The strongest player in history

Chapter 2001 The Enmity of the Immortal World

Chen Yang immediately asked: "Why is Gaia able to completely wipe you out all of a sudden? But the people who suppressed you before didn't do this?"

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "We are integrated with the world, as long as we are not separated. They have nothing to do. Killing us is tantamount to destroying a world. To destroy a world, for one thing, they cannot withstand the backlash of our world power .Secondly, they did not dare to bear such karma. We were separated from the power of the world only after we were absorbed by the god refining tablet for thousands of years. But as long as our primordial spirit does not leave the body, they There is no way. This Gaia waited for our soul to leave completely before taking control of our physical body. The physical body and the soul were originally intimate. After the soul left, a world was formed between the soul and the body. The channel. Gaia took advantage of this opportunity to control the channel and absorb our world."

Chen Yang suddenly realized, and said, "So that's the case!" He paused, and said, "Haven't you guys thought about this?"

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "I thought that all the heavenly kings are no longer on the earth. I don't know what happened, but this Gaia is still on the earth."

Chen Yang sighed slightly.He continued: "Isn't Gaia now..."

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "She can walk sideways in the fairy world, let alone on the earth."

Chen Yang said: "In the fairy world, can she use the power of the world on earth?"

Eternal Demon Lord said: "Don't be stupid, child. As long as you build a world, you can use it no matter how far away. Some Heavenly Lords, Demon Lords use planets as their worlds. That is even more terrifying, and the distance is even further. Everyone They all like to hide the world far away, so as not to be destroyed by others."

Chen Yang said: "Could it be that the three thousand worlds on the earth have already been controlled by Tianjun and Demon Lord?"

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "Most of them are."

He then smiled and said, "Do you know why you can do this?"

Chen Yang said: "I understand that after the world is built, the world and the earth will be protected. This is good for the earth."

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "Do you know who uses the power of the Great Thousand Worlds?" Chen Yang said: "I guessed it when you said that, it is Yuanjue Dharma God?"

"Smart!" said the Eternal Demon Lord.

Chen Yang said, "Do you know, Senior Universe Emperor?"

Eternal Demon Monarch Qiyi said: "Have you heard of this too?" He paused and said: "You boy, you are not very capable. You still know a lot!"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Indeed there are quite a few!" He did not reveal the worm emperor's spiritual wisdom.Although he is willing to treat the Eternal Demon Lord with sincerity, he must be defensive.Therefore, it is better not to say.

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "The Emperor of the Universe is a concept. Everyone says that the Dao of Heaven is the Emperor of the Universe. But you can't say that the Dao of Heaven is a person. It's like the immune system in the human body mechanism to regulate the human body. Can you say that this immune system Is it a soul?"

Chen Yang said: "No!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang was respectful again, and said, "In the face of life and death, senior is so calm?"

The Eternal Demon Lord was slightly taken aback, and then said: "I have lived for more than 1 years, do you know that?"

Chen Yang said: "I only know what you said. But I think you are indeed not young." The Eternal Demon Lord said: "The less people have, the less afraid of losing. The more people have, the more afraid they are." Lost. We have lived for so many years, seen many vicissitudes, and understood the true meaning of death. Really, the longer a person lives, the more afraid of death. I am no exception. Dabei chooses to serve him. I understand him very well. I want to kneel Go down and seek a way to survive. But I still can't pass the last hurdle in my heart. It's not that I am calm, it's just that I have become like this, I must retain a little dignity! I cry bitterly in front of you, a junior, always Isn't it bad?"

Chen Yang was shocked. "Is there any way for you to survive in the future?"

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "I have no source of strength anymore. Maybe, with luck, I can be reincarnated with this imprint. However, I have walked this road for a long time before I have the status I have today. I don’t have the courage to go all over again. Try it, let you start from scratch, go through countless hardships, and practice again, how do you feel?”

Chen Yang said, "I understand what you mean."

The voice of the Eternal Demon Lord became weaker and weaker, and he said: "I can't say any more, I can't hold it anymore."

Chen Yang said: "Okay!" Eternal Demon Lord said: "I want to cultivate well. If you recover the Great Fate in the future, you can use the Great Fate to wake me up. I have some last things to tell you."

"Senior, please speak!" Chen Yang said immediately.

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "You must be curious, who suppressed us, right?"

Chen Yang said, "I'm really curious!"

The Eternal Demon Lord said: "I will not say that the Heavenly Lord is a hypocrite, and the Demon Lord is a good person. Neither of us is a good person. The difference is that our Demon Lord admits that we are bad people. All the grievances and grievances of the year are in the fairy world. My The enemy is called Da Luo Tianjun. Da Luo Tianjun killed my wife and children, he is my sworn enemy. If this person does not die, I will never be able to close my eyes. In the future, if you really have the chance, you can really reach that step, I I hope you can help me avenge me. Da Luo Tianjun is selfish and cruel, and his crimes are heinous. If you kill him, you are absolutely doing justice for the heavens. Of course, you don’t need to believe what I’m saying now. You can investigate many things by yourself. distinguish."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, if there is such a day in the future, I will check it out." He paused and said, "I have a seed magic weapon called Da Luo Immortal Vine. I don't know if it has something to do with this Da Luo Tianjun ?”

"Maybe, he spent a lot of time on the earth, so it's not uncommon to make some magic tools at random!" Eternal Demon Lord said.

"Okay!" Afterwards, the Eternal Demon Lord closed his eyes and said, "I'm tired, I'm going to sleep. This world is a sea of ​​suffering, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless! But who of us can turn back?"

After he finished speaking, he really fell into a deep sleep.

Chen Yang felt that the imprint in his brain had lost any power, and with a thought, he grabbed the imprint in his hand.Chen Yang felt the imprint with his heart, and he felt nothingness and darkness inside.

Chen Yang sighed slightly, and then placed this imprint, Good Life, in the depths of the soul ocean.

"Senior Eternal, I understand the utter hatred of killing your wife and son. You have been suppressed in this hell for thousands of years. If I have a chance to compete with Tianjun in the future, I will definitely investigate it and get it back for you. This is fair!" Chen Yang secretly said.

At the same time, Chen Yang also began to think about his situation.

He understood that this sudden change had destroyed everything that had been established.Chen Yang originally wanted to rely on the devil to attack Shangyuqingmen, and then rescue Qiao Ning and Xianzun.But now it seems that it is impossible.

Moreover, how to leave hell is a problem.

That Hunshi Demon Emperor, I had offended him severely before.Moreover, the four demon emperors have now offended Yuqingmen and lost the protection of the demon king.Maybe they're going to arrest him and go to Yuqingmen to make amends.

Nalan Yunxue must have known her identity by now.

Chen Yang felt that there was already a mess in front of him.

In Yuqing Gate, Nalan Yunxue returned smoothly.

Nalan Yunxue was immediately received by Fu Zhichen and the elders and deputy head teachers.

From the mouths of his juniors, Nalan Yunxue knew that the sect suffered heavy losses this time.Wei Yunxing and those who went to hell with her are already dead.Elder Chang Yun died, she knew it from Da Bei.The other two vice-headmasters are also dead.

Ouyang Duoqing was lucky, he was sent back by the Four Great Demon Kings to send a message, and he saved his life!

"Nalan Yunxue has met the Supreme Master!" Nalan Yunxue knelt down in the center of the Yunding Hall.

Fu Zhichen nodded and said, "Okay, it's good to come back. It seems that Venerable Master made an extraordinary move. I don't know where Venerable Master is at the moment?"

"My master?" Nalan Yunxue was taken aback when she heard the words, and said, "I haven't seen my master. You mean, my master also went to hell?"

Fu Zhichen and the others were suddenly surprised.Fu Zhichen said: "You said you didn't meet your master?"

Nalan Yunxue said: "The disciple did not meet the master."

Fu Zhichen said: "Then how did you get out?"

Nalan Yunxue said: "It was a lord who made the move. There was a big change in hell. It turned out that two demon lords who were suppressed by the fairy world wanted to make trouble. They needed to lure a master of our creation realm Go ahead and absorb the fragments of creation. Then they can break through the seal and attack us."

"What?" Fu Zhichen and the others couldn't help but turn pale.They never expected that there would be such a huge conspiracy.

"Go ahead!" Fu Zhichen said immediately.

Nalan Yunxue talked about the appearance of Gaia Tianjun and so on.

"It's dangerous, it's dangerous!" Fu Zhichen and others were terrified when they heard the words.Fu Zhichen said: "If Tianjun hadn't acted this time, wouldn't our Yuqingmen be destroyed!"

"Where is Gaia Tianjun now?" Elder Wuyun asked in a deep voice: "Also, what happened to Elder Changyun and others, do you know?"

Nalan Yunxue said: "Tianjun has already left, it seems that something has happened to him." Then she said sadly: "Elder Changyun has been killed by Chen Yang."

"Chen Yang? Is that the Chen Yang we're looking for? There's something about Chen Yang here?" Ouyang was extremely shocked.

Fu Zhichen said in a condensed voice: "Saint, tell me everything you know, from beginning to end, truthfully!"

"Yes, Supreme!" Nalan Yunxue immediately responded respectfully.

At that moment, Nalan Yunxue told everything, including Chen Yang's fraud and so on.Naturally, she would not have any feelings for Chen Yang.Just like Chen Yang would not have the slightest sympathy for people like Nalan Yunxue and Fairy Zhenyuan.

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