The strongest player in history

Chapter 2000 The earth does not allow someone as awesome as you

Nalan Yunxue looked at Da Bei, Da Bei respectfully.When Nalan Yunxue was captured, she glanced at it, and she recognized that the Dabei in front of her was one of the two demon lords.

At this moment, Nalan Yunxue was shocked by Gaia.

"By the way, Tianjun, my friend Lin Feng..." Nalan Yunxue thought of Chen Yang, and immediately asked Gaia.She didn't know that Lin Feng was not Lin Feng, but Chen Yang.

"He's not Lin Feng!" Dabei immediately said: "Your companion is not your companion at all, he has been cooperating with us. His name is Chen Yang!"

"What, Chen Yang? How is this possible?" Nalan Yunxue was shocked.

"Your Elder Changyun has also been killed by Chen Yang himself." Dabei continued: "Chen Yang came here to save his wife and friends."

Nalan Yunxue was stunned, and it took her a while to come back to her senses. "It's impossible. I've met Chen Yang. He's not Chen Yang."

Da Bei said: "The change in his appearance is due to some disguise and other things, not magic. That's why you didn't feel it, Miss Nalan."

Nalan Yunxue suddenly realized.Her heart went cold, and she said, "So that's the case." At this moment, her mood was very complicated.I don't think it is possible to hate Chen Yang, because Chen Yang has his own position.

Nalan Yunxue then asked: "Then where is he now?"

Da Bei said: "I escaped."

"Escape?" Nalan Yunxue immediately said to Gaia: "Tianjun, that Chen Yang has the secret of the sacred tree of the Five Grains Sheji in his body. We are doing business for the fairy world, and we want to catch him and figure out the truth. One thing. Can you use your supernatural powers to catch him back?"

Da Bei immediately said: "He should not have left hell yet."

Gaia suddenly remembered something, and she said: "It's really fate. I caught Chen Yang once before but didn't catch him. This time, I will never give him another chance. The sacred tree of Wugu Sheji is on him! That’s fine, then the Heavenly Monarch will come and search for him, find him, and find out!”

Chen Yang didn't escape from hell directly, because he knew that Yuqingmen attaches great importance to this matter.If I rashly go out from that passage, I may fall into the enemy's hands.Moreover, the Eternal Demon Lord also suggested to Chen Yang: "It's best to escape in hell. If Gaia doesn't use magical powers to search for you, you still have a chance to survive. If Gaia doesn't want to let you go, you are doomed!"

"Gaia?" Chen Yang's eyes suddenly became complicated.

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "Why, do you know Gaia?"

Chen Yang said: "Of course I know, my friend just got hit by her great reincarnation technique, and has been in reincarnation all the time, unable to wake up!"

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "Is that the friend who went through the sixth level of lightning calamity with you?"

The two had already hid in the soul spar and did not dare to move rashly.The Eternal Demon Lord helped Chen Yang find a dark vent and hid in it.The outside is surrounded by ghostly air, and the inside is wrapped in soul crystals.Ordinary masters in the realm of creation could not find Chen Yang's existence.

But... Gaia is not an ordinary master of creation.

Chen Yang said to the Eternal Demon Lord: "No, my friend who has gone through the sixth level of lightning tribulation has now passed through the ninth level of thunder tribulation. It is another friend of mine. Back then we had a big battle with Gaia."

The Eternal Demon Lord had a strange expression on his face. He smiled and said, "Your cultivation base is as rotten as shit, and you still have quite a few amazing friends! There are not many people who have the qualifications to fight against Gaia. Your What kind of cultivation is your friend?"

"Well, she was in the middle of the Cave Wonderland!"

"Are you joking?" Eternal Demon Lord said, "In the middle of Cave Wonderland, she is like an ant in front of Gaia. You probably don't have the qualifications to let her perform the Great Reincarnation Technique."

"Gaia seemed to be injured at the time!" Chen Yang said.

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "In the injured state, you are no match!"

Chen Yang said, "Well, I had a thaumaturgy at that time."

"What thaumaturgy?" The Eternal Demon Lord asked very interestedly.Chen Yang said: "At that time, I knew the Great Fate, and I used my lifespan to activate it, and helped my friend increase his mana countless times. In this way, Gaia's Great Reincarnation was still not blocked. My friend had the Great Reincarnation, and we barely escaped."

"It turned out to be the Great Fate, no wonder!" Eternal Demon Lord said, "But why can't I feel that you have the Great Fate?"

Chen Yang said: "The Great Fate has fallen asleep. I used it too many times before, which caused the fire of Fate to burn."

"Fate Tribulation Fire?" Eternal Demon Lord said, "That's a terrible thing, even the masters of the Creation Realm can't resist it. You didn't die?"

Chen Yang said: "Coincidentally, at that time there was a very powerful weapon spirit named Zushen. It was the weapon spirit of Shennongding. This guy seemed to have reached the Creator's level of cultivation. He wanted to take my body, and then I triggered the fire of fate , just burned him, and I was saved."

"So that's how it is!" Eternal Demon Lord suddenly realized, and he said, "I can see that you have a lot of variables. If you recover the Great Fate, you may not be unable to survive in another new way."

Chen Yang said, "Oh?" He had his own thoughts in his heart.He is not willing to waste his life in order to save the Eternal Demon Lord, and be contaminated with karma.After all, friendship is limited!

The Eternal Demon Lord continued: "However, it is too early to say anything. If Gaia searches for you personally, your luck will come to an end."

Chen Yang's heart sank.

At this moment, Chen Yang felt that the outside world was shooting from the terrifying divine sense like a prison like a sea.

Even the Eternal Demon Lord felt it.

Chen Yang's complexion changed drastically, and he said, "Could it be..."

The Eternal Demon Lord smiled miserably, and said, "Sure enough, the heavens will kill me. Now Gaia is searching, and we are dead."

At this moment, before Chen Yang could speak, he felt a divine sense locking onto him.He was shocked, but found that he could not move.

"Oh my god, can her spiritual thoughts trap me?" Chen Yang said in amazement.

The Eternal Demon Lord sighed, and said: "You have so many adventures and luck, but in the end, in the face of absolute strength, you can only die."

However, at this moment, when Gaia found Chen Yang and was about to capture Chen Yang.

Mishap happened again.

In the dark abyss, Gaia focused and released her divine thoughts.At this time, a monk's voice was transmitted to her mind.

"Gaia benefactor, now your injury has been completely healed. The poor monk sees that this earth is no longer suitable for you to stay. You leave quickly!"

"Yuanjue?" Gaia's complexion changed.She opened her eyes suddenly!

"That's right, it's the poor monk!" Yuanjue's voice came from the void. "There are rules for everything, please leave, and if you don't leave quickly, don't blame the poor monk for making a move."

"Okay, Yuanjue, count yourself as ruthless!" Gaia quickly withdrew his divine sense, and suddenly grabbed Dabei again.Then, she and Dabei disappeared in the dark abyss.

Gaia and Dabei are no longer in the arena.

Nalan Yunxue didn't know why, she was stunned for a while, and couldn't figure out what was going on.And the toxins around her began to pervade, she sensed the crisis, immediately traveled through the void, and quickly left the dark abyss.

Nalan Yunxue didn't dare to stay, and immediately left from the passage, heading towards Yuqing Gate.She has too many important news to report to Shimen.

And in hell, when Chen Yang and the Eternal Demon Lord were desperate, the terrifying divine sense suddenly...disappeared.

"What's going on?" Chen Yang asked with a relaxed expression.

The Eternal Demon Lord is also inexplicable.

"Gaia will not attack suddenly, unless..." the Eternal Demon Lord said immediately.

Chen Yang said: "Unless someone stops her!"

"On Earth, is there anyone who can stop Gaia?" The Eternal Demon Lord suddenly thought of something. "Yuanjue?"

Chen Yang said: "It must be Yuanjue Fashen, only an old man has this ability!"

The Eternal Demon Lord breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Well, you really have a lot of luck, so you can't die no matter what."

With lingering fears in his heart, Chen Yang said, "It's not luck. The God of Dharma has always been guarding the earth. Gaia's power has reached the point where it affects the rules of the entire earth. God of Dharma will definitely not stand idly by."

Eternal Demon Lord said: "It should be like this." Then he sighed and said: "I may not be able to talk to you for too long. This is just a trace of my imprint. Before I die over there, I will remember Teleported over. However, this consumes a lot. I will fall into a permanent deep sleep later, and you will throw me into your soul ocean to sleep peacefully. This will keep this silk mark. Of course, between you and me There's not much affection in this time. You can also throw me away and let me just disappear."

Chen Yang immediately said: "Although there is not much affection, senior, you spared my life and gave me the fragments of creation. I will always remember this kind of love. I promise you, senior, as long as I live, I will definitely protect your silk mark."

"It's rare, at this point, you are still willing to call me senior! Little guy, you really have something extraordinary, I saw you right." Eternal Demon Lord said.

Chen Yang said, "It's just that I still have some doubts."

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "In return, I will tell you what I know. If you have any doubts, just ask?"

Chen Yang said: "Where is the Great Compassionate Demon Lord?"

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "He chose to obey, and from now on, he will serve Gaia and be Gaia's dog." He paused and said: "Everyone has their own choice, you and I don't have to despise him. He didn't hurt you or me."

Chen Yang said: "Not necessarily, he must have revealed all the news about me."

The Eternal Demon Lord was slightly startled, and then said: "He is very pitiful now."

Chen Yang said: "Senior, why are you unwilling to obey?"

The Eternal Demon Lord sneered, and said: "I hate the Heavenly Lord of the Immortal Realm, and it is impossible for me to serve her!"

He went on to say: "Da Bei is stronger than me, he can bear it, but I can't bear it. Maybe in the future, he can wash away the shame!"

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