The strongest player in history

Chapter 1999 Earth Heavenly Monarch

Venerable Du Xing died like this, and countless soul fragments floated out.The Eternal Demon Lord was righteous to Chen Yang, and he himself quickly absorbed the spirit of creation of Venerable Lonely.And gave all these soul fragments to Chen Yang, Chen Yang was ecstatic!

This is a fragment of a master of the realm of creation!He was with Hei Yi Suzhen before, and he never collected such fragments of a big guy!He quickly gathered these fragments, but Chen Yang also quickly discovered that he still couldn't digest these fragments.The fragments of the master of creation are different from any soul fragments, and they are somewhat incompatible with Chen Yang's soul ocean.

The Eternal Demon Lord also saw it, and he said: "You still need comprehension and chance to absorb these soul fragments. Once you absorb them, your soul cave will become a unique cave. As long as you don't meet the masters of the realm of creation, You will have the ability to protect yourself."

"Thank you, senior!" Chen Yang sealed the soul fragments of Venerable Lone Walker into a pill with the Great Sealing Technique, and then said to the Eternal Demon Lord.

"It's a trivial matter, but it's just a favor." Eternal Demon Lord smiled faintly.

And at this moment, Fairy Zhenyuan had already reached the limit of what she could bear.Seeing that Fairy Zhenyuan was about to die on the spot, but at this moment, the faces of Eternal Demon Lord and Great Compassionate Demon Lord suddenly changed.

"Oops!" The Eternal Demon Lord and the Great Compassionate Demon Lord looked at each other.

At this moment, Fairy Zhenyuan suddenly rushed out of the control of the Great Compassionate Demon Monarch, and disappeared into the night sky in an instant.

"Let's go!" The Great Compassionate Demon Lord and the Eternal Demon Lord ignored Fairy Zhenyuan, and the two quickly flew towards the dark abyss.The Eternal Demon Lord still has creation fragments in his hands, which are very important.He divided it into two, and threw one of them to the Great Compassionate Demon Lord while flying.

Chen Yang has been hiding in the eyebrows of the Eternal Demon Lord.It's just that when entering the dark abyss, the Eternal Demon Lord suddenly caught Chen Yang out and said, "You stand guard outside. If we win later, I will greet you. Otherwise, go as far as you want !"

Chen Yang was quickly abandoned outside the cave.

And the Eternal Demon Lord and the Great Compassionate Demon Lord have already entered the dark abyss directly.

Chen Yang was stunned.

At this time, there was a wasteland all around, and in the wasteland, black mist shrouded it, making people unable to see everything around them.In the darkness, there seems to be unexpected danger and fear.

Chen Yang didn't rush into the dark abyss. He knew that something must have happened to cause the Great Compassionate Demon Lord and the Eternal Demon Lord to panic.Although he is conceited and capable, but in front of such an ancient owl, he is just a shrimp.

But Chen Yang didn't walk away, he hid in the dark, and then opened the Great Sky Eye to look inside.

However, although the Great Celestial Eye Technique is inside, once it reaches the dark abyss, it will be dark and chaotic.But I can't see anything clearly!

So at this moment, in the dark abyss, what happened?

When the Great Compassionate Demon Lord and Eternal Demon Lord entered the dark abyss, they saw a woman standing on the divine tablet in the center of the abyss.

This woman is none other than...the Heavenly Lord of Earth, Gaia!

Gaia has long golden hair, beautiful and dignified, graceful and noble.She held two flesh bodies in her hands, and those two bodies were the bodies of the Great Compassionate Demon Lord and the Eternal Demon Lord.

When the Eternal Demon Lord and the Great Compassionate Demon Lord saw this scene, their faces changed, and they even panicked.

"Earth Lord? Gaia, you, you have been on the earth all the time?" Eternal Demon Lord said in disbelief.

The Great Compassionate Demon Lord trembled and said: "Lord Gaia, everything is easy to talk about. Please hold your hands high and let our bodies go."

Gaia looked at the two demon kings indifferently, she smiled slightly and said, "Don't you think that if you are suppressed in hell, the fairy world will not arrange Tianjun guards?"

The Eternal Demon Lord didn't beg for mercy, he gritted his teeth and said, "Indeed, I should have thought of it earlier. It's just..."

Gaia said incomparably coldly: "It's just that you still can't stand loneliness after all, and you have to fight hard for anything. That's why you gave me a chance."

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "So now it seems that we will never have another chance if we say anything?"

Gaia said: "That's right, I will absorb the power of your world. After that, my Tianjun's injuries will be healed, and my strength will also increase greatly. After that, I will fly directly from the earth to the fairyland. "

The Eternal Demon Lord smiled miserably, and said, "Okay, the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole are behind. After all, we are missing a move, I admit it."

The Great Compassionate Demon Lord immediately said: "No, Master Gaia, as long as you let me go. From now on, I am willing to serve you and be your servant. I am willing to give up the position of the Demon Lord and become your servant."

"Great compassion!" The Eternal Demon Monarch's eyes flashed with pain, and he said, "You can't see life and death that way?"

The Great Compassionate Demon Lord shook his head, and he said, "Brother, I don't want to die. I can do anything to live."

"Okay, Dabei, you voluntarily hand over your world power, and I can accept your service!" Gaia said immediately.

The Great Compassionate Demon Lord said: "I am willing!"

Gaia looked at the Eternal Demon Lord again. "And you?"

The Eternal Demon Lord laughed, and then his eyes sharpened, saying: "There is no balance between me and Tianjun. Want me to serve you? There will never be such a possibility."

"Okay, then...go to die!" Gaia made a move.

During the heyday of the Eternal Demon Lord, he was naturally not afraid of Gaia.But at this moment, his physical body is still in the hands of Gaia, and the power of the world is no longer under his control.He is Gaia's opponent there.

Gaia pinched the primordial spirit of the Eternal Demon Monarch with one palm, and in the next second, the raging fire of reincarnation ignited.Not long after, the Eternal Demon Lord disappeared.


Chen Yang was waiting outside, when a voice suddenly came to his mind.

It is the voice of the Eternal Demon Lord.

This is the sound of the imprint left in his brain by the Eternal Demon Lord.

Chen Yang was taken aback, but he didn't think too much, and immediately used the big teleportation technique to leave the place.

In the dark abyss, Gaia absorbed all the power of the world in the body of the eternal demon.So far, among the three thousand worlds, the world power of the eternal world is controlled by Gaia.

At the same time, Gaia also absorbed all the world power of the Great Compassionate Demon Lord.

Gaia's injuries all recovered in an instant, and her cultivation base climbed again, reaching the seventh level of the Creation Realm!

The Great Compassionate Demon Lord returned to his physical body, but his cultivation level plummeted.He retreated from the fourth level of the realm of creation to the third level of the realm of creation.From then on, the Great Compassionate Demon Lord is no longer the Demon Lord, but the Great Compassionate Demon Lord.

Even if it is at the seventh level of the realm of creation, if it does not have its own world, then it will not be an opponent of a master at the fourth level of the realm of creation who owns the world.

Owning your own world is the real way!

In the fairy world, many great powers created the planetary world by themselves.The power of its world is the power of a planet, and that is even more terrifying.

The Emperor of Zombies was so powerful in the world.One is because his physical body is immortal and can evolve infinitely.The second is because he has the world power of Zonghuangxing.

But later, the way of heaven completely cut off the passage of Zonghuang and Zonghuangxing.The Zerg Emperor can no longer control the world power of the Zerg Emperor Star.The Zonghuang Star was once again reduced to wasteland!

The fairyland and the earth will always be in constant contact.Because the immortals in the fairy world, no matter how powerful they are, they can never change a fact.That is, their roots are on earth.They were originally a race on Earth.

Bloodline is bloodline on earth!

Gaia completely destroyed the body of the Eternal Demon Lord. The most precious thing of the Eternal Demon Lord is the power of the world.Having absorbed the power of its world, Gaia cares nothing else.

Dabei watched his brother Eternal Demon Lord disappear and die in this way, recalling the past, he couldn't help feeling sad at this moment, his eyes flushed.

Gaia looked at Dabei and said, "Your brother died at the hands of this Tianjun, do you want revenge in the future?"

Dabei said in a deep voice: "Eternal is stubborn, this is the retribution he deserves!"

Gaia said: "Okay, okay, okay!" She paused, and said: "In the future, the Lord of Heaven will give you a new name. You will be called... Bedbug!"

"Yes, the villain will be called a bug from now on!" Dabei said.

Gaia sneered.With a sudden movement of her eyes, she grabbed a person from the dark abyss.This person is Nalan Yunxue.

Nalan Yunxue was protected by the magic power of the Eternal Demon Lord, and nothing happened.But fell into a coma.

With a light wave of Gaia's hand, Nalan Yunxue woke up with a start.

She stood in emptiness above the abyss, looking around.

The poisonous gas attacked her, Gaia waved his hand again, and suppressed all the poisonous gas.

"This is... where is this?" Nalan Yunxue was extremely vigilant, looked at Gaia, and said, "Who are you?"

Dabei immediately shouted: "Bold, this is Gaia, the heavenly king of the earth, you mortal, why don't you kneel down?"

Dabei quickly entered the role, he kept his head down all the time.Only when he scolded Nalan Yunxue did he raise his head.

Nalan Yunxue didn't even see what Dabei and Eternal Demon Lord looked like before, so they were sealed.So at this moment, Nalan Yunxue was dumbfounded.

She had too many worries, worried about Lin Feng, worried about the sect, worried about the master... But she suddenly heard the word Tianjun...

"Are you the Heavenly Lord? The Heavenly Lord of the Immortal Realm?" Nalan Yunxue asked Gaia in ecstasy.

Gaia nodded, she was not so cruel to Nalan Yunxue, and asked lightly, "Are you...?"

Nalan Yunxue immediately said: "Your junior is the saint of Yuqing sect, Nalan Yunxue! This junior has met senior!"

Gaia said: "Oh, it turned out to be from Yuqingmen. Very good, you are fine now."

"The two demon lords want to..." Nalan Yunxue said immediately.

Gaia said: "The crisis has been resolved, the Eternal Demon Lord is dead. And this Great Compassionate Demon Lord has become the servant of the Heavenly Lord. You don't have to worry!"

Gaia's native language is English, but she is supernatural and proficient in almost all languages...

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