy, but affectionate.

Chen Yang said with a smile: "Ah Ning, I remember the first day I met you. You came from the sea, majestic and heroic. But I didn't expect that you would become my wife in the end." Qiao Ning also smiled, and she said: "You remember that I came from the sea, but I always remember that when I was about to die, you gave me that precious pill. At that time, how important a pill was to you."

"Haha..." Chen Yang smiled and said, "Let's not talk about that today. By the way, Linger and Mo Nong both have gifts for you. Linger also wants me to bring you something, but she said she won't come Participating is not because she doesn't want to. It's because I'm afraid you won't feel comfortable. "

Qiao Ning smiled sweetly and said, "I know what she means."

"This is Ling'er's gift. She won't let me open it. You can open it now. I want to see what's in it." He handed the ring to Qiao Ning.

"And this, it's from Mo Nong." Chen Yang also took out the pair of pillows.

There was joy in Qiao Ning's eyes.

Although, she doesn't care what she says.But it's a wonderful feeling to be accepted.

She carefully put the pillow away.

Then he said to Chen Yang, who was watching from the side: "Ling'er's gift, if you say you can't see it, then you can't see it. Turn your back."

"That won't work!" Chen Yang said: "Now I have married you Mingmei. After you marry me, you will be my Chen family. The husband is the guide for the wife, understand?"

"Fuck you!" Qiao Ning stepped over and said, "Talk to me about this."

Chen Yang laughed out loud.

But he was also joking, and then turned his back.

Qiao Ning couldn't wait to open the Ring Sumeru to see what Ling'er gave her.

She knew the relationship between Chen Yang and Ling'er, and she knew that Ling'er had been buried in an ice coffin for Chen Yang.I also know that Chen Yang went to Qiongbi and fell to hell in order to save Ling'er.

More importantly, she knew Mo Nong's attitude early on.

But she was still not very clear about Linger's attitude.

Jie Xumi opened it, but inside was a letter.

A letter from Linger.

Qiao Ning's hand trembled slightly.

She was indeed a little nervous, looking forward to it.

She is someone who is used to seeing situations and big scenes, but at this moment, she still can't help being nervous.

Open the letter.

The extremely graceful handwriting is vivid on the paper.

"Sister Ning, my younger sister Situ Ling'er respectfully presents:

Sister Ning, you and I rarely meet each other, but we are very familiar with each other.I saw you in his memory.I have seen many of your experiences, the past.Life and death, life and death go hand in hand, even I can't be unmoved.I have never been good at expressing words, and I am afraid that sister Ning may misunderstand. As far as I am concerned, I also hope that, as he said, we can be a couple for life.Every woman probably hopes so in her heart.However, fate is like this, it has arranged for us to know and love him.You and I know his heart very well.I am even more fortunate that you spent so many difficult years with him during my sleeping days.Sister Ning, thank you for your tolerance.I, in fact... am a very incompetent wife, and also a wayward wife.That day, in front of Shaowei Mansion, I threw myself into his arms and wept.I can feel that you are in the mansion, you let me do everything and don't fight with me, thank you very much, sister Ning!I am really happy to hear that you are going to hold a wedding in the imperial city.In front of our eyes are not the necessities of life, but the stars and the sea, the road and life and death.The road ahead is still difficult, and we will work together to help him overcome difficulties.Sister Ning, after much deliberation, I don't know what gift is suitable for you.After thinking about it, I wrote this letter.Please forgive my sister for her capriciousness and rudeness in the past!And I wish you a happy wedding! "

For a long time, Qiao Ning was unable to say a word, and then a tear of joy slipped down quietly.

Afterwards, Qiao Ning put away the letter carefully.

Only then did she say to Chen Yang, "You can turn around."

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